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Billy's Move

Page 13

by Karen Clow

  In the bedroom he began undressing her, kissing her as he removed her dress. Standing there in her underwear she touched his face and said, “Tony you don’t have to do this.” He never answered her he just kissed her, as he gently pushed her onto the bed. In her heart she knew that something was happening in his life outside of the family, her instinct was that he was feeling insecure about his age. She had meant what she’d said to him, women would always find him attractive but despite that she knew she would never want anyone else. The whole time he made love to her she couldn’t help but think that something was coming that would test their love and make or break for them. When their lovemaking was over she laid across his chest, stroking his hair. Looking down at her he knew her love for him was real, he didn’t have to try and impress her like he did the young girls that he slept with. Lydia came into his mind, was she just using him because he was wealthy, or did she truly desire him the way Belle did. His mind was telling him to end it with Lydia, but because of the sex they had it was also telling him to just enjoy it. “Tony, please tell me what’s going on,” said Belle. Squeezing her he replied, “It’s not you babe it’s me. I know how selfish I’ve been, things will be different from now on, I promise. It’s just that I worry that you have a different life now that the kids are grown up, but I want you to know that I love you.” “I know that Tony, but its hard being married to a man that other women want. I just suppose if we’re being honest I’ve always expected you to come home one day and tell me that you’re leaving me for someone else.” “I’ll never leave you and the kids Belle, I thought you knew that?” “I wouldn’t want you to stay because of the kids; I want you here because it’s where you want to be.” They talked openly and honestly about their marriage and their family. She knew he’d had dozens of lovers since they married, but she also knew that he would never admit it.


  Billy had arranged to take Jess to the cottage at four that afternoon so she could sort out the food for the party. Because of the children they had decided to start it around six so that their friends could leave early. “Now are you sure you can manage Jess, I can pop over with you if you like,” said Maria. “Honestly I’ll be fine thanks, Billy can help, I’ve only got to put the nibbles out, I’ll see you there later.” Billy appeared carrying Becky, “Are we nearly ready Jess,” he asked. “Yes, I think I’ve remembered everything, are you coming back here to get ready?” “Can’t see the point in that babe, I’ll take some clean gear with me and change at yours, if that’s ok?” Smiling she nodded. Everyone could see that she was excited and nervous about the party, Monica joked and said, “Well this is it Jess, tomorrow morning you’ll wake up in your own place. I’ll always remember my first flat, I was so excited I couldn’t wait to move in and then I got my first bill and wished I was still at home!” Everyone laughed. Five minutes later Billy was securing Becky in the car seat.

  At the cottage he played with the baby while Jess sorted out the food, although it was really just a matter of putting it onto dishes as it was already cooked and prepared. By quarter to six everything was done. Billy had changed Becky into a party dress while Jess had taken a shower and got ready.

  Ten past six saw the arrival of Mickey and his brood along with Monica and her family; they were followed fifteen minutes later by Shaun and Ann. Maria noticed that Shaun still looked pale and gaunt from the attack and she felt bad that they hadn’t gone to his party, but Shaun knew what it was like having a young family. As they talked he asked Maria if anyone else was coming. “I don’t think so, we did ask Isabella and Tony but I doubt we’ll see them.” Then sarcastically she added, “I dare say Tony will be preoccupied with other things. I did say to Isabella that she would be welcome to stay the night but you know what she’s like she won’t leave her family.” “Aye she’s a gooden, she could have come down with us.” “I did think that, but I wasn’t sure if you would feel up to it, or if you had cover for the pub so I didn’t mention it to her.”

  Jess was overwhelmed with the gifts that everyone brought her, everything that she had told Maria she needed was given and several extras. Maria had bought Becky a beautiful set of clothes; her reason for doing so was because it was also Becky’s house warming. Billy was very attentive towards Jess throughout the evening; he was also the perfect host checking that everyone had a drink, despite he and George not drinking because they would be going to work at the club when the party finished.

  Maria was shocked when Isabella and Tony turned up just before eight. Hugging her Maria said, “Oh I’m so glad you could make it Belle, Jess will be thrilled!” “Where is Jess?” “In the kitchen I think.” “I’ll just pop in and say hello.” Isabella left to find Jess in the kitchen.

  Kissing Jess on the cheek she said, “We wasn’t really sure what to get you Jess, so I hope you’re not offended, we’ve put some money in the card. I was going to get you gift voucher but then I thought you’ll be limited to one shop; this way you can buy what you like.” Jess hugged her and asked where Tony was. Although she had only met them a couple of times at Mickey’s house she really liked them, especially Isabella. “He’s in the lounge talking to Mickey, go in and say hello.” “I’ll just open my card first,” replied Jess. When she opened the card there was a fifty pound note inside, shocked she turned to Isabella and said, “That’s far too much I can’t take that!” Smiling Isabella replied, “Of course you can, unfortunately it won’t go very far nowadays. Anyway Tony gave it to me and believe me he can afford it!” Hugging her, Jess thanked her again then went to find Tony.

  Spotting him talking, she walked towards him. As she approached he smiled and said, “Happy house warming babe!” “Thank you for coming and thank you so much for the money, I told Isabella it’s really too much.” “Get something nice with it babe, I’m sure there’ll be things you’ll need.” Leaning forward she hugged him as she thanked him again. Slightly taken back by her actions Tony joked and said, “Well you’ve certainly come out of your shell babe. When I first meet you, I don’t think you said anything other than hello and just look at you know, quite a little cracker! What have you and Maria done to her Mickey?” “Not me mate, Maria, but if anyone should take the credit its Jess herself, oh and let’s not forget Billy.” Making a joke Tony replied, “Now babe, a good looking girl like you doesn’t need to get tied down with Billy, you should be out there enjoying yourself!” Billy had heard what had been said and despite knowing that Tony had only said it in fun he replied, “Actually Tony she can’t get enough of me, can you babe?” Jess blushed, but didn’t reply. Leaving the men talking, she returned to chat with the ladies.

  Tony was asking George how he was getting on working in the club, when his mobile vibrated and bleeped. Taking it from his pocket he read the message, it was from Lydia saying, ‘Hi sexy, r u at the M4 tonight, I’ll be there with friends luv L xx.’ With his ego rising he asked George what time they’d be leaving for the club. “Me and Billy are hoping to get there by about half ten, that’s when it starts getting busy, why?” “Just had a text from a mate, he’s going to the club later, mind if I tag along with you.” “Not at all, will your good lady be joining us?” “No, she’ll want to get home because of the kids; I’ll sort her out a lift with Shaun.”

  Making his way over to Isabella, he slipped his arms around her waist and said, “Babe would you mind going back with Shaun and Ann?” “Why aren’t you coming with me Tony?” “I’ve just been talking to George and they’re a bit short staffed at the club tonight, so I’ve offered to help them out. I don’t have to stay till closing, I’ll be home by two, but that’s only if you’re ok about it babe?” Billy had heard what he’d said to her, at that moment he knew that it wasn’t a mate he was meeting but a woman. Despite feeling sorry for Isabella, he never said anything, his thoughts being it was Tony’s business. Looking sad she replied, “I’d rather you came home Tony, but if they really need your help I suppose it’s ok, but are you sure Shaun and Ann don’t mind because
it’s out of their way.” “I’m sure they’ll be only too happy to take you babe, I haven’t asked them yet I just wanted to check with you first that it was ok.” When she nodded he kissed her cheek and then left to ask Shaun.

  Isabella went back to chatting with the ladies. She knew by their faces that Tony had lied. Monica had quickly tried to redeem herself after saying, “I didn’t think they were short of blokes tonight because when Mickey asked them earlier if they needed him, they said no.” Realising that she had upset Isabella with her honesty she quickly added, “I expect George has received a call to say that someone hasn’t turned in.” Maria could see that Isabella was feeling upset, so she said, “Belle is everything ok between you and Tony?” They were all shocked when she replied, “He’s having a mid life crisis!” “What do you mean, things are ok aren’t they?” “Honestly, I don’t know Maria; things are strange between us at the moment. One minute he tells me he wants to spend more time with me and the kids and the sex is just like it was when we first married. Then he changes again and gets stressy and angry with everything especially me. The other night when he came home, he stunk of a woman’s perfume, yet when I questioned him about it, he said it hurts him to think I don’t trust him. Please don’t say anything to Mickey or George, Tony wouldn’t like me talking about our personal life.” Monica being less tactful than Maria piped in and said, “More fool you for putting up with it Isabella. He should be the one worrying, let’s face it he’s getting older and losing it, but you’re still a very good looking woman. I guarantee you wouldn’t be on your own five minutes if you were on the market!” The others laughed as Maria jokingly said, “Don’t sugar coat it Monica say what you think!” Monica grinned and replied, “I’m only being truthful, lets face it gone are the days when young girls threw themselves at him, now they’d be more likely to throw themselves in front of a bus than offer him a blow job!” All the ladies laughed, including Isabella. She would never normally allow anyone to say such things about him, but Monica made her laugh and she was right. “Can I ask you something,” said Monica. “Of course,” replied Isabella. “Why do you put up with it, I can never understand it when beautiful women like you sit at home like the dutiful wife, while their men sleep around.” With a sad expression on her face she replied, “Because to me he is everything and I love him. I cannot imagine that I would ever want another man and he’s always stayed with me!” “Oh, so it’s alright for him to have other women as long as he stays with you!” Feeling hurt she replied, “I don’t expect you to understand Monica. I met him when I was sixteen and he was like my knight in shining armour, so loving and kind. I knew he would always attract women, but foolishly I thought I could change that. By the time I realised I couldn’t, I had Carlo.” Realising that she’d said too much Monica replied, “I do understand, I’ve met lots of men like him, most of them were coppers, but your family are growing up; it’s your time now! All I’m saying is if you want your life to change then do something about it, don’t wait until you’re too old and then wished you had.” “Tony is my life, without him and my children I would have nothing. I wish I could stop loving him but I can’t, and if I’m honest I think he needs me just as much as I need him!” “Fair enough, as long as you’re happy, who am I to judge. Now shall we mingle, I’d like to see George before he goes off to work.”

  The ladies split up and made their way towards their husbands except for Isabella, she went and sat with Mary who was watching over the triplets. By quarter to ten all the babies were exhausted. Billy had taken Becky up to bed just after nine. Georgie had fallen asleep on Ann’s lap while the twins and Harry were sat talking to Shaun.

  At ten o’clock the men helped secure all the kids in the appropriate cars before leaving for the club. Billy had gone back in the cottage to see Jess. Finding her tidying up in the kitchen, he slipped his arms around her, holding her tight he kissed her and jokingly said, “Now are you sure you don’t want me to come back after work?” Grinning she replied, “Yes I’m sure; by the time you finish I’ll be fast asleep. I’ll see you tomorrow, are you still picking me up for lunch at Maria’s?” “Course I am, I’ll be here by half twelve, have you enjoyed tonight?” “I’ve had the most wonderful time. I still can’t believe all the things everyone’s bought for me.” “You deserve it babe and with me as your fella, what more could you possibly want!”

  They were kissing passionately when George entered the kitchen and said, “Put the poor girl down, we’ve got to go lover boy!” “See you tomorrow babe, sleep well. Any problems call my mobile or the club ok?” said Billy. Smiling Jess replied, “Stop worrying I’ll be fine, see you tomorrow. Be careful at work.”

  At the club Tony scanned the seating area and the bar looking for Lydia, finally he spotted her on the dance floor. He wasn’t happy with what he was seeing though; she was wearing a very short skirt and a low cut top and was dancing very provocatively with a good looking young man. For over fifteen minutes he watched her before she left the dance floor and sat at a table. A few minutes later she started making her way to the bar. Still unaware that Tony was there, she stood at the bar to order their drinks. Making his way over to her and standing behind her, he discretely ran his hand up her leg. Spinning round quickly with an angry look on her face, ready to say something rude before she realised it was him. “You look like you were enjoying yourself, who’s your friend,” asked Tony.” Sarcastically she replied, “Oh hello Lydia, it’s wonderful to see you!” Knowing that she was being sarcastic he replied, “I want to say hello properly, but not here come to the office, and hi gorgeous how are you?” “That’s more like it Tony, I’m just going to buy a drink for my friend and then I’ll meet you there ok?” After taking his drink over, she told her friend that she was going to the ladies.


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