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Wild Child (A Soul Sister Novel Book 1)

Page 21

by Audrey Carlan

  I let go of Jonah’s hand and went straight into the kitchen and opened every cabinet until I found what I was looking for. The booze. I pulled down the tequila and sucked it back straight from the bottle. From the other room I could hear my sisters crying and whispering soft words to one another.

  Anger sizzled through my blood as I got a tumbler and poured four fingers of straight tequila and then took a full mouthful and let it burn my throat and stomach as it went down. I gloried in the heat. The bite of pain.

  What was Addy experiencing right now? Did he knock her out? Strangle her already? Or was he holding her as bait?

  What was his plan?

  I could hear Jonah murmuring softly to my sisters and mother.


  My God, the man’s ex-wife had been killed only a short few days ago and now he was dealing with his girlfriend’s sister being kidnapped.

  I closed my eyes and lifted the drink, sucking back some more.

  “You better have enough for me, sister.” Blessing entered the kitchen and leaned her back to the counter I was standing in front of.

  I handed her my glass with two fingers’ worth still inside. She curled her long fingers around it and shot the entire lot back in one go.

  “Fuck.” She hissed. “I’m gonna call my dad. Get him and his gang brothers looking out for a black Town Car with a white dude in it carrying a comatose pretty brunette woman around.”

  I reached out my hand and gripped her wrist. “I’m not sure if that will help. And you know it’s a risk every time you connect with your dad, especially if you’re asking for gang assistance. Not only do we want you far away from Tyrell Jones and his goons, he wants you away from that life. Otherwise, he would have stopped at nothing to take you away from Kerrighan House all those years ago. He wouldn’t have made that deal with Mama Kerri. Getting you away from that gang is the one thing he did right for his daughter in his entire life. Don’t ruin that now.”

  She set the glass down, grabbed the bottle of tequila, and filled that sucker back up. She took another drink, then passed it back to me.

  “Gotta do something, boo.” Her lips pressed together but her eyes filled with tears. She was feeling this as deep as we all were.

  Blessing Jones-Kerrighan was a hard ass, beautiful, take-no-shit, Black businesswoman. She did not let anyone mess with her or any of us. She’d watched her mother get murdered right in front of her eyes at a young age. Her father had been and still was big in the gang scene in Chicago. After her mother’s murder, the Child Protective Services got involved. They needed to ensure Blessing’s safety. Which is when Mama Kerri took her on. It wasn’t easy at first. She was a street kid who had lived a hard life by the time she was ten. She got in all kinds of trouble until Mama Kerri showed her another way to live. Mama’s way was love, kindness, and sisterhood. Eventually Blessing grew into the successful fashionista she was today. But seeing that hollow look in her eye, I knew she was not going to let this sit.

  I took her hand. “Promise me you’ll give the FBI a full day before you do anything.”

  She frowned, stole the tequila back, and sipped it. Her coal-black gaze came to me and she pointed an accusing finger around the tumbler. “They have twenty-four hours.”

  I closed my eyes. “Thank you, Blessing.”

  She tilted her head. “Don’t thank me yet. Twenty-four hours goes by and no Addison, I call Tyrell. Ain’t nothing any of you can do to stop me.” She handed me the glass and went back into the living room.

  I looked down at my bare feet and painted toes and prayed. “God, I’ll do anything it takes. Anything to get Addison back. I just need a sign. Please send me a sign.” I closed my eyes. “At the very least, please keep Addison safe until help can arrive.”

  Mama Kerri, Genesis, Liliana, and Charlie were all in the king-sized bed huddled around a sleeping Rory. I’m not sure any of them were sleeping, but it had been a full night with no news.

  I glanced at the clock. Five sharp.

  Sonia was curled up in one corner of the couch, typing on her phone. I imagined doing Senator-type things. Or maybe she was playing a game on her phone. Blessing was stretched out, her head in Sonia’s lap, her eyes glued to the news.

  Sixteen hours.

  A madman had had Addison for sixteen hours.

  Jonah was out on the balcony, phone glued to his ear, which was how he’d been much of the night.

  Me, I was numb.

  My anger, gone.

  Pain, gone.

  Sadness, gone.

  I was empty.

  Moving my body into the kitchen was the most amount of effort I could commit to. I found the cupboard that held the coffee and filters and set them out before grabbing the pot. I filled the pot and was just about finished pouring it into the coffee container when I felt my phone buzz my ass with a text.

  I pulled it out as fast as I could. Everyone I loved besides Tabby and Addison were here.

  It was from Tabby. I covered my mouth with my hand and read what it said.

  I’m fine. Don’t worry. Got eyes on the lookout. More later. Love you all.

  I shook my head and read her words at least five more times. She had eyes on the lookout? What in the world did that mean? My shoulders sank and I sighed, trying to focus on the one thing I did understand. She was fine and she loved us. I wished she’d be here with us, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. Simply knowing she was not in the hands of the Backseat Strangler was a small win and I’d take whatever win I could get.

  Quickly, I fired off a text in return.

  Thank you, Tab. Be safe. I love you. We all do. Always. Come home soon.

  I started the coffee and checked the fridge. There was cut-up fruit, eggs, bacon, and all the standard fixings. Even if I wasn’t hungry, I thought maybe I could pull something together for everyone else.

  As I was rummaging through the cabinets to see if there was pancake mix, because Mama Kerri always had pancake mix, my phone buzzed again.

  I hoped it was Tabby saying she had changed her mind and was heading over now when I noticed it was from Addison.

  I clicked the message icon so fast and had to bite my tongue not to scream at what I saw. It wasn’t a message, it was a video.

  Addison was tied up in a chair in a dark space. Her luxurious brown and gold locks where stringy and wet. There was a dirty bandana-type thing tied around her mouth. Her teeth were stark white biting around it. Her face was speckled with dirt and grime and sweat. Her arms were tied to the wooden rails of the chair she was in, forearms facing up. Both her hands were held in tight fists, the knuckles bright white at how tight she was clenching them.

  I squinted to see better, and noticed up and down her inner forearms were bloody and blackened circular-shaped pock marks or wounds. Then out of nowhere, a gloved hand entered the video holding a lit cigarette. Addy started to wiggle around desperately trying to move her body back and away from the glowing red-tipped ember.

  As I watched in horror, the hand turned the cigarette around and pressed the hot tip into Addison’s arm. The sound on my phone wasn’t on but I swear I could hear her screaming in my soul. It reverberated within my chest until I was practically hyperventilating. Still, my eyes were glued to the image before me. Addison looked right into the camera and her normally stunning green eyes were hollow, the light that always shined completely blacked out, devoid of anything but extreme pain.

  Tears streaked down my face as the cigarette that had been snuffed out in my sister’s flesh was dropped to the ground outside of the camera’s view. Then a white piece of paper was held aloft.

  The note said three words.

  You For Her

  The video ended and my phone buzzed with a text.

  Go to your apartment.



  That was all it said. My entire body shook so hard I fell to the tile floor. He wanted me in exchange for her.

  “Simone!” Jonah cried, falling to his knees, one
hand cupping my cheek, the other my shoulder. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  I opened and closed my mouth as my vision waved in and out. Eventually, it all just went black.

  When I woke, I was lying on the couch, a cool cloth to my forehead, Sonia petting my hair with tears in her pretty blue eyes. Jonah paced behind the couch. My sisters and my mother were all huddled around me with various expressions of worry plastered across their pretty faces.

  Then it dawned on me. I had to get to my old apartment. Now.

  “I’ve gotta go!” I called out and attempted to sit up.

  My body still shook, and my teeth chattered.

  “You need to lay your ass down, boo.” Blessing demanded on a growl pacing the other side of the couch, rubbing her hands up and down the sides of her hips.

  I shook my head. “No, you don’t understand. I’ve got somewhere to be.”

  “There is no way in hell you are trading yourself for Addison. Not now. Not ever. Get that out of your head right fucking now, Simone.” Jonah’s words brooked absolutely no argument.

  Tears filled my eyes. “He’s going to kill her. But he wants me. I’ll let him have me for her. I don’t care.”

  Sonia let out a sob and Mama Kerri pulled her into her arms and petted her hair, her sad eyes on me when she spoke. “Simone, we’d never let that happen. Addy wouldn’t want that, and you know it. There has to be another way, baby girl. There just has to be.” A tear fell down her cheek, but she swiped it away quickly.

  Jonah approached and Charlie and Lilian made room for him. “I’ve seen the video. It’s already being reviewed by the FBI. We’ve got our best hacks working the GPS to see if we can get a read on his location. We have a team in place at your apartment. If he shows, we’ll get him. If he texts or sends another video, we’ll have a lock. And we’ll get him. You have to have faith, sweetheart.” He took my hand, brought my fingers up to his lips, and kissed each one.

  I closed my eyes and let the tears take me.

  Jonah pulled me up and into his arms where I sobbed into his chest. I let all my fear and grief go against him and he took it all without complaint. Then he held me tighter. Closer. Whispered softly into my ear. Promises I wasn’t sure he could keep but I prayed he could.

  When I was all cried out, Charlie handed me a steaming cup of coffee. “Here, Si, let this warm you up.”

  I nodded numbly, wrapped my hands around the cup, and let the heat soak into my chilled hands.

  You For Her.

  Addison silently screaming behind her gag as he burned her flesh.

  I twitched and convulsed as I too felt the pain she must have felt, a phantom-like wound searing into the tender skin of my forearm.

  Nausea built up in my throat. I set the cup down and dashed to the bathroom where I hurled until I couldn’t physically anymore. Vomit had splashed on my shirt and clung to my chest and neck.


  I washed my hands and skin as best as I could and then rinsed out my mouth. I needed a shower, a toothbrush, and a clean shirt. I opened the door and Sonia stood leaning against the opposite wall.

  “Come on, I’ll take you down to my place. You can shower and change into something of mine.”

  I nodded but didn’t speak. There were no words left inside me.

  Sonia put her arm around my shoulder and led me into the living room.

  “Oh, baby girl.” Mama Kerri clucked sweetly but I didn’t have it in me to respond.

  The numbness had taken over.

  “I’m going to take Simone down to my place, get her a shower and a change of clothes. Tell Jonah where we went when he gets off his call.” She gestured to where Jonah was pacing on the balcony.

  “Okay, my darling chicklets. Be back quick. I need you all in the same place right now.”

  Sonia nodded and led me out of the apartment, onto the elevator, and to her condo. I followed her into her room where she took me straight to the shower. She yanked off my stinky, vomit-coated shirt and tossed it into her hamper. I kicked off my shoes and toed off my socks, unbuttoned my jeans, and removed my underwear while she started the shower. The second it was steaming she left the bathroom to me but kept the door open.

  Probably because she was worried I’d pass out again.

  I stepped into the steamy space and ducked my head under the water, allowing it to heat my body from the outside in. For a long time, I stood there just letting the water pound against me. My mind playing the image of Addison being tortured on that video over and over.

  Eventually my skin got so hot it broke me out of the horror cyclone of imagery spinning in my brain and I quickly washed my hair and body. Once completed, I got out and found a new toothbrush, a soft towel, clean underwear, and a sports bra, along with a pair of black yoga pants, a tank top, and a purple zip-up hoodie.

  I brushed my teeth so hard my gums bled. Again, I didn’t care. There wasn’t much I cared about except how bad I’d screwed up my opportunity to save my sister from uncertain torture and likely death.

  I’d never forgive myself if Addison died. Not ever. It was my fault she was in that chair and not me. I’d gotten away. She might not. And I’d have to live with that reality.

  You For Her.

  Those three little words would destroy me.

  It should have been me and not her.

  Not sweet, kind, beautiful, filled with life Addison. The girl had a hard enough upbringing before she came to stay at Kerrighan House. Left at the fire station as a brand new baby. Shuffled from foster home to foster home. Some okay, most not. Addison had her own demons, but she’d been saved. By Mama Kerri and her love. Just like we all had.

  We’d been given a second chance at life.

  I should have died on that dark road at the hands of the Backseat Strangler. If I had, Addison wouldn’t be where she is right now. Helen wouldn’t be dead. Katrina from my apartment wouldn’t be dead. That bodyguard who’d been sent to keep Addy safe wouldn’t be dead. That was three lives, not including Addy’s, that were hanging over my head.

  You For Her.

  I closed my eyes and finished getting dressed. Sonia was waiting for me in a similar outfit when I came out.

  “Feel better?”

  I nodded but I wasn’t sure I’d ever feel better. Not if Addison didn’t walk away from this alive.

  Sonia hugged me and I gave her that. She needed it. I’d give my sisters anything I had to give. Even trade me for them.

  She let out a long breath and put her arm around my shoulders again. Which was probably a good thing because I might have actually crumbled to the floor in a ball of misery if she hadn’t.

  “Let’s go. Mama will worry.”

  We left her condo and walked to the elevator. She pressed the button and then stood next to me. I stared at my feet; visions of Addy tied up flashed across my mind in a twisted horror reel I couldn’t shake.

  When the doors opened, Sonia cried out as an electrical sound pierced the air. Her body jolted forward and tumbled through the open elevator doors, and she fell to the floor in a lifeless heap.

  My survival instincts must have kicked in because I’d barely realized my sister had been tased as I spun around to face my attacker. I saw nothing but a man in black with two cut out eyeholes and a third for his mouth when a black gun came barreling at my face. It was too fast to block. Too fast to fight. Light exploded behind my eyes as I was clocked with the butt of the gun. And for the second time that day I blacked out.

  Drip. Drip. Drip.

  The sound of water hitting metal sounded through my head. Something icy cold and flat was pressed up against the side of my face. I’d attempted to blink open my eyes, but a rush of pain exploded throughout my head.

  “Psssst. Simone, wake up. Wake up, honey. Hurry.” I heard a voice I recognized, not far away, but still the sound was waving in and out.

  Drip. Drip. Drip.

  What the hell was that noise?

  “Simone, come on. Get up!” I heard it louder
, the words spinning in my brain on a useless empty hamster wheel until the dots started to connect.

  I’d been hit in the face with a gun.

  Sonia had been tased.

  Addison had been kidnapped.

  “Si, please, sister, wake up. Now before he gets back.” A sob tore from that familiar voice and I rubbed my face against the cold, flat surface and opened my good eye. It was dark. Dank. Cold. My face was smushed flat to the gritty cold concrete under me.

  Drip. Drip. Drip.

  I rolled over onto my side. My hands were tied behind my back and I was in the corner of a big open space. Maybe a basement.

  “Simone…please wake up.”

  I heard the plea rasp low and throaty from the female figure twenty feet away. Her head was down in front of her as if she couldn’t hold it up any longer. There was rope tying her chest, legs, and arms to an old wooden chair.

  “Addy?” I croaked, my voice sounding as though I’d swallowed glass shards.

  Her head came up and those green eyes I adored met my gaze. “Simone!” She gave a shaky small smile. “Can you move? Can you get up?”

  I swallowed against the nausea filling my stomach, ebbing up my throat. I breathed in and out slowly for a minute getting a hold on my physical issues.

  “Um, I don’t know. Where is he?” I grated through a throat that was so dry it felt like sand coated my esophagus.

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. He came in an hour ago and dumped you there. Then he left.”

  I used my core strength and swiveled up to sit on my hip with my legs tucked to the side. They were zip-tied together, but if I could get on my back and stretch my arms, dislocating my shoulder, maybe I could get them under me.


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