Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 34

by Karen Clow

  Maria was just adding the finishing touches to her hair when Mickey walked in. She could tell from the look on his face he was shocked. “Well what do you think,” she asked. Almost speechless he replied, “Fuck me babe, you look great! That dress looks lovely and very sexy.” Smiling she replied, “I bought it a few weeks ago, I was keeping it for the next time we went anywhere special but Monica said I should wear it tonight. Although I really like it, I must admit I do feel a bit over dressed for dinner.” “In that case babe, perhaps we should go on to the club afterwards?” “That would be lovely Mickey; we haven’t been to Dixie’s for ages.” Walking over to her he hugged her and ran his hand up her thigh as he said, “What underwear are you wearing?” Slapping his hand she replied, “If you’re lucky you’ll find out later when you undress me. All I’m saying is, red, sexy and hot!” “Enough babe I’ve already got a fucking hard on just looking at you.”

  The dress she was wearing was short, red, tastefully fitted and low cut. Her figure carried it off perfectly. She looked stunning, especially with her hair down.

  Billy wolf whistled as she came down the stairs and George said, “You’re a sight for sore eyes Maria, you should have been a model.” Before she had time to thank him, Monica giggled and said, “Can I borrow that dress sometime, I’ve not seen him in such a sweat for a long time.” Everyone laughed. Monica continued by looking at Jess and saying, “You’d never believe she used to be a shy little thing just like you Jess, would you?” Billy said, “Actually babe, perhaps you should borrow that little number?” Blushing Jess replied, “I could never look like that, you look beautiful Maria.” “Thanks sweetheart, but you’re wrong; Billy’s right, you would look great in this. When I’ve washed it you’ll have to try it on, ok?” Jess smiled and nodded her head. Billy said, “Can it wait till I’ve had my stitches out?” Everyone laughed.

  Arriving at the restaurant the same time as Tony and Belle, they entered together. Jeremy complimented the two ladies saying how beautiful they both looked; they stood chatting to him as their husbands made their way to the table. “Isabella looks lovely tonight Tony, you’re a lucky man,” said Mickey. “Fuck me Mick, when she told me about that lump it fucking shook me to my foundations. I know how lucky I am and I don’t intend to forget it. Talking of lucky, I must say I wouldn’t kick your Maria out of bed.” Knowing he didn’t mean anything by what he’d said, it was more a compliment than a slur, Mickey replied, “Well I’m the only man sharing that bed, although I must say even after all these years she still does it for me.” “Yeah, I can understand that.”

  The four friends had the most wonderful night, with Belle and Tony even going onto Dixie’s with them. When the men went to the bar Isabella told Maria about Lydia and her insecurities about Tony, but since getting the all clear on her health, she felt she could cope with anything. They didn’t leave the club till two that morning.

  When Mickey and Maria arrived home just before three, the house was quiet. Taking their shoes off, they quietly made their way up the stairs and into their bedroom. Mickey was all over her the minute she closed the door. “God Mickey you are keen,” joked Maria. “Fuck me babe, I’ve been dying to do this all night. I can’t wait to see what’s underneath!” Making her way over to the bed whilst he was still kissing her, she pushed him down on it and said, “Sit there and I’ll undress for you.” Slowly and seductively she began stripping, until finally she was standing in just her underwear; a red basque with ribbed detail to the sides and hooks holding it together all the way down the front which pushed her breasts up to add to the sexiness of it. With tiny red lacy knickers, black hold up stockings with red frilly tops, she’d finished the look off perfectly. “Come here babe, I can’t stand it another minute,” said Mickey as he started taking his shirt and trousers off.

  Sitting in just his boxers she walked over to the bed and pushed him down on it before straddling him. Frantically he pulled his boxers down, before he tugged at her knickers to try and get them off, almost tearing them in his eagerness. Seconds later and without any foreplay he entered her, but she was ready for him. Riding him as he held her hips, she lifted her hands up and pushed her hands up through her hair. Then leaning over him she thrust herself down harder on him, pushing her hands down on his shoulders and straightening her arms to increase her pleasure as she came. Minutes later they were lying next to each other exhausted. “Jesus babe, that was incredible!” “I agree, see this is what happens when you take me out,” she replied as she snuggled up to him. “That settles it then, every Saturday from now on we’re getting a baby sitter,” replied Mickey.

  Jess and Billy were up first Saturday because they were moving back into the cottage. Since hearing that Hilary may be released, Jess hadn’t seemed so enthusiastic about going home. Billy tried to reassure her by saying, “It’ll be ok babe and you won’t be on your own there at night because I’m off work.” Maria had already offered her to stay longer, but she decided she would go home.

  By half seven everyone was up. The older kids were looking forward to spending the morning at the stables because Sarah was coming over to help the boys improve their riding skills.

  By ten the kids were at the stables and the adults were loading Mickey’s car with Billy’s belongings. Monica drove Billy, Jess and Becky so Mickey could put boxes on his seats as his boot was full.

  Mickey had been really good when they arrived at the cottage; he carried all Billy’s stuff upstairs for him before leaving. By two o’clock Jess had unpacked almost everything, while Billy watched the baby. Calling up the stairs to her, “Come down babe, I’ve poured you a cup of tea.” “Give me five minutes, I’ve nearly finished.”

  Sitting in the garden with their tea, they watched as Becky played on the lawn. Billy surprised her by saying, “This place won’t be big enough once we extend our family.” “But I love it here; the second bedroom is big enough for bunk beds.” Laughing he said, “What if we had a boy, they wouldn’t be able to share for long, especially when baby number three comes along.” “I know, but this is the nicest place I’ve ever lived and rented properties are so expensive in the country.” “Who said anything about renting; I thought we’d buy somewhere.” Looking shocked she replied, “But the council will only pay my rent and my benefit doesn’t go far.” Squeezing her knee he looked serious and said, “Babe you won’t be on benefits, I intend taking care of you. Anyway you have to tell them now I’ve moved in, so I’ll be paying the rent. I might even talk to Mickey about us buying the place; we’d make a killing in a couple of years.” He noticed that she didn’t look to keen on his idea, in fact she looked decidedly worried. “What’s up babe, I thought you’d be pleased,” said Billy. Taking a few moments before replying she said, “I didn’t realise my housing benefit would stop. What if you don’t want to stay, or if you meet someone else, would I have to leave?” Shaking his head and grinning he replied, “Firstly I want to stay and I won’t meet anyone else, but God forbid if something unforeseen happened, I would move out and they would pay your rent again.” “I must sound terrible, but.” Before she could finish he cut in and said, “But you want security for you and Becky, I can understand that babe.” She was just about to reply when Becky crawled over to them, pulling herself up using Billy’s leg as a support. She shocked them both by saying, “Da da” as she passed him a flower head. Taking it from her he said, “Thank you princess is that for daddy?” Then he picked her up and sat her on his knee as he kissed the side of her face and said, “I think you’re meant to leave the stalk on.”

  As the baby crawled back onto the lawn Jess stared lovingly at him. Noticing, he said “What?” “I was just thinking how wonderful you are with her, she adores you. If we had another baby would you feel differently?” “No I love her to bits.” Feeling happy with what he’d said she grinned and replied, “Good, because I think she’ll be jealous about sharing you.” “Don’t worry babe, its all part of growing up, I’ll just make sure I spend time with her when it
happens.” A few minutes later Becky came back over with another flower head and again said, “Da da.” Smiling he looked down on her and said, “What about mummy, does she get one?” Offering him the flower she repeated, “Da da.” Grinning at Jess he joked and said, “Sorry babe it’s my animal magnetism that does it.” Rolling her eyes in disbelief she said, “Really, so it’s got nothing to do with the fact that she can get away with anything where you’re concerned?” “No babe, it’s just the effect I have on the opposite sex!”

  Over the next ten days Billy healed well. Jess had gone to the hospital with him to have his stitches out. The doctor had given him a check up and said he was very pleased with the way the wound had healed, but he still recommended that he didn’t work for a further week at least. Jess was happy to have him home in the evenings, despite the fact there had been no further incidents concerning Hilary.

  From the hospital they drove to Mickey’s and as always, Jess was happy to see Maria.

  The two friends chatted in the garden with the babies playing while the men talked inside the house. “So what’s the word about Hilary then Mick,” asked Billy. “Well, according to Neville Howard the slime ball, she’s heavily drugged up. Her old man Edward has got round the clock supervision for her, but he’s returning to work this week. Medically it’s definitely a breakdown she’s had. Howard and her family are hoping you won’t press charges.” “Fucking cheeky bastards, she could have fucking killed me!” “Tell you the truth Billy, I’m not sure if you should pursue it, she’s obviously ill and would be unlikely to be found guilty.” “So what are you saying then Mick, I just forget it ever happened?” “Not exactly, Howard knows if we pursue the matter it could force her into court and her husband doesn’t want that, even though she’d probably get away with it on the grounds of diminished responsibility, but it would mean dragging the details of her affair with you through the court, and believe me that’s the last thing her family want.” “So what’s your advice then Mick?” With a smirk on his face he replied, “Well that depends on you Billy.” With a look of curiosity, Billy frowned and said, “How so?” “This could be our chance to, ‘as they say,’ kill two birds with one stone.” “You’ve lost me Mick.” “Ok, it’s like this; my theory is her husband would settle out of court in the hope of keeping this quiet.” “Yeah, from what she’s said about him I’d imagine you’re right, so what’s the other thing?” “Our friend Neville Howard, it’s giving me a chance to get to know him better. Now we both know I can’t stand the sight of the fat prick, but he doesn’t. So if you did settle out of court I could stay friendly with him and set up the meeting with Jess and then we nail the fat bastard! Of course there’s always the chance that I’m wrong and there won’t be a settlement, which would put a different complexion on my relationship with Howard, especially if we went up against each other in court I don’t think he’d be very keen to accept any invitation from me, but the choice has to be yours Billy. If you want to continue and force the bitch to appear in court then that’s the way we’ll go, although considering her mental state it could take years. Howard’s not stupid, he would keep getting the date put back on health grounds, but if you want to try the bargaining chip I’ll put it to him. If I was her solicitor my advice would be to take the deal. Obviously it could backfire on us and he’ll think we’re only doing it because he knows we’d probably lose in court, so he may refuse our terms, but we won’t know until we ask. ” Billy thought about it for a few minutes then said, “If it was Maria, what would you do?” “What you mean if she was Hilary?” Billy nodded. Mickey continued, “Without a shadow of a doubt I’d settle out of court, if not for us for the kid’s sakes.” “Ok speak to Howard and see what he says about settling out of court, what sort of figure are we talking here Mick, two grand, five grand, what?” “I’m glad you mentioned that Billy, I think I’ll go in at one hundred grand, Edward is a very wealthy man.” Billy’s mouth just dropped open, taking a moment to regain his senses before looking at Mickey and saying, “Fuck me, are you joking?” “Do I look like I’m fucking joking, the bottom line is she could have fucking killed you. If I convinced a jury that she intended to, she could be looking at serving five years, or she could be locked away in some nut house until she’s deemed safe and no longer a threat to society. When you look at things like loss of earnings, the fact that you could have died, not to mention the mental trauma it’s caused you with the sleepless nights etc and the fear you feel for your family, I think she’s getting off light. In fact, thinking about it I might say one hundred and fifty grand. ” “Trauma, I sleep like a fucking baby!” “I know, I hear you snoring but they don’t, so we play that angle.” “Ok Mickey, thanks for this.” “Don’t thank me yet Billy, they might say no then we’ll be forced to take it to court and realistically we could lose.” “We’ll take our chances mate, what you’ve said makes a lot of sense and even if we only get Howard over what he did to Jess, it’ll be worth it.” “Ok Billy I’ll arrange a meeting with him. I don’t want him knowing that you’re with Jess though.” “Fair enough, I’ll make sure she stays at home if I have to meet with him.” “Do you think he’d recognise you from that day at the station with her?” “No chance he barely glanced at me, it was her he eye balled.” “Leave it with me Billy, now come on let’s go and find the others.”

  Out in the garden the ladies had been joined by Mary. Jess asked where Monica and George were. Smiling Maria replied, “They’re sorting out some last minute bits on their house. Harry and Georgie started their new school this week; as soon as they drop them off they’re driving over to the house.” “How long before they move in?” “This Friday; they’ve exchanged contracts. Monica is so excited she’s already talking about the house warming party. I think poor old George will just be grateful to get back to normality!” “I must get them something, they were both so kind when I moved into the cottage, everyone was. The money Tony and Isabella gave me I’ve put towards buying Becky a new bed.” Mary said, “Good for you Jess, at least that’s practical.” Then she looked at Maria and asked, “How is Isabella?” “Alright I think, I was talking to her last night on the phone, she said that scare she had with her health is having an effect on Tony; he’s treating her better, taking her out, that sort of thing. She even said they’re thinking of going on holiday. I’m really happy for her, I just think it’s a shame it had to come to this to make him realise what he’d got.” Mary nodded and said, “What about that girl he was seeing?” “Its over by all accounts, Mickey said he hasn’t been down to see her, I just hope it stays that way.” Jess interrupted, “Isabella’s so nice, although I quite like Tony I don’t think its right the way he sees other women, Isabella is so pretty and he’s really old.” The others were laughing when a voice said, “I hope you’re not referring to me Jess?” Looking round she blushed as Mickey smiled at her. She quickly said, “No, you’re not old Mickey, I was talking about Tony.” “Oh that’s ok then,” he joked.

  Billy and Jess left when Mickey went to pick the twins up from school. On the drive back to the cottage, Billy told her what Mickey had said about Hilary and using the opportunity to set Neville Howard up. He noticed that she went very quiet, “You alright babe?” Taking her time before replying, “Yes, I just didn’t think anything would happen with him so soon.” “Well fate has given us a hand, so we should take the opportunity to nail the bastard! I know you’re worried about it babe, but it’ll be fine, you’ll see.” She simply smiled, but her stomach was in knots just thinking about it.

  First thing the next morning, Mickey rang Neville Howard to arrange a meeting with him. Howard was as pompous as ever but agreed to see him Tuesday the following week. Just as Mickey put the phone down Maria excitedly told him that a parcel had arrived from America. With her hands shaking she opened it. Inside were some photos along with a bracelet and a letter from her brother. Before reading the letter she looked at the photos. She was shocked to see her brothers were of mixed race, not that it bothered her; she j
ust assumed they were white. Showing Mickey she said, “Well that answers my question as to whether he’s handsome or not.” The picture was of Buzz, he was certainly good looking. It was obviously a recent picture because he was in the Marine uniform. As they looked through them, Mickey noticed a tear run down her cheek as she saw a picture of her mother. Squeezing her hand he said, “She looks just like you babe.” Studying the photo she lovingly touched the image of her mum as she replied, “She does, doesn’t she?” Taking out the last picture she smiled and said, “They look like a nice family don’t they? All the boys are very handsome. I think Samuel is more like his dad than the other two, don’t you?” Nodding his head he replied, “Yeah, what does the letter say babe?”

  Passing it to him she asked him to read it out, just like she did before. Without hesitation he took it and began reading, “Hi Maria, I hope you are all well and like the photos. Maybe you could send me some of your family; we would love to see what you all look like. I’m sending you the bracelet because I know mum would want you to have it, she used to tell us it reminded her of home in England because she brought it with her. I miss her so much, I’m sure she would be happy I made the Corp. Can you let me know you got the package and then I’ll e-mail you back? If you wanted to, we could talk through the web cam. I’m going away for a while on a training exercise within the next couple of weeks, so contact is limited, but I would love to speak to you before I go. I’ll be away for six weeks. Love Buzz, xxx P S. I can have-mail while I’m away or if you wanted to write that would be great.” When he finished reading Mickey watched as she took the bracelet out and put it on. It was silver with tiny doves linking it together. Seeing she was close to tears he put his arm around her and said, “It suits you babe.” Just as he’d expected she burst into tears.


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