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Power Desired (D.C. Power Games Book 1)

Page 21

by Ivy Nelson

  Desire raced through her body, causing her to shudder. The fear that she had sometimes experienced with Damion in this type of scene wasn’t there. “Yes, Sir,” she said, taking a deep breath, trying to slow her racing pulse. The smile that lit his face was one of pure lust.

  “Hold out your wrists,” he commanded as he reached for the towel covered pile again. When he produced a length of black rope, Darci offered him her hands.

  His eyes never left hers as he grasped both of her arms in one hand and wrapped the doubled over rope around them at her wrists. He secured her tightly, tying a knot in the center. A long tail dangled between her hands. He used it to pull her upwards, indicating that he wanted her to stand. When she did, he snaked a hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him. He planted a kiss on her abdomen and said, “Go kneel on the bed facing the headboard.” His hand gently caressed her still warm ass as she stepped away to climb into position.

  When she was kneeling to his satisfaction, he attached the long tail of rope to the headboard. There was enough slack for her to move around the bed if he wanted her to, but it was snug enough to remind her that she was at his mercy. She clenched her thighs together as the excitement curled through her. Suddenly, he was behind her on the mattress, and a blindfold came to rest over her eyes. After planting a kiss on her shoulder, he secured it tightly at the back of her head.

  As the room went dark, she became aware of every sound and movement he made, the blindfold heightening her senses. The mattress shifted beneath her as he left the bed. For a long moment, there was no noise, no movement, and then she felt the rush of air and heard a whoosh before she felt the thud of a flogger across her back. He hadn’t struck her hard, just enough to warm the skin. Seconds later he repeated the action, this time a little harder, the falls making a cracking noise against her skin.

  A warm stinging sensation developed as the flogger fell away. This time, there was no break, and the flogger immediately fell against her again. She cried out as the bite of pain turned to pleasure. He built up a rhythm, snapping the flogger up and down her back until soon she was straining against the rope, squirming away from the bite of the whip, crying out with every blow. Heat radiated from her back when he finally stopped.

  He was on the bed again gently running his hand down her spine. “You doing OK?” he asked as his hand trailed over her ass and slid between her thighs. She nodded and groaned as one finger slid across her soaked and aching pussy. He slid the finger inside her, and she pressed against his hand urging him to find her sweet spot. He chuckled and slowly withdrew his finger. She held back a growl of frustration. His hands danced up her sides and to her shoulders where he guided her arms above her head and had her turn to face the other direction.

  He had her rest her bound wrists on the back of her head, her elbows out to the sides. She sucked in a breath as he pulled one nipple into his mouth. Gently biting and sucking, he drove her crazy with his teeth and tongue. Her head fell back, her arousal heightened. He took his time, his tongue dancing in lazy circles around the hard point. It was as if he were winding her up like a jack-in-the-box and any moment she was going to explode.

  Then his mouth was gone, and she tried to steady her breathing, but there wasn’t time. The sensation of his mouth was replaced with a sharp pinch as he attached a clamp to the nipple that had been in his mouth. He repeated the process with the other nipple, slowly sucking, biting, and licking until she was confident she would expire if he didn’t stop. When the second clamp bit down, she rose off the bed, the pinch taking her by surprise.

  “Stay still, baby. You’re doing great,” he whispered in her ear. She whimpered when the bed shifted again. He had stepped away.

  “Shhh. I’m right here, love.” His voice was soothing, and she let herself relax as much as the clamps and rope would allow. “I think you’ve earned an orgasm,” he said, and she could hear a smile in his voice. He was back on the bed again where he shifted her so that she was lying on her back with her arms up over her head. As he brushed against her, she realized his chest was bare. He must have removed his shirt. A groan gurgled out of her when he plunged two fingers inside her without warning.

  “You can come whenever you want,” he told her. It didn’t take long. Her nipples tightened further under the pressure of the clamps as pleasure built in her core. Soon, her toes were curling, and an orgasm was ripping through her. She jerked against the ropes and cried out.

  “Good girl,” he said, his voice husky with desire. As her orgasm subsided, he withdrew his fingers and placed them in her mouth. She greedily licked her juices from his hand. After a moment, his fingers were gone and something sliced the air with a swishing noise and a second later, what she guessed was a riding crop landed on her thigh. Another stinging blow followed immediately after the first. This time, it landed on her clit, and she writhed against her restraints as a guttural noise escaped her throat. He chuckled wickedly and struck her twice more between the thighs hard enough to cause a mild sting.

  He landed a third strike in the same spot, but this time, he left the tip of the crop pressed against her clit. “Think I can make you come with this?” he asked. She shook her head violently, and he laughed. “I do love a challenge.” Suddenly, the crop was fluttering over her clit in a slight flicking motion.

  “OK, maybe I was wrong,” she croaked out as she approached orgasm.

  “Of course you were,” he said as he continued the pleasurable flickering of the crop. “Now come for me.” She cried out as the orgasm took her. “That’s a good girl,” he murmured. And then, he brought the crop down hard on her pussy.

  “Fuck,” she cried.

  “Soon,” he promised.

  The crop landed beside her on the bed. He must be moving on to something else. She heard something rattle but couldn’t identify the noise. A moment later, he was straddling her. “Let’s get these clamps off, baby.”

  She whimpered. Taking them off was always the worst part. To her relief, he wasn’t mean about it. The pain was still intense, and she jerked beneath him as the blood rushed back to her nipples. And then she screamed. The noise she couldn’t identify earlier had been ice clinking together in a glass, and now he held a piece against each of her sore nipples.

  “Takeitawaytakeitaway,” she cried, her words jumbled together. The bed shook with his laughter.

  “I just wanted to make you feel better,” he said as he circled her breasts with the ice. Cold water trailed down her sides, and she shivered. The ice left her skin a moment later. He leaned to the side, and she heard it drop into a container. “If that didn’t make it better, I bet I know something that will,” he teased. He shifted off of her and spread her legs so he could lie between them.

  His breath fluttered across her pussy and then the prickle of his five o’clock shadow scratched her as he pressed a kiss there. And then he was licking, sucking, devouring her, and she squirmed against him. He sucked her clit hard. Was he really going to give her a third orgasm? It didn’t seem possible, and yet there it was, bubbling beneath the surface, and she knew it wouldn’t take him long to push her over the edge. Moments later, his skillful tongue did just that. She wanted to fist her hands into his hair as the pleasure flowed through her, but the bindings on her wrists kept her from it.

  Sliding up her body, he slipped a hand under her head and released the blindfold. He had dimmed the lights, and she was grateful as she blinked her eyes allowing them to adjust. “Hi,” he said staring into her eyes.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  “I need to be inside you now.” He stood and unbuttoned his pants, she watched hungrily as he lowered them and his boxers and stepped out of them. A thin sheen of sweat already coated his chest as he climbed onto the bed and straddled her. Positioning himself at her opening, he pressed forward, the tip of his erection sliding into her. Her pussy was swollen from three orgasms, and he seemed even bigger than normal as he drove himself inside her. “This will be hard and fast, baby.” His
voice was strained.

  He wasn’t kidding, he pounded into her quickly, bracing against the bed with his forearms. She pushed her hips up to meet his thrusts. The fourth orgasm caught her off guard, tearing through her right as Bradley growled out his own release.

  Darci’s body was limp when he released her wrists. She glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand as she laid in a puddle on the bed. Was it only nine? It seemed so much later. She sighed. He was really fucking good at this. The fear that was there at the beginning of their scene was gone. She felt nothing but joy.

  He stepped into the bathroom for a wet rag and gently cleaned her up. He had slipped on a pair of gray pajama pants. They hung low on his hips, and she might have found them arousing if he hadn’t just milked four or more orgasms from her already.

  He settled onto the bed and gently stroked her face. “You’re incredible, baby. You took everything I threw at you and met every expectation I set. I can’t tell you how fun that was.” Darci beamed at his praise. She wanted to earn that reaction from him regularly. He leaned over and pulled a bottle of water off the nightstand. “You should drink this.” He waited while she drank down half the bottle and then gathered her in his arms.

  Her phone buzzed across the room a few minutes later, and Darci groaned. It was so far away. Bradley chuckled and padded across the bedroom to his dresser to retrieve it for her. “You’ve missed a couple calls, baby. You were floating pretty hard though, so I just let you ignore them.” She grimaced as she took the phone he held out to her. It was Jim.

  “Hi, Jim. What’s up?” she asked when she called him back.

  “Hey, Darci. Sorry to bug you at home but we got a last-minute invite to that luncheon at the Washington Hilton tomorrow. I want you there with me. You worked so hard to get us the invitation. The organizers are giving us fifteen minutes to present.”

  “That’s awesome, Jim. Of course, I’ll be there. You know I already put the presentation together for you just in case. I’ll have to run it by my goon squad... I mean bodyguards,” she corrected when Bradley scowled at her. “They have access to my calendar. Just put it in there right now with an address, and they’ll do the work to make it safe for me.”

  They spent a few more minutes chatting. Tomorrow was also the fund-raiser where Darci was supposed to have her face-to-face meeting with Senator Atleigh, and Jim would be there too. When the call ended, she relayed Jim’s half of the conversation to Bradley.

  When she finished, he sat on the bed next to her and pulled her close. “You sure you’re OK? I was pretty rough with you tonight.”

  She snuggled close and nodded. “I'm fantastic. I promise it was perfect.”

  He kissed her head. “I’m glad. I hate to burst the bubble, but I should probably check my own phone.”

  “Go. I’m good here. I’m just going to snuggle up under the covers and wait for you to come to bed.” He slipped out of the room, and Darci crawled under the soft green comforter and settled against the pillows. She couldn’t believe how well Bradley could read her body language while they were playing. It was as if they were tuned to each other in a way she had never been tuned to a partner before. It was intoxicating. She had a feeling he could push some boundaries that nobody had pushed before, and she wouldn’t mind a bit.

  Fifteen minutes later, Bradley came in with a frown on his face. “Security called me,” he said at her questioning look. “They have some concerns about your event with Jim tomorrow.” Darci rolled her eyes, and Bradley sent her a warning glare. “They’re going to check out the site tonight, but it’s a little last minute for them to do their routine vetting. I want you to promise me you’ll listen to them if they tell you not to go.” Darci sat up and looked at him.

  “Bradley please don’t ask me to do that. This is something we’ve worked hard to be invited to. Jim is speaking, presenting our research. There is potential for a lot of funding. You of all people should know how important that is. I don’t want to miss it. I’m sorry it was last minute, but it’s important.” He closed his eyes and seemed to pray for patience.

  “I know, baby, and I promise they’re going to do their best to make sure you can go, but I’m warning you right now if they decide it’s not safe and you so much as argue with them about going I will punish you. End of discussion.”

  She sighed. They had been having such a nice night. She wanted to argue with him but thought he might get the paddle back out, so she just muttered, “yes, Sir,” and laid back on the pillows.

  “Hey,” he said sitting next to her. “I’m not trying to be an asshole. I just want to keep you safe.” She closed her eyes.

  “I know. This is just frustrating.”

  “I know, baby. It won’t last forever.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead, shut off the lights and slipped into bed next to her. Pulling her close he whispered, “Please don’t be mad at me for wanting you safe.”

  “I’m mad at whoever is stalking me,” she murmured as her eyes drifted closed.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  On Wednesday morning, the security team delivered the bad news to Darci that they couldn’t safely allow her to go to the luncheon. There was apparently some construction at the hotel that prevented them from planning a safe escape route if something happened. She wanted to argue and throw a fit and in fact tried, but Bradley shut her down with a phone call to her office in which he used the tone of voice that told her in no uncertain terms that if she continued to argue she would find herself in trouble.

  If she had any doubts about what she heard in his tone, they vanished when he said, “You have about thirty seconds to drop the attitude, or I’ll show up at your office, and I’ll help you drop it.”

  It pissed her off that his dominating tone made her wet. But it did. It wasn’t even eight in the morning, and she was already having a bad day. Taking a deep breath, she did her best to keep the anger out of her voice when she said goodbye to Bradley.

  By eleven, Darci was pissed off again. Jim had just left. It had taken weeks, and she had worked damn hard to get the ACSL invited to this luncheon. She was fuming by eleven-thirty and decided to stage a jailbreak. The goon squad hadn’t changed their routine at all, and it wasn’t difficult for Darci to come up with a plan. She sent a text to Kimberly.

  Meet me in Jim’s office. Don’t spook the security goon.

  After Kimberly stood up from her desk and crossed the room to Jim Perkins’ office, Darci waited a few minutes. Her boss had already left for the Hilton. If she left soon, she could get there in time. Once Kimberly was safely inside the office, she grabbed a folder and put her cell phone to her ear. Stepping outside the door, she spoke into the phone.

  “Sure, Jim. I’ve got Kimberly looking in your office now. I’ll call you back in a few.” She smiled at the security guard on her way past him and slipped into Jim’s office.

  “I’ve got to get out of here, but I need your help,” she said to her assistant once the door was shut.

  “Darci, are you sure that’s a wise idea?”

  “Please, Kimberly. I won’t be gone long, I promise. I just want to be with Jim at the luncheon and my security is being overprotective.”

  “That’s kind of their job, isn’t it?” Darci rolled her eyes and could practically feel Bradley glaring at her for it even though he wasn’t in the room. Jim’s office had an outside exit. If she could slip out without attracting the attention of the security goons, she could grab a cab and be on her way before they knew she left.

  “Hang out in here for like ten minutes. If they ask, just tell them I’m working on something for Jim, and come back in every few minutes and act like you’re talking to me. I swear I won’t be gone long.”

  Kimberly rolled her eyes. “They’re going to know something is up.”

  “It’s fine. I just need time to get a cab and be on my way. I promise I won’t do anything dangerous.”

  “Fine, but only because you’re technically my boss.”

  Darci hugged
Kimberly and slipped outside. She looked around and sprinted to the street opposite of where the security team usually sat and hailed a cab. Luckily it only took a minute to flag one down. She rode downtown to the Hilton and got there just as someone introduced Jim. He looked surprised to see her but introduced her and continued the presentation they had prepared.

  Halfway through his talk, her cell phone rang. It was Kimberly. Slipping out, she answered. “What’s up, Kimberly?”

  A masculine voice responded, “Miss Sanders, where are you?” It was one of her security team. She was caught.

  “I’m at the Washington Hilton. I can’t let you guys interfere with my job.”

  “We’ll be there soon. Do not leave without us or we’ll be forced to contact Mr. Givens.” Darci was caught by surprise. She figured that was the first thing they would have done.

  “Fine, thank you for not calling him already.” She breathed a sigh of relief as she ended the call. She had gotten away with her brief escape. There was no reason for Bradley to find out. An hour later, Darci and Jim rode with security back to the office where she spent the rest of the day in a pleasant mood. A little adventure was all she needed.

  Bradley asked her to meet him at home so they could ride to the benefit together. The thought of being on his arm while he wore a tux practically made her drool. Five couldn’t get here fast enough.

  • • •

  At five o’clock, Bradley left his office. He wasn’t done working by any means, but tonight, the senator and some of the other members of his staff were attending a benefit as part of a 'clean up the senator’s fuck-up' effort. Darci was coming with him. Knowing she would have face time with his boss made him nervous, but he was looking forward to showing her off as his girl. It wasn’t possible to know how Atleigh would react to him dating someone from the ACSL, but he couldn’t worry about that now. It was time to put on a tux and enjoy an evening with Darci.

  He knew she was disappointed about missing an important event today because of security concerns. His threat to show up at her office this morning hadn’t been an idle one, but he understood her frustration. So tonight, it was important to him to show her an extra enjoyable time.


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