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The Way to Capture a Marquess's Heart: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 9

by Bridget Barton

  "Oh, that would hardly be proper, Mr Banks. Walking close to me shall have to suffice."

  The man's face fell, but when Rose curled her arm around his, he looked up with hope again.

  “Come, Mr Banks, nature waits for no man.”

  She did the leading, so eager was she to carry out her plan. Rose drew closer to Luke, and just before she passed him, she gave a little cry and began to hurtle along into him. He caught her as she fell against his chest, going limp so that he would need to lift her up. The only thing she had not counted on was Mr Banks stepping in and pulling her away from Luke. Stupid man! He was ruining her plans!

  “Miss Charpentier, are you all right? What did you trip on?”

  Rose moved away from him. “I am fine, Mr Banks. There is no need to worry.” She turned to Luke. “Thank you, Lord Shore, you have come to my rescue. I might have certainly hurt myself if you had not caught me.”

  “You fell into my arms. It would have been difficult not to catch you, Miss Charpentier.”

  Hmm. She had just fallen into his arms. Why then did he look so unaffected? That was not the plan at all.

  "Oh well, I was fortunate enough to have tripped close to such a quick-thinking man. Tell me, is the young lady who fainted well? I did not see her once you all disappeared into the house."

  “They have returned home, which was for the best.”

  “Yes, yes, of course. Being at home with all her comforts will go a long way to helping her recover.”

  "Miss Charpentier?" called Mr Banks. "I am afraid we might miss the sunset if we dawdle."

  “Oh, a sunset? How romantic,” said Luke. “Let me not keep you, Miss Charpentier.”

  The man looked as though he were inwardly laughing at her. Rose would have felt shame if she was not such a determined woman. She had no time for silly things such as shame, only to move forward with the next plan. She put on a brilliant smile.

  “Thank you, Lord Shore.” Rose turned to her annoying companion. “Come, Mr Banks, let us marvel at the sunset.”

  She held her head up high and walked away.


  “Do you see what I mean?” said Luke. “She is intent on ensnaring me.”

  “Oh, I most certainly did see. She did not even notice me standing beside you. Her eyes were on you and you alone. When Banks went to take her out of your arms, I thought she might wish to murder him there and then.”

  “I should send him the bottle of the finest wine for saving me from her, or I might have been stuck with the cunning woman.”

  Luke had seen her approaching from the corner of his eye, but he had not expected her to seemingly trip and fall straight into his arms. It looked as though he would need to watch himself around her.

  “Perhaps we should move into the house? She will find you gone once she returns.”

  “Do you think that would deter her? The woman will find a way of trapping me. No, my only protection is to have you remain by my side.”

  “I expect a glowing appraisal tomorrow, Shore.”

  “And you will get one. Just do as I say until she leaves.”

  It was not long before his stepmother asked the guests to retire to the drawing room where the dancing would take place. This was the moment he was dreading, for Miss Charpentier would surely ask him to dance and he needed an excuse to decline, or he may be obliged to do so. He would have gladly danced with Alice. In fact, he would have asked her as soon as the first tune was played. Perhaps next time he would be able to do so.

  What if he started to limp? He could say that the little stumble Miss Charpentier had earlier on caused him to hurt his foot. No, that made him seem weak.

  “What are you thinking, Shore? Your thoughts seem troubled.”

  “I am troubled. I need to find a way to decline Miss Charpentier's request to dance with her, or I am doomed to spending the duration of the dance talking to her. Who knows if she will try and make something out of an innocent dance? People may begin to talk and say that I am with her – you know how they are.”

  Norton laughed. “This has you in high fidgets, old friend. Simply tell her no, that you are tired. Why make it into an elaborate plan?”

  He was right, why was he getting himself worked up for a simple woman? He had been turning away eager women for years now. Perhaps it was something in Miss Charpentier's eyes that had him worried, or the fact that if Alice were to hear of his dance with her, she might no longer wish to speak with him. All this thinking was giving him a headache. It was too much! He had never worried himself over women. Why had he started now? He just needed to be his usual self, then everything would be all right.

  “Norton, you are absolutely right. I shall drive myself crazy if I continue in this manner. Everyone is well aware that I never dance. Thus, it will be no surprise when they see me decline Miss Charpentier's request.”

  "That's the spirit, old chap. Do not let that woman put your mind in a twist. You are the Luke Connolly, Marquess of Shore – remember that."

  Luke was feeling better already. “That is why I need you by my side – you are my own personal mentor.”

  “And physician.”

  “And that, too. Do you intend on dancing with any women tonight?”

  “And possibly have Miss Violet hear of it? Heavens no! I need her to think that I see no one else but her.”

  “Why think? Are you not sure about her?”

  “Since when are you so particular about words? Fine, I want her to know that I see no one else but her. Happy?”

  Luke shrugged. “It is neither here nor there for me. It is you who has to be sure. Think sounds as though you are uncertain, that is all.”

  “Very well, point taken.” He looked behind him. “Do not look now, but Miss Charpentier is hot on your heels.”

  “Goodness me. Never mind. I am ready for her sneaky ways.”

  However, there was still a feeling of apprehension. Miss Charpentier was a determined woman, one who did not give up easily. Most women would have felt shame and backed away by now, but not her. She may have believed that she was subtle about her methods, but he had seen right through her.

  Miss Charpentier possessed a drive seldom seen in women, and he might have respected her for it if it were not directed at him. However, he had the peculiar feeling that Miss Charpentier and Alice were evenly matched, although very different. He did not wish to compare them, but he instinctively knew that there would be some form of confrontation between them. The question was, would it be about him? Oddly, the thought thrilled him.


  Rose could see that Luke was avoiding her, but that did not deter her. His friend was acting as his bodyguard, but that was no problem for her. She knew how to work around it. But what if she asked him to dance and he refused her? She needed time with him, and he was determined to avoid her.

  A smile crept over her face. The duchess would come in handy here, she was sure that Luke would not refuse her. She was his stepmother, after all. Rose immediately went in search of the woman, finding her surrounded by a group of men. Despite being married, she clearly adored the attention of men. Rose hoped that she was not unfaithful to her husband. Rose may have been a social climber, but she still had morals. She would have been a pious woman like her grandmother if not for her love of material things and her need to be someone.

  Grandmother Charpentier had often tried to change her, until Rose learnt to lie about her true interests. It was tiring to pretend to be one person when you were another, but she had been doing it long enough for it to be second nature to her. She looked around the room.

  Where was Mrs Wellington? Her chaperone had come in with her but had soon disappeared in the direction of where the wine was being served. Rose found her to be somewhat hypocritical in that she pretended to be a religious woman and yet could gossip as well as any heathen, and could drink a sailor under the table. She did not know why Grandmother Charpentier favoured her so. All she did was spy on Rose when it suited her, when it
is she who should be watched. At least there was the option of blackmailing her if necessary. Rose knew enough about her to keep her silent if she wished to.

  Rose had never been too bothered by the old woman's meddling ways before, but her future was at stake this time around. No woman, rival or man would keep her from what she considered her destiny. Speaking of which, it was time to approach the duchess. She noted that her hand was empty, so she took a glass of wine from a servant passing with a tray and joined the group of admirers.

  “My Lady, I have brought you a glass of wine.”

  "Oh, how thoughtful of you, Miss Charpentier. Not one of these men has thought to get something for my parched throat."

  “We would have gladly got some for you had you asked, Madam,” said an admirer.

  “Surely I do not need to tell you that I need something, Lord Kinsey? I would think that you all should know me well enough by now. Miss Charpentier has hardly been in my presence and yet she had anticipated my needs. You all should learn from her.”

  Goodness, she acted like the queen! Once Rose became Lady Shore's, she hoped that they should not spend too much time with her. The woman's ways would become far too annoying for her, but for now she had her uses.

  “My Lady, I am in need of a dance partner, but not a gentleman in sight.”

  “Why not ask one of these gentlemen? They are all marvellous dancers.”

  “Oh, no. They are your devotees. Perhaps someone else?”

  Rose watched as the woman's eyes swept the room, eventually coming to rest on Luke. There should be an award for knowing how to manipulate people without them realising it since she was so very good at it.

  “My stepson is quite the dancer, Miss Charpentier. Come, I shall ask him for you.”

  “Oh, no. I could not ask that of you, My Lady.”

  “Nonsense, you are my guest, Miss Charpentier. I am sure that he will be only too glad to dance with such a lovely woman.”

  “In that case, I would love to dance with your stepson. I imagine that he is as wonderful and graceful as you are.”

  “You are too kind.”

  Rose could have laughed at the way the woman lapped up all of the compliments. Even if she did that, she doubted that she would have been offended, because Rose could have just spun it around and told her it was a compliment.

  Rose was immediately aware of how Luke's body tensed up once he saw her approaching. There is no use in running away, Lord Shore, she thought. I have you cornered.

  “Oh, Luke, dear,” called the duchess.


  "Would you be a darling and dance with Miss Charpentier? She requires a dance partner."

  "I would, truly, I would. But I have a splitting headache." He looked around. "But I am sure that Mr Banks would love to. They shared a special moment earlier on – is that not right, Miss Charpentier?"

  The man appeared at her side like a bad rash, his face showing his eagerness. “I would be honoured, Miss Charpentier.”

  Rose looked at Luke for a few heartbeats. Another refusal, another rejection, and now she was stuck with Mr Banks. Very well, Lord Shore, she thought. Soak up your victory whilst it lasts. She turned to the man who she could not quite shake off. “Mr Banks, you are an absolute darling.”

  Rose put her hand in his and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor. One dance with him and that was all. She did not want people assuming that she was interested in him. The man was wealthy in his own right, but he was not titled nor was he handsome. Not like Lord Shore.

  What the marquess did not know was that rejection only made her more determined to pursue what she wanted. While others ran away crying, Rose learnt from her mistakes and forged ahead.

  As she danced, Rose occasionally glanced at Luke. She wanted to know everything about him, his childhood, his businesses, his likes and dislikes, everything that she could use in her plan to lure him into her web.

  “Miss Charpentier, I know that you are interested in Lord Shore.”

  Startled, she stopped dancing. “I beg your pardon?”

  Mr Banks smiled. “Do keep dancing, or someone might think that there is something wrong.”

  Rose started moving again, but she was rather disturbed by the man's words. It seemed as though she had read him all wrong.

  “I see that you are surprised, Miss Charpentier. That is to be expected.”

  “What did you mean?”

  “About your interest in Lord Shore? Just what I said. I am an observant man, especially when I see something that I like, and I like you.”

  Rose's eyes widened. “Mr Banks, I –”

  “There is no need to say anything. I understand that you have your eyes set on the dashing Lord Shore. I would like to help you.”

  “Help me?”

  “Do stop repeating my words, it does not suit your intelligence.”

  Rose blinked. “What do you receive in exchange, Mr Banks?”

  “Some time with you. No one has fascinated or held my attention as well as you, Miss Charpentier. I do not mind that you wish to marry another, but I can be helpful to you. You see, I know this family well, although they do not know me. I make it my business to find out all that I can about the most powerful families on the continent.”

  This almost seemed quite surreal to Rose. How did he not see the intelligence in his eyes before?

  “I wear many masks, as do you.”

  “I did not ask you a question, Mr Banks.”

  He chuckled. "It was written on your face. You see, you and I, we are similar people. While I was not blessed with a title or beauty, I have more than made up for it in intelligence. I have made good business choices, but I have also remained quiet about my successes. As it stands, my wealth rivals that of Lord Shore's, but not a soul knows that. Well, except for you."

  "Why would you keep your wealth a secret?"

  “To keep away the people who would use me for it.”

  As he said it, he kept a steady gaze on her. He meant women like her. “You are not in danger from me, Mr Banks.”

  He sighed. “That is the problem, Miss Charpentier. But, no worries, I am content to be by your side and help you catch the marquess.”

  Rose was still sceptical. He certainly did not look as though he possessed great wealth. What if he was lying just to get close to her?

  “I shall send the proof to your address tomorrow.”

  “What proof?”

  “Of my wealth, silly woman. Do you accept my offer?”

  What did she have to lose? Perhaps he would be a great help to her. After all, she had no one else.

  “Mr Banks, I accept your offer.”

  Chapter 6

  The grandfather clock in the hallway struck twelve, its chimes echoing throughout the house. Alice chose that moment to tiptoe into her sister's room, wincing when she stepped on a creaky floorboard and closing the door behind her. “Violet,” she whispered. “Are you asleep?”

  “I was until you stepped on that creaky floorboard. How is it that you always forget that it is there?”

  “I do not know. I never seem to remember until I have stepped on it and then it is too late to do anything about it.”


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