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Build a Nerd

Page 19

by Wendy Smith

  Leaning against Tom, I’m so grateful for all I have. My heart has never been so full. Not only do I have love, but I have a career doing what I’ve always dreamed about.

  “Molly and Brad have written their own vows today, and they’d like to share them with you,” the celebrant says.

  Molly clears her throat. “Brad. For so long I held myself back, and now I have no idea how I lasted all this time without you. You and Grace are everything to me, and I swear I’ll always love both you and her to the best of my ability. My love for you is endless, and my heart will always belong to you.” Her voice wavers toward the end, full of emotion that makes me wish I’d brought tissues with me.

  For her and Brad to get a second chance is wonderful. For Grace to have someone as loving as Molly as her stepmother is the best thing that could have happened to her after her mother’s death. She’ll always be loved, as will Brad.

  “Molly. I can barely put together words to describe how I feel about you. If you’re really lucky, life sometimes gives you a second chance with love. Becoming your husband is the greatest gift I could ever receive. And Molly?” He skips a beat. “It was always you.”

  Her mouth falls open like he’s said something wondrous, and I exchange a glance with Tom who grins and takes my hand. He gives it a squeeze. We don’t have any plans for marriage yet, but I’m sure that sometime, we’ll find the right moment.

  Maybe after we’ve finished building our dream home.

  We have forever.

  He links his fingers in mine and raises it to his lips when Brad and Molly are pronounced husband and wife. Not that I’m really looking at them. It’s more like catching a glimpse from the corner of my eye as I drown in his.

  The love that surrounds us is all-encompassing. It took me a long time to find this level of contentment, but everything in my life is perfect.

  I look back at Brad and Molly. The joy in their expressions is everything. This is a couple who have been through the mill, and although I don’t know everything, it’s clear to see they belong together.

  Grace joins them, and the three of them stand in a circle just holding each other, ignoring the world around them.

  It doesn’t make me feel bad like I always thought it would. Instead, I share in their happiness, and it’s enough to bring tears to my eyes.

  “You okay?” Tom whispers.

  “I’m just so happy.”

  His eyes are full of love. “I am too.”

  “Look at them, Tom. That little family’s been through so much, but all they have is love for each other, and that’s got them to the other side.”

  He shifts his gaze to Molly, Brad, and Grace. Molly and Brad are signing the register. It’s all official. “They deserve all the good things to happen.”

  Brad breaks away and walks toward us. “I’m so glad you two are here.”

  After giving me a quick hug and a peck on the cheek, he turns to Tom. “Thank you for everything.”

  My right eyebrow arches as I look toward Tom. He grins. “I love the way you used it.”

  Brad nods. “Molly didn’t realize I knew. She’s over the moon.” His brows knit as he looks between us. “I spoke to Grace about whether I should use that last line. I was worried she’d think I didn’t love her mom. But you know what she told me?”

  I smile. “What?”

  “She told me that it’s possible to keep both of them in our hearts. That Molly and Lane are in there together.”

  I tear up at his words. “Grace is one smart cookie.”

  He nods. “She is.”

  “Brad,” Molly calls.

  “Wife’s calling. We’re going to the lake for photos, but see you afterward at the reception?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I say.

  He gives my arm a squeeze and flashes a smile at me. “Good. The cake’s some amazing creation flown in from a bakery in San Jose Molly loves, and there’s plenty of food and drink.”

  “Have fun with your photos.”

  As he walks away, I nudge Tom’s arm. “What was that about?”

  “I just helped him with his vows.”

  “You did? Why didn’t I know this?”

  He shrugs. “It was something special for Molly. It’s complicated. I’ll show you when we get home.”

  Home. I love the way the word rolls off his tongue.

  I also love his tongue.

  Home can’t come soon enough.

  The cake is amazing.

  So is all the food. I don’t drink a lot in case Tom doesn’t want to drive home, and Tom sticks to juice. I hope he drives. It all helps build his confidence, which seems to be growing in leaps and bounds these days.

  He’s had to make the odd trip back to San Jose with his new role at Mollab, but we’ve got good Internet, and he bought me a new laptop so we can video call at least. It’s not the same as being together, but it beats being apart.

  I spot Molly standing by herself. She’s been surrounded up until now, and I didn’t want to be one more voice in the crowd.

  She smiles warmly as I approach.

  “Congratulations, Mrs. Matheson.”

  Her smile grows. “Thank you. There’s still a part of me that can’t believe it.”

  I play my bottom lip between my teeth. “Well, I’m very happy for you and Brad. I know things were a bit awkward there for a while.”

  She reaches for my hands and squeezes them. “I’m glad we’re friends now. And I’m so happy for you and Tom. You deserve every happiness.”

  “So do you.” I grin. “Where are you going for your honeymoon?”

  She laughs. “We kept it low-key. We’re going to San Jose for a week. Grace hasn’t seen the house yet, and Brad thought it’d be a nice way for us all to spend some quiet time together.”

  “She’s going to freak.”

  Molly nods. “That’s what Brad keeps saying. Wait until she sees the swimming pool.”

  “Bridget.” Grace runs my way and wraps her arms around my waist when she reaches me. “We’re going to Molly’s big house tomorrow.”

  “Molly was just saying. Sounds like fun.”

  “You and Tom should take a few days there yourself sometime. You’re always welcome.” Molly says.

  Grace lets me go and hugs Molly.

  “I’d love to. Just have to work out some time off. I’ve got this ogre of a boss.” I laugh.

  “So I hear. I’ll talk to him.” Molly bends and places a kiss on Grace’s head. I love seeing them together. Grace and I have always been close, but there’s something special between her and Molly.

  “I’ve got to move on and talk to a few more people before we go, but I’m glad you and Tom came,” Molly says.

  I smile. “So am I. Have a great honeymoon.”

  For a moment, she pauses, and I’m sure she’s about to say something else. But Tom approaches and she shifts her focus to him. “I was just saying how happy I was to see you two here. I’ll see you when I get back,” she says.

  He nods. “Miranda and I will take care of everything. Just enjoy, and don’t go into the office.”

  Molly laughs. “I’m not sure I’ll get the chance. Grace and I are going to spend every second in the pool. I can see that now.” She links her hand in Grace’s. “Let’s go and find your father. Have a nice night, you two.”

  We watch as she walks away before Tom turns to me. “It’s nice to see you getting on with Molly.”

  I shrug. “It’s her wedding day. Plus she’s loved by all the people I love.”

  “I love that you’re friends now.” He laughs. “Look over there.”

  I shift my gaze in the direction Tom indicates and smile. Jackson’s deep in conversation with Miranda. So deep, he’s got his hand on her knee.

  “Boy, is she in for a night.” The words escape me before I realize, and I look back at Tom. He’s got a bemused smile on his face. “I didn’t mean …”

  “The past doesn’t bother me. We’ve got the future to
look forward to now.” He slides his arms around my waist and pulls me to him.

  “We do. Let’s go home and get on with that future.”

  His smile grows. “I like that idea.”

  “By that, I mean I’m going to jump you the second we walk in the door.”

  Tom laughs. and presses a kiss to my temple. “I like that idea too.”

  “I thought you might.”

  His eyes search mine. “I’m so happy, Bridget. Happier than I ever thought possible. You did that. And we’ll have our own wedding one day.”

  I can’t fight a grin. “Is that a proposal, Tom Jarvis?”

  “I promise I’ll do it properly instead of just throwing it at you.”

  Leaning my head against his, I take another look around the room.

  I can’t wait.

  Also by Wendy Smith

  Writing as Wendy Smith

  Coming Home

  Doctor’s Orders

  Baker’s Dozen

  Hunter’s Mark

  Teacher’s Pet

  * * *

  Fall and Rise Duet



  Fall and Rise - The Complete Duet

  * * *

  The Aeon Series

  Game On

  Pre-order now Build a Nerd

  Coming 2019 Bar None

  Coming 2020 Love on Site

  * * *

  Coming 2019 Common Ground

  * * *

  Coming 2020 Found

  * * *

  Writing as Ariadne Wayne

  The Friends Series

  Loving Rowan

  Three Days

  Something Real

  The Right One


  * * *

  Chances Series

  Another Chance

  Taking Chances

  * * *

  Lifetime Series

  In a Lifetime

  In an Instant

  In a Heartbeat

  In the End

  At the Start

  About the Author

  Wendy Smith published as Ariadne Wayne for three years before deciding she didn’t want to be someone else all the time. Heavily influenced by stories in the media, she decided to try something new, and the Copper Creek series was born. With lots of love and a touch of darkness, her stories will twist their way into your heart.

  Find me online




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