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Billy's Move

Page 47

by Karen Clow

  Just as they were leaving Billy said, “Fuck me it was a good job you turned up when you did, or I wouldn’t be getting married, why did you come over?” “Fuck me, Becky’s shoes they’re on your fucking wardrobe! Good job you mentioned it, or we would have forgotten them. Can you imagine trying to explain that to the girls,” said Mickey”

  George and Mickey arrived back just fifteen minutes before the wedding was due to start. Entering the house Mickey ran straight up the stairs to get changed. Maria appeared in the bedroom looking less than impressed as she said, “What’s going on Mickey, why have you been so long?” Kissing her cheek he said, “I’ll tell you later babe, do this fucking tie up for me, by the way you look lovely.” Fixing his tie she replied, “Thank you, but just wait till you see the bride. Her dress is beautiful and your kids look pretty good too.” “If they’re half as beautiful as their mum, I don’t doubt it. Is everyone here, I noticed a load of cars outside?” “Yes, everyone’s here, the vicar arrived twenty minutes ago. We should be going now, it’s nearly twelve I’ll go and get Jess.” “Ok babe, I’ll see you all downstairs.”

  Five minutes later as he walked into the lounge he smiled at Jess and said, “You look absolutely stunning babe, now before we get there, I just want to warn you not to be shocked, but Billy’s got a black eye.” “Oh no Mickey has he been fighting, he promised me he’d be careful.” “He fell over babe, I think him and Kev had a bit too much drink, it happened at the cottage.” “Well I suppose I should be grateful it’s just a black eye.” Looking rather sheepish he said, “Actually babe, he has got a cut on his forehead and he’s lost a tooth.” “Oh no Mickey, please don’t tell me it’s at the front?” “Er yeah, but don’t worry he’s fixed it in with chewing gum.” “Chewing gum! I knew he should have stayed home last night, the wedding photos are going to look just wonderful!” Maria could see that Jess was near to tears. Trying to cheer her up she said, “Sweetheart you’ll be just as married whether Billy looks good or not, the important thing is that you love one another. Now unless you intend jilting him, we really should be going, as its gone twelve and we’ve got to walk there.”

  Billy stood nervously in the chapel. As he looked at his watch he nudged Kevin and said, “It’s nearly quarter past, do you think she’s changed her mind?” Grinning he replied, “I know she hasn’t, she’s just about to walk in.” Billy turned to look; standing there he began trembling as the reality dawned that the beautiful young woman walking towards him was just about to become his wife. Jess was clinging onto Mickey, he could feel her shaking. The tiny chapel was packed with people, some had to stand outside.

  Mickey caught sight of his daughter Charlie and her husband; he looked thrilled that they had made it. When he’d last spoken to them they weren’t sure if they would get there. The bridesmaids and Harry walked beautifully behind Jess; thankfully there was no long train to the dress for them to tread on. Jess had altered it into a figure hugging low line fit, with tiny little lilac bows on the sleeves; it showed off her figure perfectly.

  The service was over quite quickly, it wasn’t the long drawn out type, there were no hymns, just readings and a prayer. Jess shook throughout and could barely get her words out, but after several attempts she finally managed it. Billy wasn’t much better, his nerves were also jangling. The only bit they got right was when they kissed as the service finished, although even then Billy was fearful that his tooth would drop out. Thankfully the chewing gum held long enough for the photos. He promised Jess that once his face healed and his tooth was fixed that would have some more taken in their wedding clothes.

  Inside the marquee the food and décor looked fabulous. Kevin excelled as best man despite his hang over. He made everyone laugh when he said, “You can all see by the state of Billy’s face, the difficulty I had to get him here. It was only when I threatened to take his place and marry Jess myself he changed his mind.” Then he smiled at Jess and said, “Actually babe, he couldn’t get here quick enough. I’ve known him many years and I’ve never seen him so happy and content, although I meant what I said about me and you babe. So if you ever have enough of him just give me a call, ok?” Laughing she blew him a kiss and said, “Thanks Kevin.” Then Mickey stood up. After thanking everyone for coming, he said lovely things about Jess and how she’d blossomed into a beautiful young lady. He joked about Billy falling for her hook line and sinker and how she had single handily managed to bring him to his knees. Before ending he said, “When you find the right one, always look after them, love and respect them.”

  Finally Billy gave a brilliant speech. Starting by thanking Jess and telling everyone how much he loved her and Becky, he gave a heartfelt speech about all that Mickey and Maria had done for them. Along with Jess, they handed out gifts to all the key people.

  Maria glanced over at Tony’s table and noticed him squeezing Isabella’s hand. She felt happy for her friend. Since Tony had started treating her better it was clear to everyone that Isabella felt content with her lot. Even as the celebrations got under way, Maria noticed that not once did Tony chat up another woman, he danced with Isabella and spent most of the time sitting with his family; only once or twice did he leave his table to talk to people like Shaun and Mickey.

  The band played Aerosmith, (miss you babe) for the bride and groom to have the first dance. As Billy held her in his arms he whispered in her ear, “Thanks for marrying me babe, I’ll make you happy.” “You already make me happy; I love you so much it hurts. You and Becky are the best things that have ever happened to me.” “I know what you mean babe; I love you that much too. I’m sorry about the state of my face; drink doesn’t normally get to me like that. I think Kev doctored a couple of me drinks.” “I wouldn’t doubt it,” said Jess. As the music finished and everyone clapped, he kissed her passionately.

  As they made their way back to the top table Tony approached them and said, “You look beautiful babe; you’re a lucky man Billy. Has Mickey spoken to you about going away?” Shaking his head Billy replied, “No, we plan on having a honeymoon when the club shuts for refurbishments.” “I’ve got news for you two; you’re going on Monday to the south of France for a week. All the lads in the clubs chipped in, they didn’t have a fucking clue what to get you. Anyway I think you’ll find Maria and Mickey have already arranged to have the baby, or you can ring the company and take her with you.” Laughing he continued, “Take my advice go on your own, it might be the only time you can.” Totally shocked Billy shook his hand and said, “I can’t believe they did that for me?” Grinning Tony replied, “Fuck off Billy, don’t be so modest, you know full well everyone likes you. We all miss you back in London, the lads were only sorry they couldn’t all be here tonight but they’re working.” Passing them a large envelope he said, “Everything’s in there, they all signed the card, I just hope Jess doesn’t blush when she reads it.” Then he moved round to Jess and said, “Do I get to kiss the bride then?” “Of course, thank everyone for us Tony.” “It’s a pleasure babe; now give us that kiss before Billy hogs you all to himself!”

  Before he walked away he handed Jess another envelope and said, “There’s a little something in there from us, buy something for the house with it.” “Thank you so much.” “Cheers Tony, its appreciated,” said Billy.

  Opening the card with the holiday details in, he laughed as he read some of the things his friends had written. The twins Steve and Simon wrote ‘another good man bit’s the dust! Once she meets us she’ll dump you, you baldy old bastard! Have a great time, happy shagging!’ Most of them said much the same; although it was obvious they were wished happiness for their future together. “You have nice friends Billy, you’re so lucky,” said Jess. Sarcastically he replied, “Just as well, because my fucking sister didn’t bother turning up. I expect her fucking fat slob of a husband said no.” “It doesn’t matter, today has been the happiest day of my life and it’s because of you.” Hugging her they kissed passionately, as they finished he said, “Can’t we fuck off hom
e early, because I want to shag the fucking arse off you.” “Billy that’s a terrible thing to say, everyone has made the effort to be here, we can’t leave early.” Grinning he replied, “I know babe, but I had to ask.”

  Sitting there together she said, “I want to do something nice for Maria and Mickey, Mary and Den and Monica and George; they’ve all worked so hard. I never expected to have a wedding as lovely as this; actually I never thought I’d get married.” “Ok babe, we’ll have a talk about it tomorrow. What do you think about this honeymoon?” “I think it’s wonderful, Tony was right about you being popular.” “No babe, I meant about whether we take Becky with us, or leave her with Maria.” “It’s a wonderful offer, but it just doesn’t seem right leaving her. I’ll talk to Maria about it, but what do you think we should do?” “Honestly babe, I don’t mind either way, but it would be nice to have a few days on our own.” “I’ll think about it, now come on we should mingle and check that Mary is alright with Becky, she’s had her virtually all day.”

  By ten o’clock the guests had started leaving. It had been a long day; all the kids were asleep either in their pushchairs or on someone’s laps. As always the twins were with Shaun and Ann. When the last guest left at eleven, everyone who was left went back to the house. Kevin had accepted Mickey’s invitation to stay the night. Mickey was chuffed when Charlie and Scott said they could stay for a few days. Becky was the only child left downstairs; the others were all fast asleep in their rooms. Maria smiled at Jess and said, “Why don’t you and Billy take her up to bed, then you can get off home.” Frowning Jess replied, “No it’s ok, we’re just going its silly to disturb her twice.” “I know that, you don’t think for one minute we’d let you take her home on your wedding night, do you? God only knows what you’ll get up to, so its best you leave her here tonight, her cots already made up.” “We don’t expect you to have her; we did intend to take her home.” “I know Jess, but she’s fast asleep and you should be on your own tonight.” “If you’re really sure then I’ll take her up.”

  Forty minutes later Billy and Jess were getting out of a cab at the cottage. Approaching the front door, Billy picked her up and carried her over the thresh hold. Jess couldn’t help noticing how untidy the place was as he carried her through to the lounge. Putting her down carefully, he hugged and kissed her as he unzipped her dress. “Fuck me babe, I’ve been looking forward to this all day.” Jokingly she replied, “Are you sure you feel up to doing it, your face looks so sore” “Yeah it is, but me cocks ok, so help me get this dress off!” “Aren’t we going upstairs?” “No I want you right here, right now.” Slipping her dress off he stared at what she was wearing underneath, a white silk and lace basque with white stockings and a blue garter, the tiny knickers were tied at the sides. “Christ babe, you are so fucking sexy.” “Maria helped me choose it, tell you the truth I thought you’d be too drunk to notice it.” Grinning he replied, “In case you didn’t notice, I’ve only had a couple. I obviously had enough last night, and there was no way I wasn’t going to do this on our wedding night.” Kissing the top of her breasts he gently pushed her onto the floor rug, and undid the fancy ribbons securing her panties, pulling them of carefully so as not to disturb her stockings. “Do you want me to take it off,” she asked. “No leave it on babe.” Lying there on the floor with him kneeling over her she reached out and began unbuttoning his shirt, as he kissed and fondled her breasts. A few seconds later he was performing oral sex on her. Frantically she held his head as his tongue moved faster over her bringing her to orgasm. Moving up her body to kiss her, he fumbled to undo his trousers. Desperate to have him inside her she tugged at them, managing to get them just past his buttocks before he entered her. Moving slowly and purposely, kissing her passionately as he gently moved inside her, quickening the pace of his thrust, as he reached the point of orgasm.” “Oh God Billy,” she cried out, as she came again. Resting his body down onto her as he relaxed, she joked and said, “You’re crushing me.” Rolling over onto the floor he kissed her and said, “Sorry babe.” Five minutes later, they were cuddled up together on the rug, fast asleep.


  It was breakfast at Maria’s, everyone was tucking into eggs and bacon, even Kevin was up despite being hung over from the wedding. Mickey grinned when Kev said, “Thanks for having me last night, what a great do shame about Billy’s tooth and that.” Nodding he replied, “Yeah shame, I’m just glad the gum held for the photos, although I was a bit surprised Billy got himself in such a state, especially as he was technically working till midnight.” Looking a bit guilty Kev smirked and replied, “Yeah, on reflection maybe I did go a bit OTT, still we had a good time. I’m sure Billy will look back on it and laugh.” “Let’s hope so Kev for your sake.” Charlie interrupted and said, “If my Scott had turned up looking like that on our wedding day, I would have throttled the bloody pair of you!” Laughing her dad said, “She gets that from her mother.” “Very funny dad!” then she continued saying, “It’s really nice to be here, I wish we could get down more often it’ll be even harder when we move.” Maria noticed Mickey’s face change, when looking at Charlie she said, “Are you leaving the apartment then?” They all noticed that before she replied she reached over and held Scott’s hand, giving Maria the impression that what she was about to say wouldn’t go down too well with her dad. Unable to give her dad eye contact she said, “We’re emigrating, I know we should have said something sooner, but I didn’t want you all worrying.” Instantly Mickey said, “Emigrating, why? You’ve both got good jobs and a good life, why would you want to emigrate?” “Oh dad Britain’s finished, London’s so full of foreigners now, the crime is out of control, there are no deterrents and it’s frightening. We just want to go somewhere that is better, where you can walk at night and not have to worry about getting mugged or murdered. When we travelled round New Zealand last year, we just fell in love with it, everywhere is so laid back, the houses are amazing, there’s hardly any crime and it’s a good country. Of course we’ll miss everyone like mad, but there’s no reason why you can’t come and visit us and we can talk through the web cam.” Mickey sat silent for a few minutes before replying, “This may sound selfish but I don’t want you living in New Zealand, I want you here. I want to be able to see my grand children grow up and your brothers and sisters want you here.”

  Maria could see by his face that the news had devastated him. Trying to make things easier for both of them she said, “Mickey it’s their choice, I’m sure they’ve given it a lot of thought.” Like everyone else she was totally shocked and devastated by what he said next, when looking at her he angrily snapped, “How would you understand Maria, she’s not your daughter! You’ve never had any family except for this one, she’s my eldest daughter and I don’t like the idea of her being thousands of miles away, so just keep your fucking opinion to yourself ok?” Too upset to answer him, she just stood up with tears in her eyes and walked out of the room.

  Walking up the stairs to their bedroom with tears rolling down her face, she did love Charlie as if she was her own, how could he have been so cruel. She heard Charlie arguing with her dad downstairs, “That was out of order dad, Maria is lovely, how dare you speak to her like that, especially as you know what happened to her with her own mother! Sometimes you are just so pig headed! I’m not fifteen anymore dad, we just want a better safer life, is that so terrible?” “You’re still my daughter Charlie!” “I know dad, I’ll always be that, but we have our own life, can’t you at least be happy for us?” “God only knows what Nan and Granddad will think; it nearly killed her when Fay emigrated!” “Nan will be fine about it. I had hoped to tell her here this morning, it’s a shame that granddad isn’t feeling very well. We’re going to see them in a while, now you should go and apologise to Maria.”

  Madeline, like the others had sat quietly, it was as though they all realised that something bad was happening. Unable to stay silent another moment she said, “Do they have cheer leaders in New Zeal
and?” Charlie smiled at her and replied, “Well I suppose so, but I think they have more of them where Aunty Fay lives.” “Is it nice there,” said Melanie. “Oh it’s wonderful, they have people called Maoris who have tattoos on their faces and they wear grass skirts.” “The twins looked at one another before Madeline said, “What even the men?” “Oh yes babe, even the men.” “Daddy says men who wear skirts are iron hoofs; mummy tells him off when he says it.” Sarcastically Charlie replied, “That’s because your mummy is a lovely sweet lady, and your dad is an old fashioned piglet.”

  As he’d listened to the children he realised that Charlie was right, if she wanted to make a better life for herself, he shouldn’t make it more difficult for her. Interrupting the girls he said, “Your sister’s right, daddy’s just a selfish piglet.” Then he looked directly at Charlie and added, “But when a dad loves his family the way I do, sometimes it hard to let them go, but I suppose we could go to New Zealand and then you could all see the Maoris?” Charlie stood up and walked round the table to him. Throwing her arms around his neck she kissed him and said, “It’s not the other side of the world dad.” Then laughing she added, “Well actually it is!” After she went and sat back down Mickey stood up and said, “Can you watch the kids for me, I need to go and speak to Maria.

  Minutes later he gingerly entered the bedroom. Maria was sitting at the dressing table brushing her hair. He could see she was crying as he walked towards her. “Sorry babe,” he said as he slipped his arms around her and kissed the back of her neck. “You know I didn’t mean it, I was upset over Charlie.” Turning to face him her beautiful eyes flowing with tears she replied, “I love her too you know.” Kissing her before he replied, “Everyone knows that babe. I didn’t mean to upset you, Charlie was right; I’m just a selfish pig.” Gently touching his face she replied, “Yes you are, but it’s because you love her.” “Do you forgive me babe?” “There’s nothing to forgive, you were right, I don’t know what it feels like when one of your children leaves home. Like you said Mickey this is the only family I’ve ever had, but I know if I lost you or one of the kids it would kill me.” Holding her tight he replied, “Well we’re not going anywhere, so you don’t have to worry about that, but I just want to tell you what I said was cruel and uncalled for. I’m sorry babe.” “It’s ok, just please don’t ever say anything like that again.” “I won’t babe, now shall we go back downstairs, before I have to pick you up, carry you to our bed and ravish your body?” Grinning she sarcastically replied, “Funnily enough you said something like that last night, then three minutes after we came to bed you were snoring!” Squeezing her buttocks he grinned and replied, “In that case maybe we should have an early night?” “Promises, promises,” said Maria laughing.


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