Crystal Skulls

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Crystal Skulls Page 12

by Jaap van Etten

  2 I have carried out extensive research on Earth energies, and I have studied and still study Earth energy lines and vortexes. Vortexes are places where Earth energies move in and/or out of the Earth. There are many different types of these vortexes. On the average, the optimal size of the vortexes of each type is similar all over the world. During my studies, it became apparent that the size of lines and vortexes in cities and in nature differ considerably. While in Taiwan, I compared vortexes of the same type that were located either in cities or in nature. In nature, the vortexes were around 80 percent optimal, but in cities they were only around 40 percent. In Western Europe, I have found the vortexes to be even more depleted. For example, in the Netherlands every square inch has been influenced by human beings and consequently the average size of the vortexes was between 20 to 30 percent, depending on the type of vortex. There, there is no longer a difference between city and nature. In Denmark, the situation was only slightly better (30 to 40 percent). In the Red Rock area of Sedona, Arizona, I have found the size of lines and vortexes to be similar to those of Taiwan in nature: 80 to 90 percent.

  3 Joshua Shapiro and DesyRainbow Roodnat-Shapiro, Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers, e-book, 316–336. (See for more information.)

  4 Ibid, 331–332.

  5 Ibid, 336–341.

  6 Sandra Bowen, F.R. “Nick” Nocerino and Joshua Shapiro, Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed (Pacifica, CA: J&S Aquarian Networking, 1988): 26–27.

  7 Ibid.

  8 Again, see (under Scientific Research/Decreased Crime Rate in Cities), or

  Chapter 7

  Crystal Skulls and Channeled Information

  In general, I am very careful with channeled information. I am open to all information, though I always check to see whether I resonate with that information before I use it. In this chapter, I would like to present the channeled information I am aware of that feels relevant within the context of this book. Hopefully, this will give some additional views that may be helpful for the reader to get a deeper understanding of the crystal skull phenomenon. I will give additional comments on the content of the channeling where it feels appropriate.

  The Mitchell-Hedges Skull through Carole Davis

  There is a difference between channeling about crystal skulls and channeling a crystal skull. An example of the latter type of channeling has been published in a book called The Skull Speaks Through Carole Davis, where trance channel Carole Davis channels information locked in the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. The book contains the transcriptions of nine channelings, spanning from May 9, 1982, to October 21, 1984.1

  Davis is very clear that she is not certain the information came directly from the skull. She also states that she does not pretend the information is correct. However, there is information in this book that I feel is worth looking into. During the first channeling session, a suggestion is given that the origin of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull was as the great crystal of Atlantis. The great crystal and other crystals were created with “mind” and grown in the time of Atlantis.2

  This book is a worthwhile read, although it is not easy to find as it is out of print. It gives information about the origins of our planet and of the human race — information that may help us in the future.

  Mahasamatman through Kathleen Murray

  Another example of a book that came into being through channeling is The Divine Spark of Creation: The Crystal Skull Speaks, from channel Kathleen Murray.3 Kathleen is the keeper of a crystal skull called Mahasamatman. As she describes it, “Mahasamatman was logged into physical reality at the beginning of 1995.”4 Together they have been doing Earth work, attuning the Earth to the vibrations of planetary and stellar resonances. Mahasamatman is here to voice to the world, through Kathleen as a channel, the work that crystal skulls and Mahasamatman in particular are here to do.

  Mahasamatman is considered to be a living consciousness that regards himself as a vehicle for a group of universal intelligences who call themselves the Galactic Masters. In the introduction of the book, it clearly states that, “All the crystal skulls, whether deemed ancient or contemporary” — Mahasamatman regards himself as eternal, not ancient, and can be proven not to be contemporary — “are living consciousnesses — receivers and transmitters — vehicles inhabited by groups of universal intelligences.”5 Kathleen makes one statement in particular that has relevance for me. She says, “Through Mahasamatman shine the Stellar Rays, the team of Thirteen, which seeded humanity. As the stellar memory banks open to you, you will find your remembrances coming through.”6 We will come back to this statement and the meaning of it in Part 3.

  Sandra Bowen and Michael Kant

  Several channelings have been described in Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed.7 I consider the channelings given by Sandra Bowen and Michael Kant especially interesting and, for those interested in crystal skulls, very worthwhile to read. In both channelings, there are several references to the legend of the thirteen crystal skulls.

  Michael Kant is a conscious channel who has experienced many contacts with various spiritual beings, including extraterrestrials, angels and those of the solar hierarchy. He has had two conscious UFO experiences, one with beings from the Pleiades and one with the spaceship of Sananda. He is interested in Atlantean and sacred sciences, crystals, UFOs and light-based technologies.8

  In an extensive interview, Kant gives a lot of information on crystal skulls, crystal technologies, lightships and much more.9 Kant believes that the Mitchell-Hedges Skull was originally in one of the thirteen healing temples of Atlantis and that it is the skull of the female priestess Shee-thee-tra (who was killed during one of the last earthquakes on Atlantis) that was transformed into crystal.10 When Kant talks about the “crystal skulls,” he is referring to the thirteen crystal skulls produced through morphocrystallic generation, which were originally placed in the thirteen healing temples of Atlantis but are now located beneath the Potala in Tibet.11

  Michael Kant introduced the term morphocrystallic science. This term refers to a technology that the Atlanteans used to create crystals and crystal skulls. One way is to create a thought form that functions as a matrix to create crystals or crystal skulls. This technique is called morphocrystallic generation. Another technique is the creation of crystals using an existing matrix of other materials, like the bone of a human skull — called morphocrystallic transformation. The technique of morphocrystallic transformation was used to create the Mitchell-Hedges Skull from the skull of the Atlantean priestess.12

  Sandra Bowen is also a conscious channel. She receives messages from her “friends from space”: Akbar and Josephat. The basic theme of the information that was given to her deals with the mission or spiritual work she agreed to do in relation to the crystal skulls. They explained that there was a plan involving many people on Earth, as well as extraterrestrials, to bring all the ancient crystal skulls into alignment with thirteen special pyramids.13

  In Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed, there is a chapter on Sandra Bowen in which channeled information is presented that was given to help Sandra access information in crystal skulls like the Mitchell-Hedges.14 She was told that the sound of the human voice can help to access a skull’s information.15

  Sandra also works with the gold beings who work closely with the archangels and are as close to Source as the archangels are.16 During the interview, Sandra also mentions the thirteen crystal skulls under the Potala in Tibet. However, she believes that these crystal skulls are moving from Tibet to the Four Corners region in the Southwest of the United States.17

  Monitor through Harvey Grady

  Monitor is channeled by Harvey Grady, who lives in Sedona, Arizona.18 All questions and answers on the subject of crystal skulls date from the beginning of 2001.

  Monitor shares that the shape of the skull initially had no meaning. Now, however, the shape of the skull symbolica
lly represents the access each human has to knowledge and wisdom developed and maintained in the mental plane of the Earth. The skull reminds people that they can attune to the wisdom and knowledge that is available to those who seek it and can develop personal protocols to draw forth the information in a usable way. He states that in order to utilize a quartz crystal skull (he talks only about quartz), the person needs to link his or her mental body with the mental body of the quartz being. According to him, this can only happen with the permission of the quartz being.19

  When a crystal skull has already been programmed with a particular belief system and protocol for use, a person is often required to learn that protocol before she can develop her own protocol. It is like computer software — a person needs to learn how to use the software before she can customize it.20

  According to Monitor, there are safeguards placed around ancient crystal skulls and crystals. Those safeguards represent a structure of thought forms and imperatives that limit access to those who are devoted to altruism. They prevent access to those personalities that are selfish.21 Old/ancient and contemporary skulls differ in that the ancient skulls have established protocols, whereas the contemporary skulls have more flexible protocols. Some of the crystal skulls have been created by extraterrestrials, in most cases by the Pleiadeans. They have been programmed to give access to Pleiadeans.22

  On a question about polyhedral fields around crystals and crystal skulls and their function, Monitor answers: “The altruism of the crystals is highly developed. As human altruism approaches that level, the human/crystal bond becomes more profound. The energetic layers around and within a crystal reflects the various levels of substance and force present in the etheric, astral and mental bodies of the crystal. The layers are multiple for each crystal, yet the characteristic expressed by those separate layers of force can be qualified and developed in specific ways through mental impression.”23 This is greatly in alignment with what we shared about polyhedral fields earlier.

  In general, the information given by Monitor is in alignment with what has been shared in this book. Although we are familiar with the fact that certain skulls are used as transmitters by other consciousness, such as the Pleiadeans [see Part 3], it is remarkable that the accent on the connection with the Pleiadeans is that strong. Monitor suggests that crystal skulls were created by a pre-Mayan race.24 It is believed that the Mayan ancestors were from the Pleiades. Many Native American tribes also hold that belief. Perhaps this is what Monitor is referring to.

  Lazaris through Jach Pursel

  The information presented here is from a lecture Lazaris gave in 1984 called Crystals: The Mystery & Magic of “Ancient One” Crystals and Crystal Skulls.25 Whereas Monitor focuses on the Pleiades, Lazaris focuses on Sirius. Lazaris talks about the Ancients — according to him, there are fourteen races of Ancients. The most ancient are the translucent beings from Sirius, who are also called the Beings of Light. They formed on Earth the Lemurian Dreamers, and some of them became the Guardians of the Crystals in the Atlantean times. Lazaris describes that there are Ancients working through certain crystals, which he calls Ancient crystals.26

  Lazaris sees the true crystal skulls more as a crystal skull consciousness. In Lemurian times, this crystal skull consciousness was brought to Earth by the Sirians in the form of crystals, not so much in the form of crystal skulls. The function of crystals with crystal skull consciousness had some similarity with that of record-keeping crystals. Lazaris prefers to call them “witnesses,” as they were used to “witness” events. The smaller ones were carried to the events to record the event, and the information could then be brought into larger crystals for storage.27 Although I believe that crystal skulls can be used as witnesses, I have difficulty with his statement that crystal skull consciousness was brought to Earth in the form of crystals.

  According to Lazaris, in Atlantis things became more physically represented. So during the time of Atlantis, the crystals with crystal skull consciousness were carved into the form of a skull. They were also used in Atlantis as witnesses. Especially during the time of Lemuria, crystals with crystal skull energy/consciousness were used for healing as well.28

  Lazaris also mentions that crystal skulls can be teleporting devices. Basically, you can teleport from one skull to another. This is mainly emotional and mental teleportation, and not so much physical teleportation, although that is also possible.29

  Crystal skulls are also windows to the future. It is possible to connect to future selves. In general, Lazaris sees crystal skulls as more dynamic than crystals and also more “talkative.” He mentions one special characteristic: crystal skulls drain negative energy.30 This comment ties in with my experience that crystal skulls do not take on negative energy. Therefore, a crystal skull does not need to be “cleared” or “cleaned” unless it is programmed through intent with negative energy.

  Lazaris is very clear: Not all crystal skulls have the crystal skull energy! This statement can only be understood in the light of his belief that crystal skull consciousness is different from the energy and consciousness of crystal skulls.31 As I mentioned earlier, I cannot resonate with this idea.

  Lazaris makes an interesting statement. He says that he does not want to talk about the Mitchell-Hedges Skull and about the story of thirteen crystal skulls. He leaves it to others to believe what they choose to believe. Nevertheless, he mentions that the number thirteen is wrong. The true number should metaphorically be fourteen. He refers to the story of Osiris, who was cut into fourteen parts that were spread all over the world. The way he talks suggests that the story of Osiris metaphorically represents the story that when Atlantis was destroyed, the survivors spread into fourteen directions. He says that only thirteen places where the survivors went to are known and that one of the locations is “lost.” According to Lazaris, the fourteen crystal skulls have an energy field that spans time and space, and the number fourteen refers to the fourteen races from Sirius.32 We will come to the subject of the original skulls in Part 3.

  Bashar through Darryl Anka

  Of all the beings channeled, I resonate most with Bashar.33 This does not mean that what he shares is always easy to understand in its fullness. Often there are layers of information in one answer, and sometimes the answer has more depth for those who asked the question. All the questions and answers I refer to below are from undated transcripts; this means that the date and location of the channeling cannot be given. However, most channelings were done in Los Angeles and are most likely from the early 1990s.

  One question I posed to Bashar is about the origin of the crystal skulls and what their purpose is. In his answer, Bashar mentions that there are many crystal skulls, but he chooses to refer to the one that we associate with the Mayan civilization (I believe he refers to the Mitchell-Hedges Skull). He says it functioned as a model for the rearrangement of the energy pathways within the brain that allowed them (the Mayans) to connect with other-dimensional experiences of reality. He said that crystal skulls were left behind for other people to find to allow them to also enter this dimensional doorway. However, those guided to do so first must identify with the crystal skull. According to Bashar, when you identify yourself with the crystal skull, it will function as a symbolic reflector, an energizer, an accelerator, which will help you to blend with all aspects of yourself. That is the so-called “safeguard.” If you cannot do the blending of all portions of your personality, you will not be able to enter the doorway. The reflector will bring up all issues (fears) that will prevent the blending of all aspects of you and consequently will prevent you from going through the doorway when you are not yet ready.

  In answering a question about the thirteen skulls and their coming together, Bashar first makes a short comment that more than thirteen exist. Then he shares that bringing together different skulls is a symbolic reflection of different portions of the personality, forming a circle that will allow there to be an energizing, as well as the formation and the opening of a greater doo
rway to another dimensional experience of yourself through which you can step.

  When Bashar is asked to comment on the statement that people believe that the origins of the crystal skulls are pre-Atlantean or even pre-Lemurian, he reacts by saying that there is some reality in the sense that it predates the Mayan. “It is mostly the idea of the technology itself and the utilization of that technology in that way that predated the artifact. It was simply that technology, that understanding, that information, that allowed that civilization to create such an artifact that carries with it a sense of ancientness about it by its very nature. Because of the blueprints it was fashioned from, it carries with it intrinsic connections to ancient times. This means that each artifact created in that manner would be perceived as ancient, meaning older than it physiologically is. In a sense, it is through the technology of its crafting. But it also is a dimensional doorway, an energy gate, which connects it to all places and all times. That makes it feel older.” In another channeling, Bashar refers to the fact that dolphins know how to use the crystal skull as a doorway and can help us to reconnect with that idea.

  In a personal channeling, I asked a question about crystal skulls and the doorways. I had felt that Bashar seemed to refer to the Mitchell-Hedges Skull and maybe to Max when he talked about dimensional doorways. However, I felt that contemporary crystal skulls could do the same. This was Bashar’s response:

  Bashar: “Of course. It depends upon the intention that’s put into them and how, and in what reality and in what vibration they are created. Of course. As I said, it’s a tool which means it’s a permission slip. But it may be designed in a very specific way to key into a particular vibration a person feels they need to experience in order to give themselves permission to key into other dimensions. It’s an intermediary. That’s all it is. It’s a medium. But yes, new ones can do the same.”


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