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Power Desired (D.C. Power Games Book 1)

Page 17

by Ivy Nelson

  “Baby, I’m sorry. How do I make it up to you?”

  She squeezed his hand in return. “Just understanding what you did is wrong is a really good start. I care about you Bradley. I miss power exchange, but I can’t do what I did with Damion. I have to be your equal even if we add kink.”

  He nodded. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. We need to talk, but right now we need to get you to work and I have some things to take care of myself. When are you flying back to D.C.?”

  “Monday morning. It’s a holiday so I thought I would take a day to enjoy New York after I finish helping here. I’m just here to get this field office up to par and ready to open back up on Tuesday.”

  “I can work with that. I promise to stay out of your way. I even left security in D.C. I would like to talk about you keeping your detail when we go back.”

  They paid their bill and hopped in a cab.

  “My security detail isn’t something we really have to talk about. I know I need protection,” Darci said when they were moving.

  He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead.

  “I’m really glad you agree. I was prepared to get Michael involved if I needed to.”

  The conversation turned to whoever the stalker was. “I had a thought yesterday,” Bradley said as the cab sped through the city. “I feel like I have more of a connection with these women than you do. I mean, I didn’t really know Marlie that well, but Peggy was planning to work with her on a new project which is part of why I went to that benefit with her.”

  “I was with her that night,” Darci reminded him.

  “True, but you only met Peggy because of me. You have no connection with her the way you do with Marlie. If this guy is stalking you, why target Peggy? It doesn’t make sense.”

  “I don’t know, but he broke into my apartment, not yours.”

  “Just in case, maybe I should look at the list of names you gave Michael. Maybe we both know this guy.”

  “I’m surprised Michael hasn’t tried to interrogate you about your connections with all of us,” she said.

  Bradley squirmed uncomfortably.

  “He didn’t!” she gasped.

  “He came by my office yesterday. But he didn’t want you to be pissed at him, so he made me promise not to tell you. He said he was scared of you when you’re angry.”

  “He has a right to be scared of me. I can’t believe he did that without telling me.”

  She pulled out her phone, intent on calling him, but Bradley stopped her. “Down girl. No need to yell at him. He doesn’t think I have anything to do with this, but he had to cover all his bases, baby.”

  With a sigh, she put her phone away. “I suppose you’re right.”

  Soon they pulled up in front of the building that housed the ACSL field office. Pressing a soft kiss to Bradley’s cheek, she promised to stay in touch as the day went on. It would be a long day, but she assured him they would go to dinner and have a longer conversation later.

  • • •

  Bradley watched from the cab as Darci walked into the office building. It was a relief that she wasn’t still angry with him after his colossal fuck up. He knew better than to pull a stunt like that. Especially with someone who had trust issues.

  When he found out he could beat Darci to New York City, he had arranged a couple of last-minute donor meetings, or rather, Adara had arranged them for him. In between meetings, he planned to scope out a place to take Darci for dinner. There, he hoped to have a long conversation about their relationship and where it was heading.

  During the cab ride across town, he spoke with Adara, Michael Silas, and his mom, who really had taken a liking to Darci and was insistent that they plan a trip home soon. He told her he would try his best to convince her but since he was in the doghouse over springing them on her to begin with, he wasn’t going to make any promises.

  Two hours later, he was wandering the streets of New York between meetings. A small custom jewelry store caught his eye and he went in. His mind was going places it had no business going but looking couldn’t hurt.

  A silver chain with an amber colored pendant caught his eye. The color reminded him of the scent of her body wash, and he could almost smell her standing next to him as he thought of it. The thought of the thin chain circling her slender neck sent a grin spreading across his face. He had to banish the thought quickly though. A glance at his watch told him he was going to be late for his next meeting if he didn’t hurry.

  The rest of the day flew by, and soon he was on his way to pick up Darci in the back of a black town car he had hired.

  At the restaurant, Darci asked him point blank, “What did you mean about needing to have a longer conversation when you woke me this morning?”

  He was quiet for a moment. When he spoke, his tone was thoughtful.

  “I was serious when I said I want more. We need to talk because we need to negotiate what more means to us.”

  “You mean kink or a relationship?”

  “Both, baby. I think for you and me the two kind of go hand in hand, don’t they?”

  She nodded, but her expression told him she had something else to say. “What is it?” he prodded.

  “So, you’re not happy with just vanilla?”

  Bradley knew he needed to craft his response carefully. The last thing he wanted was to pressure her into a dynamic she wasn’t ready for.

  “I’m thrilled with you baby. I just think you want, maybe even need more, and I know that power exchange and kink would only make us better. But I also want something that has nothing to do with kink.” When he paused, she nodded and looked at him expectantly, encouraging him to continue. “I want to be able to tell my parents that we’re more than friends. I want to be able to tell my assistant to put dates with you on my calendar instead of calling them business appointments. Yes, I want to explore some power exchange with you, but that can come with time and behind closed doors.”

  Bradley knew it was a lot for Darci to take in. He hoped he hadn’t overwhelmed her. There was a long pause, and she seemed to be letting his words sink in. Finally, she took a sip of wine and said, “I think I can work on some of these things. I don’t know if I’m ready to tell your parents yet, but I’m fine if your assistant knows you’re dating me. As for power exchange, I’m open to a longer conversation about adding it to our dynamic. I think we could probably have a lot of fun, and I miss that aspect of a relationship.”

  He smiled and leaned in to kiss her deeply. “Thank you. You delight me.”

  Their kiss sent his pulse racing. Her next statement sent it racing even more.

  “Perhaps we can have a conversation on the trip home. Travel is the perfect time for that sort of thing.”

  His grin widened, and he moved in to kiss her again.

  “I like the sound of that. Let’s enjoy our dinner. Then maybe we can go sightseeing.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  As dinner wound down, Darci felt much better about her relationship with Bradley. She still didn’t know where it was going or how long it would last but now, they stood outside the restaurant waiting for their car.

  Taking a deep breath, she made a decision. “Take me back to our room. We can go sightseeing later.”

  “I can probably do that.”

  “Probably?” she questioned with a twinkle in her eye.

  “It depends on whether or not you’re going to invite me in.” He was grinning now.

  “Really, Mr. Givens, I’m not sure you can behave yourself if I do that,” she teased.

  “You’re probably right, but I’m not sure you want me to behave.” His hand slipped into her hair at the nape of her neck and gave a sharp tug. She gasped. “What do you say, baby? Want to play with me?”

  “Play?” Her face paled. They hadn’t even negotiated anything yet.

  “Sorry, poor choice of words. I’m not going to tie you up or spank you tonight. I would very much like to make love to you though. I miss being inside
you.” She relaxed, though the thought of him spanking her sent a rush of excitement through her body. It was on her bucket list of things to experience with him. His hands had proven to be quite spectacular in many ways, and she had no doubt they would warm her ass up nicely. Instead of voicing any of that, she moved toward the car that had just pulled up and waited for him to open her door.

  At the hotel, she unlocked the room with her keycard and motioned for him to step inside. “I guess I’ll invite you in,” she said saucily.

  A wicked gleam was in his eyes as he passed her. Closing the door, she stood against it while he moved to the bed. When he unbuttoned the casual button-down shirt he wore, she swallowed as his tight abs came into view. His smooth, muscled chest was practically begging her to kiss every inch of it. “It’s not polite to stare, Miss Sanders,” he teased as he peeled his shirt off and tossed it on the bed.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.”

  “It’s OK. I’ll just have to blindfold you.” Her eyes grew wide as he crossed the short distance to the door where she was still leaning. The kiss he gave her was gentle, but so hot. She groaned as his hands slid into her hair.

  “God, you taste incredible,” he murmured against her lips.

  She wrapped her arms around him as they kissed. The intensity increased and soon he was pulling her hair to angle her head better as his tongue explored her slick mouth.

  Without warning, he grasped her by the hips and hoisted her off the ground. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist. He walked backward toward the bed, then turned and gently lowered her until she was sitting on the edge of the mattress. She hummed and ran her hands over his muscular chest. His nipples were hard and puckered and she wanted to draw one into her mouth, but he was just out of reach of her lips, and he still had her hair in his fist.

  Standing between her legs, he grasped the hem of her pink blouse and drew it up and over her head. Seconds later, he relieved her of her bra, and she was sitting on the bed in just slacks and panties. Her own nipples pebbled under his gaze as the air around them hit her bare chest. “Fucking perfect,” he said as he bent to suck her right nipple. “I can’t wait until you come for me,” he whispered when he came up for air. “Lay back.”

  When she obeyed, he unbuttoned her pants and made quick work of pulling them down her slender legs. Leaving them on the floor at her feet, he kissed a trail from her calf to her inner thigh, stopping as he reached the leg of her boy short panties.

  “These will be the first to go when you’re mine,” he declared as he slipped a finger inside, causing her to gasp. “Mmm, someone is ready for me.” He stroked his finger across her slick opening, and she whimpered. Raising up, he hooked his fingers into the waist of her panties and scooped them down her legs.

  Completely naked, she stared up at him as his eyes greedily raked her body. “Better,” he murmured. “Spread your legs.”

  He nudged them further apart when she only spread them a few inches. “Bad girl. You know what I want.” His words had her whimpering again. Her pussy was soaked, and she would bet money there was already a wet spot beneath her on the bedspread. Her need was almost embarrassing. Two of his strong, and very skilled fingers worked in and out of her until she was in a frenzy. “You make the best noises,” he said as she neared the edge of an orgasm.

  He pulled his fingers free, causing her to groan in frustration. There was a rush of air followed by a sharp sting and the popping sound of a palm on damp skin, and she yelped as his hand came down sharply on her tender folds. Her legs snapped shut. “That was for not spreading your legs like a good girl.” He was lying on top of her now, whispering in her ear. “Open them now, or I won’t let you come.”

  Because she believed him, she opened her legs wide. “Good girl.” His fingers were between their bodies and deep inside her again. The heat they created, soon coated them both in sweat. She wanted him inside her, but he was taking his time. Exploring, teasing, coaxing her to the edge of bliss and drawing her back just before she fell.

  If the journey weren’t so enjoyable, Darci might have been more frustrated. As it was, she was begging him to let her find the release she craved, but he wasn’t ready. His eyes were intense as he studied her face while hovering over her. She found it difficult to meet his gaze while he buried his fingers between her thighs, so she closed her eyes.

  “Open your eyes and look at me.” His voice was strained when he said it and judging from the hard bulge pressing into her thigh, his jeans were strained as well. Darci kept her eyes shut tight, so he slowed his fingers but didn’t pull them completely from her. Then his teeth were on her sensitive nipple biting just hard enough to hurt. She squirmed to get away, but he gripped her pussy hard. “Open your eyes and look at me,” he repeated when he released her nipple.

  Darci’s eyes opened, but she still couldn’t meet his gaze. Shaking his head in disapproval, he cupped her chin in his free hand and turned her head until she was staring straight into his dark eyes. “That’s better. I want you to watch me make you come. Keep them open.” His fingers began their assault again, and this time he pressed a thumb to her clit, rubbing gently as he finger-fucked her tight pussy. Within seconds, Darci was hovering at the edge of an orgasm again. His grip tightened on her chin when she tried to turn her head, but he didn’t slow his fingers. “Come.”

  The wave of pleasure that hit Darci elicited a sound that wasn’t quite a scream, but it was probably still a little too loud for a hotel. The orgasm was worth the noise complaint they might get. She spasmed around his fingers as he continued pumping them in and out of her.

  When he increased the pressure of his thumb on her clit, one wave of pleasure rolled into another. As convulsions racked her body, she begged him to stop. But he worked her up to another two orgasms before he finally pulled his fingers free.

  She could still feel his hard cock pressing into her as he gently kissed her face. “God, you’re hot when you’re coming on my hand.” His words had her blushing, and trying to squirm away from him, but she was pinned.

  “Wasn’t that fun? Just imagine what it will be like when I get really bossy,” he whispered into her ear. His words made her blush, and he winked at her. She had to admit, she was looking forward to the day he decided to make good on his threat of bossiness. The thought caused a new flood of heat and need to wash over her.

  He seemed to sense that need and stood, unbuttoning his jeans as he rose. Keeping her eyes on him was easy as she watched him shed his pants and boxer briefs. His cock sprang free, and the sight of it nearly made her whimper. She couldn’t wait to feel it stretching her as he thrust in and out of her. Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait long. He moved her up higher on the bed and settled between her legs once again. This time, he positioned his erect, pulsing cock at her entrance.

  Because she was still soaked from the orgasms he had milked from her, he had no trouble sliding deep inside. A shudder rippled through her as he filled her slick opening.

  Bradley paused, closing his eyes as he let himself settle into her. Then he was moving. Slowly at first, languid strokes that sent gentle waves of pleasure coursing through her veins. She wrapped her legs around his waist and urged him to move faster. Still he made her wait, stretching each motion out. After several minutes of this, he grasped her arms and dragged them over her head where he pinned her, effectively bracing himself and holding her in place. As she wriggled against his hold, he gave her what she was after—punishing thrusts of his cock as he picked up speed and slammed into her.

  After a few minutes, he released one of her arms and slipped his free hand between them. He was going to make her come again. It didn’t take long. As soon as he felt her clenching around him, he let himself find his own pleasure. When the last waves of their orgasms subsided, he gently lowered himself onto her. They lay together, breathing heavy, sweat mingling. It felt like forever before he raised up and pulled carefully out of her.

  He stepped into the bathroom a
nd came back less than thirty seconds later with a damp cloth. He gently cleaned her off before pulling back the comforter and motioning for her to get under the blankets. Her brain was still foggy, so she did as he asked, snuggling under the soft sheets. He left again, long enough to discard the rag, but then he slipped into bed with her and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Goodnight sweet girl.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Darci and Bradley spent all day on Sunday sightseeing, and it was wonderful. On Sunday night, they saw a show on Broadway before going back to the room, where they made love most of the night. The next morning, when they woke, Darci was too warm snuggled next to Bradley. His arm draped across her midsection felt heavy. When she tried to lift his arm and slip out of bed, his grip on her tightened. She nudged him until he woke up.

  “Go back to sleep woman.”

  “I’m hot. You’re hot.”

  “Well thank you,” he mumbled. “You are pretty hot.”

  She elbowed him. “How can you be such a smart ass this early in the morning?

  “Smart ass? Did you just call me a smart ass?” With an exaggerated scowl on his face, he was hopping out of bed and taking the blankets with him.

  “Hey!” She protested, trying to cover herself up with a pillow. He towered over the bed, arms folded across his bare chest, his scowl no longer teasing.

  “We’ve had this conversation before, and I don’t like repeating myself. Don’t hide from me. You’re gorgeous.” His voice was firm, and the look on his face made her squirm. The desire to say yes, Sir, and kneel at his feet inundated her, but she resisted. They still had a lot to talk about. Instead, she huffed and crawled out of bed to find clean clothes.

  “Good girl.” He grinned, patting her on the behind as she bent over her suitcase.


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