Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 31

by Karen Clow

  Vito and Anthony helped Carlo to his feet just as Tony grabbed their mum’s arm and started pulling her towards the lounge as he said, “We’re going to sort this out in private!” Hurting from the barrage of blows his dad had inflicted on him but retaining his pride, Carlo stood there with an air of defiance and said, “I think it’s a bit late to talk dad don’t you, maybe you should have kept it in your trousers and thought about what you had to lose! You disgust me, look at your family; you don’t care about any of us only yourself! You’re a joke dad, your fifty odd years old, don’t you think it’s time you started acting like it?” Angry, Tony released his wife and moved towards Carlo, but before he could hit him, Isabella stood between them and shouted, “Enough!” Tony backed away then stormed off up the stairs. Isabella was crying and trembling as she looked at Carlo’s face and said, “Why didn’t you just leave him alone, you know what he’s like. I never thought I would see the day my family would come to this. I’m so sorry Carlo.”

  No one had noticed that Sophia had followed her dad up to the bedroom, as she entered the room he was sitting on the bed crying. Walking towards him she said, “Why don’t you want to stay here with us dad, do you like your girlfriend more than us?” Patting the bed for her to sit down he put his arm around her and replied, “I do want to be here baby, I love you all, but I’ve made a terrible mistake. I love your mum but she won’t believe me. Carlo was right, I’m disgusting.” Resting her head on his shoulder she said, “No you’re not, I don’t want you to go dad, you said you would never leave us.” “I know baby and I don’t want to, but mum doesn’t want me here.” “I’ll talk to her; I’ll tell her you don’t want to go and I want you to stay.”

  Downstairs the three boys were concerned for their mum; the pain of everything was etched on her face. “What should we do mum,” said Anthony. With tears in her eyes she replied, “I don’t know, but I don’t want you all fighting. Whatever happens he’s still your father.” Carlo was quick to say, “Don’t defend him mum, we’re not kids anymore.” Lovingly touching his face she replied, “I know Carlo, I’m not asking you to forgive him, but I know in my heart he loves you all.” Then she looked round the room and said, “Where’s Sophia?” They all shook their heads. Isabella continued, “It will be hard for her, she’s always adored him, it will be difficult for her to understand. Please go and find her Vito, she’s upset.”

  He’d only just stood up when Sophia appeared, they could all see that she had been crying. “Come and sit down Soph,” said Carlo. Sitting next to her mum, Isabella reached out and held her hand as her daughter looked at her and said, “Please don’t make dad leave mum.” Knowing she didn’t fully understand the impact of what her father had done, or the horrible way he had been treating his wife, her mum lovingly replied, “He can’t stay Sophia, what he’s done is very bad.” Crying and trembling she said, “I know mum, but he’s really sorry and I know he loves you, why don’t you love him?” “I’ve always loved him and I probably always will. When you meet the right boy you’ll understand why some things are the way they are.” “He’s told that girl he doesn’t want to see her anymore, please mum don’t make him go.”

  Carlo could see his mum was struggling to hold herself together, so he interrupted and said, “Soph, we all know your dad’s favourite, but look how he’s treated mum. How do you think she feels, it’s not just that girl Soph, dads had lots of girls and treated mum badly.” Instantly she sprang to her dad’s defence, “No he hasn’t, your just saying that Carlo because dad hit you! You’re the one who wants him to go, not mum!” Their conversation stopped instantly when Isabella stood up and shouted, “Stop it, I can’t sit here and listen to this! What is wrong with you that you have to fight and argue, it’s between me and dad!”


  Barry King was sitting in one of his pubs talking to Tank about the meeting at the Jolly the previous day. “What did you make of that Tony Ramon,” asked Barry. “Fucking loudmouth was what I thought!” Barry laughed and replied, “He’s got some fucking balls I’ll say that for him!” “If you ask me he needs teaching a lesson, do you want me to go round his place?” Like most heavies Tank was bigger in the brawn department than the brains. Barry hadn’t got to the top by making hasty decisions. Shaking his head at Tanks offer he said, “I wouldn’t mind doing business with him, there are very few blokes who would have spoken to me the way he did, and I admire that. I obviously underestimated him; he’s been at the top for a long time and he would make a very good ally. He knows a lot of people here, lots of dealers and distributors, he could be very handy.” “Had some pretty tough muscle, that bloke with the dogs looked a bit of a handful.” Laughing Barry said, “Reggie Swain, twenty years ago he’d have given you a run for your money, that’s for sure. He was one hell of a fighter back in the day, I never got to see him fight, but he was definitely feared and made a lot of money by all accounts. Don’t know much about the other one called Shane, one thing for sure; Tony Ramon wouldn’t be using him if he wasn’t good. My sources tell me that he runs the business in Ramon’s absence.” “Looked fucking dodgy to me, kept giving me the eyeball, what about that solicitor bloke?” “Mickey Mann, used to be high up in the food chain, married Jimmy Dixon’s widow and moved away. Playing at being a country gent, I didn’t take to him, something about him. Mind you I’ve never met a fucking solicitor yet I’d trust, or piss on for that matter!” They both laughed. “Are you going to speak to that Tony then?” asked Tank. With a smirk on his face, Barry replied, “Definitely, sometime in the future. I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.” “What if he’s not interested boss?” “Then I’ll have to make him interested, every man has got his weakness and I happen to know his is pussy!” “Yeah, mine too, especially when it’s wet!” “You dirty bastard, you keep putting it about the way you do and you’ll end up with galloping fucking knob rot! Now go and get the drinks in, we’ll have another one here. If nothing crops up tonight I might treat you to some good pussy.”


  Mickey was on the phone to Lenny about setting up the camera for Jess at the club. “Ok Mickey, no problem I can probably get down to you sometime this week.” “No rush Len, it’s going to take a while for me to set things up, although once it’s in I suppose its done, are you ok with leaving it here for a few weeks.” “Yeah that’s fine; I have got more than one camera!” “Alright sarky bollocks, I was only asking!” “I heard about the meeting with Barry King, Tony belled me.” “Yeah fat bastard, you can see why he’s got the reputation he has, although I must say the way Tony spoke to him we’re lucky we haven’t got a war on our hands.” “Tell me about it, I’ve never known Tony so fucking defensive. I said something to him in a joke the other day; he nearly bit my fucking head off!” “Well with any luck now this problem with Shaun is over, he’ll settle down.” “Not if I know Tony, I can’t imagine for one minute it’s the pub, if you ask me there’s something else and knowing him, it’s probably got something to do with a woman.” “Trouble is Len we’re all getting a bit old to think we’re playboys.” “Speak for your fucking self Mickey, I wouldn’t say no to a young bit of skirt!” Both men laughed.

  Just as Mickey put the phone down Maria appeared. It was obvious that she was excited about something, especially when she grabbed his hand and almost dragged him to his feet.” “Fuck me babe, calm down what’s going on?” “Its Benjamin, I’ve had an e-mail from him, come and read it Mickey, I’m so excited!”

  Clutching his hand tightly she led him to the study, as he sat in the chair reading the e-mail she stood behind him with her arms wrapped round his neck and her head on his shoulder. The message said how much he wanted to meet her and that he was sending photos of their mum and his family. “I bet he’s handsome,” said Maria proudly. Smiling he replied, “Well if he’s as handsome as his sister is beautiful then he is.” Kissing the side of his face she said, “Thank you.” “No need to thank me babe, it’s the truth.” “Oh Mickey I can’t wait
to meet him and for him to meet us.” “I know babe, lets just take some time here, I’m sure you’ll meet him soon enough.”

  Billy and Jess were sitting in the lounge talking before Billy went to work. He knew she was worried about meeting Neville Howard. As they talked she said, “What will you and Mickey do if he does admit to what he did?” Grinning he replied, “Why, would it bother you if we took the law into our own hands?” Smiling as she clutched his hand and replied, “Only because I wouldn’t want you or Mickey to get into trouble, especially over me.” “In that case perhaps I’ll just send him for a midnight dip babe, save us all this trouble!” He could tell by her face that she wasn’t actually sure what he meant, so laughing he said, “You know babe, send him for a swim wearing concrete boots?” “I always thought that was just a thing people said, it doesn’t really happen does it?” Grinning he replied, “Let me put it this way babe, if the Thames ever dried up, it would look like an ancient fucking burial ground!” Before she could reply Maria appeared. Looking surprised she said, “You still here Billy, I thought you’d left for work?” Always ready with an answer he replied, “Babe, I wanted to leave ten minutes ago, but Jess couldn’t bear the thought of me going, so I’ve had to kiss and cuddle her so she can cope while I’m gone!” Rolling her eyes she smiled at Jess and said, “Oh really, well I’m sure I can keep her mind off you for a few hours. Obviously if I can’t and her condition deteriorates rapidly I’ll call the club.” Keeping a straight face while the two girls laughed he replied, “I’d appreciate that babe.” Five minutes later Jess was waving to him from the door.

  Half an hour later, Billy pulled up at the club. Jamie and his brother Justin were standing at the door as he walked towards them smiling. As they stood talking, Jamie nodded and said, “Hey Billy that bird has just parked over there, I think she’s coming over.” Billy looked round, Hilary was heading towards him. “Fuck me, what does she want? I fucking told her never to come here again!” Looking calm as she approached them, she smiled and said, “I’m not staying; I’ve got something for you Billy.” In the hope of keeping the peace and avoiding a full scale argument at his club, he replied, “What’s that then?” Walking right up to face him, she said, “This you bastard!” Before Billy could say or do anything, he felt something sharp hit his lower abdomen. Then all hell broke lose as Jamie grabbed Hilary and shouted that Billy had been stabbed. Almost in a daze Billy just stood there before he looked down. There was a huge blade sticking out of his shirt, blood was pouring out, a few seconds later he felt as though he was spinning and he collapsed. “Quick Justin call an ambulance, the police, then Mickey,” said Jamie. Justin dragged Hilary away from Billy, taking her to the office where he locked her in.

  Hurrying back outside he saw Jamie crouching down near Billy, several people were gathering who he quickly moved on. Minutes later the ambulance appeared. Although Billy was breathing he was slipping in and out of consciousness, the ambulance ran the blue light.

  Justin made an announcement inside that the club was closing and for everyone to leave their details with the bar staff so they could have free entry next time. Warren and Ricky ushered everyone out after Justin told them what had happened. Ten minutes after the ambulance had left, the police turned up and after taking a brief statement from the staff, they arrested Hilary.

  Mickey walked in on Jess and Maria chatting in the kitchen. Maria knew instantly that something was wrong. Looking at him she said, “What’s happened Mickey, who was that on the phone?” Answering as calmly as he could he replied, “Justin from the club, there’s been an accident.” Jess immediately sprang to her feet and said, “Is Billy ok.” Trying not to frighten her he said, “Babe he’s been stabbed, come on I’ll take you with me to the hospital.” Panic stricken she burst into tears, “He is ok isn’t he Mickey?” Answering truthfully he replied, “I don’t know babe, let’s go and find out?” Then he glanced over at Maria and said, “Ring George babe, I’ll call you as soon as we know what’s going on.”

  All the way to the hospital Jess kept saying, “He will be ok, won’t he Mickey?” Well aware how deadly a knife wound could be, all he said was “Billy’s a tough cookie babe.”

  They ran into the hospital where Mickey told the woman on the desk why they were there. She asked them to take a seat while she found out where he’d been taken. Mickey sat with his arm round Jess, she was in a terrible state. Ten minutes later a doctor appeared and asked them if they were relatives. Without flinching Mickey said, “He’s my brother.” The doctor took them to a side room and asked them to sit down. Jess sobbed as she looked at the doctor and said, “Is he alright?” Nodding his head the doctor replied, “I’m pretty sure he’ll survive and hopefully go on to make a full recovery.” The relief was overwhelming. She just sobbed and sobbed. Then the doctor spoke to Mickey and said, “Your brother was very lucky. Had he not have been so fit the outcome may have been different. We’re taking him down to surgery, but the scans have confirmed the knife missed everything vital, although he has lost a lot of blood.” “Can we see him before he goes down?” Shaking his head he replied, “I’m sorry but he’s on his way and then he probably won’t come round for a few hours and then the police want to speak to him. Why don’t you go home and we’ll call you.” Immediately Mickey replied, “No it’s ok, we’ll wait.”

  He took Jess over to a seating area with tables before leaving to get her a coffee from a vending machine. Returning a few minutes later he could see she was still shaking and crying. “There you go babe drink that it’ll help.” Taking the cup she looked at him and said, “Why would anyone do that Mickey?” “Beats me babe. If you’re ok here for a minute I’ll go outside and phone one of the lads, see if they can tell us what happened.” Nodding her head she replied, “I’ll be ok, thanks for everything. Can you call Maria and tell her he’s going to be ok.” “Course babe, if you need me I’ll just be outside the main door ok?”

  Five minutes later he was talking to Jamie on his mobile and was shocked to be told it was actually Hilary who’d stabbed Billy and that she’d been arrested. When the call finished he called Maria; she was just as surprised as him.

  Back inside he sat with Jess. Slightly calmer than earlier, she asked if he’d managed to find anything out. Nodding he replied, “It was Hilary babe, she stabbed him.” Clearly in shock she replied, “Why, the police had spoken to her, we didn’t think we’d hear anymore from her.” “I know babe, but she’s obviously disturbed, look on the bright side at least she’s locked up now.” While they had been there, the A and E department had started to fill with people, everything ranging from broken bones to drug addicts. They watched as one woman struggled to stop her baby from crying, it was obviously in pain. They had heard her telling the man sitting next to her that she had been crying like that for over three hours. Mickey looked at Jess and grinning said, “My guess is colic, I’ve spent many hours walking the floor with the kids.” Jess smiled and nodded.

  Almost two hours had passed, Jess was becoming anxious. Seeing how concerned she was, Mickey said he would try and find out what was happening. She watched nervously as he spoke to a nurse, but he smiled as he walked back towards her and said, “According to her, Billy’s only been in surgery half an hour, they had an emergency come in.” “Thank God, I was beginning to think something terrible had happened!”

  George had arrived at the club but after speaking to the doormen he made his way to the hospital. Spotting Mickey and Jess as he walked in, he smiled at her. “Is Billy going to be ok? I’ve just left the club; according to Jamie that Hilary went a bit psycho when the police arrived.” Mickey replied, “I’m not surprised, its obvious there’s something wrong with her.” “So what’s the score with Billy then?” “We’re just waiting to find out; we haven’t spoken to the doctor for three hours.” Jess tapped Mickey’s arm and said, “He’s coming now.” The doctor stopped where they were sitting and said, “He’s in recovery everything went well. Like I said he’s been lucky.” �
��Can I see him,” asked Jess. “Well it will be a couple of hours before he starts to come round properly, then we’ll move him to a ward. I suppose if you want to wait you can see him before we take him.” Before she could reply Mickey piped in and said, “How long will he be in Doc?” “A couple of days just to be sure the bleeding has stopped, then he can go home, but he’ll be off work for a couple of weeks.” “Can you put him in a private room, I’ll pay.” Nodding the Doctor replied, “That shouldn’t be a problem, if you speak to the lady on the desk she’ll sort out the paper work for you.” “Thanks I appreciate that, so can she stay with him for a while then?” “As long as she lets him sleep, he’ll be drowsy for a few hours but I don’t see why not.” Jess piped in, “I’ll let him sleep I just want to be with him.” “Ok I’ll arrange for a nurse to come and get you when we’ve moved him.” They shook hands with him before he left. George grinned and said, “Who said money doesn’t talk?” “It’s the same everywhere,” said Mickey. Then he joked and added, “I couldn’t let them take him to a ward because a lot of them are mixed men and women, he’d never be able to control himself around all those birds in their nighties!” They all laughed.


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