Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 33

by Karen Clow

  Forty minutes later Jamie and his brother turned up and the two ladies left, but not before Billy kissed Jess in front of them.

  “Alright Billy, how do you feel,” asked Jamie. Always ready with a joke he replied, “Like I’ve been stabbed!” “The fucking size of that knife, you’re lucky she didn’t fucking kill you!” “What did the Old Bill say when they got there?” Justin replied, “That Hilary went fucking mad when they arrested her, she was screaming, kicking and punching, one of the coppers took a fucking good left hook from her.” “I reckon she’s a fucking head case, fuck knows what I ever saw in her. What did the Old Bill say to you two?” “Not much really, but they said they’ll want to speak to us again. I think they were surprised when she went for them, especially as she’d been so fucking calm when she stabbed you. One of the coppers seemed to think that she may need to be sectioned, I agreed with him.” The three friends talked about the attack and that they would find someone to cover for Billy.

  They had only just left when Mickey and Jess returned. Billy smiled as they entered and said, “Thanks for coming Mickey, Jess has been telling me how good you’ve been. Thanks mate I appreciate it.” “No problem Billy, I’m just fucking glad everything turned out ok. I’ve made a few calls today, Hilary has been taken to some sort of nut house it’s a place called Woodlands.” Jess interrupted and said, “I know it, people who are mentally ill go there.” Mickey continued, “If you ask me, I think some people use the looney loop so they don’t face criminal charges. Not all of them, some are definitely nuts, but I wouldn’t like to say whether Hilary is or not.” Billy frowned and said, “So let me get this right Mick, if they think she’s fucking looney tunes, she’ll get away with what she did?” Nodding he replied, “In a nut shell, yes.” “Over my fucking dead body; if that bitch thinks she can walk up and fucking stab me, she’s fucking wrong!” Trying to keep things calm Mickey replied, “Lets just see what happens, for all we know she may well be nuts. If she is, then her brief will probably say she didn’t know what she was doing.” “Oh she fucking knew alright, she was as cool as a fucking cucumber when she stuck that fucking knife in my guts!” “I’ll see what I can find out, its early days yet to be guessing what might happen. First thing we need to concentrate on is getting you well.” Billy grinned as he replied, “I’m sure Jess will look after me, once we’re in the cottage I’ll be up and about in no time. The doc said today I won’t be here long.”

  Mickey left just before five, after telling Jess he’d be back to collect her about nine.


  Carlo wasn’t surprised to hear that his mum was going to try and work things out with his dad; he just hoped his dad wouldn’t let her down. Sophia was really glad to hear her dad was staying; the two boys hadn’t really said much when they had been told. Unbeknown to them, Isabella had told Tony she would give their marriage one last try, because despite his crying and begging she wasn’t totally convinced that he’d given Lydia up, even though he had sworn that he had. The one thing she was happy about was that he seemed to be making an effort with Carlo.

  The family were surprised when Tony didn’t go out that night, even Isabella asked him if he was going to the club. When the three younger kids went to bed, Carlo sat and talked to his mum and dad. Isabella left them talking while she made coffee.

  From the kitchen she could hear Carlo saying, “I hope you’re going to do the right thing by mum, if you don’t dad I’ll never forgive you.” Tony replied, “I know I’ve been a fool and I promise I’ll do my best to make your mum happy. I can’t tell you how I feel Carlo, I know I’ve let everyone down, but if I lost Belle, I don’t know what I’d do. I was very hurt that she didn’t tell me about her hospital appointments.” “I can understand that dad, but she thought you didn’t want her. Mum would never use something like that to try and make you stay and she’s always been big on the pride thing!” Smiling his dad replied, “Tell me about it!”

  In the kitchen Isabella felt happy that father and son were actually having a proper conversation without arguing. They stayed talking till almost midnight before the three of them turned in for the night.

  As Belle got in the bed Tony put his arm round her, turning to face him she said, “It’s been a long day Tony, let’s get some sleep. Pulling her closer he replied, “Belle, I really am sorry babe.” “I know Tony, at least one good thing to come from all this upset is you and Carlo seem to be getting on better.” Gently touching her face he said, “That’s not the only thing though Belle, is it? We’re going to be ok aren’t we babe?” “I hope so Tony, but it’ll take time.” “I know we’ll be ok babe, so you don’t have to hope. If nothing else, it’s made me realise just how important you and the kids are to me. I’m sorry I’ve been such a terrible husband and father.” Not wanting to get into another heavy debate on the subject of their marriage, she just smiled and said, “Its late Tony lets get some sleep.” She snuggled down in the bed, feeling his arm moving over her she held his hand close to her. Whispering in her ear as he kissed her neck he said, “Babe I want to make love to you.” Unsure whether he really wanted her or if he was still trying to win her over, she repeated, “Its late Tony.” Sensing that she didn’t really want to make love, he continued kissing her neck. When she was still unresponsive he said, “I really need you Belle, I’ve always desired you.” “Tony, we’ll try and work this out, but if you think this is going to change anything then you’re wrong.” Pulling her over to face him he replied, “I know that babe, but I meant what I said about desiring you.” Before she could reply he pulled her hand down in the bed and said, “Feel that babe, doesn’t that prove how much I want you?” He was referring to his erection. Feeling him she replied, “I think that just means you’re horny.” “Actually babe, I can tell you that when a man doesn’t fancy someone it’s really hard to raise a smile, let alone anything else, blokes just don’t work like that. Why do you think men with fat ugly wives have affairs? I’ll tell you why, because they don’t want to fuck them that’s why.” “Oh Tony, that’s terrible!” “But its true babe, I promise you. Blokes make up all kinds of excuses about being tired or stressed, but nine times out of ten it’s because they don’t fancy them anymore.” Still feeling him she said, “I still desire you, I always have, I’ve never wanted anyone else.” Her words made him feel bad about what he’d done. Wanting to prove that he loved her, he gently kissed her lips and said, “I love you babe.” Running his hand over her breasts he said, “Which one has the lump, only I don’t want to hurt you.” Taking his hand she pressed his fingers on her breast so he could feel it. “I’m not surprised I didn’t feel it before that seems quite deep,” said Tony. “I only found it when I was taking a shower a few weeks ago.” Although she had seemed quiet rational suddenly she burst into tears. Holding her tight he said, “Babe it’s going to be fine, I promise you.” Looking at him she tearfully replied, “This may be something even you can’t put right Tony. I know you’d be ok, but I worry about the kids, especially Sophia because I don’t think she’d be comfortable sharing you with another woman.” Totally shocked by what she’d said, he replied, “Babe, nothings going to happen, you’ll be here to look after our kids.” “Tony, listen to me, if its cancer I could die. My mother died at forty six from breast cancer!” “That’s enough Belle I don’t want to talk about it, nothings going to happen to you. I love you too much to let you leave me. We all love you, so no more talk about dying ok?”

  She could see from his face he couldn’t deal with the reality that it could be cancer. Gently stroking his face she smiled and said, “Ok we’ll wait till Friday.” Lovingly he replied “Let me make love to you babe.” Without replying she just sat up and took her nightie off. He knew then that she wanted him as much as ever. Their lovemaking was gentle and loving with him taking his time pleasing her, but when they finished he noticed she was very quiet. Lying there holding her he said, “Everything ok babe?” “Yeah everything’s fine.” He never questioned her reply, but
he knew she was thinking about something.

  Later the following morning Tony was holding Belle’s hand as they waited for her name to be called in the hospital waiting area. He questioned her as to why she wasn’t seeing a doctor privately. She replied, “Because I didn’t want anyone to know and I’ve heard you say that a couple of our doctors use your restaurants. I was worried they might let it slip if they ran into you.” “I still can’t believe you weren’t going to tell me babe.” Looking round the waiting room, aware that other people could hear them she replied, “Well it doesn’t matter now we’re here, so let’s not talk about it.” Knowing that she was worried about seeing the doctor he squeezed her hand and said, “Ok babe.”

  Twenty minutes later a nurse came out into the waiting room and called her name. Tony could feel her trembling as she clutched his hand. The doctor was very young; he smiled at them as they walked in before asking them to sit down. “Well Mrs Ramon, I’ve got some good news for you.” Belle fought back her tears as the relief of his words swept over her. Tony said, “So what is it then?” “It’s a blocked milk duct, they’re quite common but as you know, very worrying.” “So what happens now?” asked Tony with a look of relief on his face. “Hopefully a course of antibiotics will help; we tend to leave well alone regarding surgery. Of course if it doesn’t go on its own or it becomes painful, we’ll review it.” Isabella had sat there silently as Tony and the doctor talked. Standing up to leave she smiled at the doctor and said, “Thank you so much, I’m so relieved.” “You’re most welcome Mrs Ramon, now go home and stop worrying, you’re very healthy.”

  Outside in the car park Tony put his arm round her and said, “Didn’t I tell you it would be fine?” She just burst into tears as she went to answer him.

  Standing by his car he hugged her and said, “Babe come on, don’t cry.” Regaining her composure she replied, “I thought I was going to die Tony, all I’ve thought about was the kids.” “I know babe, but I would have taken care of them you know.” “Yes to start with I don’t doubt it, but once you had another woman move in things would have been different.” Looking shocked he replied, “What are you talking about?” “Lets be realistic here Tony, you wouldn’t have been on your own for five minutes.” Putting her attitude down to the relief she was experiencing and that she had obviously been thinking negatively since finding the lump, he didn’t argue with her. Instead he pulled her close to him and kissed her before saying, “Well we don’t have to think about it now, do we because you’re fine. Things can get back to normal babe; I think we should go out tonight to celebrate.” With sadness in her voice she replied, “That would be nice, but I don’t want to go to any of your clubs.” Remembering what she’d said about always being able to tell which dancer he was sleeping with, he kissed her forehead and replied, “Babe we can go where ever you like.” She thought about it for a moment then replied, “If we put it off for a week or two, maybe we can get a table at Maria’s restaurant and ask Maria and Mickey to come with us.” “Whatever you like babe.”

  Back at the house Carlo had been waiting nervously for them to return, he knew from his mum’s face as she got out of the car and spotted him that the news had been good. Tony watched as they hugged each other, even feeling a little jealous at the way she so readily talked to their son about it. Tony left them talking and went into his study, from there he called Mickey, “Alright Tony what’s up?” “Nothing mate, but I’ve got a favour to ask you.” “Course what is it?” “I know it’s fucking short notice, but is there any chance we can get at table at Maria’s tonight and you and your good lady join us?” “I can ask Tony, but I can’t make any promises, what’s the occasion?” Tony explained about Isabella and the hospital and that they were giving their marriage another go. Mickey was pleased to hear she was well and they were staying together. Then Tony explained she wanted to go to Maria’s, although she was happy to wait. When he finished Mickey said, “Give me ten minutes mate and I’ll get back to you ok?” “Cheers Mick, I appreciate it.” They ended the call.

  Mickey was telling Maria about the call when Monica piped up and said, “Why don’t you go Maria, it’s not as though you’ve got a shortage of baby sitters is it?” Smiling at Mickey, Maria said, “You phone the restaurant, Leon is less likely to blow a gasket with you asking.” Mickey grinned and said, “Coward, it’s your restaurant!” “I know darling, but you have that solicitor way of talking people into things.” They all laughed. Two minutes later he was talking to Leon the chef after Jeremy had called him out of the kitchen to speak to Mickey rather than ask him. Maria and the others listened as Mickey gave him such a sob story about poor Isabella the man could hardly refuse. Between them they found a compromise; as the restaurant was as always fully booked on a Friday. Jeremy agreed with Leon they could squeeze another table in. After Mickey thanked him and ended the call, he called Tony. They arranged to meet at Maria’s at eight. Tony said Belle would be thrilled to see them, but he would keep it as a surprise and say they couldn’t make it.

  Just as Mickey was leaving to pick the twins up, the police stopped at the gate. they were looking for Billy.

  Billy took the two officers into the lounge to talk privately with them, although he did say he wanted Jess to stay. The officers looked surprised when Jess asked them if they wanted a drink. Accepting the offer of a cup of tea, she left the room to make it. One of the officers quickly said to Billy, “Hilary Wilkins may be released.” Billy was clearly shocked and said, “What, you are joking!” Shaking his head the officer replied, “Her husband has pulled some strings and the powers that be seem to think that she’s not a danger to anyone other than herself. Obviously we disagree, that’s why we’re here Mr Saxby.” “Not a danger, she stabbed me, I’ve only just come out of hospital.” exclaimed Billy. “Yes we know that why we called. What’s worrying us now is she’ll try again.” Shaking his head in disbelief Billy said, “So what, she has to kill me before they take this seriously!” “Hopefully she’ll be locked up before that can happen; our superior is looking into it now. Unfortunately we cannot go into the details of her release and chances are you won’t have any trouble with her; this is just a courtesy call.” Billy knew they didn’t have to tell him, it was good of them to take the time especially as he was moving into the cottage the next day. Thanking them he said, “Do you think she’ll try anything?” Before he could reply, Jess returned with the tea. Billy smiled at her and said, “Babe Hilary’s being released.” Her face told a story as the letter she’d received flashed through her mind. “Why, I thought she’d have to stay locked away, at least for the time being.” “So did I babe, but apparently her husband knows people who seem to think she’s no longer dangerous.” The officer cut in and said, “Her husband has agreed to have round the clock supervision for her, she’s had some form of a breakdown.” “Breakdown,” snapped Billy, “She’s a nutter!” Trying to remain impartial the officer just nodded before saying, “We’ll keep you informed.” Standing up, Billy shook hands with them and thanked them for coming.

  When Mickey returned from the school, Billy told him what had been said. “Actually I’m not surprised; I was going to talk to you later. I’ve been making inquiries and according to my sources her husband Edward knows some pretty influential people, including our friend Neville Howard,” said Mickey. Everyone noticed the expression on Jess’s face when his name was mentioned. At that moment George walked in, he’d been down to the club checking the stock. “Alright George, you might want to hear this,” said Mickey. “Sounds ominous,” said George. They told him what the police had said to Billy. “Doesn’t surprise me, if Billy had died she wouldn’t be out but because he didn’t they won’t treat it as attempted murder, they’ll say she was overwhelmed with grief over his rejection and acted irrationally.” “Fucking irrationally, she fucking stabbed me and sent Jess a letter threatening to kill Becky,” said Billy. Mickey intervened and said, “Calm down Billy, now for all we know she may well be harmless, so let’s not
jump to any conclusions. Now if I was your legal representative, I could call Neville Howard and have a chat with him and get information from the police.” Billy grinned and said, “I doubt I could afford you!” “You’re right Billy, I don’t come cheap, but as it’s you I’ll settle for a weekend of baby sitting so I can take Maria away for a couple of days, when you’re well enough of course.” “Cheers Mickey, you’re on.”

  At six o’clock Monica told Maria to start getting ready to go out for dinner. Mickey noticed them whispering and giggling as they looked at him. “Did I miss something girls,” he said sarcastically. “No babe, we’re just thinking about what I should wear tonight,” said Maria as she headed for the stairs. Monica looked at George and Billy and said, “Now, do you think you two can watch the boys and the twins while me and Jess give the little-uns a bath and get them ready for bed?” “Grinning George replied, “Oh I’m sure we can, but remember some of us didn’t get stabbed so we have to work tonight!”

  Upstairs after bathing the kids Monica asked Jess to watch them while she popped into Maria’s bedroom. “It’s only me,” she called as she entered. “Oh good, can you zip me up, do you think he’ll like it?” “Like it, he’ll love it, you look amazing. Are you wearing your hair down,” asked Monica. “Of course he prefers it down, does my make up look ok?” “Maria you look amazing. I can’t believe your figure, especially after having five kids!” “Thanks Monica, poor old Mickey only seems to see me in jeans and T shirts nowadays; I can’t remember the last time I really dressed up like this.” “I’ll see you downstairs, only I’ve left poor Jess with all the kids.”


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