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Motor Matt's Submarine; or, The Strange Cruise of the Grampus

Page 19

by Stanley R. Matthews



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  The boys who want to learn something from what they read, as wellas to be interested by it, will never find another publication thatwill satisfy them so well as MOTOR STORIES. "Motor Matt" is not animpossible boy character. He is simply a youth who has had considerabletraining in a machine shop where motors of all kinds were repaired,and who is possessed of a genius for mechanics. His sense of right andwrong is strongly developed, and his endeavors to insure certain peoplea square deal, lead him into a series of the most astonishing, but atthe same time the most natural adventures that ever befell a boy.


  1--Motor Matt; or, The King of the Wheel. 2--Motor Matt's Daring; or, True to His Friends. 3--Motor Matt's Century Run; or, The Governor's Courier. 4--Motor Matt's Race; or, The Last Flight of the "Comet." 5--Motor Matt's Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot. 6--Motor Matt's Red Flier; or, On the High Gear. 7--Motor Matt's Clue; or, The Phantom Auto. 8--Motor Matt's Triumph; or, Three Speeds Forward. 9--Motor Matt's Air Ship; or, The Rival Inventors. 10--Motor Matt's Hard Luck; or, The Balloon House Plot. 11--Motor Matt's Daring Rescue; or, The Strange Case of Helen Brady. 12--Motor Matt's Peril; or, Cast Away in the Bahamas.

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  15--Motor Matt's Submarine; or, The Strange Cruise of the "Grampus."

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  16--Motor Matt's Quest; or, Three Chums in Strange Waters.


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  Transcriber's Notes:

  Added table of contents.

  Italics are represented with _underscores_, bold with =equal signs=.

  Corrected several apparent single quotes to double quotes; these mayhave been typos or simply light printing on the original.

  Retained inconsistent spelling of "gasolene" / "gasoline" from original.

  Page 6, changed "rturning" to "returning" ("returning the partingsalutes"). Added missing comma to "Carl, brightening."

  Page 7, corrected "Townsand's" to "Townsend's" ("Uncle ArchieTownsend's").

  Page 8, changed "Ooof" to "Oof" ("Oof ve ged to Honturas").

  Page 11, changed "entred" to "entered" ("entered the periscope").

  Page 12, changed "binoculers" to "binoculars" ("handing Matt a pair ofbinoculars").

  Page 13, changed "itno" to "into" ("crowded into the little messroom").

  Page 14, added missing quotes before "The fust officer" and "Vy issdot?"

  Page 22, added missing quote after "Ve don'd surrenter?"

  Page 23, changed "Dick" to "M
att" after "Meanwhile."

  Page 24, added missing "to" and changed "learing" to "learning" in"speak to her, on the possible chance of learning."

  Page 26, changed "your" to "you" in "Two of you boys come with me."


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