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Crystal Skulls

Page 5

by Jaap van Etten

  In 1958, Dr Tsum Um Nui studied the disks and concluded that each groove on the disks contained many small hieroglyphs. When he was able to decipher them, it told the story of a race of extraterrestrials who got stranded on Earth. They lived in these caves, although initially many were killed. He wanted to publish an article but was ridiculed. In 1965, Professor Chi Pu Tei published some information about the alien story.

  Russians scientists did research with some of the disks and found an unusually high amount of cobalt and other metallic substances. According to Dr. Vyacheslav Saizev, who described the experiments in the Soviet magazine Sputnik, when the disks were placed on a special turntable, they vibrated or hummed in an unusual rhythm as though an electrical charge was passing through them.

  In the region where the crystal skulls and the disks were found, there are many stories about little people who used to live in the area. In 1995, a discovery made it possible to believe that these stories could have a basis of truth. In that year in the province of Sichuan in central China, on the eastern border of the Bayan-Kara-Ula Mountains, a pygmy village was discovered. About 120 individuals, ranging from 65 to 115 cm (two feet two inches to three feet ten inches) in height, live a self-sufficient medieval lifestyle. They were unfamiliar with any modern technology. Although the Chinese authorities do not deny the existence of the “Village of the Dwarfs,” the village is not open to foreigners.

  There is, however, a lot of criticism. Information about the people who discovered the skeletons and the disks seems to be unavailable and is thus not verifiable. Either the information does not exist as some suggest, or it has been destroyed as others believe. Also, the disks seem to have been lost. According to reports, the Chinese government has been collecting the disks to destroy them.

  My wife Jeanne and I have been fortunate to meet Frank Loo and see thirteen of the fourteen large skulls. We also saw the three Dropa disks Frank collected. We did private sessions with the thirteen skulls and participated in three ceremonies. Undoubtedly, these crystal skulls have powerful energies.

  During one of the crystal skull meditations in our house, we connected with Elizabeth Keller. She brought with her a small crystal skull of which she is the caretaker. Her crystal skull is one of the eight small crystal skulls Frank Loo had collected in the Himalayas. Because Frank Loo got a lot of criticism and received a lot of doubts about the authenticity of the Himalayan crystal skulls, he decided to leave them in the U.S. for sale, and Elizabeth purchased one of them. She calls her skull HeartStar. Elizabeth let this wonderful little skull stay with Jeanne and me several times, which allowed us to connect deeper with it.

  During a crystal skull event in Holland in 2006, we met Jeff Krause, who had another small skull of the Himalayan group that he called Apollo 7. He also had one of the large skulls, named Golden Sister of the Moon. Jeff was so kind to let us spend a night with these two Himalayan crystal skulls. Working with these three crystal skulls confirmed our impression that these are not contemporary skulls [see Plate 6].

  Fig. 13. HeartStar, one of the Himalayan crystal skulls. Photo © Thelma Moeran

  In 2007, in a personal session with Bashar, I asked whether the Dropas truly existed. He confirmed their existence. On the question whether these beings came from Sirius, as several people believe, he said that was not the case. For some reason, he was not willing to share where they came from. According to Bashar, they are a hybrid race, created through a mixture of human and Gray DNA.23

  In summary, for us there is no doubt that the Himalayan crystal skulls are powerful crystal skulls that do not feel like recently carved skulls. I can sense that a lot of information is present, but as with all crystal skulls, the protocols to access this information are still unknown.

  Fig. 14. The British Skull, also called the Aztec Skull. Photo © Jaap van Etten

  The British Crystal Skull: Many people see the British Skull (also called the Aztec Skull) nowadays as old [see Plate 7].24 Previously it had been considered ancient. This reclassification was based on the fact that some of the teeth of this skull have tool marks, as was demonstrated during research done by the British Museum.25 However, these tool marks may have been made in a later phase in an attempt to improve the “quality” of the skull and thus its value. This skull, made from a single piece of clear quartz, has been in exhibition in the British Museum in London, England, since 1898. Probably the skull was acquired by Eugène Boban while he was in Mexico (1862–1867). The skull ended up at Tiffany & Co. in New York, who sold it to the British Museum in 1898 for 120 pounds. The skull is regularly on display in the British Museum and attracts many visitors.

  The British Skull was compared with the Mitchell-Hedges Skull in a study that was published in July 1936 in a scientific magazine called MAN. The study suggested that the British Skull had dimensions that were very close to those of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. It has been suggested that the skull could be seen as a simple copy of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, which does not feel to me to be correct. If the Mitchell-Hedges Skull was the model for the British Skull, it brings up an interesting point. The British Skull, was found earlier than the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, if we are to believe the Lubaantun story. So how could the Mitchell-Hedges Skull have been a model for the British Skull? Or is it coincidence that those two skulls are so similar?

  My personal experience with the British Skull has helped me to psychically get an answer to this question for myself. In 1997, I went to the Museum of Mankind in London specifically for the British Museum crystal skull (the crystal skull is now in the British Museum itself and no longer in the department that was called the Museum of Mankind). I spent many hours in front of the showcase the crystal skull was displayed in. The deeper I connected with this crystal skull, the more I was convinced that this was not a recently carved crystal skull, even though tool marks have been found. I strongly felt that this skull was part of one of the groups of thirteen skulls that were carved after the disappearance of Atlantis and that the crystal skulls in this group were separated from each other a long time ago.

  I experienced the British crystal skull as a healing skull. This feeling was confirmed when I realized that a pain in my right knee that had been quite serious had disappeared. The same was true for a pain in my lower back. Needless to say, I loved that crystal skull! I also felt that this skull had been used in many different ceremonies. In the ceremonies I could “see,” often light was used.

  Based on the energies I have felt with this crystal skull and the information I have gathered over time, I believe that this crystal skull was made early after the destruction of Atlantis (see Part 3). Its shape was based on one of the singing crystal skulls. According to the images I saw in my mind’s eye when I was with the skull, there were thirteen of these crystal skulls carved to duplicate the crystal skulls that once existed in Atlantis.

  Fig. 15. The Paris Skull is quite primitive and has a hole cut from top to bottom. Original source unknown

  The Paris Skull: According to the generally accepted story, the Paris Skull was also acquired by Eugène Boban at the same time he acquired the British Skull while he was in Mexico.26 This skull is quite primitive and has a hole cut from top to bottom. It is believed that this hole was made later to hold a Christian cross and that it was not part of the original carving. The Paris Skull is in the collection of the Trocadéro Museum in Paris, France, hence its name. It was purchased from Eugène Boban by Alphonse Pinart, who donated the skull in 1878 to the Musee de l’Homme (Trocadéro Museum). Like the British Skull, this crystal skull is also called the Aztec Skull, but many who have researched the skull believe it to be much older than the Aztec or Mayan civilizations. Chuck Pelton mentions that this skull is believed to be ancient, whereas Joshua Shapiro calls the skull old.27

  Fig. 16. Windsong, a very primitively carved skull. Photo © Floyd Petri

  Windsong: Another crystal skull that is considered old is Windsong.28 It is a very primitively carved skull. The current caretaker, Floyd Petri
, bought the skull in a crystal store in Austin, Texas. He was attracted to this shop and kept asking for a crystal skull. Finally, the storekeeper gave in and showed Floyd the crystal skull that now is called Windsong. It is a human-sized skull, which, according to various psychics, was carved by a blind craftsman in the 1700s. According to psychics, an extraterrestrial being called Windsong resides inside this skull.

  Joky van Dieten and her skulls other than E.T.: In 2001, the crystal skulls that are part of the collection of Joky van Dieten were tested in Austria by Dr. Rudolf Distelberger, a foremost world expert on stones and precious gemstones. Dr. Distelberger did several tests and concluded that Joky’s skulls were all at least five hundred years old. That makes them all at least old skulls. In my opinion, they are all ancient crystal skulls that are fully activated. The Jesuit may actually be the youngest of them. Here follows a short description of the other crystal skulls of which Joky van Dieten is the caretaker.

  Fig. 17. Baby Luv, a rose quartz crystal skull. Photo © Jaap van Etten

  Baby Luv is a rose quartz skull that was offered to Joky in March 1993 by a legally appointed executor of wills who had to divide up a Russian estate for underage heirs.29 The skull had been found in the early 1900s in a burial mound near Lvov (Ukraine) by an old Russian monk. It dates back to the Scythian Age (B.C. 700 to about 330 A.D.). The skull was found lying beside a row of gold art objects for which these Russian steppe people are famous. The monks kept the rose quartz skull for two hundred years before it came into the hands of a Russian family. The monks themselves were convinced that the skull, although used by the Scythians, in reality belonged to the much older Cimmerians. This information ties in with the intuitive feeling that this is an ancient skull.

  Connecting with this skull was a powerful experience — it was almost intoxicating. I did not receive any information while sitting with this crystal skull. The energies were so wonderful that I came back to it over and over. I feel that it has quite a story to share, but at the time I was unable to move from feeling and enjoying energies into a state of translating what I felt into words. There probably also are protocols in place with this skull, a set of defined steps that seem to have been used when information was programmed in old and ancient crystal skulls.

  Fig. 18. Shui Ting Er, an amazonite skull. Photo © Jaap van Etten

  Shui Ting Er is an amazonite skull that originated from Southwest Mongolia, near the Chinese border.30 It was discovered there 140 years ago by a Chinese archaeologist named Yeng Fo Huu. In the 1930s, a Danish missionary, Pastor Utkielen, was able to buy this unique skull from the archaeologist’s family. Pastor Utkielen’s family offered Joky the skull in 1992.

  Fig. 19. The Jesuit, a clear quartz crystal skull. Photo © Joky van Dieten

  The Jesuit is made of clear quartz crystal.31 It came into Joky’s possession in August 1993, when it was offered to her by the abbot of an American monastery that urgently needed money. It is thought to have a connection with St. Francis of Assisi, who is well-known for his love of animals. The skull has been known since 1534, but it felt to me to be around eighteen hundred years old. According to Joky, this is in alignment with what other people have felt. To me, the Jesuit feels like a healing skull. I love to sit with this skull and to feel how my heart opens. The Jesuit contributes to the healing process of the person who works with it. It also stimulates the healing abilities of the person who connects with it.

  Fig. 20. Mansur, a skull made from lapis lazuli. Photo © Joky van Dieten

  Mansur is a skull made from lapis lazuli.32 It was discovered in 1995 in the area of the Amazon rain forest by a north Peruvian Inca tribe. Tuki, the spiritual leader of the tribe, told how they had placed the skull in a cave to cleanse it before handing it over. They were convinced that the skull would be of more benefit to them if they gave it to Joky.

  Fig. 21. Oceana, a skull made from beryl. Photo © Joky van Dieten

  Oceana is a skull made from beryl.33 It has the green-blue color of the sea, thus its name. The skull seems to have been passed from one tribe to another, ranging from Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and others, before finally coming into the possession of an Indian from a small village in the Brazilian Amazon rain forest. He offered it to Joky in 1997.

  Fig. 22. Magnificent Fire, a crystal skull made of jasper. Photo © Joky van Dieten

  Magnificent Fire is a skull made of jasper.34 It is one of Joky’s more recent skulls, acquired in 2002. It was found in Colombia in a cave near the border of Ecuador, close to the Citadel Saphadana near the Rio d’Oro.

  Fig. 23. Clouds, a clear quartz skull. Photo © Joky van Dieten

  Clouds is a clear quartz skull that seems to have been smuggled from a monastery in Nepal.35 It was bought by Robert Rhodes in 2002. Robert heard of Joky’s peace mission, and they both felt that this skull should be part of this mission.36

  Peru Skull (not pictured): On his website, Joshua Shapiro reports an interview with Willaru Huayta, a spiritual messenger of the Incas. While traveling in the northern part of Peru, Huayta spent some time with an Indian tribe called the Compas. They started to trust him and one day showed him a crystal skull that was hidden in a cave. The Compa people intuitively knew it was a sacred object, but they did not know what it was used for. They wanted some suggestions from Huayta, but he did not know crystal skulls either. Huayta felt that the crystal skull was used for magnetic healing and contained a very loving energy as well as great wisdom. He felt as if this was a crystallized mind.37

  This crystal skull is different from the crystal skull in Peru mentioned by Nick Nocerina, listed under the singing skulls.38 Huayta described the skull as being made from clear quartz with blue in the eyes and on top of the head. The Peru Skull is human-sized and has good workmanship.

  Fig. 24. El-Aleator (right) and El Za Ra (left). Photo © Spiegelbeeld, the Netherlands.

  El-Aleator and El Za Ra: These two small skulls are 1 1/2 x 2 inches, are made from clear quartz and have some very special characteristics.39 Susan Isabelle Boynton became the caretaker of these two remarkable little skulls in 2000. She was gifted one when she was in Belize, and a couple of days later she found the other. These two skulls belong together. They have a flat back, and when you put the backs together, they form a perfect human heart shape. They also have a brain that is clearly visible. The energy of these two skulls is very powerful. Susan Isabelle uses the two skulls in her work as a healer, teacher and workshop facilitator.

  Fig. 25. Ti (on the right) and Bet (left). Photo © Amayra Hamilton

  Ti and Bet: In this list, I want to include two skulls that, although small, are interesting, fully activated skulls. The caretakers are myself and my wife Jeanne. Both skulls were a gift from a friend who bought them in a crystal shop in Pune, India. They were said to come from Tibet. One is made from clear quartz and is called Ti; the smaller one is made from citrine and is called Bet. Ti feels to sensitive people to be older and is estimated to be around 1700 years old. Bet is believed to be younger than that and is estimated to be around 750 years [see Plate 8].

  The images I receive when I meditate with them are quite similar. Both seem to have been used in a shamanic way. They were part of healing ceremonies and were used to charge medicine made from herbs. In more recent times, they have been placed on family altars. The difference between Ti and Bet is not so much how they were used but more by whom they were used. With Ti I have seen and sensed men, whereas with Bet I feel women.

  Fig. 26. Three fully activated crystal skulls from Nepal. Photo © Amayra Hamilton

  The crystal skulls from Nepal: The last example of fully activated crystal skulls is a group of three rather small crystal skulls that came from Nepal, of which I and my wife are the caretakers. I bought all three skulls from the same seller through eBay. He had more crystal skulls than the three I bought, but only these three had a special energy that raised my curiosity, so I acquired them. When they arrived in April 2007, it was immediately clear that all three were fully act
ivated crystal skulls. However, feeling into their history, they obviously were not very old. A smoky crystal skull of 2.4 inches was estimated to be 114 years old, a clear quartz crystal skull of 1.8 inches to be 76 years old and a clear quartz 3 inch crystal skull to be 87 years old [see Plate 9]. According to the traditional definitions, they would not be considered old.

  Meditating with these three crystal skulls gave some interesting impressions. They have been connected with powerful energies. The images I perceived showed that they had been with a group of thirteen crystal skulls. Based on the energies I perceived, this group could have been the group of thirteen singing crystal skulls under the Potala in Tibet (see the chapters of Part 3). All three crystal skulls have been with monks who meditated with them. They used the information downloaded in the little skulls by the singing skulls as a guiding force for their spiritual path. I felt that both the two small crystal skulls have been used by one monk only, whereas the energy connected with the three-inch crystal skull and the images I saw suggested that during a certain period of time several monks used this crystal skull.

  I was unable at the time of this writing to perceive any more information. It seems that these three crystal skulls were supposed to have stayed with monks or in monasteries. Why they ended up in two stores in Kathmandu in Nepal I do not know. The seller found them in these two stores and thought they were recently carved like all the others he found.

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