Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 36

by Karen Clow

By twenty past seven they were driving towards the Jolly. Tony put his hand on her knee and said, “It’s nice you’re coming with me babe, just like the old days hey?” She didn’t answer him but she smiled and nodded her head. Tony knew she still wasn’t certain about them but she seemed to be happy and that was all that mattered.

  Ann was surprised but delighted to see her. Coming out from behind the bar she embraced her and said, “It’s good to see you Belle, Shaun never said you were coming.” Laughing she replied, “Until a couple of hours ago, I didn’t know myself!” “Well I’m glad you’re here. Mike, one of our regulars is usually in about nine. I’ll ask him to cover the bar for me, so we can have a chat ok.” “That would be lovely, but I don’t want to cause you any bother, I’m quiet happy to sit at the bar.” “No bother love, Mike’s a good bloke and Shaun always bungs him a few quid.”

  Belle sat up at the bar chatting to Ann between customers. Tony sat at a back table talking to Shaun about the call he received from Barry King. “So what do you reckon this business is then Tony,” asked the big Irish man. “Drugs, what else, I would hazard a guess he wants to use my suppliers, or for me to use my clubs as a source of output.” “Up front Tony, I don’t like the fat prick and I wouldn’t trust him any fucking further than I could fucking chuck him!” “Me too Shaun, but I’ll hear what he’s got to offer, if nothing else I’ll get some top pussy out of him at fat Benny’s.” Both men laughed. Tony continued, “You can come with me if you like, get yourself some pussy, on Barry of course?” “Aye I might just do that, one thing though there’s no way I’m selling his fucking drugs in my pub!” “I know that Shaun and considering what went down, I would think Barry fucking King does too!”

  Belle was sitting watching Ann serve, when a man sat on the bar stool next to her. “Haven’t seen you in here before,” he said as he introduced himself, “I’m Jack what’s your name?” Feeling nervous she replied, “Isabella, I’m a friend of Shaun and Ann’s, my husband is talking to him.” “That’s a shame, I was hoping you’d have a drink with me, its not often you see a beautiful woman sitting alone at the bar.” Blushing she looked at him, he was quite nice looking in his early forties. Replying she said, “I would never go into a bar on my own.” Smiling he said, “So can I buy you that drink then Isabella, or is your husband a jealous man?” Feeling strangely relaxed talking to him, she replied, “Thanks, but Ann’s just given me one and yes, I suppose my husband would be jealous.” She sat talking to him for several minutes before Ann came over and said, “Alright Jack, don’t normally see you in here before the weekend.” “If I’d known beautiful women like Isabella used the pub during the week, I’d drink in here every night!” Although Ann liked Jack and knew he didn’t mean any harm, she was aware that Tony wouldn’t appreciate him being familiar with his wife. Tactfully she replied, “Now I know that I’ll have to think about getting single women to drink here.” Before she could continue he said, “If their as lovely as her, I’d drink here seven nights a week!” Belle blushed as Ann said, “Yes she’s a beauty alright, but unfortunately she’s spoken for.”

  She left to serve another customer. “Ann’s right you know, Isabella.” Still comfortable with him she replied, “Right about what?” “About you being a beauty.” Not wanting the conversation to get out of hand she smiled and said, “I expect your wife is nice looking.” Nodding his head he replied, “Yes she was, a real little cracker.” “I’m sorry Jack; do I take it from that you’re divorced?” “No she died nine months ago, hit and run; the police never did catch the lads responsible even though there were witnesses.” Without thinking she touched his hand and said, “Oh I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.” As he replied he squeezed her hand. Instantly she pulled hers away.

  From their table Tony nodded at Shaun and said, “Who’s that bloke sitting next to Belle?” “That’s Jack he’s ok, don’t go worrying about him.” Arrogantly he replied, “Do I look fucking worried, I just wanted to know who he was that’s all!”

  “So Isabella, have you got kids,” asked jack. “Yes we’ve got four, three boys and a girl, what about you?” “No unfortunately I would have liked a family, but it just never happened, we thought about IVF but decided it wasn’t for us.” “Oh that’s sad, my children are my life.” “I can imagine, so what about your husband where does he fit in?” Before she could reply, Ann returned and said, “Oh good Mike’s here, I’ll just go and have a word with him. Isabella didn’t want Jack to ask about Tony again, so she restarted the conversation again by saying, “So do you live near here Jack?” “Yeah, just over the road actually. It suits me, it’s near to my business and my mum lives just up the road so I can keep an eye on her. What about you Isabella.” “No, we live about five miles away, near the Thames.” “I know that area, my sister lives in those yuppie apartments they built about ten years ago.” “Oh I know the ones you mean, we live the other side.” “So what does your husband do then?” “He’s a business man.” Grinning he said, “So do I have to guess what business, or are you going to tell me?” Giggling she replied, “He owns clubs and restaurants, but he spends most of his time at his gym.” “What restaurants, I might know them; I eat over that way with my sister quite a lot.” “Well there’s Le Cuisine, Sophia’s and his favourite Ramon’s, only because it serves traditional Italian dishes, and of course because its named after him, but my favourite is Le Cuisine, not that I eat there very often.”

  Shaun noticed that Tony kept looking over at the bar watching Belle, so he was relieved when Ann called over to them to say that they were going upstairs for a chat.

  The women were surprised when at half ten, Shaun appeared and said, “Tony wants you two to come and join us downstairs.” Dutifully Belle replied, “Ok Shaun tell him we’ll just finish our coffee then we’ll be down, have you two finished talking then?” “Aye darling, I’ll see you two in a minute.”

  Five minutes later the ladies joined them. Tony noticed that Belle had looked along the bar to where she had sat talking to Jack, but he had left a quarter of an hour earlier. As the ladies sat down, Tony sarcastically said, “You looked disappointed Belle.” Frowning she replied, “About what?” “That your friend Jack has left,” he replied sarcastically. Suddenly feeling uneasy she quickly replied, “He’s not my friend, I only spoke to him out of politeness.” Shaun could see she was on edge, so he quickly changed the conversation and said, “So how’s the family Belle?” Readily she sat and talked about Carlo and how well he was doing at University before telling him about the others. The time was almost twelve when they finally left the jolly.

  Isabella drove as Tony was the worse for having drunk too much. He was noticeably quieter on the return drive.

  All the family were already in bed when they arrived home. “Shall I make us a drink,” she asked. “No I’m fine, let’s go to bed.” Thankful that he hadn’t made any further reference to Jack, she smiled and nodded.

  Within seconds of her getting into bed Tony started fondling her, it was obvious that he wanted sex. Lying there touching each other she was shocked when he said, “So did you fancy him then?” Knowing exactly who he was referring to, but acting dumb she replied, “Who?” Instantly his tone changed as he said, “Don’t play fucking dumb with me Belle, you know fucking well who, the bloke at the Jolly!” Trying to act and sound blasé she replied, “No, why on earth would you say that?” “Well you seemed to have plenty to fucking say to him.” Nervously she replied, “He was just being friendly, that was all.” Pushing his fingers into her and making her flinch he said, “How fucking friendly?” On the verge of tears she said, “Tony you’re hurting me.” “I asked you a fucking question Belle, how fucking friendly!” Before she could reply he pushed his fingers hard into her again. Reaching down to grab his hand she said, “Tony please, why are you being like this, things have been good between us.” Still trying to hold his hand in an effort to make him stop she continued, “Tony please don’t!” “Did he want to fuck you Belle?” Now reall
y trying to push his hand away from her, she was crying as she replied, “No he didn’t, now leave me alone Tony!” Pushing her down flat on her back he moved over between her legs and thrust himself into her. Looking down at her he said, “Let me put it another way, did you want to fuck him?” Struggling to get him off of her, she began crying as she screamed “No, I didn’t!” Holding her down, he kissed her hard on the mouth as he came.

  Lying next to him with tears rolling down her face, he said, “So what were you talking about then?” “Leave me alone Tony, I want to go to sleep now.” Propping himself up on his elbow he looked at her and said, “What was you talking about Belle?” “He told me that his wife was killed in a hit and run.” “Why would he tell you that, other than to let you know he was available?” Without answering him she scrambled to get out of the bed, but he grabbed her arm and said, “So did you let him think you were available then?” Knowing that because he’d been drinking, he wouldn’t be satisfied with anything she said, she tried desperately to pull away from him. Still holding her he shouted, “Well did you Belle!” She screamed “No I didn’t” and slapped his face. Instantly he retaliated and punched her, knocking her back onto the bed. Straddling over her so as to pin her down, he grabbed her hair and repeatedly slapped her face and banged her head down on the pillow. Then he stopped suddenly as Vito’s voice shouted, “Get off her dad!” Turning on his son he shouted, “Get out, this is between me and your mother!” Vito grabbed at him in an effort to pull him off. Tony spun round and threw him against the dresser. Within those few moments the other two children ran into the room. Anthony helped Vito to his feet as Sophia shouted at her dad, she was almost hysterical.

  Tony stopped and Isabella quickly ran to the bathroom. Tony just sat on the edge of their bed with his head in his hands. Sophia was shouting at him, “What’s going on dad?” Vito walked over to the en-suite and tapped on the door, calling to his mum to check that she was alright. Hearing that the commotion had calmed down, Isabella opened the door. Walking out she looked at Vito and said, “Take the others back to bed, everything’s alright.” Despite his fear of his father he snapped and said, “It’s not all right mum; look at your face, what is wrong with him?” Trying not to cry she replied, “I’ll sleep in the spare room, go back to bed all of you.” Again Vito was defiant and said, “I’ll stay with you mum.” Clutching his hand she tried to sound composed as she replied, “There’s only one bed Vito and I’m fine, now come on all of you, go back to bed please.” Tony didn’t even look up as she spoke to the kids and finally convinced them to leave.

  As she made her way to the door Tony said, “Belle I’m sorry.” Ignoring him she continued walking away without even looking back.

  Entering the spare room she locked the door behind her. Lying in bed she sobbed, as her mind asked why he had become so violent. In her heart she knew he was aware that she would never have chatted to Jack had he not have spoken to her.

  Throughout the night she cried, she thought about her children and the way in which Tony had attacked Vito. It was as she remembered her children’s faces and the fear they showed, she told herself she should leave, regardless whether she loved him or not. In their bedroom Tony had fallen asleep due to the amount of scotch he’d drunk.

  The next morning, Isabella was up early cooking the breakfast while Tony slept off his hang over. Sophia was the first one to appear; looking at the bruises on her mums face she said, “Are you ok mum?” “I’m fine, I’ve made scrambled eggs, are your brothers up?” “Yeah, I heard them talking about dad.” “Sorry about last night Sophia, I don’t like you and your brothers seeing things like that.” Expecting Sophia to say something nice to her, she was shocked when her daughter replied, “What did you do mum to make dad so angry?” Annoyed with the obvious fact that Sophia had automatically assumed it was her fault, out of character she snapped at her and said, “For your information young lady, I didn’t do anything, but as always you can’t see any wrong in your dad!” Typical of a stroppy teenager, Sophia retaliated and shouted, “You always blame dad. You must have done something.” So angry with her daughter she snapped, “Well as you think he’s so wonderful you can live with him when we divorce!” Momentarily speechless, it was several seconds before Sophia replied, “Dad won’t let you divorce him!” Tears rolling down her cheeks Isabella replied, “I’m not arguing with you Sophia. I’ve had enough arguing in the last three months to last me a life time. So if you can’t sit and eat your breakfast without being rude to me, then go to your room!” Stomping off in a strop, she pushed into her brothers as they passed her on the stairs. “What’s up Soph?” asked Anthony. Almost snapping his head off she replied, “Ask mum, she’s being a bitch about dad!”

  Just as she reached her room Tony appeared in his doorway. Noticing that she was upset he called her over and said, “What was all the shouting about downstairs Sophia?” “It’s mum, she’s being a bitch!” Angrily he grabbed her arm and shouted, “Don’t ever talk about your mother like that!” “Well she is! Did you know she’s going to get a divorce?” With his heart pounding at what she’d just said, he tried to remain calm and replied, “I don’t blame her, after what I’ve put her through; now get ready for school.” Walking back into his bedroom he knew Belle wouldn’t have said anything like that unless she meant it. Feeling sick to the pit of his stomach he went into the en-suite to shower and shave.

  Forty minutes later he went downstairs. Neither of his sons spoke to him, they simply looked at him with disgust. Belle dished up another breakfast and placed it in front of him, although she never spoke. Pushing it away he said, “I’m not hungry babe, I’ll have something later.” Still she didn’t answer him as she took the meal away and emptied it into the bin. The atmosphere was awful as Tony tried to make conversation, but none of them spoke, they simply nodded or shook their heads to reply. “Are you nearly ready mum, only I’ll be late and I’ve got a test this morning,” said Vito. Before she could reply Tony interrupted and said, “I’ll take the kids to school if you like Belle.” “No that’s ok thanks; I’m going out after I’ve dropped them, although I dare say Sophia would rather go with you.” “I doubt that babe I’ve just given her a bollocking upstairs.” Usually Belle would jump to the kid’s defence but that morning she didn’t, instead she just shrugged her shoulders. A few minutes later she asked Anthony to go and tell his sister they were leaving if she wanted to go with them. Both boys got up from the table. Vito went to use the bathroom as his brother went to find Sophia. Belle had to walk past Tony to pick her car keys up off the work top. Reaching out he touched her hand and said, “Babe I really am sorry, it was the scotch!” Quickly moving past him she replied, “I don’t know when I’ll be back, lock up when you leave.” “Where are you going?” Turning round she said, “Why, what does it matter to you Tony?” “Babe, please don’t be like this, I really am sorry.” “Yeah me too Tony, sorry we didn’t throw the towel in when you were seeing Lydia.” Totally shocked by her words he replied, “Babe let’s not do this today, please sit down so I can talk to you.” Belle looked relieved when Vito called out, “We’re ready mum.” Without looking at him or speaking, she left Tony sitting at the table as she left. After dropping the kids off, she headed into town.

  Parking in a multi storey car park she made her way to a solicitor. Entering she smiled at the receptionist and said, “I’m sorry I haven’t got an appointment, but would it be possible to speak to someone this morning?” Spotting the bruises Isabella had tried to hide under her make up, she smiled and replied, “Can I ask what type of solicitor you need to see only all our criminal solicitors are busy this morning. We do have a conveyance and a family solicitor who are free, if you need to speak with one of them?” Having no idea what type she needed she humbly said, “I’m not really sure, it’s about divorce.” In a friendly manner the receptionist said, “Take a seat, it’s a family solicitor you need to see, can I have your name please?” “Isabella Ramon.” “Ok Mrs Ramon, he’ll be w
ith you in just a moment.” Thanking her Isabella sat down as the receptionist rang through to say she was waiting. After ending the call she smiled at Isabella and said, “Mr Barton- Phillips will be right with you.” Nodding her head Belle smiled.

  A few minutes later a very smart middle aged man walked in and said, “Mrs Ramon?” As she stood up he shook her hand and said, “Hugh Barton- Phillips, follow me please.” Following him to his office where he asked her to sit down before saying, “Are you here because you want a divorce Mrs Ramon?” Belle was tearful as she nodded. For almost half an hour they discussed what getting divorced would entail and what grounds she would have for filing one. It was only when he said about custody of any children she quickly stated that she hoped the children would want to live with her, although she wasn’t sure about their daughter. “That’s fine Mrs Ramon we can discuss all that at a later date, now I can have your papers drawn up for you within three days.” Surprised she said, “That quick, I thought it took a lot longer?” “It does, we’ll send you the papers to read over before your husband has them, then what usually happens is he will consult his solicitor and between us we try and reach a satisfactory outcome. Do you know who will be representing your husband?” “No, it’s me who wants the divorce; we haven’t actually discussed it yet.” Clearly shocked by her reply, he looked sincere as he replied, “Are you sure you want a divorce Mrs Ramon?” “Yes, I’m certain.” “In that case you’ll hear from me within the next few days.” They shook hands again before she left.

  Walking back to her car, she felt sad because in her heart she still loved Tony but she just couldn’t live with him anymore, especially if her children were going to see them arguing and fighting; she couldn’t allow that. Just as she reached the car her mobile rang, it was Tony. Answering it she said, “What do you want Tony?” “Where are you babe, I thought you’d be home by now.” “I’m on my way to see Father Michael.” “Come home babe so I can talk to you.” “I don’t want to talk to you Tony, I’ll see you later.” “Babe please don’t hang up, I really am sorry, just come home please.” “I’ll see you later.” Then she put the phone down. Tony tried several times to call her back but she’d switched her phone off. Angry with himself he paced up and down the lounge before deciding to drive over to the church.


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