Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 53

by Karen Clow

  Thursday afternoon Billy took Jess into town; the first thing they bought was a baby name book along with several cuddly toys which Billy couldn’t resist. The incident with her mother wasn’t playing on her mind so much, since Billy had told her to leave them alone. She seemed really happy as they shopped for baby items, although she did tell Billy he couldn’t buy a tiny pair of desert boots, especially if it was a girl. Reluctantly he put them back but said, “If it’s a boy I’m coming back to get them ok?”

  It wasn’t until he arrived at the club that evening he was able to call Tony. Answering the call he said, “Alright Billy boy, I was beginning to think you’d got cold feet?” “Sorry Tony it’s the first chance I’ve had to call you, Jess was with me all afternoon.” “No worries mate, are we on for tomorrow night?” “Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.” “Ok, the boys will drive down and wait at the Feathers till he leaves. Once they’ve got him, they’ll call you. At that time of night the traffic should be good, so the drive should only take forty five minutes. If he follows his normal routine he leaves the pub around eleven, so you should get here around midnight, do the business and get your arse back down to the club. With any luck no one will even notice you’ve gone and you go back home as normal when the club shuts.” “Thanks for this Tony, I owe you one.” “You just make sure you do the business, the prick’s a fucking low life. To know he’s off the streets is payment enough.” “Cheers Tony.”


  Friday morning was as always frantic at Maria’s until Mickey had taken the twins off to school and the triplets took their morning nap. Taking Mickey a coffee into the study and after placing it on his desk she sat next to him. “The house is very quiet babe, I take it you’ve either sold the kids or they’re taking a nap?” “Yes you’re right darling, I’ve sold them.” “Well I hope you got a good price.” Sipping his coffee he said, “Oh, by the way you’ve got a couple of e-mails from Buzz, I’ll open them for you in a minute.” Minutes later they were reading them. Excitedly Maria said, “Oh God he wants to come over and meet us!” Laughing Mickey replied, “I know babe, I’m reading it as well.” “What do you think is it a good idea?” “I don’t see why not, this may be the only chance he has for a while, I’m not sure how much leave they get. How do you feel about him coming babe?” Nervously she replied, “I’d love to meet him, but what if he doesn’t like us and he’s got to stay here for a couple of weeks?” “Of course he’ll like us, if he doesn’t then that’s his problem, and he can either book into a hotel or fuck of back to America.” Slapping him playfully she said, “That’s terrible, but I suppose you’re right.” “You’d best e- mail him back then, tell him we’d love him to come.” Leaning forward she kissed his cheek and said, “Thanks darling.” Waiting until she’d e-mailed Buzz he said, “Babe would you mind if I went down to the club tonight?” “No of course not, but why have you got to go?” “I haven’t got to babe, but I know its getting busy now, I just thought as I’m one of the owners I should show my face every now and again. If you really don’t want me to, I can leave it and go some other time.” Grinning she replied, “As long as you’re not going to be chatting any of those young girls up, I think I’ll allow it.” Squeezing her he replied, “Why would I need another young girl when I’ve got the prettiest one right here?” Shaking her head she grinned and replied, “Ok darling, no need to overdo it! I’ve already said it ok!” “Who’s over doing it, I meant it you are young and beautiful!” Linking her arms around his neck she kissed him on the lips and said, “Flattery will get you everywhere.” After reciprocating the kiss he grinned and said, “It’s been ages since you’ve taken advantage of me in my study.” “Michael, what are you implying,” she said as she stood up and straddled him, before kissing him passionately. Feeling aroused he asked her to stand up so he could undo his trousers, but instead of sitting back down he leaned her against his desk and began fondling her. Lifting her skirt he slipped his hand into her knickers, he could feel she wanted him. Kissing her neck he said, “Lean over the desk babe, fuck me I want you!” Moving back from her as she turned and lay across his desk then lifting her skirt he pulled down her knickers. Kicking one leg out so she could move more freely, she sprawled in front of him. Within seconds he was inside her thrusting his body against hers and fondling her breasts as he leaned over her.

  Just as they reached the point of no return they heard Mary call out, “Only me, are you in the study?” With Mickey still holding her down as he came he said, “Christ babe I can’t stop!” Trying to sound normal but failing dismally, Maria called out, “Ok mum, stick the kettle, on I’m just coming!” They both tried not to laugh as they scrambled to get dressed.

  A few moments later she joined Mary in the kitchen. “Sorry love, did I disturb you? Only dad’s popped into town, so I thought I’d drop in, was that ok?” Still trying to regain her composure she replied, “Of course, I was just replying to an e- mail from Buzz, he wants to come and visit us. I’m so excited!” “Actually you look a bit flushed love, did you get everything done?” Before she could reply Mickey appeared and looking at her, then Maria he said, “Yeah, we were just finishing as you called out mum, wasn’t we babe?” Feeling herself blushing she just smiled and nodded her head. Mary could tell that something had been going on in the study, so jokingly she said, “Oh that’s good for a minute there I thought you were having sex!” They all laughed.

  Just over an hour later Den turned up and Maria asked them to stay for lunch. Mary occupied the triplets while she prepared the food. “Fancy coming to the club tonight dad,” asked Mickey. “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind son, any particular reason you’re going?” “No, I just thought we should show willing every now and then, that was all. I know it’s getting really busy Fridays and Saturdays, George told me they’re turning people away.” “Maybe I should come and go over the books if business is that good. Perhaps the renovations could start sooner than we first thought, seems silly having all that space just going to waste; especially when we could be making money.” Maria cut in saying, “You’re welcome to come round here mum, if dad does go. With any luck all the kids will be asleep by the time their dad goes.” “I’d really like that love, we can have a good old chat,” said Mary.


  Jess had noticed that since Billy got up around midday, he had seemed a bit distracted. As they ate lunch around one, she asked him if everything was alright. “Yeah, fine babe, I’m just a bit tired that’s all, the club was busy last night.” “I’m sorry; I wish you didn’t have to work so hard.” “I like my job babe but like I said before, once we expand hopefully I won’t have to work so many nights.” “That’ll be great, especially when the baby’s here.” Reaching over the table he gently patted her tummy and said, “How’s he doing this morning?” Grinning she replied, “He or she is doing just fine thank you daddy.” Before he could reply Becky held a half eaten sandwich up to his mouth and said, “Da da.” Without hesitation he took it from her and said, “Thank you princess that’s just what daddy wanted, a mangled chocolate sandwich. Then despite his loathing of chocolate spread he ate it so as not to upset her. Leaning over he said, “Give daddy a kiss.” Instantly she puckered up and pecked him on the lips. “Thank you princess, now eat your lunch for daddy.”

  Jess loved the way he was with Becky, he was everything and more she had ever hoped he would be.

  They spent the afternoon going through the book of baby names. There were several they both liked, but couldn’t agree on the same one. Jess joked, “I really hope it’s a boy, because the only name we both like is Billy.”

  After dinner that evening, Billy bathed and put Becky to bed while Jess cleared up downstairs. They spent the next hour cuddled up together on the sofa watching telly, before he had to leave for the club around eight.

  Kissing her at the door he said, “I’ll see you in the morning babe, any problems just call me ok?” “Ok, drive carefully have a good night, say hi to George for me, see you later.”<
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  Jamie and Justin were working the door when he arrived at the club fifteen minutes later. Mickey and Den turned up just after nine. Even they were surprised to see the size of the queue waiting to go in. George and Billy were inside keeping an eye on the dance area as they approached them. “This is a welcome surprise,” said George as they all shook hands. “Well I thought we ought to pop in and see how it’s going,” said Mickey. “Actually it’s going really well, better than expected. Every week it seems to get busier, which can’t be bad.” Den piped in, “Alright if I take myself off into the office and run through the figures, only I was saying to Mickey earlier, maybe we can look at the work on the place getting done sooner?” “You don’t have to ask Den, after all you are a share holder,” laughed George. “In that case you know where I am if you need me.” The three friends stood talking as Den made his way to the office. It was when George went to use the toilet that Mickey got a chance to speak to Billy. “So are you all set for later then,” asked Mickey. “Yeah I just hope everything goes to plan, the more I think of my Becky the more I want to do it.” “Just remember to get back here as quick as you can, I’ll cover for you. If George asks where you are, I’ll tell him you’ve popped home because you couldn’t get hold of Jess and you were worried, ok.” “Yeah, cheers Mick.”

  It was just before quarter to eleven when Billy’s mobile rang; it was Terry, “Alright Billy, we’re on our way back to London, we’ve got the goods.” “Ok mate I’ll see you soon.” Billy walked over to Mickey and told him he was going.

  Five minutes later he was pulling away from the club. Fortunately George didn’t see him leave, not that it really mattered, but as a detective they all knew he would be suspicious. Mickey had already arranged with his dad to occupy George when Billy left. Checking the club was quiet in respect of trouble makers, Den walked over to George and said, “Come into the office, I want to show you how much profit you’re making.” George looked at Mickey and said, “Is that ok?” “Yeah no worries George; there’s enough of us to keep an eye on things,” said Mickey. He was referring to Ricky, the brothers Jamie and Justin and Billy. “I wont be long, if Billy wants to come in and see the figures I’ll come back out, ok” “Yeah I’ll tell him, I think he’s either gone to the toilet or he’s talking to the boys on the door.”

  Making good time Billy arrived at the docks at twenty to twelve. Reggie was waiting at the gate for him, as always his dogs were by his side. As Billy got out of his car he said, “Where is he Reggie, did he give you any trouble?” “Fucking pathetic sack of shit, all he did was whinge all the fucking way here. I get the impression he thinks were working for someone call Ross? All he kept bleating was ‘tell Ross and Mark I’ll get their money.” Grinning Billy replied, “So what did you tell him then Reg?” “Fuck all, I told him to shut the fuck up because I didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about!” “So he’s not expecting me to show up then?” “Not unless you’re Ross or fucking Mark!” The two men walked towards the warehouse.

  Terry was waiting for them. Jess’s stepdad was sitting tied to a chair with a sack over his head. Walking over to him Billy pulled the sack off and stared at him. Terrified he looked at Billy and said, “I didn’t expect you to be mixed up with the McCarthy brothers, have they got you doing their dirty work?” With a menacing look Billy replied, “You stupid prick, I don’t work for them! I’m here because you tried to take my daughter!” Trying to act as though he wasn’t afraid he replied, “We told you, we wouldn’t have hurt her, she’s our granddaughter. I just needed money or people are going to come looking for me.” Arrogantly Billy snapped, “Before I do what I came here to do, let’s get one thing straight, she never was and never will be your granddaughter, you fucking piece of shit! You threw her mother out, remember? You treated her like shit and spent her money! Well they’re my family now and no one treats them like that!”

  Terry and Reggie watched as her stepdad began to look nervous, gone was his earlier arrogance. They watched him tremble as he said to Billy, “So what is it you want then, money?” Billy spat at him and said, “Money you prick, don’t fucking insult me! No, I’m going to make sure you never get the chance to come near my family again!” Frantically he rocked the chair back and fourth and tried to talk his way out of it by offering Billy money. After punching him several times in the face, unflinching Billy asked Reggie to pass him his gun. Screaming and pleading for his life as he rocked the chair he was petrified as Billy stood in front of him. Begging for his life, he frantically moved the chair almost toppling it over. Coldly and calculatingly Billy moved towards him and without a second thought took aim and fired a single shot into his head. The body slumped down into the chair as Billy handed the gun back to Reggie. Terry nodded at Reggie and said, “Remind me never to upset him, wont you!” They all laughed then Billy said, “Do you need me to help clear up?” Terry replied, “No mate, Tony told us you need to get back, we’ll clear up here, you get off.” Shaking their hands Billy thanked them both. Laughing Reggie said, “I enjoyed it, although I was surprised you didn’t make him suffer more.” Jokingly Billy said, “Unlike you Reg, I like to get in and do the business, no messing quick and clean.” “You lying bastard, we both know it’s because you need to get back!” “Plus the fact I didn’t want blood all over me clothes,” joked Billy.

  It was around one o’clock when he arrived back at the club. “Fuck me, where have you been, I didn’t see you leave,” said Justin as Billy approached the main doors. Acting normal he jokingly replied, “Just had to pop home for a minute, but don’t tell George, I don’t want him docking it out of me wages!”

  Inside the club he looked round for Mickey, spotting him standing at the bar talking to Den he made his way over. George was watching the dance area with Ricky. “Everything alright Billy,” asked Mickey. “Cushty thanks, has anyone asked after me?” Grinning he replied, “What, other than the twenty girls who’ve asked me where you were. If you mean George, dad kept him in the office for over an hour. When they came out I told him you were outside at the door, he never questioned it. I’m glad you’re back though, because I’ve got a feeling something’s about to kick off. I’ve been watching those girls for the last half hour; penny to a pinch of shit there’s gonna be trouble over the bloke in the blue shirt.” “I fucking hope not, I’d rather deal with blokes, fucking women are ten times worse!” “Let’s just keep an eye on them, with any luck they’ll all fuck off home in a minute.”

  Within thirty seconds of the two of them talking about it, a fight broke out between three of the girls. By the time Billy and the others reached them, it had turned into a full scale war with several of their friends joining in. George and Ricky rushed over to help as they saw Billy trying to separate the girls, one of which was getting a good hiding from her two so called friends. Eventually they managed to get them all outside, but the girls were still going at it. Mickey had been right, the male in the blue shirt was the reason they were fighting. Finally, after giving them a last warning Mickey called the police, although it was forty minutes later when they turned up.

  A police woman was knocked to the ground by one of the girls. Billy grinned at the others and said, “I wouldn’t fancy being her tonight when they get her in a cell.” Ricky piped in and said, “I hope they beat the fucking shit out of her, the mouthy old dog! They’re like fucking bitches on heat; did you clock the streak of piss they were fighting over, ugly bastard.” Billy laughed replying, “Ah well, you know what they say Ricky, you don’t look at the mantle piece when your poking the fire. I expect he’s like me, hung like a fucking donkey, Mr Foot long!” All the doormen laughed, especially when Ricky replied, “He must have it strapped to his fucking ankle if that’s the case, as for what you said about the mantle piece, I should think it would take a good man to even raise a fucking smile with any of those three. They were all fucking moose ugly!” “Not your type then Ricky,” joked George. “I’d rather join a monastery than shag any of them!” Everyone l
aughed as they made their way back inside.

  By half two the club was empty and the last few stragglers had moved away from outside. After staying behind for a quick drink Mickey and his dad got up to leave. Shaking their hands Billy said, “Just like old times tonight, hey Mickey?” Nodding he replied, “Yeah it was, only trouble is we’re all getting older, my days as a doorman are well and truly over, I feel fucking knackered!” “Bollocks you’ve still got it Mick; it was good to have you here tonight!” “I didn’t say I didn’t enjoy it, I just said I’m knackered! Although I must admit, if it’s going to be like this every Friday and Saturday, you are going to need extra help.” “I know mate, maybe when the work is done on the club we can look at hiring more staff?” “Well from what dads been saying tonight, I think we should discuss it, the profits are looking good.”


  It was Wednesday the following week before all four men were able to meet at Mickey’s to discuss the club. The women made sandwiches and looked after the kids while the men talked in the dinning room. After debating it, they all agreed to go ahead and start the work. Billy talked excitedly about it all the way home. Jess said, “If you need to use the money I got from Neville Howard, you can.” Grinning he squeezed her knee and replied, “We need to keep that babe, when we have all the kids we’ll need to buy a bigger house and they don’t come cheap, especially in the country.” Giggling she replied, “Loads of kids and a big house, sounds great, but I don’t want you having to work seven nights a week to pay for it. I’d rather struggle and have you at home with us.” Turning briefly to smile at her he said, “Hopefully the club will continue to do well, who knows we could end up with a chain. Don’t worry babe you and the kids won’t ever have to struggle, I’ll always earn money. If it came to it I could always do a bit of freelance work for Tony.” He noticed for the rest of the journey she was quiet. It was after they put Becky to bed that evening he found out why. As they sat on the sofa together she said, “Billy what you said in the car about working for Tony?” “Yeah what of it babe, he’s a good bloke and he pays well.” “I don’t doubt it, but I don’t want you working for him other than as a doorman.” “Why’s that then?” “You know why, because he’s into bad things.” Trying to brush her reaction off by joking he said, “Who told you that?” “No one, please don’t treat me like I’m stupid. I know, because when I lived with Maria I heard lots of things. Which personally I couldn’t care less about and I like Tony and Isabella, but please don’t try and tell me he’s legitimate. I love you Billy and I know people can get hurt working for men like him. I don’t want you getting hurt or going to prison.” She began to cry as she added, “You and Becky are the best and most important things in my life. I can’t even begin to tell you how much you mean to me.” Knowing she’d meant every word and it wasn’t about Tony it was about them, he put his arm around her and said, “Ok babe, only as a doorman. I love you too you know, now come here and give me a kiss.” They kissed passionately. It wasn’t long before his hands were all over her and they were making love on the sofa.


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