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Sinfully Mastered: Naughty Nookie

Page 36

by Akeroyd, Serena

  It seems to take a lifetime for my breathing to slow, for his to calm too. Sweat sticks to my forehead; I feel it mingle with tears until I’m suddenly desperate for a shower. I say nothing, revel in the peace, the connection with Sir. My body feels charred after the intense burn of minutes before, and the silence is soothing, like a much-needed balm.

  I don’t know how long it is before he jerks upright and with heavy-lidded eyes stares down at me. “You spoiled my surprise, princess.”

  “I did, Sir? I’m sorry.”

  He studies me. “I was going to give you a pearl necklace.”

  I lick my lips, knowing he doesn’t mean an actual pearl choker.

  “Would you have liked that, princess? Princesses should be properly dressed, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, Sir. I would have liked that.”

  “Would you like one now?”

  A part of me squirms at the idea of what he wants to do, but I nod. The prospect of his cum warming my chest, mingling with my sweat and tears does something to me. Something so base, so primal that at that moment, I’m not Marina. Not princess. I’m a woman. Lost in thrall to her man.

  Too breathless to speak, I nod. My eyes flutter, unable to watch as he leans down and plunges his fingers deep into my pussy. I moan, groaning in reaction as the still-quivering tissues protest his reappearance. He fucks me a little, pressing down each time he pulls out and I feel his other hand hovering beneath the entrance to my body, collecting the mixture of my juices and his cum.

  When those glistening-wet fingers return to my chest as though it were moisturizing cream, he begins to rub the liquid into my skin, my lower lip trembles at the both disgusting and unbearably hot act. Even as far-gone as I am, I’m not sure which. It’s both gross and such a turn on; my body is flickering from hot to cold.

  Once the ‘cream’ is rubbed in to his satisfaction, he bends down and into my ear, whispers, “Your punishment for making me cum when I didn’t want to is to keep this on you all day. No shower.”

  “But, Sir.” I protest.

  “Silence,” he barks, then countermanding his own order, growls, “Are you ashamed of me? Of us?”

  “N-no, Sir. Of course, not.”

  “Well, then. Be quiet.”

  His eyes flash at me in another silent warning, and he gets to work on my bindings. Once my limbs are free, my legs and arms quivering at being released from the rope, I have only a second of freedom before I return to the bondage of his arms. Launching myself at him, pressing my length against his, I sob with relief as he embraces me tightly.

  The pressure is just what I need. With legs and arms, hands and feet, belly feeling like jelly, Sir is solid, like the Earth and just what I need to calm me down.

  * * *

  The sound of my cell ringing jerks me out of my deep sleep. My legs entangled with Nate’s, his hand cupping my breast, one of mine riding low on his hip—almost brushing his shaft—it’s inordinately difficult to pull myself to the side of the bed, where I stagger off and go in search of my cell.

  Finding it tucked away in the pocket of my discarded pants, I grab it and manage to connect the call before the person on the other end gives up hope of my answering. Half-dazed, half-asleep, I don’t even have a chance to check the Caller ID before, around a yawn, I mumble, “Hello?”


  Even half-fucked as I am, my body still feeling the after-effects of that damn wand, I recognize the voice.

  “Mona. Thank God.” I cry, almost on the brink of even more tears at hearing my best friend’s voice. “Where the hell have you been?”

  A low grunt comes from the bed, and I turn to see Nate roll on to his side and settle back into sleep. Tiptoeing out of the room, I head toward the bath and sit on the toilet. All this as Mona says, “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, Marina.”

  Before I answer, I take a minute to close my eyes and suck in the pain of my butt connecting with the lid on the toilet. Fuck, being held in that spread position for so long has played havoc with my hamstrings. “I would. I don’t care. I’m just so happy to hear your voice.”

  Mona’s sigh is low. “I’m sorry if I frightened you.”

  “So you damned well should be. There was a reason I couldn’t let you stay with me, honey.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  The faint coolness to her tone tells me that even after all this time, even though she’s loved up with her two men, she’s still pissed off at me. I throw her words back at her. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, Mona.”

  She chuckles. “Touché.”

  “Nah. You really wouldn’t. It’s been like something out of a movie. And if I tell you, you might hate me.”

  “Even when you hurt me, I didn’t hate you, hon.”

  “You’ve no idea how many lies I’ve told you, Mona.” In the chill air of the bathroom, I shiver a little. “I don’t even know where to start. But know this, I never meant to hurt you. Never.”

  “I guess there’s a time and a place for that discussion. Over the phone isn’t it. I just wanted to check in, tell you I love you and miss you.”

  I close my eyes at the words. They mean so damned much. “I’m glad. I swear to God, I’ve missed you so badly. I’m in Montana. At the ranch.”

  The silence is telling. “Well, that’s a shock. What are you doing there?”

  “One of those lies I’ve told you... Well, more of an omission. The ranch foreman here, we’ve been seeing each other a long time. I’m with him.”

  “Shit. Seriously? Oh crap, what was his name? Nate? Right?”

  “Yeah. That’s him.”

  “You dark horse. I can’t believe you kept that from us. Unless Eddie knew?”

  Hearing Mona’s hurt, I’m quick to say, “No. Neither of you knew. I didn’t tell anyone. We were just fuck buddies, I guess. But things changed and we’re together now.”

  “Together, together?”


  “I’m so happy for you, Marina. You needed someone in your life. Have done for a while.”

  “Thanks, Mona. I didn’t realize I seemed desperate.” I chuckle, amused rather than offended by her comment. She’s right. I did need someone. Nate.

  “Not desperate, exactly. Just lonely.”

  “Well, both of us were. I’ve heard from Eddie. Someone’s been holding out on me. Two guys? I never knew you were greedy, Mona,” I tease, knowing her cheeks will have flushed a dull red.

  “Oh, I’m glad she broke the news for me.”

  “Why? I’m not an ogre. You didn’t need Eddie to tell me.”

  Mona sighs. “I don’t know. I just didn’t think you’d approve.”

  “Hey, I was the one telling you to take the bull by the balls. I told you to give Zane a chance.”

  “I know. But Zane was cheating on his husband. We’ve worked it out though.”

  “I should hope so if you’re all together. How’s that working out? Is it hard? Fun? I can only imagine. When Eddie told me, I checked them out online. Talk about two hunks.”

  “I know. I swear, I’ve no idea what they see in me.”

  “Don’t say that. You’re beautiful.” Mona’s self-deprecating snort has me scowling at the bathroom scales. “Hey. I’m not lying. It’s the truth. You are, you just never see it. Now you’ve got two guys who can tell you how gorgeous you are.”

  “Thanks, Marina. You always were good for my confidence.”

  “Yeah, well, now, you don’t need me if you have those two.”

  She chuckles and I can tell she’s forgiven me. That earlier frost has disappeared and Mona of old is on the other end of the line. “Eddie’s only just left. She came out here to sort her head out. I’m not entirely sure what’s wrong but did she tell you? She’s pregnant.”

  “Yeah, she told me at the same time she told me about you. It was a shock to me, so I guess it will be a shock to her. Is she keeping the baby?”

  “As far as I’m aware. She wasn’t here l
ong. Spent most of her time going out for walks or sleeping.”

  “Wasn’t where for long?” I butt in.

  “Oh, Christ, I haven’t told you. We’ve got this house in Chesapeake Bay now. We’ve only been here like, three weeks. You’ll have to come visit.”

  My stomach twists in a knot and I close my eyes, relieved beyond bearing to know that Mona has two guys to care for her. To provide for her. If anyone deserves to be loved, it’s Mona.

  For so long, she’s had nothing. Most things, any little luxuries, Eddie and I bought her and not out of charity but because we love her. Now, she has two guys to spoil her and lavish her with time and affection.

  At least, they’d better or I’ll come knocking.

  “I bet it’s a farmhouse,” I tease. “In fact, I bet it’s on the water’s edge. Old, but modernized. I bet the kitchen is huge and that already, you’ve taken over. You always did love to cook. Shame Eddie and I have the smallest appetites imaginable. You have two new bellies to feed now.”

  Mona’s pleased laugh brings a smile to my face. “You’ve got it, dead on. It’s a farmhouse, and we have our own beach access to the river. The kitchen is enormous, and I had this huge table put in so Zane and Jake can work in here while I cook.” She sighs and it’s so redolent with happiness that my eyes prick with tears. “I didn’t know it could be like this, Marina. We’ve had some ups and downs...but it’s all been worth it.”

  “I’m glad, honey. And you’re right. I will have to come down and visit. Is it okay if I bring Nate?”

  “You’d better bloody bring him. Good God, I want to meet him.”

  Laughing, I tell her, “He wants to meet you as well. Especially now you’ve caught two guys. He told me my taste in friends is as strange as he always imagined it would be.”

  She snorts. “I guess strange is the nicest adjective to describe our little household of three.”

  “I’ll bet you’ll be making it a household of four soon, right?”

  “Ha. Two men are quite enough, thank you very much.”

  “I didn’t mean that.” I can’t help it, I start to chuckle again. “I meant you’ll probably be having a kid soon. I know you. Little homemaker.”

  “Oh.” The drawn out syllable has me smirking. Then, she shocks me. “If I’m honest, Marina, I’m having too much damned fun to spoil it with diapers and breast milk. I like it just as it is. For the moment, anyway. We haven’t known each other long, although it feels like a lifetime.

  “I’m just taking each day as it comes. Enjoying them and my new life. I’ve never been happier.”

  “I’m so glad to hear it, honey. You really deserve it. Especially after your dickwad of an ex. I can’t wait to meet them. Send me your address and I’ll look into booking a flight. It won’t be until after Christmas though. Things are a bit hectic here at the moment.”

  Mona laughs. “I should think not. Christmas is next week.”

  “No,” I boom. “Shit. I completely forgot.”

  “Only you could forget the holidays, Marina. Don’t you have any decorations up, yet?”

  “No. I haven’t seen any around the ranch either.” I pause and concentrate on the mess. I don’t recall seeing any tinsel. Although, to be honest, we’re not a festive bunch. In my grandfather’s time, the decorations went up on the first day of December. My father changed all that. He ordered them to go up on Christmas Eve and to be taken down on the second of January.

  The bastard always was a killjoy.

  “Well, get them up. Our tree came up the first day we moved in.”

  “Okay, Mrs. General. I will. Or I’ll get someone else to put them up. Don’t forget, send me the address and I’ll be down as soon as I can. It’s been great talking, Mona. It will be even better sitting face to face. I really need to come clean.”

  “Don’t let it drag you down, sweetie. Have a great Christmas, okay? Call me on the day, and tell me what you’re doing. I’m going to start on dinner. Jake’s been in a conference call since ten o’clock this morning, so I’m going to treat him.”

  “You do that, honey. Have fun. Speak later.” I disconnect the call and a sense of relief fills me at having heard her voice.

  I’ve missed her. Eddie, too. So much. It’s horrible not being in the same city as them. Being so far away from them is going to make it hard to stay as close, but I guess there’s always the internet. Always ways of staying in touch and if you want something to work, then you just make it happen, don’t you?

  The last thing I want is to lose either of them.

  I’m icky from sex. There’s cum covering unmentionable areas. Sweat and tears have made my skin clammy. I peer around the bathroom door and spying Nate’s still sleeping form, I grimace.

  I’m awake now. I don’t want to go back to bed and for the first time in a long while, the desire to go to the studio has overcome me. My hands are desperate to clutch some clay, to play with it and form it.

  At the same time, I don’t dare have a shower without Nate’s say so. I can just imagine my punishment for washing off his cum. Especially as before we passed out, he ordered me not to shower. And as gross as it makes me feel to know people might actually be able to smell him on me, fuck, it does something to my insides.

  Maybe I’m a pervert. The thought percolates in my head as I jump into the pants I discarded on the floor, before Nate went all primal on me, and shrug on my shirt and shoes. As I grab a bottle of body spray, I admit to myself that I must be. Otherwise, why would the idea of wearing Nate’s cum make me hot?

  When the door is shut behind me, I spritz some spray over me, hoping that it will cover up any earthy, pungent smells. I place the bottle beside the door and leave Nate to sleep.

  In Chicago, he always slept like a log. It wasn’t hard to wake him in the morning, because the routine here at Blue Ridge always has him up with the sun. But he slept deep and easy. Of late, not so much.

  Since the shooting, his sleep is easily disturbed, so it’s a relief to let him nap and catch up on some Zs. I guess being dragged from your bed and shot will do that to a body.

  For myself, I’ve noticed more nightmares. After that hellish evening, when those Russian bastards broke into our hotel room, I guess that’s to be expected. For the most part, Nate prods me into dead faints before I drift off into the land of nod. Passing out from too many orgasms is far better than taking a few Valerian tablets for insomnia.

  There’s a skip to my step as I walk out of the homestead. Maybe there shouldn’t be. After all, very soon, a man is going to die. I know it will be either James or Alexei, and I know Greta will be at fault. I’m hard, cold sometimes. A bitch, even. I admit that. But I can’t regret their deaths, not when they were instrumental in the murder of a great man.

  And hell, Montana does have the death penalty. If anyone had been looking for a murderer, they’d be up for it anyway if we weren’t trying to catch the mastermind behind John’s death. James and Alexei are just Greta’s patsies. That doesn’t excuse them.

  Or it doesn’t in my book.

  If you don’t like that, tough.

  I may be a bitch, and this may make me seem hard, but I’m the guardian of Blue Ridge. My father failed in his duty when John’s suicide was brushed under the carpet. Not that I didn’t expect that of him, but it leaves me to deal with the course of justice.

  I can’t be sorry for something that has to be done. Greta is too cunning, too smart. I have to catch her in the act to catch her at all.

  I can only imagine what she did in Germany all those years ago to come to the attention of the US government. There will always be something she can use as a bargaining chip. I intend to make sure that doesn’t happen again.

  My mood slightly soured by my grim thoughts, I stride across the yard and force Greta out of my mind. Overhead, the sky starts to darken and the first few stars pop out to play. The moon is playing peekaboo. It’s slightly there, faded into the sky, just waiting to come out and play tag with the stars.
/>   Smiling, I whistle as I cross over to the studio. I haven’t been here for a while. Dust has probably collected on my things. I just haven’t had the desire to create anything. Until now.

  The feeling is indescribable. I’m almost effervescent as I enter the studio. It’s still emblazoned by light. The purples and reds of the twilight fill the empty space. Nobody’s here; they’re probably cleaning up, getting ready for dinner in the mess.

  It’s a reminder that I should go eat, and that I should wake Nate so he can too. But I don’t want to disturb this feeling. I’m no Mona in the kitchen, but if necessary, I can make a grilled cheese sandwich for Nate and myself.

  Shrugging off the thought, I retreat to my cubicle and ten minutes later, when the automatic lights switch on, shooting a bright, if warm light overhead, I fail to notice.

  When I spritzed some body spray over me, an idea popped into my head. The graceful curve of my throat, the tendons and sinews playing as I moved to douse myself in the perfumed scent.

  It wasn’t unlike the moment when Nate bit me there.

  The image flooded my brain and it’s what I’m working on now.

  God knows how I’ll recreate Nate’s teeth. As I plan the dimensions of the piece, a part of me wonders if I can buy some of that weird dental gum they make you bite down on at the orthodontist.

  Storing the thought in my memory bank, I finish the rough draft of the drawing and with a single-minded purpose, head to the store cupboard and cut off a hunk of ceramic clay. I only intend to make a small tester sculpture, but when I’m ready to create a larger piece, I’ll have to prepare my own clay.

  I know I want it to be in porcelain. Glossy, white as snow. A virginal expanse of flesh marred by a rapacious bite. Just the very image makes me shiver.

  A predator’s prey.

  Returning to my cubicle, I get to work. Shaping and molding the clay, urging it to form the shapes floating in my head. I do it almost blindly. My head is bent, my eyes are on the piece, but they’re unfocused. My senses, all of them, are pinned on the small sculpture so when a pair of hands drop down on to my shoulders, it scares the shit out of me.


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