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A Broken Queen

Page 37

by Sarah Kozloff

  Throughout this excursion, shades of the dead stood between them. Ambrice and Cressa had always lingered in Cerúlia’s heart, keeping her from committing fully to the foster family that offered her love, and yesterday she had learned that Wilim had joined her birth parents. Desperate for reconciliation before tomorrow’s peril, Cerúlia intertwined her arm around her foster mother’s waist. Stahlia kissed her on the top of the head and intertwined her own arm, each dangling their worthless slippers in her outside hand.

  Cerúlia relished her touch, but fear still coursed through her.

  She will never forgive me when she learns that Wilim died on account of me. Will she blame me for killing the duchette? Will she love a murderer?

  Cerúlia felt overwhelmed and dizzy from the rush of events. But in this instant one need pushed to the fore. Stahlia is my true mother now. This may be the last moment she loves me. I want to hold on to it.

  As an invitation, she sang the opening notes of “The Lay of Queen Carmena,” an overture to a duet. Stahlia, smiling, let her carry the melody while she joined in down a third with the harmony. They leaned close to one another, blending their voices. Gaining confidence, they sang louder, and the breeze swept up their ballad.

  Scullery maids paused before the tower of wedding china. Footmen counting their tips, stable boys carting clean straw, and guards on patrol heard the music carrying through the twilight. Even those gentry smoking at their windows caught the whisper of the tune. All who heard it were seized with nostalgia and yearning—yearning for the heroic era of the Nargis Queens, when Weirandale lay secure, or at least felt secure, in Nargis’s Blessing.

  Evening birds broke out in background accompaniment, and after a moment one particularly enthusiastic participant caught Cerúlia’s eye.

  Tanager! There you are. Thank goodness you haven’t retired yet. I would talk to you. Meet me at the window of my chamber. We must make plans for tomorrow.


  When he returned to his quarters at the end of the exhausting day, Matwyck’s thoughts churned with fury.

  After all he’d done for this wedding! All the treasure he’d lavished! The address to the townspeople tonight in the Courtyard of the Star was to have been a crucial capstone.

  My son will pay for this insolence when he returns.

  Matwyck poured himself another glass of claret.

  As for Lolethia … he initially chalked up her absence to childishness, and he had spent the day fuming that she should embarrass him in public this way. Matwyck had decided he would have his guards whip her; then he amended this plan by resolving he would flog her himself.

  The image of a horsewhip biting into her soft back or bare backside while she wept and pleaded provided him a pleasant distraction.

  But to enact this scenario, he needed the woman in his possession. He summoned his valet.

  “I want you to go to the duchette’s suite. Take two guards with you. Bring her—drag her, if necessary—to these rooms immediately.”

  In a few minutes, his valet returned with the report that her maids had not seen her since early morning, which was puzzling, but he wouldn’t put it past the sulky minx to hide from him.

  He ordered his most trusted personal servants to begin searching the palace discreetly.

  While he waited in his chambers, he shrugged off his expensive coat and loosened his cravat. He removed the heavy rings he had recently taken to wearing. He sent a page for a riding whip and paced the room flicking it, enjoying each time it made an audible pop. He opened a window, hoping that the cool evening air would settle his frayed nerves.

  Briefly, he wished that Tirinella were still alive to massage his neck with her long fingers, as she sometimes had in the early days of their marriage.

  Pouring another glass of claret, a new thought assailed him.

  That sister. I don’t trust her at all.

  Well, with Marcot gone from the palace, there was no reason why the Lord Regent could not question her firmly. If he detected any prevarication, the Truth Stone would pry out the secrets of her mysterious comings and goings.

  Matwyck pulled the bell. At least he could make one of these aggravating women bend to his will.

  “Guards, I want you to find Wren of Wyndton, the sister of Marcot’s bride. Once you’ve got her in your possession, take her to my business office, keep her there, and send me word.”

  The guards bowed and departed on this errand.

  He was pouring more claret when his valet appeared in his doorway. The man was shaking.

  “Lord Regent,” he said, neglecting to make obeisance, “the Duchette Lolethia … has been located.”

  “Aha! Well, what are you waiting for? Bring her here at once.”

  “Lord Regent, I regret—this—this is impossible. She’s been found in Captain Burgn’s chambers.”

  In Burgn’s chambers! Matwyck saw spots in front of his eyes. She has gone too far. To cuckold me with Burgn on my son’s wedding day! The whole court will know!

  They will be executed. Publicly.

  I will have him castrated first.

  But his valet’s lips were still moving. “What did you say?” Matwyck asked over the roar in his ears.

  “We are unable to bring her here, my lord, because—because she is no longer among the living.” The man blurted out, “Someone has cut her throat!” and then fell to his knee.

  Matwyck sucked in a gulp of air and steadied himself with a hand against a table. “Tell me you have apprehended Captain Burgn!”

  “Alas, my lord. He is missing from the palace. His carriage left this morning.”

  Matwyck realized that he had not seen Burgn at the wedding or the midmeal feast. “Take me to his chambers.”

  A small crowd of servants and guards—gossipmongers and telltales—already hovered in the doorway. A murder in the palace would stir people’s base curiosity.

  “Disperse!” Matwyck barked.

  Maids had not attended the room today. The bed was rumpled, but only on one side. Lolethia lay fully dressed on a couch, gently arranged, with her eyes closed but a bloody gash at her throat and blood pooled on the carpet beside her. Matwyck found the blood distasteful, and he saw nothing appealing in her inanimate body. He wondered why he had ever thought he wanted her.

  He knelt by the body and forced himself to grab her dangling hand. It was cold. “He killed her. She came to him this morning with some innocent request, and the brute tried to force himself upon her. When she defended herself, he drew his knife and cut her sweet flesh. Oh, my darling girl—too innocent for this world. So cruel of the Waters to take you from me so soon.”

  Matwyck rose to his feet, addressing a nearby soldier. “Go fetch your officer. I want fifty of my men to leave in pursuit of that brute immediately.”

  He looked around at the people in the room. “I am cursed. Born to suffer the worst of losses, the worst of solitude. First my beloved Lady Tirinella was taken from me, now my sweet Lolethia.”

  As he left the room, he noted several heads hanging in sympathy, and it occurred to him that the situation might well work to his advantage. Indeed, he may have just been spared from another mistake.

  Lolethia was a passing fancy, nothing more. I will find a more suitable and less capricious partner. The public will see me as a suffering lover and a bringer of justice.

  When he returned to his room he saw the palace guards whom he had sent after the Androvale sister lounging in the corridor.

  Seeing him approach, they snapped to attention and then bowed. “The woman is not in her chamber, milord. A footman told us she is touring the gardens with her mother. Do you wish us to apprehend her there?” said a soldier.

  “No, not in front of Stahlia! That would be ham-witted. Tarry until you can get her alone.”

  The men set off down the hall.

  “Guards!” Matwyck called after them. “Wait. I have other things on my mind. Leave it for now. We’ll attend to that tomorrow.”


  The four catamounts stalk the Weirandale Throne Room. Sometimes they switch their tails in anger. Sometimes they rub their bodies against the throne’s leg or scratch their faces on its arm. On occasion they roar in vexation.

  The dusty throne sits empty. The room shouts its stillness and quiet, locked tight. With long tongues lapping, the catamounts drink from the pool under the Dedication Basin.

  These last days the air currents that filter into the room have offered many new scents, but the mountain lions ignored them.

  Finally, a waft from the gardens brings them a hint not only of new-grown greenery, but of something long awaited. The catamounts twitch their whiskers and taste the breeze. Their ears twist backward and forward, scanning for a particular quality of voice. All of their ears point east.

  They stretch their claws out and knead the hard marble floor.

  They purr.



  The Spirits

  ‘Chamen, Spirit of Stone

  Agent “Mason,” chosen realm, Rortherrod

  Ghibli, Spirit of the Wind

  Agent “Hunter,” chooses no country

  Lautan, Spirit of the Sea, “the Munificent”

  Agent “Sailor” (first unnamed, then Mikil), chosen realm, Lortherrod

  Mìngyùn, Spirit of Fate

  Agent “Spinner” (Destra)

  Nargis, Spirit of Fresh Water

  Agent “Water Bearer” (first Tiklok, then Nana), chosen realm, Weirandale

  Pozhar, Spirit of Fire

  Agent “Smithy,” chosen realm, Oromondo

  Restaurà, Spirit of Sleep and Health

  Agent “Healer” (Myrnah), chosen realm, Wyeland

  Saulė, Spirit of the Sun

  Agent “Peddler,” (Gunnit is agent-in-waiting), chosen realm, Alpetar

  Vertia, Spirit of Growth

  Agent “Gardener,” chosen realm, the Green Isles







  Maritima—includes city of Queen’s Harbor

  Riverine—includes Cascada




  Androvale—contains Gulltown (port city) and Wyndton (country village)


  Bailiwick—Barston (major city)


  Queen Catreena the Strategist (deceased)

  Consort: King Nithanil of Lortherrod (abdicated)


  Queen Cressa the Enchanter (deceased)

  Consort: Ambrice, Lord of the Ships (deceased)

  Cerúlia, the princella


  Lord Regent Matwyck

  Lady Tirinella, his wife (deceased)

  Lordling Marcot, his son

  Eyevie, his (lost) favorite sister

  Duchette Lolethia, later Matwyck’s betrothed

  Heathclaw, his secretary

  Gourdo, seamaster currently in port

  Gunnit, a goatherd, sent to Cascada

  Hiccuth, a stableman

  Lemle, Wren’s friend from Wyndton, now in Cascada

  Murgn, nephew of Yurgn; leader of Matwyck’s Marauders

  Nana, a nursemaid, now Water Bearer

  Ryton, Cerúlia’s former tutor

  Vilkit, chamberlain, appointed by Matwyck

  Whitsury, a Brother of Sorrow


  Duke Burgn, second son of General Yurgn

  Lady Fanyah, formerly Cressa’s lady-in-waiting

  Duchess Latlie

  Lordling Marcot, the regent’s son

  Prigent, also treasurer of the realm

  General Yurgn, also general of the Armed Forces


  Lady Dinista, former lady-in-waiting to Queen Cressa, now married to younger Lord Retzel

  Duke Favian of Maritima

  Duchess Gahoa

  Duke Inrick of Crenovale

  Duchess Pattengale


  Sergeant Yanath







  Duke Naven

  Duchess Naven

  Five unnamed daughters

  Captain Walmunt, head of the duchy guard

  Stahlia, a weaver

  Percia, her daughter

  Nettie, friend of Percia

  Dewva, friend of Percia

  Tilim, her son

  Ackerty, a landowner

  Carneigh, a blacksmith

  Goody Gintie, the midwife

  Goddard, a healer

  Hecht, peacekeeper who replaced Wilim

  Rooks, retired/injured sergeant

  Lemle, Rooks’s nephew, Wren’s friend

  Nellsapeta, a Sister of Sorrow

  Alliance of Free States:

  Fígat—contains Latham and the Scoláiríum

  Jígat—contains Jutterdam

  Vígat—contains Sutterdam

  Wígat—contains Yosta


  Hartling, a potter and owner of a once-thriving pottery business

  Jerinda, his wife and business manger (deceased)

  Hake, their eldest son

  Thalen, their middle son

  Harthen, their youngest son (deceased)

  Norling, Hartling’s older sister

  Ikas, a wheelwright, squad leader of the Defiance

  Sansam, a member of Ikas’s squad

  Pallia, a candlemaker


  Bellishia, a leader of the Defiance from Yosta

  Dwinny, a healer

  Hulia, a fisherwoman

  Nothafel, a boatman

  Rellia, the overall leader of the Defiance


  Rector Meakey

  Andreata, tutor of Ancient Languages

  Granilton, tutor of History (deceased)

  Graville, his son (deceased)


  Commander Thalen

  Cerf, a healer

  Dalogun, seventeen-summers-old archer

  Eli-anna, an archer from Melladrin

  Eldie, her sister who stayed in Melladrin

  Fedak, cavalry

  Hake, quartermaster, Thalen’s older brother

  Jothile, cavalry

  Kambey, weapons master

  Kran, swordsman

  Quinith, quartermaster, originally a reader at the Scoláiríum

  Tristo, Thalen’s adjutant, formerly a street orphan from Yosta

  Wareth, cavalry scout


  Lumrith, fifth-flamer

  Murnaut, head of the Occupying Force


  King Nithanil, abdicated

  Ilkula, his mistress

  King Rikil, the current king

  Unnamed wife and two sons

  Prince Mikil, the king’s younger brother

  Arlettie, Mikil’s wife

  Gilboy, Mikil’s adopted son

  In the Green Isles


  Gardener, Agent to Vertia

  Shetdrake, an officer of the Green Isles Bank who travels to Pilagos

  Zillie, innkeeper of the Blue Parrot


  Magistrar Destra, head of the government, originally from the Free States

  Bajets, seamaster of Island Dreamer

  Hake, Thalen’s brother, quartermaster to the Raiders

  Mikil, prince of Lortherrod

; Arlettie, Queen Cressa’s former maid, now Mikil’s wife

  Gilboy, adopted son of Mikil and Arlettie

  Olet, owner of Olet’s Olive Oil and Spicery

  Quinith, former student at the Scoláiríum, quartermaster to the Raiders


  Smithy, Agent to Pozhar

  Sumroth, rises from commander to general

  Zea, his wife, works for the Library of Reverence


  Peddler, Agent of Saulė

  Culpepper, a hostler in Tar’s Basin

  The Sweetmeadow Refugees

  Gunnit, a ten-summers-old shepherd

  Linnsie, his mother

  Saggeta, Gunnit’s neighbor and friend


  Aleen, eight summers old

  Addigale, a toddler

  Alloon, four summers old

  Limpett, four summers old



  Betlyna, an assistant healer

  Ciellō, a mercenary from Zellia

  Myrnah, a healer, Agent to Restaurà

  Hunter, Agent of Ghibli

  Tockymora, landlady of the Bread and Balm Recovery House

  Damyroth, one-legged amputee

  Hope, a melancholic

  Jitneye, heart patient

  Lymbock, hepatitis sufferer


  Sezirō, wounded patient from Zellia



  Cayla the Foremother

  Carra the Royal

  Chista the Builder


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