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by Albert Woodfox

reclassification officer, 192

  Red Hat (cell block), 42–43, 88–89, 113

  religion, as source of hope, 37

  resistance, creating identity and unity by, 90, 99, 109, 115, 121, 286

  revolution, Black Panther call for, 64, 141, 162, 238, 311

  A Revolution in Kindness (Roddick), 283

  Richey, Joseph, 84–85, 130–32, 134–35, 138, 144, 147–48, 226, 242–43, 247, 269–70, 273–74, 387, 397

  Richmond, Cedric, 304, 313, 315, 341, 374, 382, 410

  Ridgeway, James, 354

  Rigo 23 (artist), 283, 287

  Rikers Island (prison), 78–79, 396

  Robertson, Bernard, 318

  Robertson, Rheneisha, 318–19

  Robinson, Larry, 139

  “roboting,” 29

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 89

  Rocks, Mike, 266, 268, 271–72

  Roddick, Anita, 279–80, 283, 286, 294–95, 342

  Roddick, Gorron, 280, 294–95, 303, 402

  Roddick, Samantha, 294

  Rogers, J. A., 161

  Rogers, Leontine (“Teenie”), 302–06, 313, 316, 369–70, 405–06

  Ross, David, 203–04, 205

  Rovner, Laura, 341

  Roy (Camp J inmate), 286–87

  Safe Alternatives to Segregation Initiative, 408–09

  San Francisco Bay View (newspaper), 342

  San Quentin Six, 238

  sanity, protecting/struggle to maintain. See also mental illness, 220, 223, 297–300, 344, 351, 366, 372

  Schafer, Harry (“Gi”), 126–27

  Schafer, Jill, 126–27

  Scheck, Barry, 303, 313

  Scott, Robert (“Bobby”), 341, 355, 402

  Seale, Robert George (“Bobby”), 67–69, 71, 91

  Secure Housing Unit (SHU). See also solitary confinement, 343

  segregation (solitary confinement), 79, 284, 343, 408–09

  segregation, racial

  Amnesty International report, 374

  Angola prison population, 24, 84

  Jim Crow, living in the world of, 7–9, 195

  “reclass” board review, 191

  sentencing practices, 411

  Sessions, Jefferson Beauregard (“Jeff”), 412

  shakedowns (searching a cell). See also strip searches, 116–17, 167, 189–94, 266, 278, 282

  “shaking down” (shaking cell doors), 101, 116–18, 167, 178, 285

  Shakur, Mutulu, 409

  Shaw, Gail, 240

  shoplifters (“boosters”), 5, 13, 44, 49, 195

  “shot book,” 190–91

  “shot callers,” 94

  “shotgun houses,” 4

  shrimping/schucking oysters, 16–17

  sick call/malingering, 185–88, 232

  Simino, Kathy Flynn, 256–57

  Sinclair, Billy, 110, 129, 388, 392

  Sinquefield, John, 128, 136–39, 227, 241–42, 302, 322

  “sissies” (gal-boys), 26, 97, 391

  6th Ward High Steppers, 14–16, 18–19, 24, 46

  6th Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 214


  Angola plantation origins, 24–25

  Angola sexual/rape culture, 25–28

  comparison to CCR conditions, 165

  Reconstruction-era, 397

  Slim (AW girlfriend), 48–49

  Smith, Lazarus, 99

  Smith, Tommie, 70–71

  snitch. See ratting out/snitch

  “snitcher gate,” 86, 96, 100

  Soledad Brother (Jackson), 162

  Soledad prison, 89

  solitary confinement. See also Closed Cell Restricted cellblock; cruel and unusual punishment

  15 years, surviving, 207

  26 years, surviving, 236

  28 years, surviving, 262

  29 years, surviving, 305

  30 years, surviving, 278–80, 283, 317–18

  35 years, surviving, 326–27

  36 years, surviving, 306

  40 years, surviving, 344–51

  41 years, surviving, 368–69

  about AW placement in, 161, 384, 394

  abuses, raising awareness of, 328

  Amnesty International interest, 332, 344, 374

  AW civil lawsuit against, 288–93, 315–16, 333, 348

  AW offered plea deal for freedom, 397–402

  claustrophobic attacks, 222–23

  constitutional protection, violation, 36, 262–63, 293–94, 381–82

  Conyers’ congressional briefing, 341

  furloughs, 135, 223

  Louisiana denial/justification, 307–09, 344, 349

  Louisiana reducing use of, 408–09

  Malcolm X as an inspiration, 250–51

  Mandela as an inspiration, 213–14

  prisoners as “crybabies,” 283

  psychological evaluation, 298–301, 351

  as retaliatory punishment, 138–39, 278

  speaking out against, 276–77, 280, 286, 295, 373–74, 405, 409–11

  Supreme Court rulings, 396

  surviving/breaking down, 31, 168–69, 175–77, 208, 357

  23 hour a day lockdown, xiii, 107, 172, 199, 230, 250, 253, 261–62, 312, 370–71, 413

  United Nations statement, 343, 368

  yard time/view of the outside, 182–83, 230–31

  Solitary Confinement Study and Reform Act of 2014, 374

  Solitary Confinement Study and Reform Act of 2018, 374

  Solitary Watch (social media site), 412–13

  Sothern, Billy, 289, 378, 385, 387, 397

  Soul on Ice (Cleaver), 161

  South Africa, 213, 287, 408

  Southern University Law Center, 413

  Southwick, Leslie, 374

  spirituality, 6, 395

  Spital, Sam, 289, 330, 346

  St. Francisville, 100, 121, 215, 219, 229, 387, 397, 399–400

  Stalder, Richard, 287

  Sterling, Alton, 406

  stickup artist (robbing with a gun), 46–51

  Stop Solidarity campaigns, 409

  strip searches. See also shakedowns, 108, 159, 165–69, 189, 210, 350–51, 356–57, 370–73, 380

  Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 126–27

  Stuff (pet rabbit), 34

  suicide/hanging oneself, 254, 282–83, 284, 300, 396

  Sullivan, Clarence, 139

  Sullivan, Laura, 323

  Sumell, Jackie, 328, 380

  From “Superman” to Man (Rogers), 161

  Supermax. See also solitary confinement, 343

  survival of the fittest, 44

  Swahili (language), 170

  “sweating” the prisoner to plead guilty, 51

  T. Ratty (AW Angola friend), 25, 27–28

  Talamantez, Luis, 238, 240

  Tanner, Thomas, 214, 227

  tattoos, 37

  Taylor, Dorothy Mae, 82–83, 99, 119–20, 151, 197

  Theresa (Mother), 163

  In These Times (Ridgeway and Quandt), 354

  Thibodaux jail, 22–23

  13th Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 123, 195, 348, 409, 412

  “three stikes, you’re out” laws, 54–55

  tier guards, 50, 101, 116–17, 193, 285

  tobacco, cropping, 2

  the Tombs (Manhattan House of Detention)

  AW incarceration, 59–60, 78–79, 410

  AW introduction to Black Panthers, 63–66

  Black Panther presence, 91, 207

  brutality toward prisoners described, 75–76

  comparison to Angola, 59

  creating/protecting a reputation, 60

  prisoner riot, 74–76

  Tony’s Green Room, robbery, 53–54, 376

  Treatment Unit (TU, “mental ward”), 297

  Trenticosta, Nick, 266, 272, 288–90, 298, 313, 317–18, 320, 322–23, 325–26, 332, 355

  Trump, Donald, 408, 412

  trust, importance/having one’s back, 91, 97, 114, 133, 198–99, 233, 251, 255

  trustees, s
election/function, 26–27, 43, 59, 113, 122, 151, 179–80, 287, 329

  Truth, Sojourner, 206

  Tucker Caliban (fictional character), 64–65

  “turned out” (raped at Angola), 25–29

  Turner, Leonard (“Specs”), 130, 144–47, 244–46, 271–73, 322, 377, 382, 391

  20th Judicial District Court, St. Francisville, 218, 384, 400–401

  two-for-one (“good time” system), 44–45, 53

  Tyler, Gary, 154–56

  Tyson, Ralph, 348

  United Nations conference, 411

  United Nations statements/reports, 343, 368–69, 374


  as key to resistance, 90, 159, 261, 284, 311, 379

  loss of Black Panther infrastructure, 104

  raised fist as sign of, 70, 309, 403

  teaching prisoners the power of, 119

  U.S. Constitution

  1st Amendment, 263

  4th Amendment, 373

  6th Amendment, 214

  8th Amendment, 123–24, 186, 203–04, 262, 354

  13th Amendment, 123, 195, 348, 409, 412

  14th Amendment, 123–24, 203–04, 363

  Black Panther principles, 73

  cruel and unusual punishment guarantee, 203

  “hands-off” doctrine on prisoner abuse, 123

  justification of slavery, 348

  Louisiana failure to comply, 324–25, 364–66

  solitary confinement as violation, 262–63, 293–94

  violation of Confrontation Clause, 292–93

  U.S Court of Appeals, 275, 332–33, 366

  U.S Department of Health and Human Services, 225

  U.S. District Court(s), 293, 331, 348–49

  U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 69–70, 104, 127, 237, 267, 270, 306, 315, 322, 398

  U.S. Fifth Circuit Court, 325, 346, 349, 372–78, 381–86, 393–94

  U.S. House of Representatives, 315–16

  U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, 232

  U.S. Justice Department, 412

  U.S. Magistrate Judge(s), 278, 293, 316–17

  U.S. Sentencing Commission, 411

  U.S. Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations, 374

  vagrancy laws, 8, 197–98

  Vanguard Army, 106, 109, 216, 377

  Vera Institute of Justice, 408–09

  Vietnam War, 71, 237

  visual cavity search. See strip searches

  VOTE (Voice of the Experienced), 409

  wages, prisoner, 32, 412

  Wall, Kurt, 383, 385

  Wallace, Herman Joshua (“Hooks”)

  as political prisoner, 192–93, 263

  AW meeting for first time, 91–92

  battling the administration, 115–19

  beaten and placed in CCR, 104

  Black Panthers, introduction to, 196

  Black Panthers, recruitment, 92–95

  Brent Miller, charged for murder of, 109–10

  Brent Miller retrial, 218–19

  Brent Miller trial, 142–49

  death and burial, 367–69

  habeas relief and release, 363–66

  hunger strike, 157–58, 250–52

  liver cancer, 352–67

  psychiatric evaluation, 297–301

  reading/becoming self-educated, 161

  standing together with AW and King, 261–65

  support from the outside, 280, 297

  surviving/resisting breaking, 195, 198–200

  trial testimony, 146–49

  tribute on death of, 368

  Washington Post, 407

  Weber, Timothy, 156

  Welch, Jewel (“Duke”), 316

  Wennerstrom, Ashley, 366–67

  West, E. Gordon, 124

  West Feliciana jail, 140, 377–80, 395–96

  West Feliciana Parish, 122, 139, 169, 217, 268, 271, 331, 346, 349, 363, 366, 383–84, 387

  White, Bruce, 236–37

  Whitmore, Kenny (aka Zulu Heshima), 170, 250, 286

  Wilkerson, Robert King. See King, Robert Hilary

  Williams, Brie, 352–54

  Williams, Carine, 289, 330, 341, 346, 352–53, 358, 362–66, 369, 382–83, 398–99

  Williams, Hayes, 98, 124, 160, 191, 204

  Williams, Herbert (“Fess”), 137–39

  Woodfox, Albert (aka Shaka Zulu, Cinque, Q)

  as political prisoner, 192–93, 263

  building a life beyond Angola, 405–14

  claustrophobic attacks, xiii, 114, 222, 300, 338, 378, 406

  lawsuits, 124–25, 374–75

  learning/self-education, 161

  psychiatric evaluation, 297–301

  standing together with King and Hooks, 261–65

  studying law, 122–23

  support from the outside, 280, 297, 305

  surviving/resisting breaking, 121, 150–252, 195, 198–200, 213, 220–24, 250, 414

  welcome/acceptance by community, 402–03

  Woodfox, Albert, childhood and growing up

  birth in New Orleans, 1

  church and belief in God, 5–6

  education/schools, 8, 19

  girlfriends/marriage, 20

  living with “Daddy,” 1–4

  living with grandparents, 2–3

  meeting birth father, 16

  nicknamed “Fox,” 13–15, 43, 91, 163–64

  parking cars hustle, 18–19

  Woodfox, Albert, incarceration

  April 2012 marking 40 years in CCR, 344

  Angola, arrival for first time, 23, 25–38

  Angola, arrival for second time, 84–85

  Angola, parole, release on, 38–41

  Angola, parole violation/return to, 41, 45

  Angola discharge first time, 45–46

  Angola discharge second time, 89

  awaiting the day of release, xiii

  battling the administration, 115–19, 121–24, 165–68

  Brent Miller, accused of murder of, 99–102

  Brent Miller, first trial, 126–41, 214

  Brent Miller, second trial, 375–86

  Brent Miller, third trial, plea deal, 397–402

  creating/protecting a reputation, 26, 29, 36, 43–44, 49–50

  habeas relief and release, 381–86

  habeas relief, setting aside, 393–96

  held at New Queens, 76–78

  held at the Tombs, 58–60, 78–79, 410

  held at Thibodeaux jail, 21–23

  lack of evidence on charges, 52–55

  moved to Amite City jail, 219, 228, 230–35, 238, 326

  moved to West Feliciana jail, 140, 377–80, 395–96

  Orleans Parish Prison, 41, 47, 49, 52, 56, 80–83, 97, 113, 119, 196–98, 236, 360, 376

  walking out the door at Angola, 402–03

  Woodfox, Albert, intervals between incarceration

  arrest for Tony’s Green Room robbery, 52–55

  assault and robbery to support lifestyle, 49–52

  becoming a junkie, 47–49

  charged as habitual offender, 54–55

  charged with rape, 52–53

  escape and flight to New York City, 56–58

  extradition back to New Orleans, 79

  Woodfox, Barbara, 20

  Woodfox, Brenda, 20

  Woodfox, Leroy, 16

  Woodfox board, 408–09

  “word” (doing what you say you will do), 179

  workers’ strike (“buck”), 96, 107, 132–33, 135

  Workers World (newspaper), 263

  Workers World Party, 236, 237

  Wright, Richard, 170, 208

  “Write for Rights” (Amnesty campaign), 347

  “write-ups” (disciplinary reports), 132, 166–69, 178, 187, 190, 192, 194, 197, 252–53, 261, 307–08

  yard time/yard days, 32, 34, 37, 86, 88, 92, 98, 108, 124, 154–55, 177, 183, 201–04, 253–55, 315, 317, 332, 334, 347, 349–50

  Yesho, Anita, 236–37

Young Lords, 68

  Young Patriots Organization, 68

  Zimmerman, George, 356

  About the Author

  ALBERT WOODFOX was born in 1947 in New Orleans. A committed activist while in prison, he remains so today, speaking to a wide array of organizations, including the Innocence Project, Harvard, Yale, and other universities, the National Lawyers Guild, and at Amnesty International events in London, Paris, Denmark, Sweden, and Belgium. He lives in New Orleans.

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