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Wild Child (A Soul Sister Novel Book 1)

Page 11

by Audrey Carlan

  He frowned. “Can you go hang out with your sister Sonia tomorrow?”

  I scrunched up my nose. “My sister’s workplace is really boring. Can you drop me off instead at Perfect Petal? I’m supposed to be arranging flowers and helping out. I can tell Auntie Delores that I can’t leave the shop or be alone for any reason. She’ll be cool with it. Her and my mom have been best friends since the dawn of time so I’m certain she’s already up to date on what’s going on.”

  “We can put a patrol outside the area too,” Ryan offered.

  I clapped my hands together lightly. “Yay!”

  Jonah sighed and got up from our clinch. “You need to get some sleep.”

  “I would sleep better if I had a big hunky FBI agent cuddled up next to me.” I laid out the bait.

  “And that’s my cue,” Ryan chuckled and walked away leaving us to ourselves.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea…”

  “No, it’s a great one!” I snuggled up against his warm, tall body.

  One of his hands automatically soothed down my back and went straight for my ass, pressing me up against a very sizeable erection.

  I moaned.

  “Believe me when I say I want to. Lord knows I want to, but it’s not smart. You need time. I need a little of my own, after all I shared tonight. The first time we share a bed, Simone, I do not want the ghost of my ex in it.”

  That had me pouting because he was right.

  “Fine, be logical, but I’m stealing one of your T-shirts, and you’re tucking me in.” I grinned.

  “Yes, to the T-shirt. Fuck no to the tucking in. If I see you laid out in my bed, I won’t have the fortitude to do the right thing.”

  “And what about tomorrow? Will tomorrow be enough processing time to get over the doom and gloom and bitch-face?” I tucked myself against his body and ran my hands down his frame to cup his hard ass making my intentions one hundred percent clear.

  His lips twitched. “Maybe.”

  I smiled wide. “I love your maybe’s.”

  “Mmm.” He kissed me for a long time until it started to get heated. Then he pulled away, physically turned me toward the house and smacked my ass. Hard. “Get to gettin’, woman, before I lose all control and do the exact opposite of what I promised I’d do.”

  “Hey, you’re not going to get any help in that department. I want the naked time with my new hot FBI guy.”

  “Simone,” he grumbled.

  “All right, all right. I’m moving. Spoilsport.”

  He chuckled as we went back into the house. He brought me into his room where he pulled open his drawers and pulled out a T-shirt that said Quantico on it. I promptly pulled off my shirt so I stood in only my bra and jeans and smirked. He turned around gritting his teeth, pulling out a pair of plaid pajama bottoms and white T-shirt.

  Win for me.

  When he was done, I was already in only his shirt and slipped back the covers.

  “You sure you don’t want to join me? There’s plenty of room in this monster-sized bed.”

  He stood stock still and breathed through his nose, one of his hands in a fist, the other clenched around his change of clothes.

  “Suit yourself.” I shrugged and made a big deal about bending over to fluff the pillows so he’d get a nice shot of my hipster panties that were cut high at the ass to show a little cheek.

  I didn’t win him joining me in the bed like I hoped, but he did tuck me in and lay a hot kiss that had me squirming and reaching for him before he pulled away, kissed my forehead, and said, “Sweet Dreams.”

  I fell asleep thinking about Jonah wearing only his PJ bottoms and how I planned to enjoy removing them from his gorgeous body in the near future. Stupid Helen screwed up huge, but I’d be there for my sullen FBI guy, and it would be me he’d rush home to in order to bury his burden in something sweet one day.

  The connection I felt to Jonah Fontaine was thrilling and exciting. I wanted to know everything there was to know about him. I wanted to share all my highs and lows, and the craziness that was my family by choice. I wanted to sit and eat Italian meals with his parents and maybe even one day work at the family business. This was just the start of us but what he gave me tonight about the worst experience of his life, proved that we were heading somewhere important. I felt deep in my bones that we were meant to meet that night. He was chosen to be my savior and I wondered if there was more to it.




  I didn’t know for sure, but I knew there was a lot I’d do and risk, in order to one day be the woman that was having sweet dreams sleeping side by side with Jonah.

  The next morning, I woke to the sound of incessant buzzing. Without opening my eyes, I reached my arm out and patted around on the end table until I found the culprit. Blindly, I fumbled through unplugging the offender and brought it to my chest as I slipped back into dreamland. It worked for all of a minute before the damn phone buzzed against my sternum and I groaned, opened my scratchy eyes, and looked blearily at the thing.

  My fucking sisters.

  All of them texting me as if it were their job. Apparently, you don’t forget to check in with them for a full day when a madman is after you.

  I sighed, pushed up to leaning against the headboard, and started to go through the list. Sonia of course was first. As I scanned the list of unread messages I saw that she had her BFF and right hand man Quinn on the task too as there were several from him as well. I opened Sonia’s first.

  Where are you?

  Why haven’t you checked in?

  This is so like you.

  You’re scaring me, Simone.

  Please call me.

  Simone? I’m activating the tree.

  Oh shit. The tree. Fuck my life. That’s why my phone was blowing up. Next in the string of a bazillion texts was Quinn.

  Your sister is in a snit. You better call her.

  Your sister is unbearable not knowing where you are.

  Dammit Simone, I can’t deal with her tears.

  You are so off my chocolate almond butter clusters list for Xmas for this.

  Call your fucking sister woman.

  Then Blessing’s texts.

  I know you’re blowing off your sisters because of hunky Agent Fontaine but seriously, you need to check in with your sisters. Sonia has lost her shit. I blame you. Love your face bitch.

  Next was Addison.

  I hope the reason you haven’t checked in is because you’re too busy drowning your sorrow in Jonah. Can you send out a quick “I’m alive” text. Sonia’s driving us bonkers. Love you.

  Then Liliana and her sweet self.

  You’ve got us worried. Please call or text. Te quiero mucho.

  I got a bunch of the same from Genesis and Charlie. No Tabby of course, because she was MIA, which was really starting to piss me off. I wondered if I could talk to Jonah about my concerns and we could do a drive by or something.

  There was only a single voicemail. I clicked on it and pressed the phone to my ear.

  “Hello, my darling girl, I’m sure you’re just fine spending the day with Agents Fontaine and Russell, but can you please call your Mama and check in. I’m very concerned that I haven’t heard from you all day. I know you’re processing all that happened, but you have us all worried. I love you, sweetheart, and I very much look forward to hearing from you soon.”

  Oh shit. My eyes teared up as I pressed the button to call Mama Kerri.

  “I’m so glad you called.” Her tone was filled with relief and instantly I felt like a heel.

  “Mama, I’m sorry I didn’t call. Time got away from me and…”

  “I understand. You’ve had a lot happening. Your sister Sonia however is not taking your independence well, as ever.” She laughed and it sounded like a pretty melody, floating along my frayed nerves and soothing them.

  “I’ll text everyone next. I can’t deal with her brand of crazy this morning. It’s too early.�

  “For you I’m sure it is. What’re your plans for the day?” Her warm voice sounded in my ears and it soothed my shaky nerves.

  “I want to go to Auntie Delores’s and work. I need to make some money. Especially now that I won’t ever be going back to my apartment. I’ll have to start all over, but I do have some great news!”

  “Oh? Do tell.” I heard the sound of her moving around her kitchen, then pouring what I assumed was tea from the kettle into her cup.

  “Well, yesterday Jonah and I spent the day at Navy Pier. Just letting go, you know?”

  “I do. And can understand the need to do something upbeat and positive, especially during a time like this.”

  I nodded in agreement even though she couldn’t see me. “Then after, he took me to his parents’ house for dinner.”

  “Really?” Her words rose in surprise. “That’s very forward of him.”

  “Right! And a big fat whopping step toward more, in my opinion.”

  “It is, baby. Sounds like you had a good time meeting his folks?”

  “They’re awesome. His mom is little and Italian and makes the best spaghetti and meatballs and his dad fixes up classic cars. He’s working on a 1969 Charger right now that would knock your socks off, Mama. It’s bad ass.”

  “Don’t say ass, darling. It’s not becoming.”

  “Sorry. Anyway, that’s still not the best part.”

  She chuckled. “Well get to it, my lovely. I’m not getting any younger.”

  That had me laughing and getting out of bed to hit the restroom.

  While I peed, I told Mama about the job opportunity.

  “Chicklet, that is good news. Will you have time to finish the course before the woman leaves?”

  I finished my business and then held the phone to my ear so I could wash my hands.

  “Honestly, yeah. My last course is online and at my own pace. Of course, my laptop was in my bedroom at the apartment.” I shivered where I stood. “I’m gonna have to get a new one now.”

  “Honey, that’s not true. Yours can be picked up by one of us if you don’t want to go back there. It’s horrible what happened to Katrina but that wasn’t your fault. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Remember, we don’t question why we were spared. We send up our thanks to the Universe and God and we go forward with grace and gratitude.”

  “I know, Mama. It just hurts that a good woman was killed for no other reason than to taunt me and the authorities.”

  “You didn’t court a madman’s attention. You were also in the wrong place at the wrong time when he got into your car. Then Jonah was in the right place at the right time in order to protect you. It’s unfortunate and heartbreaking the same did not happen for your friend, dear, but again, you share no burden for a sick man’s transgressions. Do you understand what I’m telling you, sweet pea?”

  “Yeah. It still hurts.”

  “I know, baby, and it will for a while. These things are hard to shake because they are devastating to all involved. Just know that you will move on with grace and gratitude like I’ve taught all my girls. Now I want you to breathe with me. Let’s set ourselves up for the day.”

  I grinned and closed my eyes.

  “In for four full breaths and hold at the top…” She breathed in and I followed along. Her voice was tight when she said, “Now let it all go for four counts…three, two, one. And again.”

  We did five full rounds of breathing and my entire body felt electric and alive, the fear and frustration that was clawing at my insides dissipated and finally disappeared on the last breath.

  “I love you, Mama.”

  “And I love you, my darling. Please contact your sisters. I’ll bring Rory to the shop today and visit. That will help keep your state of mind in a good place. Children make everything in the world seem better and less about you, and more about them.”

  Seeing my gorgeous niece would definitely fix the little ’tude I’d woken up with. “Would love that, Mama. See you later. And thanks.”

  “Anytime. That’s what I’m here for. My girls.”

  I smiled and hung up the phone, bouncing through the room and into the hallway. Jonah was just coming out of the hall bathroom, one of his hands scratching at his bare chest.

  My mouth watered and I stared openly at his gorgeous body. Broad shoulders that tapered into a V-shape at his ribcage. Boxed abdominals, six of them. Who had a real six pack these days? I mean, come on. It was insane. He had a smattering of dark hair across his pecs and down his abs heading to his crotch. His pants hung loosely off his hip bones so I could clearly see those crazy sexy indents that made smart girls stupid. Me included. My nipples hardened at the sight and my body warmed.

  His hair was spiked up and all over the place as though he’d tossed and turned from side to side and had been running his fingers through it. His gaze slid to my bare legs and up my body. I was still wearing just his shirt and at seeing him I squeezed my legs together and bit my lip.

  Something in him and me both snapped but he was faster. He stormed to me, cupped the back of my head as I lifted up on my toes, wrapped my arms around him, and took his brutal kiss. He grunted, turned me to the side, and caged me against the wall. His mouth drank deep from mine. One of his hands slid down my body, under his shirt, and straight into my panties to cup my bare ass. He ground his stiff length against my center and I mewled in delight. His mouth left mine but wasn’t gone for long when he ran his tongue along the length of my neck. I tipped my head to the side so he’d have better access and hiked a leg so I could get more action rubbing against my happy place.

  We were going for it. Lost to the passion between us. He yanked my shirt off and tossed it somewhere, I don’t know where. Then he curled a hand around my breast, lifted it up to his mouth, and sucked. Hard. I moaned deep and clenched around him. Arousal spearing through my body at an alarming rate. I wanted him. Inside me. Now.

  “Baby…please,” I begged.

  At this he took my mouth, palmed my ass, and lifted me until my legs were off the floor and wrapped around his waist. I could tell by the grunt of pain it cost him but he wasn’t letting it get him down or stop this train from barreling to its most awesome destination.

  Lost to each other, we didn’t notice Ryan storming around the corner until he blurted, “Oh, shit. Fucking hell.”

  Immediately Jonah turned me around so all Ryan would see was his bare back. I smiled like a loon and waved at him.

  “Dude, I’m sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am, but we have to go. Simone’s car was found. And shit, brother. There’s another woman’s body in it.”

  I frowned and let my head fall to Jonah’s shoulder. He walked me into his room and kicked the door shut. I unhooked my legs and he let me slide down him until my feet touched the floor.

  “To be continued,” I whispered and looked into his stony face, hopeful yet sad about why we were interrupted.

  “Yeah.” His voice was thick as molasses but not nearly as sweet.

  I cupped his cheeks. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  He swallowed and I watched his Adam’s apple bob enticingly, wanting so badly to kiss it and other things, but knowing he had to go.

  “Gonna hit the shower in the hall. You shower here. Be quick, yeah?”

  “Fast as lightning. Promise.”

  He dipped forward and took my mouth in a slow kiss that had a tiny touch of tongues. “We’ll have our time.”

  “Yeah.” I let my head fall forward. “Go shower. I’ll be quick.”

  “Thanks, baby.”

  I nodded and let him peck me on the lips once more before he grabbed some clothes from his dresser. I rummaged through my suitcases for something easy to work at the shop in. When you worked in flowers and thorns, you made sure to cover the skin that might get punctured. I grabbed an old pair of jeans and a tank and my gold oval locket that had a picture of my biological parents in it. Mama Kerri gave me and Sonia each a locket on the one-year anniversary of l
iving with her. Said she wanted our parents to always be with us, and while they weren’t, she would be. Apparently she’d found pictures of them online because we had absolutely nothing left from the house fire.

  I took the fastest shower, leaving my hair wet and tossing my small makeup bag into my big fringed purse once I hit the kitchen.

  “You gonna dry your hair?” Jonah asked while finishing up making coffee. He wore black slacks and a white button-up shirt. A deep navy-blue tie with black and white geometric patterns was hanging undone around his neck. His shirt was open at the collar showing a tasty morsel of skin that I wanted to explore. His hair was wet and combed back.

  I shook my head. “Nah, it will air dry quick.”

  He nodded and handed me a bagel with cream cheese wrapped in a napkin and a to-go coffee cup.

  “Let’s hit it. Ryan already headed out. I’m taking you to the flower shop but won’t leave until a patrol unit shows.”

  “You really don’t have to do that. There are tons of people in the shop working. I’ll be safe.”

  He shook his head. “Can’t be too careful. This guy is unpredictable and he’s escalating. Which is usually when they make mistakes. He’s got a hard-on for you and I don’t want you unattended.”

  I scrunched up my nose and made a face at his “hard on” comment. “You just ruined the awesome of the hard on I did have on me earlier. One I really wanted.” I pouted. “Now you’re gonna have to work me up all over again.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “Come on, sweet girl. Let’s get you to work.”

  When we arrived at Perfect Petal a patrol officer was already waiting. Jonah saw me inside, looked around shrewdly, and nodded before briefly pecking me on the lips and giving me a strong edict to stay inside at all times. No doing delivery runs or going out to get lunch. I confirmed we’d order lunch in and I’d be too busy working and playing with my niece later on to worry about getting out and about.

  Once I updated my Auntie Delores about the coming and goings and texted all of my crazy sisters, I set about getting to work. I was a machine. Needing the mindless work to allow my brain to think about all that had happened.


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