Crystal Skulls

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Crystal Skulls Page 13

by Jaap van Etten

  My comment: It’s the matter of the intent of the people that are now owning them and working with them.

  Bashar: “Yes. Of course. Because the intent, in that sense as they are working, will guide them to create it in a way that creates a specific vibration that is aligned with their intent.”

  Bashar is very clear that it is through intent that we can use the crystal skulls to access other dimensions, mainly other dimensions of consciousness. His comments also confirm that contemporary crystal skulls have the same potential as ancient ones. The difference is in the degree of activation and in the information that is stored in the skulls.

  * * *

  1 Brian Hadley James, ed., The Skull Speaks Through Carole Davis (Toronto: Amhrea Publishing, 1985).

  2 Ibid, 17, 23.

  3 Kathleen Murray, The Divine Spark of Creation: The Crystal Skull Speaks, boxed gift set of book and images (England: Galactic Publications, 1998).

  4 Ibid, 7.

  5 Ibid, 8.

  6 Ibid, back of cover of images.

  7 Sandra Bowen, F.R. “Nick” Nocerino and Joshua Shapiro, Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed (Pacifica, CA: J&S Aquarian Networking, 1988).

  8 Ibid, 157.

  9 Ibid, 158–205.

  10 Ibid, 160.

  11 Ibid, 161.

  12 Ibid, 163–167.

  13 Ibid, 207.

  14 Ibid, 208–216.

  15 Ibid, 208–209.

  16 Ibid, 209.

  17 Ibid, 214.

  18 Information on Monitor and Harvey Grady can be found at Books and transcripts are available through this website. Harvey Grady also has a newsletter available called Explore!, which publishes the transcripts of each weekly channeling.

  19 Harvey Grady, “Monitor Readings Update,” Explore!, Volume 1, Issue 7 (February 7, 2001): 5.

  20 Ibid.

  21 Ibid.

  22 Ibid, 6.

  23 Ibid.

  24 Ibid.

  25 This lecture is on a videotape and is part of the Lazaris Material. Crystals: The Mystery & Magic of “Ancient One” Crystals & Crystal Skulls, videocassette, directed by Michaell North (Orlando, FL: NPN Publishing, Inc., 1984). See also

  26 Ibid.

  27 Ibid.

  28 Ibid.

  29 Ibid.

  30 Ibid.

  31 Ibid.

  32 Ibid.

  33 Bashar has been channeled by Darryl Anka for more than twenty-one years. Many of the channelings are available on tape or even on DVD. See

  Part 3: The Thirteen Original Crystal Skulls

  The legend of the thirteen crystal skulls has been clearly anchored in the minds of those interested in crystal skulls. This does not mean the story is very well-known, or that it is easy to separate fact from fantasy. It is a legend, and there is no proof that it is more than that. For some people, the legend is irrelevant, but for others, the story stirs something in them. The legend is often told in slightly different ways, and it is also included in the traditions of many Native people.

  This story has fascinated me from the moment I first heard about it. It has become an important part of my journey with the crystal skulls. In this part of the book, I would like to share the stories presented by others. I would also like to give my version of the story and place it in a larger context.

  First I would like to make a comment: The information I share consists of either my beliefs or those of others. As the reader, you need to feel whether you resonate with this information. It is wonderful if you can, and if you cannot, then simply see it as another belief that may be interesting to read about.

  Chapter 8

  Pursuing the Legend of theThirteen Skulls

  My Introduction to the Legend

  The first time I came across the legend of the thirteen crystal skulls was in 1993. At that time, I was studying Native American medicine. As part of the study, I read The Medicine Way by Kenneth Meadows.1 In the chapter on “Ancient Origins,” I read that the people of the Cherokee Nation believe they originated in the Pleiades, which later I found to be a belief held by many Native tribes — not only from the Americas, but also tribes from Taiwan.2 Kenneth Meadows mentions that there is a story amongst the Cherokee teachings that says there are twelve skulls, each fashioned from a piece of solid quartz crystal. What is said to be unusual about these skulls is not just that they are the size of a human skull but that the jaw is detachable and can move, and that they “speak” or “sing.”3

  Meadows got his information from Harley Swiftdeer, a Métis Cherokee medicine man. Swiftdeer explained that according to oral Cherokee teachings, the twelve skulls in ancient times were positioned in a circle around an amethyst crystal skull (the thirteenth crystal skull) and that eight crystal wands were placed within this arrangement, one for each of the cardinal (east, south, west, north) and noncardinal (southeast, southwest, northwest, northeast) directions. He said that each of these skulls was very old and each was like a holographic computer, which held information that had been programmed into it, including knowledge about the origins, purpose and destiny of humans as well as the so-called “mysteries of life.”4

  According to Swiftdeer, the singing skulls would one day be rediscovered and brought together for their collective knowledge to be made available, but men and women would have to be sufficiently evolved so that they would not misuse it. Swiftdeer told Kenneth Meadows that according to these ancient teachings, there were twelve planets in the cosmos inhabited by humans, and souls could travel around them as they evolved. There was a crystal skull for each of these planets. Kenneth Meadows wonders whether the story is far-fetched, but he then refers to the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, which he believes can be seen as a solid confirmation that the legend has some basis.5

  I was fascinated by this story, but I had never heard of crystal skulls, so I soon forgot about it. In 1994, I visited Sedona, Arizona, and met my first crystal skull, as described in the introduction to this book. This experience did not immediately bring back the memory of what I had read in Kenneth Meadows’ book; it only induced curiosity in general and a longing to work with a crystal skull. At that time, I lived in Holland, so the only way to work with a crystal skull was to have my “own” skull.

  In June 1996, I became the caretaker of Sam (my human-sized clear quartz crystal skull). By that time, I had read many stories on crystal skulls in general and about the thirteen crystal skulls in particular. In Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed, there is a lot of information on the thirteen original skulls and variations on the theme.6 I learned that not everyone believes there are only thirteen of these crystal skulls. Sandra Bowen talks about thirty-six crystal skulls, and Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, a Mayan high priest, believes there are fifty-two original skulls.7 I also have read about other numbers. I found the variety of stories rather confusing, and it felt for me that although there seemed to be an underlying myth or legend, every vision or imagination that is shared is only another belief. After all, there is no solid proof for any of these ideas.

  Adventure in the Sierras Madres

  In 1996, I went to Mexico with three friends. Working off channeled information, we looked for possible remnants of Atlantis in the Sierras Madres, south of Durango. My friend Herman had asked me whether I had an interest in going to Mexico, showing me images of what we might discover, and I had felt a very strong energy telling me I needed to be part of this expedition. We prepared for almost two years before leaving for Mexico. We were forewarned that this trip would change our lives drastically, but this did not prevent us from looking forward to this adventure with high expectations.

  The area in the Sierras was very remote, and although we knew the coordinates and had a GPS, we got lost in the mountains, unable to reach the point that had been indicated. We were guided to camp near a couple of old wooden houses where an extended family lived. They gave us permission to stay with them for as long as we wanted, and on
e of the men offered to help us. When he was told we were looking for a special place in the mountains, he nodded and said he knew the place. We wondered how he could know — the only thing we had mentioned was “a special place.” To our utter surprise, he brought us straight to the location we had been looking for, a hike of several hours through the mountains.

  The surprise heightened our expectations, but it was followed by a deep disappointment. We did not find any physical evidence of Atlantis. What we found, however, was a place which had such a special energy that it had a profound effect on me [see Plate 21]. I was emotional, I cried and I behaved irrationally. The whole time we were in that area, I kept feeling crystal skulls and I was convinced they were there somewhere in the mountains. I wondered whether this experience was the real reason I had to come to this remote location. I felt a strong desire to go into the mountains to search for the crystal skulls, but the area was extremely rough with deep ravines, which made it impossible to go and search. We went back to the Netherlands with mixed feelings. The other members were disappointed and felt we failed, but I went back wondering what happened at this special place, longing to go back one day to find the crystal skulls I was convinced were in that remote area.

  The prediction turned out to be right: The lives of all four of us changed drastically in unexpected directions. It seems that the energies of that special place had a more profound effect on us then we realized. I cancelled five fully booked healing workshops that I was supposed to teach and withdrew into myself. Ultimately it also resulted in my divorce from my second wife, Carina.

  At the time, I did not know that my divorce would lead to another step in the direction of the thirteen original skulls. The trip to Mexico had renewed my fascination with the story of the thirteen crystal skulls. Do they really exist? Who made them, or who brought them to the Earth? Where are they?

  Searching for the Thirteen Portals

  Looking back to the years 1997 to 1998, there was one main theme in my life: experiencing the energies of the thirteen original crystal skulls. I worked with several psychic women and meditated a lot. After a while, I no longer had any doubt that the fundamental principle of “original skulls” was true. When something feels right, it feels right in my whole being. The basic principle of the existence of original crystal skulls that contained information felt right. It also felt right that the number of these crystal skulls had something to do with the number thirteen, although I knew there was more to it than a simple: “There are thirteen original crystal skulls.” At the same time, I had the feeling that once I knew more about the principle of thirteen original crystal skulls, other information would follow.

  In one of my meditations, I felt that the best approach would be to feel into portals, doorways into other realms or dimensions through which these original crystal skulls may have come to Earth. I believed that once I had established the location of these portals, I would begin to have a deeper understanding of these skulls and may even be able to experience their energies.

  It has been an interesting journey. Through a combination of meditation and virtual map dowsing — virtual dowsing is dowsing without any instruments; the instrument is you, yourself — over time thirteen places were found. I believe these are the portals through which the original crystal skulls came to Earth. My findings were confirmed by a number of psychics, who either felt similar things or could have picked up what I believed. Nonetheless, it was helpful, especially because I still had my own difficulties in believing in what I had found. For that reason, I did not share this information with people other than close friends and a year later with Jeanne, my wife-to-be. Actually, it wasn’t until 2006 before it felt right to share this information on a larger scale — after many years of endless checking, testing and meditations, first with Jeanne and later with the weekly crystal skull meditation group in our house and then even later with larger audiences.

  Initially, I only had a list of names of locations, which I finally put on a map [see Fig. 35]. During this period, I was also working with the five Platonic solids. Within each Platonic solid, all sides, all faces and all angles are the same. What differs is how many sides, faces and angles a solid has and what the form of the face is.

  Fig. 35. The location of the thirteen crystal skull portals and the lines that connect the twelve portals with the central one (the thirteenth). Image © Joyha Baker

  I made the five Platonic solids from copper wire, which I soldered together. Working with the portals and making Platonic solids simultaneously obviously did something with me. I could wake up in the middle of the night and see a symbol, and then hear that I needed to make it. My tendency was to not remember the next morning. However, the images came back, and one night I woke up simply knowing that these symbols had something to do with the thirteen portals. Finally I gave in and started to make notes during the night and during meditations. This led to the creation of thirteen symbols, which I made from copper wire [see Fig. 36]. Each represents the energy signature of one of the portals.

  Fig. 36. Symbol of the central portal at Rennes-le-Château that I made from copper wire. Photo © Jaap van Etten

  I also looked into the possible star systems that these portals are connected with. Connecting with these star systems was very challenging for me. I had insufficient knowledge about the different star systems and did not know how I could connect with something I knew little about. Nonetheless, there seemed to be a guiding force helping me to find the names. This guiding force also helped me to feel the truth of the found connections. All the information on the portals that was collected over this time is summarized in Table 6.

  Table 6. Summary of the portal locations associated with the original skulls and the star systems they are connected to. Included here are the keywords and symbols that represent each portal’s energy.

  Visiting the Portal Locations

  Over time I have visited several of the portal locations. The place in Mexico that my friends and I were guided to for our Atlantis adventure is one of these portals. Another place I have visited many times is the so-called Viking borough in Fyrkat, Denmark. I had never associated this place with crystal skulls. However, I and several people I knew associated Fyrkat with extraterrestrials, which was also the experience of several sensitive people I brought to this place. A third place I had visited is the center of a large five-pointed star in the landscape of southern France, of which Rennes-le-ChE2teau is a part. This center is called Coste de Laval and is the location of the portal of the thirteenth skull, the central skull.

  It seemed that as soon as I had made the symbols and was able to connect deeper with the thirteen portals, a phase was completed. My attention shifted back again to the study of Earth energies and I felt a strong impulse to revisit Sedona. I wanted to do two things in Sedona: I wanted to study the vortexes, which at that time seemed to be something unique to Sedona, and I also wanted to look for the portal of one of the thirteen original skulls, which I felt was located in the Sedona area.

  On June 16, 1998, I arrived in Sedona. Two things happened, although I didn’t know that both would be part of the continuation of my crystal skull journey. I bought my third crystal skull in a shop in Sedona (a three-inch clear quartz crystal skull) and I met Jeanne. We fell in love, I moved to Sedona and we got married at the end of that year.

  My relationship with Jeanne not only changed my life in a general way but it also gave me a very strong impulse to deepen my connection with crystal skulls. Jeanne immediately loved the crystal skulls. As a gemstone and diamond therapist, she was very connected with crystals, and for her it was easy to flow into a deep connection with crystal skulls. Soon our crystal skull family expanded to the 120 we now own. We started to meditate with crystal skulls more than I had ever done alone, and we expanded our knowledge by sharing our experiences. Part of that was the continuation of connecting with and experiencing the energies of the portals.

  In the very beginning of our relationship, we found the portal
in Sedona. It was located near a place that many people enjoy hiking to, called Devil’s Bridge. This place was described by Nicholas Mann as the center of a hexagram that he found in the Sedona landscape [see Plate 17].8

  On our honeymoon, we went to the coast of California and to Mount Shasta. Here we found another portal that belonged to the group of thirteen. It was still challenging to feel the energies connected to the portals. From the ones that I had experienced so far, the strongest for me was the one in Mexico. I was not overly impressed by the energies of the portal I found in Sedona. The same was true for the one on Mount Shasta. Were my expectations too high?

  In 1999, Jeanne and I visited Maui. Here we searched for yet another portal. We found it in the Haleakala Crater, close to the visitor’s center. This was a very powerful place, but the energy was related to the different powerful Earth energy vortexes in the area and not so much to the portal. So far none of the portals, with the exception of the one in Mexico, gave me the feeling of a deep connection with crystal skulls.


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