Crystal Skulls

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Crystal Skulls Page 8

by Jaap van Etten

  Summarizing, we can draw a few conclusions. When we measure the electromagnetic frequencies in the megahertz range around crystal skulls, it becomes clear that although there are differences between skulls, these differences are not very large. These small differences seem to be influenced by size and by the material the crystal skull is carved from. The differences in frequencies between crystal skulls measured in one location are surely smaller than the differences in frequencies found between different locations. When we look at the differences between crystal skulls, we notice that the differences are the largest between large quartz skulls (skulls of six to eight inches), less between smaller quartz skulls (three to four inches), and in between those two groups for large crystals skulls made from material other than quartz.

  Earlier I mentioned that crystal skulls are reflectors. The measurement of the electromagnetic energies around crystal skulls seems to indicate that the measured frequencies reflect the environment more than the energies of the crystal skull itself. In that sense, crystal skulls are truly reflectors of their environment. It is only a small step from here to believe that when we hold a crystal skull, we are the environment — or at least the most determining energy factor in the environment — and consequently the crystal skull will reflect us to ourselves.

  Piezoelectricity and Crystals

  To understand some of the characteristics of crystal skulls, it is important to include a phenomenon called piezoelectricity. Although piezoelectricity is mainly used in technology, it is also used, often unconsciously, when we work with crystal skulls. Let us first look at what piezo-

  electricity is.

  Piezoelectricity was discovered by Pierre Curie in 1883, and its name is derived from the Greek word piezin, which means to squeeze or press. When mechanical stress is applied to a crystal, it produces a voltage across the material. So a piezoelectric crystal can produce an electrical field. In reverse, an electrical field creates a mechanical deformation in crystals. This means that especially quartz crystals provide a convenient transducer effect between electrical and mechanical oscillations.

  For this reason, piezoelectricity is applied in many technologies. In many of these technological devices, quartz has been used. Nowadays, many ceramic materials that exhibit piezoelectric qualities have been developed. The technologies in which piezoelectricity is used include sonar, watches, radio, television and many more. Quartz crystals are also used in the transducer probes of ultrasound machines.

  Not all crystals and thus crystal skulls exhibit piezoelectricity. Only those crystals that do not have a center of symmetry exhibit it. Most people believe that it is only quartz that exhibits piezoelectric qualities, but that is not true. There are twenty-one crystal classes that exhibit piezoelectricity. The term “crystal class” comes from the discipline of crystallography, which has developed a descriptive terminology that is applied to crystals and crystal features in order to describe their structure, symmetry and shape.

  This terminology defines the crystal lattice, which provides a mineral with its ordered internal structure, and it also describes various types of symmetry. By considering what type of symmetry a mineral species possesses, the species may be categorized as a member of one of six crystal systems and one of thirty-two crystal classes. Of all crystals that exhibit piezoelectricity, quartz and Rochelle salt exhibit the strongest. Piezoelectricity is also found in many crystals that are part of our human system. Bone has piezoelectric characteristics — at least dry bone. Whether bone in life circumstances shows the same characteristics is still a debate.

  In general, it is believed that many different electromagnetic frequencies will induce a piezoelectric effect in crystals. This means that even our thoughts can create this phenomenon, because our thoughts have an electromagnetic frequency. Several of the characteristics described for crystal skulls and crystals are based on piezoelectric qualities. For example, there is a belief that when you meditate with a crystal skull and send out a certain intention, it will help you because the crystal skull will strengthen that intention. But the intention has a certain electromagnetic frequency that will “de-form” the crystal. This means that it will then send out again the same frequencies to you, helping you to intensify your intent.

  This will be true for all crystal skulls that are made from material that has piezoelectric qualities. This means they will be the strongest for crystal skulls made from quartz. Realize that this principle is different from programming a crystal skull, as we mentioned in Part 1. That is based on the ability of crystal skulls to store information.

  Activation and Polyhedral Fields

  An important part of the work with crystals and crystal skulls involves activation. You hear people say they have fully activated their crystal skull or crystal. In the initial period, when I was becoming more acquainted with crystal skulls and crystals, I was always puzzled by what exactly they mean by “fully activated.” As I perceived it, the crystals or crystal skulls that people called fully activated had different levels of energy. However, at that time I had no way to understand the differences I perceived.

  Many years back, during a healing session, I perceived certain instabilities in the aura of a person that seemed to be different from anything I had experienced so far. I had no idea what it meant, let alone how to work with it, so I asked my guides for help. In those days, my attempts to connect with my guides did not always result in a clear answer or understanding; sometimes it led to even more confusion. However, this was one of the times that I did receive a clear answer.

  My guides showed me that besides the energy bodies that exist around the physical body, there are frequency bands around a human being. There are many of those frequency bands (more than a hundred) and consequently they are not easily perceived. They also showed me that these fields have a geometric structure, consisting of sometimes irregularly shaped triangles, squares and pentagons of various sizes. There are many of these geometric forms in a field — these are called polyhedral fields. They told me that if any of these fields is out of balance, it will create imbalance in a person, be it on an emotional or mental level. I was challenged to see and describe something I had not heard about before, so I asked several psychics. They could feel the truth, even sense the presence of these polyhedral fields, but like me, they had difficulty seeing all the details.

  One day, while I was meditating on the subject of the activation of crystal skulls, the memory of polyhedral fields being shown to me suddenly came back. A rush of energy told me I was on the right track. Since then, a lot of time and energy has been spent on understanding the phenomenon of polyhedral fields (PHFs) in relation to crystal skulls and crystals. Although the system of PHFs is something not everybody may be able to relate to, it has significantly helped me to understand activation, the differences between crystals and crystal skulls, the differences between contemporary and ancient crystal skulls, and the interaction of our consciousness with crystal skulls. Sharing about PHFs may lead to a deeper understanding of activation and the energy systems of crystal skulls in general.

  In Fig. 29, part of a polyhedral field has been drawn. A PHF is not a static field but a dynamic one. It resonates within a certain frequency range, and because of this dynamic characteristic, the qualities and colors change constantly. In a human being, there are so many PHFs that so far I have not been able to distinguish the many layers. With crystal skulls and crystals, the situation is simpler. Over time I discovered that there is a maximum of only twelve PHFs connected with crystal skulls and crystals.

  Fig. 29. A part of a polyhedral field (PHF) to show the variation in the size and the shape of the faces that form the PHF. Image © Joyha Baker

  Although distinguishing between the separate PHFs of crystal skulls is easier than with human beings, the activated PHFs form a dynamic whole and the frequencies and colors depend on our interactions with them. When you pick up a crystal skull or crystal, there is an immediate change in it due to your interaction. When you focus
on a crystal skull or crystal, the energy changes even more. This means that it requires training and perseverance to study the PHFs of crystal skulls.

  In the initial phase, I was mainly focused on the question of how many PHFs a particular crystal skull or crystal has. In those days, our crystal skulls were not yet very active, so I discovered that crystal skulls hardly ever have more than nine PHFs. I never found a crystal skull larger than about two inches that had less than six PHFs. I also found that crystals that had never been worked with or worked with only minimally had a lower number of PHFs than crystal skulls, but the number was never below four PHFs. It seemed that the basic number of PHFs of crystal skulls was higher than that of crystals. The smaller crystal skulls (less than two inches) formed an exception — most of them only had four PHFs. I used to joke that they looked like crystal skulls, but they were not — at least not when you looked at them from an energetic point of view. Later we learned that through activation they could still make the “jump” to crystal skulls. Let me explain what this jump is.

  One day I had the opportunity to look at the number of PHFs of a crystal before it was carved. I followed the process until the skull was finished [see Plates 12–15]. This confirmed what earlier observations suggested: When a crystal is carved into a crystal skull, the number of PHFs increases from four to at least six or from five to at least seven. This change induces a shift in the energies that moves the new skull from the collective crystal energy field into the collective crystal skull energy field.

  Most people are familiar with the collective unconsciousness. This is a term first used by the German psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. However, there are many collective fields. Every animal has a collective field. Humans know many collective fields. One of the smaller collective fields is that of a family. Another small collective field that is temporary is the collective field created during a workshop. The only way to create a collective field is when there are energies that are similar and that are shared in one way or another. In this way, crystals form a field (with subfields like clear quartz and lapis lazuli) and crystal skulls form a field. The collective crystal field and the collective crystal skull field share a part of their fields. This part is represented by the energies of the first four PHFs and some of the fifth PHF [see Fig. 30]. The collective crystal skull field has several subfields, which we’ll look at later.

  Fig. 30. A symbolic representation of the collective crystal field, the collective crystal skull field and the area of energies they share together. Image © Joyha Baker

  Once Jeanne and I understood the principle of the PHFs as a system of measuring the level of activation, a new phase in our work with crystal skulls began. Before I describe that phase, I would like to answer a question people regularly ask me: “How do you know how many PHFs a crystal skull or crystal has?” It is not easy to answer this question, in the same way as it is not easy to answer how I know the condition of somebody’s chakras. As with chakras, the first step is the acceptance that something exists. If you do not believe PHFs exist, you will never be able to feel them or sense them or dowse them.

  For some people, the easiest way to define the number of PHFs and/or the number of sublevels is by dowsing them. The other way is to develop your sensitivity so you can literally see them or feel them or simply know how many there are. As with everything in life, it is a matter of training — in this case, of your intuition and sensitivity. My way is to connect with the crystal skull or crystal. I feel the vibration, and due to my training, I immediately recognize the level of vibration and the number of PHFs that are connected to that level. It has become almost as easy as looking at a flower and knowing the color or as looking at a chakra and knowing the main aspects of its condition.

  For a long time, our focus was on raising the number of PHFs. Soon it became clear that a crystal skull did not immediately move from one PHF to the next, despite our intent and attempts to activate it. Two things were discovered: In the first place, the level of activation depended more on us than on the crystal skull. We needed to be ready before we could move the number of PHFs to a higher level. Secondly, we discovered that each PHF has sublevels, or frequency bands. The number of these sublevels was again twelve. This means that there are in total 144 (12 x 12) levels of vibration belonging to a crystal skull and to a crystal. I have never seen a crystal lower than PHF 4 sublevel 3, and I have never seen a crystal skull lower than PHF 6 sublevel 3.

  Working with the different PHFs and their sublevels helped us to understand activation. It became clear that Jeanne and I could increase the number of PHFs through intent. However, we could not activate all PHFs and their sublevels at once. We could not go beyond the number of PHFs and their vibration that our consciousness at that moment could connect with. Regularly meditating with the crystal skulls and each time connecting with the highest level of activation slowly increased the number of PHFs and at the same time expanded our consciousness.

  I call the activation that leads to an increase in number of PHFs or their sublevels vertical activation. Within each sublevel, there is an activation of all the potential of that sublevel. This kind of activation I called horizontal activation. It is possible to use vertical activation even when the horizontal activation is not completed. However, a certain amount of horizontal activation is needed before the next step in vertical activation. Otherwise, the vertical activation becomes very difficult, if not impossible.

  For the next couple of years, we activated our crystal skulls step by step to higher levels. Our activation was based on intent. Our intent was to activate a crystal skull to the next sublevel, and we did that as often as we needed to allow our consciousness to expand enough to induce the activation to that next level. As the number of PHFs increased, the size of the energy field they created also increased.

  The activation worked all the way until we had activated a number of our contemporary crystal skulls to PHF 12 sublevel 3. Then I got stuck. Whatever my intent was, there was no longer an increase in the frequencies of the sublevels. It took awhile before I found out what was going on. To understand what happened, we needed to look first at the ancient crystal skulls.

  Initially, I thought that ancient crystal skulls were also not completely activated. Whenever I worked with an ancient crystal skull, I could experience only a certain number of the PHFs. It took me a long time to realize that this had nothing to do with the level of activation of the skull but with my state of awareness. I could not experience, sense and see those higher levels, because I was not yet able to connect with them. For that reason, it took me many years before I realized that ancient and old skulls (at least the ones I am familiar with) are actually activated on all 144 levels. I realized this the moment I made a deep connection with our small fully activated crystal skull Ti [see Plate 8]. I will never forget the experience of intense happiness that came with this connection. Let me share how that happened.

  I mentioned earlier that we are the caretakers of two small fully activated crystal skulls, Ti and Bet. For me, Ti is the easier one to connect with. One day I was meditating with Ti, and instead of focusing on the crystal skull and trying to read and understand the energies (which is an active meditation and a masculine approach), I moved into a state of relaxation and I felt my heart open. The best way to describe it is that I suddenly felt a deep love for this skull. It felt that the boundaries between me and the crystal skull fell away, and we merged. I felt a change in myself and experienced a deep joy.

  I knew I had made a full connection with Ti, experiencing all twelve PHFs and all 144 frequencies in their fullness. Being in that state, I suddenly knew: the last steps toward a complete activation are not done through intent but simply by becoming one with the crystal skull through a connection with the heart. It is not through action but through being (a feminine approach) that this full connection can be made. Once again, I was reminded that a state of being is more powerful than a state of action or directing. Being in that state, I also knew that all anc
ient and old crystal skulls are fully activated. I can feel the complete activation only when I connect with a crystal skull through my heart.

  Using my experience and connection with Ti as my point of reference, I was able to activate all twelve sublevels of the twelfth PHF of some of our other crystal skulls. It still required focus and a deep connection with the heart, but it was no longer out of reach. Once we had some of the crystal skulls activated over all 144 frequencies, we still had to focus on horizontal activation. The first of our skulls that became fully activated was Sam, the human-sized clear quartz crystal skull. At the time this book was completed, about 20 percent of our crystal skulls were fully activated. The other crystal skulls are at different levels in the process of activating all frequency levels both vertically and horizontally. I have noticed that it is easier for me to activate all levels of quartz crystal skulls than of those made of other materials. It makes me realize that there is still much to discover.

  The fact that I am able to activate all 144 frequencies does not mean at this point in time that I know how to access the information stored in the crystal skulls. As was mentioned in Part 1, that requires an understanding of the way the information was programmed, which is quite a different matter.


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