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Riding the Line (Devil's Knights 2nd Generation)

Page 6

by Winter Travers

  “Nope,” King laughed. “Just Meg going above and beyond to make sure Red had the best life ever.” His voice cracked. Even though he acted like Red was Meg’s dog, there were more times than I could count when Red trailed behind him in the shop and around the clubhouse.

  “I give it a week before Meg is in here looking at all the dogs Reva is grooming and then another week before you’re out picking up your new puppy,” Hero laughed.

  “Or two,” I added. Meg’s motto was go big or go home. I saw at least two puppies in King’s future.

  “Don’t give her any ideas. Trust me, she’s got enough in that head of hers.” King grabbed a brush Reva had for sale and turned it over in his hand.

  “I already texted Meg a picture of Bixby,” Greta called. “She then texted me back an ad for Australian Shepard puppies for sale up in Falls City. She asked me to go look at them tonight.”

  King hung his head.

  Greta laughed. “There are only two left.” A phone dinged from the back. “And she just sent me the money for a deposit on them.”

  “Fucking hell,” King groaned. “I don’t even get to help pick out our next dog?”

  “Dogs,” Greta hissed. “Dogs. As in more than one.”

  “If it’s any consolation, King,” Reva called. “Australian Shepards are a pretty amazing breed. And, they’re both merles. One blue and one red.”

  “Is she speaking English?” Hero asked. “She lost me after amazing breed.”

  Indiana and Greta came out from the back, both soaked to the bone but with huge smiles on their face.

  “Meg said you can come with us if you want to see the puppies,” Greta chirped.

  “How kind of her,” King drawled.

  Greta shrugged. “She’s having me go look at them because animals are kind of my thing. I’m gonna make sure they’re healthy and what not.”

  Hero scoffed and smothered a laugh with his hand.

  “I can’t wait to meet Meg,” Reva called. She walked out of the back with the dog they had been working on before who was now fluffy and dry. “And I also can’t wait to meet Bones and Brody.”

  King closed his eyes. “She named them already?”

  Greta, Indiana, and Reva looked between each other.

  King threw up his hands in the air. “The woman isn’t even here, and she’s driving me up the wall.” King pulled his phone from his pocket and stormed out.

  Greta smiled wide. “I love driving him crazy.”

  “You’re like Meg number two,” Hero chuckled.

  Greta shook her head. “Can’t replace the original. I’m reaching a whole different level of craziness.”

  Easy cringed. “That’s scary.”

  Hero reached for Reva and pulled her into his arms. “Have a good day?” he asked.

  Reva hitched her thumb toward Greta and Indiana. “Not as good of a day as they had. They visited Luna at Sultry Knights.”

  “Oh,” Hero laughed. “Is that so?”

  Greta pointed me. “In her defense, this was all my idea, and you cannot get mad at her about it. I take full responsibility for everything.”

  I held up my hands. “I know how things are when you’re involved, Greta. I should have known you were going to get into trouble. Though I did think you would have waited a little bit before you got bored.”

  “I was so bored,” Greta pouted. “Reva and Luna get to have fun working. Why can’t Indy and I?” She turned to Indiana. “I can call you that, right? I just kind of started calling you that, and well, I’m still gonna call you that even if you tell me I can’t.” She shrugged.

  Indiana laughed. “Indiana or Indy. Whatever. I’ll come to either of them.”

  “Yo!” King called. “Church in ten minutes. Girls stay in the common room and the hell out of church,” he thundered.

  Greta rolled her eyes. “As if we don’t already know what is going on.”

  King pointed his finger at Greta. “You’re not allowed to hang out with Meg anymore. I can only deal with one of her.”

  Greta stuck her tongue out at King. “You can’t tell me what to do, just like you can’t tell Meg what to do.”

  King held up his phone. “I’m telling Meg to keep her ass in Arizona.”

  Hero scoffed. “Now, we all know that shit isn’t going to happen.”

  “Church, nine minutes,” he grunted. He stepped back from the door and headed to the clubhouse.

  “I need to meet Meg,” Reva moaned. “King seems like a major badass, but when it comes to Meg, it’s like he toes the line with her.”

  “They toe the line for each other. We all talk like Meg wears the pants, but in the end, they’re pretty damn equal.” Greta hitched her thumb to the clubhouse. “For every five crazy things Meg does, King goes and buys a new motorcycle or some toy with an engine.”

  “We better get over to the clubhouse. I think we might have pushed King a little too far.” Hero pressed a kiss to Reva’s head. “You’re okay here, right?”

  She nodded. “Yes, and I know you have the cameras hooked up to your phone. I just have to wait for Bixby, Grunt, and Elvis’ owners to get here.” She rolled her eyes and grabbed Bixby from Easy. “It’s also slightly creepy that you’re watching me, but I know it won’t last forever.”

  I cleared my throat. “Yeah, I’m sure as soon as the craziness is over, Hero will disconnect all of the cameras.” And then Hell would freeze over.

  There was one thing Reva, and well, anyone who ended up with a Devil’s Knight, needed to know. We protected what’s ours with our dying breath. Whether it be having them close by or using things to keep them safe, we would do it. The cameras were never going to come down at Hair of the Dog.

  Before we could even walk out the front door, each of the dog’s owners were parking to pick up their pets.

  “Well,” Reva laughed, “I guess I can lock up and head over to the clubhouse with you now.”

  She made fast work of shutting down the shop, and then we were all headed back to the clubhouse.

  Indiana walked next to me and smiled. “So, on a scale of one to ten, how mad were you when you found out Greta and I made a break for it?”

  “Seventeen,” Hero called.

  I rolled my eyes. “Honestly?”

  She nodded.


  Her laugh floated around me.

  We reached the edge of the parking lot, and I grabbed her hand as we crossed the road.

  “I was with Easy. I figured that would make things a little better,” she tried to reason.

  “I guess. If it had been Zig or Zag, though, it wouldn’t have mattered,” I grumbled.

  “I still don’t get how you’re the youngest out of the three of you guys and you’re the one who actually acts like an adult,” Easy laughed.

  “Probably because I saw all of the trouble they got into and didn’t need to do any of that.”

  “Barbie Jeep!” Greta called. “You got into your own kind of trouble, Braxton.”

  “Braxton,” Indiana gasped.

  “Oh, damn,” Greta laughed. “I just let your badass biker secret out.”

  I turned and flipped her off. “It’s a better name than Greta.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “It’s a classic.”

  “That’s the truth,” Easy laughed. He spun around and pointed at Greta. “Don’t even think about saying my name,” he warned.

  “I won’t. You’re not crushing on Reva or Indy. No need to spill your secret.”

  We made it to the clubhouse and headed straight to church after we left the girls in the common room.

  King, Rigid, and Dad were sitting in their usual spots, but Marco was also there. I knew King would get the ball rolling fast for Royal.

  But there was one person sitting next to Marco I didn’t expect to be there.

  Fucking Grit was back.


  Chapter Eight


  “I’m hungry,” Reva whined.

Greta plopped down on the couch and groaned. “Girl, me, too. It’s hard work washing a dog.”

  Reva pulled out her phone. “Pizza or subs? I got both apps. I won’t even need to talk to anyone.”

  “I’m so sick of both of those. Isn’t there anything else we can order?” Greta asked.

  Reva pursed her lips. “We could do Chinese?”

  Greta gagged and shook her head. “Last time I had Chang’s, I barfed all night.”

  Reva looked at Greta over her phone. “Was it the food or all the tequila?”

  Greta pointed her finger at Reva. “You’re a smartass, and you know I like that shit.”

  “Um, I could cook something, if you want,” I volunteered. When I made breakfast this morning, I had taken mental stock of everything in the freezer. There were a couple of meals I could make rather quickly.

  “You can cook?” Greta asked.

  “Yes, girl. You should have woken up before noon today, and you would have seen that. Indy made a full breakfast that wasn’t cereal,” Reva bragged.

  “No way,” Greta gasped.

  I laughed and stood. “I don’t get how Meg is such a good cook, and none of you guys seem to be able to cook. I learned how to cook from my mom. If Meg was my mom or aunt, you bet your butt I would have learned everything she knew.”

  Greta shrugged. “Well, why learn to cook when you always have someone cooking for you?”

  I guess there was some truth to that. Though they should all at least know how to make the basics. From the way Pie talked this morning, it was like none of them knew how to even cook an egg or make toast.

  “Well, I’m gonna go make dinner, so put away your phone and just relax,” I called.

  “Don’t gotta tell us twice,” Greta replied. “I’m gonna let Luna know to haul her cookies over here if she wants a homecooked meal.”

  I laughed and walked into the kitchen. “The more the merrier.” I planned on making a shit-ton of sloppy joes and French fries.

  I couldn’t be in the meeting with Frost, and I understood it, but I didn’t like it. I needed to do something to take my mind off Royal and everything going on.

  Cooking was going to be my distraction for the next hour or so.



  “Sit your ass down and cool off,” King thundered.

  My hands balled into fists, and a growl escaped my lips. “He doesn’t deserve to be here. He doesn’t respect this club or me.”

  “There are few who are smart enough to give respect without receiving it first.” Marco nodded toward Grit. “He’s not smart enough to understand that.”

  “What the fuck?” Grit growled. “I’m pretty sure you were the one who told me I needed to be here.”

  “Because you were the disrespectful prick whose first words to me were to fuck off,” Marco smirked. “Your tune did change pretty fucking quick when your two brain cells put two and two together and figured out who I was.” Marco nodded to King. “That respect you gave to me better be given to everyone at this table, or I’ll make sure you never make it back to Florida.”

  And I instantly liked Marco even more than I already had. I sat down in my chair even though I still wanted to drag Grit across the table and beat the shit out of him.

  “I’m the one who told Indy she needed to talk to the club for help.” He sat back in his seat and folded his arms over his chest. “Though I didn’t realize the club wouldn’t be able to help, and they would have to call in the mafia.”

  “Are you really this much of an asshole?” Rigid asked. “I gotta ask if this trait runs in the family because if your sister is like this, I’m not too sure I’m willing to stick my neck out for her.”

  Marco guffawed. “He’s got you there, kid.”

  “Do I really gotta sit here and deal with this shit?” Grit growled.

  “If you want our help, yeah,” King shrugged. “Don’t know you from Adam, kid, and then you walk into my clubhouse like you think I owe you something.” King leaned toward Grit. “I will make this crystal clear for you. My club and I are finding your sister for Indiana, not for you. Frost was right about you. You have no respect for anyone but expect everyone to do something for you.”

  Grit glared at me. “Look, that’s how I was. Back when Indy and I dated.”

  “Pretty sure you’re acting like a fucktard now, though,” Zag muttered.

  Grit closed his eyes and laid his hands on the table. “I need your help, and I’m willing to do whatever you want me to do. It’s been years since Indy and I saw each other. I’m not the same guy I was back then. I got my shit together, and I’m trying to toe the line. That’s why I don’t have any connections to help me find Royal. Living on the straight and narrow doesn’t help when the bad guys come.”

  Marco patted Grit on the back. “There. Was that really so hard to do? You catch a whole hell of a lot more bears with honey.”

  “Bees,” Zig called. “Isn’t it bees?”

  Marco smirked. “I see the Knights humor has been passed down to the second generation.”

  “All right,” King called. “Let’s get down to it. Marco is going to have the information we need, but we’re the ones who are going to be heading down there. With Leo out of the country, half of his men are, too.” King nodded to Marco. “Listen up.”

  Marco leaned forward. “I was able to get confirmation Royal is alive.”

  “Is she hurt? Have they done anything to her?” Grit rambled.

  Grit going from raging asshole to concerned brother was giving me whiplash.

  “She’s alive. That’s all they would tell me,” Marco replied.

  Grit sneered. “So, what the hell are we going to do now?”

  Marco turned his head toward Grit. “Can I say you don’t really deal with pressure well. Cool your fucking jets, kid.”

  “Last I checked, it wasn’t your sister who was kidnapped. I think I have the right to be a little on edge,” Grit bit off.

  “I’m gonna talk again, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t interrupt me until I’m done. Got me?” Marco asked.

  Grit held up his hands.

  Marco sat back in his chair and sighed. “As of right now, nothing is going to happen to Royal. She’s as safe as she can be with the Meeks. I asked them what they wanted in exchange for her. I think they were a little surprised that the Banachis were contacting them, and they weren’t sure what their demands were. I honestly think they didn’t believe anyone was going to come looking for Royal.”

  “I went to look for her,” Grit insisted. “No one answered the door, and then, right after, someone started following me. If I would have stayed in Destin, I would have been dead by now.”

  “That’s still an option,” I growled. Grit may swear up and down that he was a changed man, but I still wasn’t ready to buy it.

  “How long are we going to have to wait to figure out what they want?” King asked.

  “I told them they had seventy-two hours before I started to grow impatient.” Marco splayed his hands out in front of him. “I figure they gave me their word that the girl was safe, so I didn’t need to go in being a complete asshole right away.”

  “You know Leo would have if he was here,” Rigid laughed.

  Marco smiled. “I’ve been in touch with Leo. He’s already pissed I didn’t throw my weight around more. The Meeks have some power behind their name, but nothing like Banachi. The only reason I’m willing to treat them like they are on my level is because they have something I wanted. As soon as we get the girl, you can bet your ass, my uncle will send them a message they won’t enjoy.”

  “I always did have a soft spot for Leo,” Dad chuckled.

  “So, we wait,” King sighed. “We’re sure we are going to hear from them, and this isn’t some ploy for them to extort money from you, and then we find out Royal is actually dead?”

  Marco shook his head. “I deal with bad men every day. I can assure you the Meeks are not going to fuck me over. If they play this
right, they come out on top.”

  “Until Uncle Leo gets back in town,” Snapper chuckled.

  Marco shrugged. “I mean, at the end of the day, Leo is the one who calls the shots. I’m not in the position to say what he will and won’t do when he gets back in town.”

  “When is he due back?” King asked.

  “Three weeks.” Marco stood and motioned to Grit. “Let’s go. I’m keeping him with me until we get everything settled. I don’t need him going off like some hothead and fucking up everything.”

  “I’m not going to do anything,” Grit insisted.

  “Yeah, because you didn’t almost get your ass kicked ten minutes ago by a motorcycle club and the mafia, right?” Rigid shook his head. “You better get your ass on the straight and narrow, kid, otherwise your ass is going to be dead real soon.”

  “That’s the damn plan. Maybe you should save your speeches for my sister. She is the one who got all of us into this shitstorm,” Grit snapped.

  “Oh, trust me,” King smirked. “As soon we get your sister, she’s gonna be deaf by the time we’re done with her.”

  “I’ll be in touch if I hear anything from the Meeks,” Marco interrupted. “I’m gonna get Grit settled into his temporary accommodations.”

  Grit followed Marco out the door, and he closed it behind him.

  King looked at everyone around the table. “Once we figure out the details, we’re gonna have to move quickly. Under normal circumstances, we would only leave one or two guys behind, but since we still haven’t figured out who the hell is killing staff from Sultry Knights, we’re going to have to leave more.”

  “When are the girls and rest of the guys going to be back?” Pie asked.

  “They should be rolling in on Monday. Meg is pissed they can’t stop every fucking mile, but right now, we just need everyone back here and under one roof.” King nodded to me. “You’re gonna have your hands full.”

  Dad and Rigid nodded.

  “Uh, why me?” I asked.

  “Because as soon as your woman finds out we are headed to Florida to rescue her friend, you can bet your ass Indiana is going to insist on going with,” Dad explained.


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