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Page 4

by Mia Madison

  “Keep your eyes to yourself, dickhead,” I respond, but secretly I’m wondering how badly dreaming about Rylie is affecting my mind. I need to be able to do my job.

  I think about the case. Then I reflect on my last physical training scores, better than most, but maybe I could improve? Getting Rylie out of my mind is harder than I thought because when I consider my workout routine, I realize the main benefit of having a fit body would be to share it with her.

  I shift in my seat, again, open a book, but I can’t concentrate. Then I realize I’ve forgotten to straighten things out with Marta for the care of Caden while I’m gone. I know she’ll handle it, but I wish I’d made an effort to appear more responsible. If his mother weren't off in southeast Asia boning a stoner, our son's life would be more stable and secure.

  I’m agitated, but at least reminders of my villainous ex-wife have eliminated my awkward stiffy. Thank God for small favors.

  In spite of the uniforms, weapons, and military vehicles, my day-to-day job isn’t much different than an average civilian lawyer. My first responsibility is to be a soldier but my life is paperwork, filings, case studies, reports, and the interviews.

  “Hey, Major Hayes,” one of the lieutenants whispers from across the aisle, “did you check out the ass on that She-Private?”

  “What?” I say coming out of my mind fog.

  “That ass,” he repeats.

  “No,” I say sternly. “I did not. And try to remember that we take sexual harassment seriously these days.”

  He lets out a derisive guffaw and someone else says, much too loudly, “I think the Major is in love. What else would cause a man to miss that piece that just walked by?”

  “At ease, men,” I say taking charge. “We’re not in a locker room.”

  “Fucking-A. You are in love,” someone says.

  Another officer says, “That was some ass. Seriously, Major.”

  “I agree,” my seatmate says. “You really didn’t notice?”

  “No,” I admit.

  “Damn,” he says, “you do have something going on.”

  “I’m going back to my book,” I say, in a failed attempt to exit the conversation.

  “So who is it?”

  “Not having this discussion.”

  “In that deep, huh?”

  “Not your business.”

  “Yes, sir,” he spits out.

  The military is largely still a boys club. Once my love life gets into the rumor mill, I’ll be joshed all day long. To deny it will only make it worse. If anyone had an inkling I was even daydreaming about climbing into Rylie’s bed, that’s an instant fuck-up for my next promotion.

  I want to avoid Frank’s wrath, but when I try to choose in my mind what is more important to me, advancing in rank or claiming Rylie, I’m conflicted. Life is too short to not find out if the woman you think is the one, really is.

  I close my eyes and shut out the banter among the men around me.

  The plane hits mild turbulence, and I think about how like life is like this. Bumps and challenges along the route, but in the end, we somehow end up on solid ground. One moment I'm sure that pursuing her will lead to disaster, but once those big brown eyes and her luscious round ass push into my head, I’m certain we can, and should, take a shot at happiness.



  I jog over to Ethan’s house to pick up my father’s car. It’s nice to get out for some exercise and work out my obsessing. I’m surprised my dad allowed me to come over to Ethan’s house alone. I’ve only ever been to the bachelor pad a couple of times when he’s invited my father for dinner. I’m on edge at the thought of being alone with him in his lair. But as I arrive I see the house is definitely shut up. My father must have known he was gone, unless he’s sent him to the wilds of Africa already. That’s not as dumb as it sounds. My dad has the nose of a drug-sniffing rottweiler.

  The car’s out front and I have the spare keys. But I can’t resist walking up to Ethan’s door, just in case he yanks it back to pull me inside. Even just to see something belonging to him, get a hint of his home life. I walk around the side of the house to the back yard I’ve spent time in.

  “Who are you?” A tiny voice shouts from the yard next door. There are no fences between the open spaces here.

  “I’m Rylie,” I shout, “who are you?”

  “I’m Caden and I’m an astronaut.”

  Wow, Ethan’s little boy. If I wanted something belonging to him, his cute kid is definitely it. But what’s he doing home alone?

  “Do you know where Ethan is?”

  “Yes he’s on a top secret mission.”

  “When will he be back?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know where mom is either. Do you know daddy?”

  “Yes, he’s my father’s best friend,” I tell him.

  “Does that make me your stepbrother?”

  “No sweetie,” I smile.

  “Oh too bad. Because then we could go to the beach together. I’d love that.”

  My heart nearly tears apart at the sight of this solitary little guy playing in the dirt. I forget all plans to go to school today. I deserve a beach day and it seems more valuable to give a lonely child some fun.

  I try to get hold of Ethan as discreetly as I can without success. I’m upset that he’d leave on a mission, even if it was top secret and vital, without making sure Caden had some activities planned and knew when his dad would return.

  Part of this, I understand completely, I was raised a military brat. It’s part of the life, not knowing when Dad would return, or even if he’d return. I guess that’s why I was sent to a weekly boarding school on the other side of the island. Now I have an extra urge to give Caden a nice day out.

  Without his father’s permission I can’t just kidnap the cutie so I promise to come back soon and take him to the beach.

  “Okay,” he says, resigned to it not happening, I can tell.

  I get caught up in school work and it’s a few days until I can call Marta’s house and schedule a date. As it turns out, she and my dad know each other, so it isn’t an issue to convince her to let me have Caden for a beach day.

  I’m excited as I drive over to get the little boy. This is as close as I can get to Ethan while he’s gone plus his son seems smart and interested in his world. I’m determined to give him a fun day out. I’m surprised he remembers me and even skips out happily and climbs into the car. He’s probably used to relying on strangers and again I’m annoyed with Ethan.

  “Are we going to see any whales?” Caden asks me as we pull into the parking lot at Pupukea Beach Park.

  “I don’t think so, honey,” I say. “But maybe we can find sea turtles, would you like that?”

  “Sure,” he says.

  I don’t think he sounds as excited about turtles as he did about whales, but that might change if we get up close to them. Along the North Shore highway, there’s a spot where turtles come ashore to eat algae. But first we’ll swim at Shark’s Cove, a small bay protected by a reef.

  “Are there really any sharks around here?” Caden asks, with intense seriousness.

  “No,” I tell him. “There are too many tourists swimming here. All the sharks are afraid.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “If you stay close to me and don’t go into the deep water, you won’t come across any sharks. Cross my heart. You have to trust me on that.”

  “Okay,” he says. I’m not sure he believes me but he agrees to trust me.

  He’s able to wear a small pair of swimming goggles and put his face under the water, but I don't think he can see very well without his glasses. After spending an hour swimming, and applying several extra layers of sunscreen, I remember another fun activity.

  “See this?” I ask, holding up a round piece of green glass about the size of a marble.


  “It’s beach glass. Some people collect these like they’re precious gemstones. Or pirate treasure. Y
ou want to help me find some?”

  “Okay,” he says, leaping to join the new game.

  After ten minutes he’s a natural, taking on the beach glass collector's bug as intently as his fascination with collecting bugs. At least the glass isn’t crawling the walls of the collecting jar, which makes me squirm.

  I get into the task of trawling the sand with him. The little gems, previously worthless pieces of broken beer or soda bottles can sell on eBay for thirty dollars.

  “I found a purple one,” Caden squeals.


  He puts it into his pocket happily. “This is the best day ever,” he says and continues searching through the sand for more.

  “Really?” I’m kinda shocked but say, “I’m glad.”

  I smile sadly, wondering what happened to his loving, caring mother. My curiosity about her peaks for another reason but I squash that one firmly down like the sand under my clenching toes.

  “So how ‘bout we see if we can find any sea turtles.”

  “Sure,” he says. This kid is so amenable. “Hey!” When he lets out a yell, I whirl around in terror.

  “What is it?”

  “Look there’s dad,” he says pointing.

  I turn my head, and sure enough, Ethan is walking towards us. He’s shirtless, and for the first time, I see his broad muscular chest and tight, rippled abs without any clothes in the way. Holy cow, that is a sight to tempt the goddesses.

  Ethan starts jogging like some Baywatch lifeguard and my inner thighs tighten without my permission, as my tummy lifts off for the sky.

  “I flew into Honolulu early this morning,” Ethan explains as he drops to hug his son. “I thought I’d surprise you – both – after Marta told me where’d you come.” Are those eyes twinkling at me when he says ‘both’?

  “Was your mission a success, Major Dad?” I say, with a trace of snark in my voice. Watching the deep love between them, barely softens my concern that Caden is being neglected.

  The little boy struggles free and runs at a glint of glass. Ethan stands and faces me. I shiver, even though I’m in the sun.

  “It’s nice to see you. Thanks for helping with him.” As if sensing my thoughts, he adds, “Is everything okay?”

  I’m not sure how to answer that, so I say, “Yes, we’ve had a lovely time together.”

  “You’ve really given him a wonderful day, I can see that,” he says.

  “It’s my pleasure.”

  “Dad, I found this,” Caden says holding up a piece of turqouise sea glass.

  “Wow.” Ethan palms the treasure and Caden runs off for more.

  “It’s like your eyes,” I say to Ethan. “Almost matches them completely.”

  He smiles and winks at me. “You don’t say?”

  “I do.”

  “Let’s go find some sea turtles before I forget we’re in public,” he says.

  I shudder at his blatant flirting. I decide to put aside any lingering resentment and allow myself to wonder at the chills running through my body.

  He bends over to pick up our towels and the little cooler I brought for our lunches. His legs are long and tanned. His ass is perfectly shaped. I hope he doesn’t notice me gawking. I remind myself that we have his child with us, but my nipples didn’t get the message and they perk up through my bikini like shark fins breaking surface on the water.

  When he turns towards me, I can see his blue eyes drift to my pointing bits and I blush. Shit.

  “Let’s go find those turtles,” I fluster and head directly for the parking lot.

  Ethan swings his son up to ride on his broad shoulders for our walk along the shore. And as we climb the steep slope to the lot, the little boy reaches out a hand for me to hold, making me a part of the family group. I’m touched by how sweetly thoughtful he is. Ethan’s taught him something.

  We share one car to Turtle beach but obviously Ethan and I don’t touch at all, sitting in the front beside each other. When we wander down to the sand, Caden holds his dad’s hand and the cuteness factor is cotton candy level.

  There are dozens of turtles along the reef. Tourists are everywhere taking pictures of the sea reptiles munching on red and green algae.

  I’m in my element.

  Then Caden calls out to me with his own game.

  “You get a turn to ride on Daddy’s shoulders now, Wylie,” I laugh at the way his lips turn out my name, but I’m also thrown over the edge of a quake at the suggestion. It sounds more like the typical six-year old friendly command.

  “I don't’ think we should tire daddy out,” I say, my cheeks blazing hot at the way Ethan's grinning at my discomfort.

  “My dad’s very very strong. He never tires out.”

  “I’m too big to ride on shoulders now,” I half mewl as my thighs soak at the prospect of being wrapped around Ethan’s rough head.

  “Don’t be scared, Wylie,” Caden continues not giving up. “I trusted you about the shark now you have to trust me.”

  “Gotcha,” Ethan hisses from the side of his mouth.

  He bends over on the ground behind me and sticks his head between my legs. I swear I almost collapse on the sand as my body fires with sensual heat. But I feel the power of Ethan’s muscle load as he powers to lift us both to standing and I go soaring toward the sky. I clamp my hands around his head while my bare thighs grip tight at his neck.

  “That’s some strength you’ve got in those gorgeous thighs,” Ethan quips, placing his large hands on my legs to hold me stead.

  “Ditto,” I mewl.

  My clit is prodding hard through my shorts, aware how close a real man is. I’m sure my juice must be pouring from the side of my tiny shorts and running down Ethan’s thick neck.

  I laugh, almost hysterical with need to grind against his head and trying to cover my nervous lust.

  “See Wylie, riding Daddy is fun,” Caden informs me.

  “Oh, you’re right, it definitely is,” I say and wave as he runs on ahead of us to get a closer look at the turtles.

  “I know more than ever that I want to work in environmental law,” I say to Ethan, rambling about anything to cover up the way my clit is pulsing with ravenous hunger into the back of his head. His close crop razes at my inner thighs and makes goosebumps stand up in places I didn’t know they existed. "I um, really want to help preserve the natural world, before it's too late."

  “You’re very compassionate and I think you made the right choice,” he says.

  “You really think so?”

  “I do.”

  He gives my mid thighs a pat-squeeze and my heart rate quickens to detonation point. My insides turn loops like I’m on a roller coaster. His hands are weapons capable of being hard and soft. He tips up to look at me and blue eyes that reflect the expanse of Hawaiian sky sear through my soul. A cavern of wild brush fire has been lit inside my body. This can’t be happening, can it?

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “Of course. I’ve wanted to…” I pause and think about what is happening. Can I do this? Do I dare?

  A giant turtle floats to the reef in front of me and begins to graze. They mate, lay eggs, and start the process of life over again. Why can’t our lives be as simple?

  “I’ve been thinking about you,” Ethan says squeezing my thighs again. His thumb pads across my skin absent-mindedly. It’s as though the awkward heat of this position has us communicating just to evade it. “For a long time. I know we’ll have some big waves ahead and probably a few sharks to avoid, but I see what I want here.”

  He drops to the sand to free me from the delectable torture at last. When he rises he has to take my hands to steady me from melting, my knees are so weak.

  “Rylie. I want you.” He leans down towards me, takes my chin in his free hand, and brings his lips to mine.

  I swallow down a gulp as the world closes in around me. I can hear the mild surf crashing and voices in the distance, but Ethan is the only real thing present in my current universe.

  His first kiss is on the corner of my mouth. Tenderly he touches his lips lightly and then moves to my neck, sending my heart skittering. He plants a kiss below my ear so my shoulder involuntarily jumps and sparkles flow through my entire body.

  Ethan’s hand trails from my jaw to my cheek and then to my ear. He runs his finger along the outside of my ear, brushing along my double earrings and stopping at the base of my neck. He plants a half dozen tiny kisses around my eyes. His fingers move through my hair at the back of my head.

  Then he drops my hand gently and brings both of his hands to my face.

  Cupping me powerfully and lightly, he tilts my head back and brings his lips to mine.

  I open my mouth and receive the gift of his tongue.

  It’s a glorious first kiss. More even than I imagined it would be.

  I can feel the sun on my face as he moves me slowly in a circle. My bare feet feel every sensation of movement as he guides me. We are dancing under a blue Hawaiian sky. I feel a slight ocean breeze. My toes wiggle in the cool beach sand as our embrace continues into eternity.

  His mouth, at first, tastes like ocean salt. As we linger, I sense his essence, a taste that imprints into my mind like a favorite song. I move my tongue along his, and then suck him into my mouth, as if I could eat his soul. I move my hands, one to his chest, where I feel his nipple rise under my fingers, the other to his cheek. I caress him as he moves and guides me into a continuation of our Hawaiian Hula under a cloudless sky.

  His bulge presses into my stomach. My pussy heats and throbs as he draws on my tongue.

  I never want this moment to end, but he slowly withdraws his mouth and gives me a final sweet peck under my ear.

  “I want this kiss to be the first of thousands,” he whispers.

  I shudder again, goose bumps rise on my arms, and I look into the deep pools of blue on his face and sigh.

  “I…” My body shivers again, and I pull him close to me. Placing my face to his chest, I can feel tears run down my cheek. I’ve never felt so alive, so enthralled, or so scared. He holds me closer and tighter, and I squeeze him back. “I’m so happy I can’t speak,” I whimper.

  His arms encircle me tighter, letting me know he’s got me.


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