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Power Desired (D.C. Power Games Book 1)

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by Ivy Nelson

  “Fine, fine, I won’t I promise. I just want to make sure you aren’t going to spin this as a negative on my community.”

  “First, it’s my community too and second, I’m a police officer Darci not a journalist I don’t spin anything.”

  Darci rolled her eyes. “No, but your boss, the chief of police does. We both know that job is pure politics.”

  “I can’t control him. What am I supposed to do?”

  “Promise you’ll warn me if you think something like that is coming.”

  “I will, Darci. I promise. Can we just drink our coffee and be friends for a little while?”

  She sighed, “Sure Michael. One more question though.”

  He groaned but agreed. “One and that’s it. I mean it, Darci.”

  “Why was her involvement in S&M put on blast in the papers? Was there an S&M aspect to her death?”

  He closed his eyes. “You don’t miss much do you? Darci, she was tied to her bed, but it wasn’t just a quick and dirty tie. He took his time, and it was someone who knows bondage the way the people in our world do. But also, she apparently went to the Midnight Diamond last night after her benefit. She was wearing the wristband and somehow the press got a hold of that little detail.”

  Darci’s face paled at his words. The last thing the community needed was an impostor killing women and calling it BDSM.

  “This is why I want you to be careful damn it,” he growled. “Now can we please enjoy our coffee?”

  They spent the next twenty minutes catching up and enjoying the gourmet coffee and Danishes. She kissed his cheek again when it was time to leave.

  “I noticed you were alone again at the club this weekend. You should let me set you up with one of my girlfriends to play with.” When he rolled his eyes at her suggestion, she flashed him a broad grin.

  “Go back to work kid. You’re bugging me. I play with plenty of the women at Exposure. Just because I don’t date doesn’t mean I’m not having fun.” She laughed as she walked out of his office smiling.

  “And no more bribing police officers. I don’t care how good the coffee is,” he yelled after her.

  Michael was one of her best friends. They met in college, though he was several years older than her. When he first learned of her lifestyle, he wasn’t thrilled about it. But once he understood that it wasn’t a bunch of men abusing women and that it made her happy, he accepted it and even did his own exploring as a dominant. Considering how they met, it was only natural he was protective of her. She put the bitter memory of their first encounter out of her head and made her way to work.

  Chapter Seven

  Bradley stared at the headline crawling across his television as he watched the local news Saturday night. Marlie was dead? It didn’t seem real. Bradley didn’t know her well. She was not his kind of submissive and he only attended her benefit because of Peggy.

  It bothered him that her connection to the kink community was out, but he felt secure with Exposure's protocols. It was a very hush hush club, but there were other much more public clubs and apparently Marlie visited all of them. Bradley couldn’t afford that kind of publicity. There was always a risk of outing, but Exposure held the least risk. Just to be safe, it might be wise to take a step back from the lifestyle for a while. That meant changing things with Peggy.

  Despite their years of friendship, he had a feeling this wasn’t going to go well. Especially since she had been hinting at wanting what she referred to as a real relationship. She meant romance and the possibility of marriage.

  Bradley had been clear with her from the beginning he wasn’t looking for anything like that. Not only did he not feel that way about her, his life just didn’t have room for that kind of commitment. He had urges and needs that paired well with a submissive's own desires, but he had to focus on his career and running a presidential campaign.

  He stared at the television a moment longer before making up his mind. It wasn’t fair to Peggy to continue this experiment when it wasn’t what either of them actually wanted. He hoped he could count on their friendship to make the transition smooth.

  He picked up his phone intending to call her when he noticed an e-mail alert. It was a notification that Darci Sanders had posted a new blog. He clicked the link and read. Her sweet memorial to Marlie Dixon brought a smile to his lips. He bookmarked the link to come back to later and flipped over to his contacts to make his call. It rang three times.

  “Hello?” A soft voice answered. It sounded like she had been sleeping but it didn’t sound like Peggy. Recognition hit him as the voice on the line said, “Hello,” again.


  “That’s me last time I checked,” she teased with a yawn.

  Damn it. His thoughts of Darci caused him to call the wrong person.

  “It’s Bradley Givens. Sorry to call so late. I was trying to call someone else and ended up on your number instead. Let me take this time to ask if you want to meet sometime tomorrow. We can talk about your meeting.” There was no way he actually intended to let her meet with his boss, but now he felt bad for waking her up. He could at least make it appear as if he were interested in hearing her out.

  “Sure. Sounds good,” she mumbled, still sounding half asleep.

  “I’ll have my assistant call you tomorrow. Go back to sleep. I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “S’OK. Goodnight,” she whispered, well on her way back to sleep. A smile tugged at his lips as he ended the call, and he couldn’t help but imagine the redhead snuggled in bed.

  The mistake was probably for the best. A phone call wasn’t the best way to settle things with Peggy anyway. Forging a plan, he called Adara and asked her to set up a breakfast meeting with Peggy before his first meeting in the morning, and an office meeting with Darci Sanders in the afternoon. It did not surprise him that she answered the phone at this hour. Her swift response further convinced him Adara never slept. She was usually in the office well before he was, and unless he forced her out, she stayed later than he did. He couldn’t remember the last time she had taken a vacation.

  After plugging his phone in for the night, he settled into reviewing his schedule for tomorrow. Primaries were just a few months away. His schedule was about to become hectic. He wouldn’t have time to maintain a submissive. Yes, ending this arrangement with Peggy was the best route. They would remain friends. He hoped.

  His phone buzzed to alert him he had a seven-thirty a.m. meeting at Blue Duck Tavern and a one o’clock meeting in his office. He didn’t bother opening the alerts. Adara would automatically add them to his calendar whether he accepted the invites or not. She was efficient like that.

  • • •

  Five AM alarms ought to be illegal, Darci thought as she felt around in the dark for her squawking phone. Squinting, she turned off the alarm. An event invitation on her calendar app sparked her curiosity and she clicked, blinking her eyes to help her focus. There was an e-mail attached.

  Miss Sanders,

  Mr. Givens would like for you to meet him at the Blue Duck Tavern at 7:30 A.M. if you're available. Please accept this invitation if you are free, and I will place it on his calendar. If not, please respond with a time that would be more convenient for you.

  Adara Kent

  Administrative Assistant

  Office of Bradley Givens

  As the fog of sleep cleared, she remembered the phone waking her last night. She had fallen asleep in front of her computer. A vague memory of talking to Bradley surfaced. When he’d said his assistant would contact her, she didn’t think it would be so damn early. Her plan had been to get up early and do some research before tracking Tessa down. She still hadn’t heard from her.

  Blue Duck Tavern was tempting though. It was an excellent restaurant that boasted one of the best breakfasts in D.C. She only ate there on rare occasions when her boss let her expense a meal with a potential donor.

  Breakfast with Bradley Givens sounded like an enjoyable way to start the day, especially if it
got her in the door with Sean Atleigh. The standard breakfast for Darci was a banana and a cup of coffee on the way out the door. Now her mouth watered at the thought of eating a coconut macaroon waffle.

  In the shower, she took her time and enjoyed the hot water and lemon and ginger soap that had become her favorite a few months back. Drying off with a fluffy towel, she selected her favorite aqua blue dress and a pair of low black heels. Appropriate for the office, or a breakfast date. She considered special makeup but stuck to her natural look instead. It was just a business meeting anyway. He was with that woman that’s all legs, what's her name? Peggy? That’s right, Leggy Peggy. Giggling at her silly nickname for the blonde, she glanced at her clock. Already seven, better grab a cab instead of taking the metro. No sense being late.

  As the cab pulled up in front of the posh restaurant, she spied Bradley walking in. She smiled as she climbed out of the cab and handed the driver some cash. “Keep the change,” she said as she rushed to catch up with Bradley.

  He was checking in with the hostess when she entered the lobby. The navy-blue suit he wore looked tailor made to fit him. As the hostess was walking away, she moved up behind him and said, “I know you wanted to see me, but it's a little early for a business meeting don't you think?” He froze for a moment and then turned to face her.


  Why does he look surprised to see me? Did I read the e-mail wrong? Darci tried to quell her internal panic.

  “I got your assistant’s e-mail. It said you wanted to meet here at seven-thirty.”

  Bradley groaned.

  “I wanted to see you but not here.” Darci quirked an eyebrow upward. “Not that I mind seeing you here,” he added. Bradley seemed flustered, adding to Darci’s inner panic and confusion. He pulled his cell phone from his pants pocket and appeared to be looking for something. Running a hand down his face, he blew out a breath.

  “My assistant got my instructions mixed up. Looks like I'm having a business meeting with Peggy and a break-up breakfast with you, Miss Sanders.” He cringed as soon as the words were out of his mouth. “That came out all wrong.” He looked mortified, and Darci couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease him.

  “Break-up breakfast, huh? Not exactly how I imagined spending my morning, but if you're buying, I guess I'll manage.” She smiled wickedly, and he visibly relaxed.

  “Well then Miss Sanders, I would say breakfast is the least I can do for dragging you out of bed so early.” The hostess came back to lead them to their table. As Bradley turned to talk to her, Darci let out a shaky breath. It wasn’t even eight in the morning and the day was already shaping up to be very interesting.

  Chapter Eight

  I'm going to kill Adara, Bradley thought as he stared at the stunning redhead standing in front of him. How on earth did she get his instructions backward? Might as well enjoy breakfast.

  “Shall we go eat?” he asked, motioning toward the hostess waiting to seat them. The restaurant employee seemed amused, having obviously overheard part of their conversation.

  “I'm starving.” Darci flashed that amazing smile at him again, and he discovered he was happy to be sharing breakfast with this woman instead of with Peggy. Food made breakups easier, but Peggy would have to deal. It technically wasn’t a breakup anyway. There was a good chance she wasn’t going to see it that way though. He could always buy her lunch in the Capitol building's cafeteria. No. That was even worse than an office break-up.

  As they settled in at their table, he set aside thoughts of Peggy and gave his full attention to Darci. “So, you're breaking up with leggy… I mean Peggy.” Darci turned a crimson red. Oh, this he had not seen before. It was adorable. He struggled to keep a straight face.

  “Leggy?” he questioned with one eyebrow raised. “I take it you're not a fan of Miss Jacobs?” He couldn't keep the smirk off his face anymore. She looked like she wanted to crawl under the table, so he did his best to make her feel better. “I'm clearly not a fan either. This was supposed to be a break-up breakfast after all. She does have fantastic legs though.”

  “I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me,” she finally stuttered.

  He waved his hand and said, “Think nothing of it, really. It’s amusing. I hope none of this makes you too uncomfortable. I apologize for inadvertently bringing you into my personal drama. And I should clarify my poor choice of words. I wouldn’t call it a break-up. More like a realigning of boundaries. But to explain that would bring you even further into my drama than you probably want to be.”

  “It’s fine, really. I’m just embarrassed for having petty thoughts about someone I’ve met twice. It’s not my usual style.”

  The waiter arrived to bring them coffee and take their orders. Bradley watched Darci take a deep breath, and a determined look came over her face as he finished giving his food order.

  “So, Mr. Givens,” Darci began once the waiter left. “Why did you want to see me?”

  “I know you’re trying to get a meeting with the senator. I would like to hear why.” He mentally high-fived himself as he saw the surprise in her eyes. She wasn't expecting him to jump straight to the point.

  “Why, so you can have something to laugh at in the office?” Her tone was mild, but her words stung.

  “Not at all. I would never do that, Darci. I have to protect my boss’s interests. You work for an organization that opposes his proposed legislation, but we can be reasonable enough to at least sit down and talk about it. It’s important to screen his meetings. I hope you understand that.”

  She nodded as the waiter returned with food. Bradley changed tactics.

  “Look, it’s way too early to talk shop, and I didn’t give you any time to prepare. What do you say we enjoy breakfast and talk about something that isn't work related? I promise to schedule a proper meeting with you soon. In the meantime, I would love to know more about you.” She flashed him a broad smile, and relief washed over him.

  He had won her back.

  “What would you like to know?” she asked.

  They spent the rest of breakfast talking about how they got into their respective careers. It surprised him to learn she had a degree in political science. If he’d had to guess, he would have gone with philosophy or creative writing.

  Interesting, he mused to himself. Maybe she could be more useful than he thought. He asked her to tell him more about her college days, and the way she tensed up as soon as he asked the question did not go unnoticed.

  When there was a lull in the conversation, she changed the topic.

  “If this question is inappropriate tell me, but how long have you been a member of Exposure?” she asked in a low voice.

  He raised an eyebrow at her question but answered.

  “Almost a year. I’ve been in the lifestyle for much longer, but one of Peggy’s friends was already a member when we began experimenting with our dynamic, so we decided to try it out.”

  “Do you ever worry that someone will out you?”

  He nodded. “All the time but the security protocols seem to be thorough and that gives me some peace of mind. Unlike some of the other clubs. Like the ones Marlie attended. I’m sorry about her death by the way. I know you two were close. Why haven’t I seen you there before the other night? It seems like you’re well known and liked there.”

  Something flashed across her face that Bradley recognized as pain, and he started to tell her she didn’t have to answer his invasive question, but she spoke before he could.

  “Not long before you joined, I went through a rough break-up with a popular Dom. I wore his collar, but it turns out we had… fundamental differences of opinion about certain things, and he released me. I had a hard time with the idea of being in the same room as him and Damion doesn’t miss a weekend.”

  “Damion? You were collared to that bastard?” Her eyes shot up in surprise at his outburst. “Sorry, I know you’re submissive, but he takes controlling to a whole different level. You seem way too sassy for h

  She laughed. “Let’s just say I spent a lot of my time with him, not able to sit.” She looked down at her plate and shifted the food around with her fork. He could tell this conversation was making her uncomfortable.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry. We can change the subject if you want.”

  Darci smiled and did exactly that. They were laughing again a few minutes later. When she asked why he didn’t support his father, he steered her away from that topic. He wasn't ready to get into something that heavy with her. Her carefree laughter was too enjoyable to sour the mood. This girl was beautiful and intelligent, and he was again glad for Adara’s mistake.

  Now that they had talked about their respective interests in BDSM, he wondered if they could ever pursue something together involving kink. Considering how open she was about her lifestyle, dating her was out of the question—at least while he was running a presidential campaign. He mentally slapped himself. This line of thinking was the opposite of taking a step back from the kink world. That’s why he was ending things with Peggy.

  Shaking the thoughts off, he offered his breakfast companion a smile as he picked up his phone to check for alerts. The curse of being chief of staff—it was impossible to be free of technology. The number of notifications was alarming. There were texts from four of his top-level staffers and his Twitter feed was blowing up.

  Shit. What had happened?

  “Pardon me for a moment, it looks like something might be on fire at my office.”

  Darci smiled and waved her hand.

  “By all means, I completely understand. I can feel my phone buzzing like crazy.” As she spoke, she pulled the device from her bag.

  Bradley groaned as he read the excerpt from an article his press secretary had sent him.

  In an impromptu interview this morning, Senator Atleigh had this to say about the tragic event: “While the death of Mrs. Dixon is tragic, the truth is she was known for her affiliation with a group that condones violence toward women. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened.”


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