Book Read Free


Page 6

by Mia Madison

  “Are you denying it?”


  “Well, it’s complicated," I say trying to maintain my composure. I know the more I say, the more deductions she’ll leap to. My mother is no lawyer and doesn’t worry too much about the evidence. Then again, plenty of lawyers go the same route.

  “Shit, Rylie,” she says. “You’re seeing an officer, aren’t you?”

  My mother is a mind reader. She and Alani should get together on a Vegas show. I bumble and stutter. If I deny it, she’ll know I’m lying. I’m just working out my line of defense when she reaches her conclusion.

  “God damn, Rye, that means he’s older. How old?”

  Double crap. Now what?

  If I admit I’m seeing an older man, an officer of his no less, she’ll call my snooping Dad. He’ll figure out in a heartbeat who it is. Ethan will be in trouble at work. I’ll get a lecture from hell.

  I don't need this parental drama in my life. Time to cut loose.

  “Mom, it’s my private business.”

  “So you are seeing an older man,” she says with confidence. “I knew it.”

  “Jesus, Mom,” I say. “Can’t I have my own life?”

  “I’m buying you a ticket tonight when I get home,” she says. “I might even drop you in first class if I have the points. I’ll take you out with the girls and all this silliness will be forgotten.”

  “Mom, you may hang with girls but I am not one.”

  “Of course, you are,” she says. “Believe me being an old bag comes around fast enough. I’ll send your schedule later tonight. It’s beautiful in Boston this time of year. And this is the best thing for you. You can study for the bar here while meeting some decent men from MIT.”


  “It’s all settled, Rye,” she says. “I’ll be in touch.”

  She cuts the call, and I drive in a deep sulk.

  Now, what?



  “When’s your car going to be fixed?” Rylie asks.

  “Why, you don’t like this sub-compact rental?” I say. “It’s what all the cool people are driving. Anyway I thought you were Eco-conscious.”

  I’m taking her to a charity event in Waikiki. The organization sponsoring the evening is a leader in the fight to preserve the green sea turtles, as well as other endangered species in the Pacific. I’m going to introduce Rylie to my greenie lawyer friend who might be able to give her some advice on her career aspirations.

  I take her hand and drink her in.

  “Keep your eyes on the road,” she grins.

  “You don’t think I can wreck two cars in a week do you?”

  “I’m just nervous.”

  “What’s happening, Babe?”

  She frowns and looks at me. “Is everyone a mind reader?”

  “What’s that mean?” I ask.

  “Oh, nothing. My mom. My best friend. My dad, now you too.”

  “So all the people that care about you.”

  She relaxes a little. And says, “I’m worried.”

  “About this?” I ask, lifting up our intertwined fingers.

  “Yeah, this.” She squeezes my hand but thankfully doesn’t let go. I can't get enough of touching her skin.

  For me hand-holding is one of the most intimate things two adults can do while operating machinery or in public. Interlaced fingers can be more intense than sex depending on the woman and this one is spiking my heart rate. She’s dressed in a light Hawaiian print sundress, backless with her hair tied up. Little makeup and jewelry, but she looks like a princess to me. Her lightly tanned legs are crossed, our joined hands resting on top, making me think of her tight sweetness underneath. I’m beyond yearning to part those soft thighs at last.

  “I’m going to introduce you to this guy, Gary Hyde. He’s been working in environmental law for ages, knows all the players. He might be able to recommend you for an internship.”

  “I’m not sure,” she says, looking out the window.

  “Honest, he kinda owes me one.”

  “I’m still struggling with the bar exam studies, and…”

  “What, Bae?”

  She hesitates and looks out the side window. Dropping my hand, she turns back to announce, “I think my dad suspects.”


  With a long inhale, I reach to secure her hand in mine again, holding her fast.

  “We’ll have to deal with that sooner or later,” I say. "If this is still what you want?"

  “I do. I guess. My mother has…” She becomes pensive and quiet.

  “What?” That ‘I guess’ has me churning up inside.

  “Never mind.” She smiles wanly. “Can we enjoy tonight without talk of my parents, please?”


  We enter the conference hall. A shit-load of people are milling around the exhibits. What a mash-up. Lawyers in ties, hippies in flip flops and women wearing brightly colored mumus and even a few evening gowns. Hawaiian-style usually means that people are accepted as they are. So opposite from the military.

  I look for Gary and eventually discover him arguing, lawyering, with a group of Japanese businessmen in suits.

  When the salarymen move away like a shoal of fish, I introduce Rylie.

  “Hello, Rylie,” he says, taking her arm. “Come with me.”

  I follow along and listen as he explains what his organization does, who they are currently filing lawsuits against, and how Rylie might work her way into the type of law that can potentially save the planet. He’s a good salesman, lawyer, and advocate. Rylie is enthralled and listens to every word.

  I smile at her occasionally, letting her know I’m there whenever her gaze seeks me out.

  She looks annoyed at a hostess serving pupus and drinks trying to flirt with me. Her reaction elicits an abrupt, nearly rude, reply from me. The innocent girl looks offended and I realize I’d better check my reactions. I don’t need to be an asshole to make Rylie feel secure. The truth is I haven't noticed another ass since that night in Frank’s kitchen.

  Normally I get flirty glances from women all day long. I must be missing something as I can't recall the last time I exchanged a smile with anyone but Rylie.

  I sip on a beer and hang in the background. Rylie’s face is glowing. They’re discussing over-fishing, gill nets, tuna limits, international waters. A bunch of stuff about carbon dioxide and pollution that intrigues me, but I know little about.

  “This has been amazing,” Rylie says after Gary releases her back to me.

  “Did it seem like he can help you get where you want?”

  “Absolutely. Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “You’re welcome,” I say, handing her a drink. “Hungry yet?”

  “Can we hear the next lecture, and then dinner?”

  “Sure. Let’s grab a seat.”

  After the lecture, Rylie stands up to ask the marine biologist speaker a challenging question. I’m impressed with her poise. I didn’t realize she was such a confident public speaker.

  I’m up for sneaking through wilderness with a rifle, diving among sharks, and surfing big waves, but unless I’m in court, my theater, I don’t leap to speak in front of a group. This woman is more special than I imagined and at the same time, I’m reminded of how badly I want to strip away that enticing slip of a dress and bury myself inside her.

  It’s sometimes said that a nervous public speaker should imagine the audience naked, so I turn that trick on its head. I imagine Rylie naked, and this audience vanished. She throws a thigh over me to straddle me. Her bare tits bob under the light flowing fabric and I cup her perfect ass cheeks and squeeze as she glides up and down my girth like a carousel horse.

  Up and down.

  Faster and faster.

  My shaft is so fucking hard and I'm so excited, that I don’t hear her whisper in my ear until she calls my name a second time.

  “Ethan, where are you?” she whispers.

  Oh, shit.

; “Yes, I’m sorry,” I apologize, embarrassed at the gotcha. “I was, ah, thinking.”

  “Can we please get dinner?” she pleads. “I’m starving.”

  “Sure, I just need a moment.”

  I can’t stand up, not with this massive bulge in my pants. She looks at the tent I’m sporting with a grin.

  “Thanks. That’s really a big help,” I joke, making her laugh happily at her triumph. I think of things besides Riley. Work, turtles, taxes, the Taliban… Eventually, my bastard recedes, and I’m free to stand. I take her hand.

  “Ready?” she asks.

  “You bet.”

  We eat and never once touch on incendiary topics like her parents. I listen to her tell me in an excited voice about all the things she learned at the event.

  Then when we part for the night, I know my world’s on the precipice the instant our lips press and our tongues entwine.

  As I put Rylie in a Lyft and watch her go, I’m left with my raging fucking shaft. And not even thinking of all the South American drug lords at once will make it recede.

  The house is quiet, my child asleep. After dismissing the sitter, I toss my clothes off and step in the shower. The ecstatic soldier stands at attention the entire time cold water flows down my body. I towel off and check myself in the mirror. My body has suffered from years of military training, long board surfing, and various accidents camping, hiking, and fishing. I sport a bunch of scars, some bring good memories and I run my finger along the nastiest.

  Across the top of my right thigh, an ugly six-inch wound. The scar isn’t from a military battle, but a jagged rock slash I got rescuing a couple of hikers caught in a sudden rainstorm and flash flood on Maui. More tourists die from drowning in Hawaii, than from things like sharks, but drowning, for whatever reason, doesn’t seem as scary.

  Imaging shark attacks, drownings, and nasty scars did nothing to soften my erection. If my dick could talk, he would be telling me how much he needs to slide into Rylie’s slick pussy. No argument from me.

  I want her luscious body under me, over me, next to me, and wrapped up in my arms and legs. I need to bathe in the heat of her sweet nectar before I go completely crazy.

  Once in bed, Rylie’s on my mind, the vision of her ass, her tits, her cute smile consuming my thoughts. I want her clit to feel the head of my cock. I can almost feel, taste with my core, rubbing myself in circles over her pleasure center until she screams.

  I have to have her, possess her, dive into her and never come up for air.



  On Thursday I was sure about insisting on staying put in Hawaii. Then by Friday doubts surface again. I ignore my mother’s email about traveling, but that can only last for so long before she detonates and calls in the cavalry – daddy.

  This evening I have to attend a military function with him. Everyone present is military and dressed in Class A uniforms. Ethan is no exception. I almost swoon at the sight of him in his medals, he makes the stiff uniform so freaking hot. But it’s even better imagining him with it all off and I the buff.

  My tummy goes skittering even though he’s halfway across the room talking to guys in his unit.

  Thoughts of hard ropes of pure muscle bounce through my mind until my father interrupts my day dreams.

  “You’re very distracted,” he says, suspiciously scanning the room.

  “Sorry, Dad,” I apologize. “I’ve got stuff going on.”

  “Hmmm. Your mother called me today.”

  Shit. Better come clean.

  “I don’t want to go to Boston. I like it here. And I’ve got an interview next week with a non-profit.” Gary Hayes was as good as his word.

  “You’d better stick to business if you stay here,” daddy says. I can sense the double meaning in his voice. I glance towards Ethan. “I know something’s going on with you. I can smell it.”

  “You’ve always been insightful, Dad,” I acknowledge. “But it’s my life, okay?”

  “Yes, it’s your life. Just don’t do anything either of us will regret.”


  He’s right, of course. Except when I look at Ethan, I melt inside. My knees get weak and my body reacts like a chemistry experiment. I’m literally happy when I think about him. And I spend most of my chore time fantasizing sexy scenarios we can't seem to make a reality. Like this morning, washing dishes.

  He comes up behind me, grasps my hips and kisses my neck. I was only fantasizing, but still, I nearly dropped the plate. Shivers ripple the length of me as his lips trail across my neck and his hands travel up to my tits, tweaking my hard nipples. “How about I towel dry you after we shower together?”

  “I think I’d rather stay wet,” I purr, “And have you bend me over the sink to slide into me from behind again.”

  “Sir,” a voice I recognize says. I leap so high, I’m sure the men notice. Ethan’s beside me and all the air squashes out of my chest.

  “Good evening, Rylie,” he says. “Pleasure to see you.”

  I give him a friendly, OK let’s admit it, awkward, side hug, trying for an ‘everything normal here’ attitude in front of all the officers. Especially my father.

  When some other high ranking officers begin talking politics with him, I drift a few steps away and Ethan follows.

  “I’m dying here, Riley” he hisses.

  My body grows unbearably hot. I glance around the room, hoping no one notices us. “Me too. I wish we could get out of here.”

  “I can’t even fucking touch you. Can I see you tomorrow?”

  The danger of this peaks my blood flow. One look from my father would give us away I’m sure.



  “What about Caden?”

  “He has a play date. Marta’s nephews are coming to visit. And I’m taking you into the woods.”

  “I like hiking,” I clarify, worried I might not be enough for Ethan. I’m not a surfer, I’ve never dived with sharks. He’s got such adventurous hobbies. “I like being outside.”

  He smirks.

  Was that a dumb thing to say?

  He must think I’m so immature. The room is claustrophobic, filled with talk of missions, war, and all the horrible cases on their heavy dockets. The Uniform Military Code of Justice covers how criminal acts committed by enlisted men are prosecuted. The laws are similar to civilian courts, but there’s lots of extra rules that can get soldiers into trouble. So much is at stake and I don’t want Ethan to get in trouble.

  Ethan touches my arm. His fingers fire electricity, pins and needles all through me.

  “I have to mingle,” he says.

  I nod. “Better you move away from me while you have the chance.”

  He grins again with a wolfish upturn of his full mouth that makes me scared he’ll devour me right here in front of all his men.

  “I’ll meet you in the Starbucks parking lot at seven.”

  I nod, unable to speak for fear of betraying the lust flooding through me in front of everyone. I watch him walk into the crowd and can’t take my eyes off his ass. The sensation of desire overcomes my fear momentarily, and I step forward. I want to be closer to him, even if I have to share his company. A look from Ethan halts me. I sit alone and fake politeness for the rest of the night.

  I sleep in fits and wake up at dawn. I hover impatiently over the Lyft app, time not moving forward normally. Eons later I finally call the ride and there he is waiting for me to arrive.

  Sparks fire through me as I walk, forcing myself not to hurtle at him. In dark cargos, he’s even sexier than in uniform. A tight tee in tech sport fabric highlights his muscular pecs.

  I trail my finger along a scar ingrained deep into the muscle, reveling every moment of being able to touch him.

  “You never explained this,” I whisper.

  “Rope burn,” he shrugs it off.

  As we walk to the car after grabbing coffee, I insist on all the deets. He explains without the slightest
swagger how he saved two lives, endangering his own without a thought.

  “That’s an amazing story,” I say, I’ve never removed my finger from tracing that scar. “You’re a hero.”

  “I was just a guy doing what anyone would do.”

  “I don’t think just anyone would do that.”

  Abashed, he puts me into the car. As we drive he explains how beautiful the spot we’re heading to is.

  “I can’t wait,” I say. “For a lot of things.”

  “You’re sure, Riley?”

  “Cross my heart,” I assure him.

  I’m sure now. Ethan is not just handsome in an ‘I’d hit that’ kind of way, he’s beautiful, sexy, and to top it off, he’s heroic. I’m ready to let him in deeper. My body jitters a bit when I admit this to myself.

  “You okay?” he asks.

  “Fan-fucking-tastic. Let’s hike.”

  We drive up the Pali and stop in Nu’uanu to walk to the Lulumahu Falls.

  “You’re going to find this waterfall impressive,” Ethan says, when we leave the car and begin trekking. Ethan takes the lead into the greenery, and I follow behind him carefully walking along a muddy trail.

  “It’s already impressive around here,” I say, gazing at his ass. He tosses a smirk back. “I’ve spent too much time in shopping malls.”

  “You’re about to find new things that will blow your mind.”

  I have no doubt and I can’t wait. It’s been so long, my pussy twitches as I imagine his mouth trekking and hiking over my clit.

  I want his hands on my fleshy mounds, his fingers tweaking my nipples, and his tongue in all the folds of my eager body.

  Is it even safe to get naked in the forest? Shit, I don’t want to get caught by a group of Japanese tourists with Nikons.

  “Are there many visitors to this park?” I inquire casually.

  “This isn’t an official state park,” he says, as we approach a stream. “It’s government property.”

  “So we’re trespassing?”

  “Yeah. You did want to live dangerously?”

  “If I get arrested at least I know I’ll have a good lawyer.”


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