Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 52

by Karen Clow

  Twenty minutes later they arrived at Maria’s. She was pleased although surprised to see them and she could tell instantly that something was wrong by the look on Jess’s face, especially when Billy said, “Is Mickey about babe, only I need to talk to him?” “He’s in the study with dad; they’re doing something on the computer, just go and knock on the door.” “Cheers babe.” As he walked off she looked at Jess and said, “Shall I put the kettle on?” Close to tears she nodded and replied, “Are the triplets in the playroom?” “Yes, take Becky through, I’ve left the door open so they can come through to the kitchen if they want to. I’ll make the tea while you settle her, ok?”

  A few minutes later Jess joined her and said, “They’re all playing quite happily, I think Melissa was pleased to have another female in there.” Maria noticed that Jess seemed preoccupied with something as they chatted. Knowing that something was bothering her friend she said, “Is everything all right Jess, only you seem a bit distant?” On the brink of tears she replied, “My mother turned up this morning.” “Oh no that must have been a shock?” “Actually Maria it was nothing compared to what my stepfather did.” “What do you mean Jess,” she asked curiously. At that point Jess started to cry. “Come on sweetheart, tell me what he did?” Maria was stunned when she blurted out, “He tried to take Becky!” “What do you mean, he tried to take her?” “Abduct her, they need ten thousand pounds.” Suddenly the twins kidnapping shot through Maria’s head, feeling sick to the pit of her stomach she replied, “What happened?” Jess was crying and trembling as she went through the events of earlier that morning. Maria listened intently only stopping her to ask, “Why did they do it knowing Billy was there, surely they would have known to wait until you were on your own?” “I think they thought he was out, because his car wasn’t there, it broke down. It’s at the garage; we had to get a cab over here.” “You should have called Jess; I would have picked you up.” “It didn’t matter, Billy was so angry he wanted to come straight away. What does he want to talk to Mickey about, why won’t he let me call the police?” Maria knew exactly why he hadn’t called the police; she remembered what they had done to the people who took the twins and how it had almost cost her marriage. Not wanting Jess to go through the same thing, she replied, “I don’t really know sweetheart, but can I give you some advice?” Jess nodded. “Its best if you just let Billy deal with this in his own way, he probably just wants to go round there and thump the bloke.” “I know you’re wrong Maria, he wants to kill him.” Trying to ease her friends fears she said, “From the sound of things, he’s not the only one. The people who he owes money to don’t sound very nice, especially if it drove him to kidnapping Becky.” With tears rolling down her face she said, “I don’t care about my step father I hate him, but I’m worried if Billy does something terrible and ends up in prison!” “I’m sure that won’t happen that’s why he’s come to talk to Mickey; he probably just needs to blow off steam.” “I hope you’re right.”

  Billy was in the study talking to Mickey and Den. Having listened to him tell them about Jess’s family, Mickey said, “Ok Billy so how do you want to handle this?” “Truth Mick, I want to take the bastard out, but I remember what happened between you and Maria when we did that bloke in your pool house? I can’t let this come between me and her, but I’m gonna have him.” Den interrupted, “We’ve been there Billy we both know what you’re feeling. Thank God you were able to stop him before anything bad happened. I know her mother told you they wouldn’t hurt Becky, but we all know how quickly that can change. Sounds to me like you’d be doing everyone a favour; he’s a waste of fucking space!” Mickey had sat there thinking what the best way to deal with the problem would be. When the others finished talking he said, “Ok Billy, just like you helped me, I want to help you. The one thing we don’t want is Jess knowing about it, so here’s what I think. We nab this prick take him down the docks and send him for a midnight dip.” Nodding Billy replied, “Sounds fucking good to me, but I don’t want you getting involved Mick. If you could just arrange it with Tony for me to use his warehouse for an hour, I’d be grateful.” “Fuck off Billy we’re all family here and the prick stepped over the line. We’ll sort something out; just leave it with me for a couple of days.” “Cheers Mick I appreciate it.” “Come on lets go and see what the girls are up to, its lunch time.”

  The ladies were still in the kitchen with the toddlers playing on the floor. They had just been joined by Mary, who was listening to what had happened with Becky. As the men walked in Billy went straight over to Jess, put his arm around her and said, “You ok babe?” Although she was worried about what he’d discussed with Mickey, she nodded her head.

  “Right then” said Maria, “now you men are here to watch the babies, we can sort out some lunch.” The ladies began making sandwiches and tea.

  Billy was just eating his second slice of cake, when his mobile rang. It was Jamie, “Alright Billy, just calling to let you know your cars done, it was your starter motor, me Cousin Ken has fitted a new one. He said he can drive the car over to you, if you like.” “That’ll be great, what time?” He could hear Jamie asking Ken, before he said, “Will five o’clock be ok mate?” “Fucking ace Jamie, tell Ken I’m grateful, does he know where the cottage is?” “Don’t worry, I’ll give him directions. He’ll see you at five and I’ll see you later.” “Yeah, cheers for this Jamie, I’ll buy you a pint tonight.” The call ended.

  As the friends all talked and played with the kids the time passed quickly, no one mentioned the incident with Becky again. When Maria ran them home, Mickey went into his study to call Tony. “What’s up Mick,” asked Tony as he answered the call. “Nothings up, well actually that’s not entirely true, but not with me it’s Billy. I need to ask you a favour Tony.” “Course Mick, what is it?” He went on to tell him what had happened with Jess’s stepdad and that Billy wanted to take him for a midnight swim. Tony listened to all that had been said before replying, “Tell Billy to come and see me. You know my feeling on this sort of thing Mickey, I’d take the prick out for him if need be.” “Same as Tony, fucking good job Billy was there this morning, it don’t bear thinking about what might have happened. I know Billy will be grateful, it’s just he’ll need to do it without Jess getting wind of it.” “I understand, what we need to do is set up a meeting with him, couldn’t you bring him up using some excuse?” “Oh I’m sure I could do that. I’ll sort something out.” “Sorry Mickey I’ve got to dash, I’m meeting someone in half an hour.” “No problem mate, give our regards to the family, we’ll talk soon.” The call ended.

  Billy was just putting the key in the front door when he heard the phone ringing. Although he hurried to answer it, by the time he reached the phone whoever it was had rung off. Jess came in behind him and pointing to the answer phone machine said, “The lights flashing, someone’s left a message.” Pressing the play button they stood waiting for the caller to speak. Neither of them imagined for one minute it would be her mum. Her voice sounded desperate as she said, “Please Jess pick up, please Jess don’t go to the police I’m begging you. I know you’re mad at us, but people are going to hurt him if he doesn’t get the money. Please call me.’ There were two more similar messages left by her earlier. Jess was crying as the messages finished. Looking at Billy she said, “I hate them.” Comforting her he said, “I’ll give Ricky a ring see if he can cover for me tonight, I don’t want you getting upset here on your own.” “I’m so sorry about all this; I can’t believe they would do it.” Kissing the top of her head as he held her he replied, “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about babe; it’s not your fault.” She looked up at him with a concerned look and said, “Billy promise me you won’t do anything stupid?” Trying to look and sound convincing he replied, “Of course I won’t babe.” “Why did you go to see Mickey then? I know things happened when the twins were kidnapped, I used to hear them rowing when I first lived there.” “That was different babe; the bloke who took the twins was a real head ca
se. The reason I went to see Mickey was because I needed to blow off steam. I’m not going to lie to you babe, there will be a time for me and your step dad, but it wont be now. All I want to do is give him a fucking good hiding.” “Honestly Billy, I don’t want anything happening to you.” Feeling bad about lying to her he said, “Let me give Ricky a bell, then I’m taking you and Becky out to eat tonight.” “We don’t have to go out, I’m quite happy to cook for you.” “I know babe, I wasn’t thinking of anything to fancy, just somewhere like the seafood place in town, we can have fish and chips?” Smiling she said, “Ok, ring Ricky, if he can’t I’ll do us something now.”

  A few moments later he was standing in the kitchen behind her saying, “We’re going out later, Ricky was glad of the extra night.”

  Just as they were leaving the phone rang, it was her mum. “Answer it” said Billy “just tell her to keep away from us.” “What do you want mum,” said Jess as she answered the call. “Oh Jess, we’re really sorry, please don’t tell the police.” “Just keep away from us mum!” Before she could say another word Billy took the phone from her and said, “Listen to me you fucking bitch! If either of you come near my family again, believe me the police will be the least of your worries!” “Billy please listen to me, I never wanted any of this to happen. I love Jess and.” He cut in sarcastically and said, “You love her, well you’ve got a fucking funny way of showing it! Now fuck off and don’t contact us again!” Slamming the phone down, he said, “Fucking bitch!” Jess just stood there looking tearful, Billy smiled and said, “Let’s get going babe; I don’t think she’ll bother us again.”

  Over the next few days there were no calls from Jess’s mum. Despite what had happened everything appeared to be normal. Jess had believed Billy when he’d said he wouldn’t do anything. So she wasn’t suspicious when Mickey called and asked him to drive up to London with him on club business that Sunday.

  Mickey picked him up around seven. Kissing Jess before he got in the car Billy said, “If you need me babe, just call my mobile.” Just as they pulled away Mickey called out, “Maria’s going to give you a bell later tonight babe.” “Ok, drive carefully,” called Jess.

  Just over an hour later, the two men arrived at Sweet Cheeks. Tony was standing at the bar; it was quiet because the club had only just opened. Tony had managed to obtain a Sunday licence since having spoken to a few officials. Opening time was only eight ‘til half eleven, but in the month since it had opened on Sundays the profits had been encouraging. Shaking hands the three friends then made their way to the office. Tony listened as Billy said, “Thanks for this Tony, I appreciate it. If I could have caught the bastard we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I would have fucking beaten him to death there and then!” “I know what you mean Billy,” said Tony “but before we go on with this, are you sure you want to take him out?” “No fucking doubt at all.” “In that case, I would suggest finding out where he goes on his own, you don’t want to grab him in broad daylight, that’s for sure. Once you know where and when it can happen, I’ll send Reggie and Terry down to grab him for you and take him to the docks; you can take it from there ok? Although I wouldn’t be surprised if they offer to help you out, not that I’m implying they’re violent or anything, it’s just the kid thing.” They all laughed especially when Billy said, “Yeah they’re good boys. I expect they’re at choir practice tonight, what with it being Sunday and all.” They laughed. After discussing Billy’s little problem, they went back into the club to talk and watch the dancers.

  At ten o’clock Abbey came out to dance. Mickey watched her and said to Tony, “Nice tits.” “Yeah, she’s a real cracker ain’t she, very popular with the punters.” “Yeah I can see why,” said Mickey as he watched her gyrate up and down the pole. Smirking Tony replied, “Sorry Mick but she’s out of bounds even to my closest friends.” The men laughed as Billy said, “Can we take it from that you’re indulging in some form of sexual practice with her Tony?” “If you mean am I fucking her, then yes that would be correct.” They all laughed. Purely out of curiosity Mickey said, “I didn’t think you were going to get really involved again after that bird down my way?” “I wasn’t, but I’m getting a bit old to keep chasing fucking pussy, so I’m setting her up in a place.” “You too old Tony, you’ll still be shagging when you fucking ninety!” “I hope you’re right Mick, truth is there was a time when I could have several women in a day, now I find it hard to keep up with Belle.” “Things ok with Belle then Tony?” “Yeah, that scare with her health frightened me. No doubt you’ll be happy to hear I’m a fucking model husband.” As they talked about wives and mistresses, Tony joked with Billy, “How’s married life treating you then Billy boy?” “Fucking great as it happens; I wished I’d met her years ago.” Mickey laughed and said; “Only one problem there, she’d still have been in nursery school!” They all laughed as Billy took it in good fun and said, “Fucking cheeky bastard, both of you have younger wives!” “Give it time Billy and you’ll be getting yourself a mistress,” said Tony. With a serious look he replied, “Not me Tony, I did all my shagging before I met her. I always knew if I met the right one that would be it for me.” “I’m with you there,” said Mickey. They both laughed as Tony jokingly said, “Well all I can say is, you two are a disgrace to the club owners pussy society, of which I’m the fucking president!”

  By midnight the two friends were driving back towards Kent, talking about the meeting, Billy said, “I’ll have to get someone to follow her stepdad to find out where he goes. I’d do it me fucking self, but Jess would think it’s funny if I keep going out.” “Leave it with me Billy, I know a few people.” “I don’t even know where the prick lives, she won’t fucking tell me and I didn’t want to push it for obvious reasons.” “No problem, I’ll look into it for you, I’m pretty sure Maria knows. I can just mention it in passing.”

  It was three days later when Mickey contacted him while Billy was working at the club. Calling his mobile, “Ok Billy, I’ve got that information for you, thought it best to ring now, so Jess wouldn’t know.” “Good thinking Mick, she has mentioned it a couple of times, but I had a bit of luck Monday.” “What was that then?” “Her fucking mother phoned again, she paranoid that we’re going to involve the Old Bill. Anyway I told her this time for Jess’s sake, I’m prepared to let it go on the condition she never contacts us, or comes near my family again.” “Do you reckon she listened?” “Oh yeah, she couldn’t stop thanking me and telling me how sorry she was over everything.” “Right then, so let’s get it done, I have it on good advice that every Friday he drinks in the Four Feathers. Usually from there he goes onto a club, most likely to be ‘Shakers,’ although he sometimes goes to a strip joint. According to my source the people he owes the ten grand to are the McCarthy brothers. Not the type of people you want to get on the wrong side of by all accounts. Although they’re not in the same league as certain folk we know, but locally their reputation is they’re ruthless bastards. Apparently the debt is for gambling, he likes the race track, which was ok when he had Jess’s inheritance money, but now he’s pot less. I’ve talked to Tony and he reckons the best time to grab him is when he leaves the Feathers, nine times out of ten he’s on his own. Now I know Friday is the busiest night for you, so I’ll come in and cover for you, just make sure you’re back before we go home ok?” “Great Mickey, thanks for this I owe you one. Just one thing, how the fuck did you find everything out so quickly?” Laughing he replied, “Lenny who else?” “Fuck me I should have known, cheers Mick I’ll speak to you soon.” “Call Tony tomorrow and let him know its happening, he’ll sort everything out. Catch you later, goodnight.”


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