Crystal Skulls

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Crystal Skulls Page 7

by Jaap van Etten

  * Sherry Whitfield Merrell: She sells crystal skulls via her and Synergy’s website,, and via her eBay store,

  * Another way to find crystal skulls is via online auctions on eBay ( Here, other sellers sell wonderful crystal skulls. We have bought crystal skulls from sellers at eBay, but we are less familiar with them than the sellers mentioned above.

  2 Joshua Shapiro and DesyRainbow Roodnat-Shapiro, Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers, e-book. (See for more information.)

  Part 2: The Crystal Skull Energies

  This section looks at the different types of energy that are connected with crystal skulls. Although some information is scientific, there is also much information that is not based on current scientific paradigms. A discussion about the energies of crystal skulls is essential for a deeper understanding of them. As I said before, it will not be possible to understand crystal skulls based on a scientific approach only. This means that much of the information presented in Part 2 is based on experiences and psychic methods. This requires that readers feel for themselves what they choose to believe or not. It also invites them to actively participate in the journey of discovering the different energies connected with crystal skulls. Hopefully this will lead to more studies on the energies of crystal skulls to allow us a deeper understanding of this phenomenon.

  Chapter 5

  The Different Energies Connected with Crystal Skulls

  Everything is energy. The world, the whole universe consists of energies vibrating at different frequencies. Thanks to Einstein, we know that even solid matter is energy. Energies can be separated into the energies belonging to what the physicist David Bohm calls the explicate order, the world of the visible, and the energies of the world of the invisible, the implicate order.1 The world of the explicate order is the world we know as our physical world. We perceive this world with our physical senses. This is the world that most people believe is all there is.

  Many people believe that what we perceive is the complete world, although we are beginning to realize that this perception and belief is an illusion. Our senses only register that aspect of the physical reality which falls within the range of what our senses can perceive — everything outside of that “does not exist.” We live in the illusion that what we perceive is all there is.

  But reality is more than what our five senses perceive — for example, humans hear a different range of frequencies than, for instance, a dog. Furthermore, how our brain interprets the signals and information is colored by our beliefs. Our belief structures determine the interpretation of reality. For that reason, different people will often describe an event differently. In the interpretation of all the signals that reach their brain, they bring different accents into what actually happened, sometimes leading to dramatic differences in their stories of the event. Understanding that many of the differences that seem to exist are only reflecting peoples’ different ways of perceiving the same world can help us to honor these differences and learn from them.

  Quantum physics and people like David Bohm help us to see that the only way to truly understand the world we live in is by including the implicate order, the unseen world, the world of subtle energies. It is my belief that we cannot understand crystal skulls without including the subtle energies, the implicate order of the world. Up until now, the world of subtle energies has been mainly the world of psychics and seers. Increasingly, it is also the world of quantum physics.

  Understanding the concept of energies is important to understanding ourselves and the way we interact with our environment. Being energy beings, the only true healing comes from energy healing. There is an increasing awareness that the healing of the future will be energy, or vibration, healing.

  To understand the phenomenon of crystal skulls, we have to look at their energetic aspects. Research on the energies of crystal skulls is only in its beginning phase. However, it is important to at least summarize the most important aspects of the crystal skull energies. We will look at the following types of energies that are connected to crystal skulls:

  The energies of the electromagnetic field around crystal skulls.

  Piezoelectric energy, which is mostly known in relation to quartz crystal skulls.

  The energy fields around crystal skulls that I call polyhedral fields.

  The energy (frequencies) of crystal skulls that makes them resonate with the original thirteen skulls. (These energies will be the subject of Part 3 of this book.)

  We will also look at how we can interact with these different crystal skull energies and what their effects are on human beings.

  Crystals as Tools for Healing

  We know that every physical object, whether it is “alive” according to biological terms or not, has an electromagnetic field. It may be weak, but as long as electrons move, there is a current and consequently electricity, and thus also a magnetic field. Every type of energy will resonate with similar energies or the overtones of these energies. We, as human beings, have electromagnetic fields that relate to all levels of activity within our system.

  Part of balancing the functions of the activities in our physical system is through energy medicine, or vibrational healing. Many people believe that when one or more of their systems are out of balance, crystals and crystal skulls can provide an energy field that contributes to the balancing of these systems. When people use crystals and crystal skulls as tools for healing, they rarely specify the type of energies they work with. Another issue is that there is hardly any scientific research done that demonstrates that crystals and crystals skulls do indeed have an effect on the human energy system.

  There are an increasing number of signs indicating that energy healing may be the answer to many problems our current medical institutions are unable to resolve. The disadvantages of chemical treatments are more than apparent and alternatives are needed. It would be wonderful if crystals and crystal skulls would be included as tools in energy healing. At the moment, the regular medical world is still skeptical, although we see that some energy healing modalities are entering some institutions. It is likely that crystals and crystal skulls will play their role in the future of energy medicine.

  Science tends to believe that the effects people experience with crystals and crystal skulls are due to a placebo effect. This is one way of perceiving positive effects. However, any positive change is a change for the better and will make it easier to continue to create more changes. Fundamentally, it does not make a difference what causes a positive change. What does make a difference is whether the change leads to a change in beliefs, because only then can the change become permanent instead of temporary.

  Based on my observations, I believe that crystals and crystal skulls have many positive effects on people. However, there are claims about the healing powers of crystals that in my opinion border on irresponsibility. Illnesses are not cured by putting a crystal or crystal skull in your pocket. It is more complicated and more subtle than that. The fact that different people in the crystal field describe different effects from the same type of crystal is for me an indication that we have to be very careful with what we say.

  Often we do not (yet) fully understand all the energetic effects of crystals and crystal skulls on our complex human energy system. Crystal skulls and crystals can support us in many ways, but they never take over our responsibilities. They are a divine gift, and no divine gift will ever take away our free will. So I urgently request the reader to never give your power away to any tool, as wonderful as that tool may be. You always remain responsible for every choice, every belief you have and every creation in your life.

  The Electromagnetic Field Around Crystal Skulls

  As far as I know, there are no published studies of the electromagnetic fields of crystal skulls. I did some preliminary studies that, although they’ve so far been done on a small scale, are worthwhile to share. The method I us
ed in these studies was Resonance Field ImagingTM.2

  Resonance Field ImagingTM (RFITM) is a method to help us understand the energies around human beings, plants, animals and objects. It can also measure ambient energy, the energy of the surroundings. RFITM is defined as an experimental electromagnetic feedback and imaging process. It gives detailed scientific information and objective interpretations for all auras and bioenergy fields. It even identifies the type and function of all bioenergies present in specific regions of the human brain. RFITM is a method or process that requires copyrighted materials and is driven by an intricate system of calculations and formulas.3 It is based on the principle that every living and nonliving object has an electromagnetic field around it.

  To measure electromagnetic energies, a counter is used that measures these frequencies in the range from 1 MHz to 3 GHz. Different frequency ranges are connected to one of fifteen basic colors, which describe the quality of the energies. Based on data collected over many years, a computer program has been developed to analyze the frequencies that are measured around a human being. This will give information about the physical condition, the psychological condition and the condition of the chakras of the measured person.

  I selected this system to help me to understand more of the electromagnetic energy system of crystal skulls. I started the measurements of our crystal skulls on the deck of our house in Clarkdale, Arizona, in front of the window of the room in which our large collection of skulls (over 130) were standing in a circle. Each crystal skull tested was placed on a table facing away from the house. This meant that the back of the skull was facing toward the house. The frequencies were measured at four distances on five sides of the skull: the right side, the left side, in front, in back and above the skull. The distances were two inches, four inches, eight inches and twelve inches. The measured frequencies at the four distances were averaged for each of the five sides of the skull. These averages form the data I have worked with to indicate the main frequencies we experience with that crystal skull in that place in that position. I used this method to measure twenty-three crystal skulls of different sizes and materials.

  I organized the measured crystal skulls into three groups. The first group was formed by quartz crystal skulls with a size close to six inches and larger (up to eight inches for a dark amethyst skull). In this group were clear quartz, smoky quartz, citrine, rose quartz and amethyst. The second group was formed by crystal skulls carved from quartz with a size from three to four inches. The third group was formed by skulls that were made of material other than quartz and their size was around six inches. The results are summarized in Table 1. In this table, I have given the total range of the frequencies in megahertz measured at each of the five sides. For the three groups, I have also given the range of frequencies as the percentage of the total range of frequencies of all skulls studied (“Total” in the table).

  Table 1. Measured frequencies in megahertz at five places around crystal skulls, which are organized in three groups: eight large quartz crystal skulls (six to eight inches), eight small crystal skulls (three to four inches) and seven large crystal skulls carved out of materials other than quartz (around six inches). Measurements have been given as the total range of frequencies measured for all skulls and for each of the three groups. For the three groups, the range of frequencies is also given as a percentage of the total range of all measured skulls.

  The results indicate that all crystal skulls show the same basic pattern. There are rather high frequencies at the right and the left side, lower frequencies in the front and in the back, and the lowest frequencies above the skulls. When we look at the range of the measured frequencies, those at the left side are smaller than those of the other four sides. The range of frequencies (frequency band) on the left side falls completely within the range of the frequencies on the right side. In the group of the smaller quartz crystal skulls and the non-quartz crystal skulls, the measured range of frequencies of the front, back and above have no overlap at all. With the large quartz skulls, there are small overlaps. The range of frequencies of the small quartz skulls is the smallest, the range of frequencies of the large quartz skulls is the largest and the range of frequencies of the crystal skulls made of other materials is in between. The smaller quartz skulls, independent of the type of quartz they are made from, have a rather narrow range of frequencies which may indicate that they are more specific or maybe more restricted in their function than the larger quartz skulls. The crystal skulls made from other materials than quartz also seem to be more specific than the large quartz crystal skulls.

  When a crystal skulls was measured a couple of times within a period of one to two weeks, most of the variation between these measurements was found in the front, the back and above, hardly in the right and left sides. I realized that the energy field of the crystal skulls in the room behind the crystal skull that I measured had a strong influence on the energy at the back, front and top. This energy field may have influenced the measurements. I suspected that the measured crystal skulls were interacting with the energy field created by the skulls in the room behind them. Each crystal skull was interacting with this field of the group of skulls in the room in a slightly different way. Consequently, the measurements in the back, front and above had a wider variation than the measurements at the right and left sides.

  The results that I describe above were in the first instance disappointing. I expected large differences between the different skulls. However, that was not what I found. Actually, the similarity between the different skulls was rather striking. I had to measure quite a number of crystal skulls before I began to see a pattern.

  These results brought up a question: What would the frequencies be if the measurements were done at other locations? So I selected a few other places to compare the frequencies with the ones I measured on the balcony of our house in Clarkdale. I selected two other places: one was on a picnic table in Dead Horse Ranch State Park in Cottonwood, Arizona (about a mile from our house as the crow flies), and the other was inside a building in a session room at Angel Valley Spiritual Retreat Center in Sedona (sixteen miles from our house). I also took Sam (our large clear quartz crystal skull) to two additional places, both located in the red rock area of Sedona: one near Devil’s Bridge and the other one on top of a small hill in front of Chimney Rock. Table 2 summarizes the results:

  Table 2. Comparison of frequencies and frequency ranges indicated in megahertz of five places around crystal skulls in five different locations in Arizona.

  The results show some interesting patterns. In the first place, it becomes clear that the difference between locations is larger than the variation within a location. The results are remarkable at the Dead Horse Ranch State Park in the second column. Here the five places measured around the crystal skulls did not show as much variation as in other locations. In that particular situation, there was no specific energy source in the area influencing the measurement. This was not the case in the session room at Angel Valley. In this room, there are all kinds of objects that create energy fields, similar to the situation at the balcony of our house where we have the energy field induced by the crystal skulls in the room behind the measured crystal skull.

  In general, it seems that the measurements taken in a natural environment (Dead Horse Ranch State Park and the two locations in Sedona) show less variation between the five places around a crystal skull than in the measurements done inside or close to a house. This does not mean that results within one place do not differ; we saw that already with the results presented in Table 1. This is confirmed when we look at the clear quartz crystal skull Sam measured at different times [see Table 3].

  Table 3. Measurements of the clear quartz crystal skull Sam at different times in the same position at the same place (on the balcony of our house in Clarkdale, Arizona).

  The results show that there is variation in frequencies at the same location at different moments. However, this variation does not change the overall pattern. Th
e differences are also much smaller than the differences between locations.

  Another interesting aspect is the degree of variation between the different sides of the skulls. In Table 2 we see that near our house the larger variations are found in front, back and above the skull. At Dead Horse Ranch State Park, the largest variation was found at the left side, whereas the variation at the left side was still rather small on the balcony at our house. At Angel Valley in the session room, the largest variation was found at the back and also at the left. I mentioned already that these variations could be induced by an energy source that comes from a certain direction, like the circle of crystal skulls in our house. At Angel Valley, it was most likely the collection of essential oils and certain crystals in the room. To test this idea, Sam was measured in three different positions at the same location, again at our house in Clarkdale. The standard position we had been using was the skull facing south, away from the house. The skull was turned 90 degrees facing east and then 180 degrees facing north (toward the house). The following results were obtained [see Table 4].

  Table 4. Measurements of the electromagnetic energies in the megahertz range around the crystal skull Sam on the balcony of our house in Clarkdale, Arizona, with Sam placed with its face turned toward different directions.

  The results confirm the idea that energy fields may influence the measured frequencies. There is a similar pattern with the skull in the standard position (facing south) and when the skull is turned 180 degrees. In both cases, the right and left sides have the highest frequencies, and those frequencies are in the same range. However, when the skull is turned 90 degrees, the results are different. Now the frequencies of the front and back look more like the frequencies of the left and right side of the previous positions, whereas the frequencies of the left and right go more in the direction of the frequencies of the front and back. The frequencies measured above seem to be more determined by what happens at the front and back than by what happens at the right and left side. The results presented in Table 4 seem to confirm the idea that a source of energy influences the measurements around a crystal skull. To what degree different types of crystal skulls influence the energies induced by the environment and what the determining factors for these influences may be is at the moment still unclear.


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