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Fighter (Prophecy Series Book 2)

Page 17

by Jessica Wayne

  Dakota helped Ana to her feet and wrapped an arm around her waist. Her shoulders shook as she cried, and he rubbed a hand on her arm in an effort to soothe her. Nothing he was going to do would fix the pain, and he knew that, but he didn’t know how not to offer her comfort.

  They followed Shane as he carried Brady through the grouping of Fighters gathering the rest of their dead. Brady’s hadn’t been the only life that was lost tonight. They had lost dozens of good Fighters—human and Brute alike—and the pain of it would be something Terrenia would feel deep in its heart.

  They reached the entrance to the village and Dakota heard Selena’s horrified scream before he saw her. She and Sarah rushed to Shane as he set Brady’s body down on the ground.

  They fell to their knees and Dakota watched helplessly as she wrapped her arms around Sarah and pull Brady into her lap. She cradled him as she grieved, and as Dakota turned to survey the rest, he felt the agonizing pain of each family member grieving the ones they’d lost.

  He wanted to cry right along with them, scream in anger, or just do something, anything that might help lessen the blow for them.

  Ana pulled away from him and walked toward the sentry tower. He started to follow, but changed his mind, opting instead to finish helping the Fighters collect the dead.

  They needed him right now, and Ana needed time.

  He joined Shane and Tony, and together they stepped back onto the battlefield.



  Sixty-eight Fighters died. Sixty-eight men and women who had families and loved ones who expected them to come home. She’d counted each blanketed body from where she still stood on the sentry tower and watched from afar as Selena covered Brady.

  Anastasia closed her eyes and let the tears fall down her cheeks. The pain of losing another family member—because that’s what Brady was to her—was nearly too much for her to bear.

  This was the bloodiest battle she had ever seen, and somehow, she knew it was only going to get worse.

  The ground on the other side of the fence was coated in blood, and the stench of sulfur still clung to the air.

  “We will end him,” Argento said, startling Ana. She turned as he climbed the last rung of the ladder.

  “He will pay for what he has done.”

  She nodded into the darkness. “I am going to kill him.”

  “That boy did not deserve to die. I feel great sadness that his mother must now bury him.”

  “I know you do, Argento. You are a good man.”

  He snorted. “Not much of a man, though, am I?”

  She turned her head up to look at him. “I disagree. Being a man is more than being human. Vincent is human, and I don’t consider him a man.” She ground her teeth together. “You are more of a man than most.”

  He grunted at the compliment. “Do you have a plan?”

  “Working on it.”

  “Whatever you decide on, know that my people and I will stand with you. I trust you with my life, Phoenix.”

  “Thank you, Argento.”

  He nodded and turned to leave. He said something to someone below, but it was muffled, and seconds later boots scuffed on the ladder again.

  She turned her head just as Dakota stepped onto the platform.

  “Hey.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants and moved to stand beside her.

  His bicep was bandaged, his face coated in dirt and dried blood. She reached for him, needing the physical contact to keep her grounded. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, caught the business end of a blade. I’m fine though.”


  “How are you?”

  She looked up at him and the sting of tears returned. Dakota wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she buried her face in his chest. “He shouldn’t have died.”

  “I know, baby.” He cradled her.

  “I don’t know how I’m supposed to even face Selena now. She probably hates me.”

  “She doesn’t. Not even a little.”

  Anastasia took a shaky breath, and looked out as the sun began to rise over her home.

  “What are we supposed to do now? We aren’t any closer to finding him then we were yesterday.”

  “We keep fighting, and eventually we’ll find a way to bring this war to that bastard’s doorstep.”


  One Week Later


  Anastasia stared at her reflection in the mirror. She looked the same on the outside; her hair still curled and fell to her waist, and her eyes were the same shade of blue that they had always been. She looked just as she had every single day since she arrived in Terrenia, and yet… she felt nothing like who she’d been.

  Dakota was off on a scout with Tony and Shane. There had been no other attacks since the horrible night a week ago, but they’d scouted daily just the same.

  The lack of an attack was making her nervous; what the hell were they waiting for? It wasn’t like Vincent didn’t have the power to come in and take them out; he’d proved that much in the last attack.

  So why the radio silence?

  There was a knock at the front door, and Anastasia finished strapping on her weapons, then pulled the door open.

  Shane stood on the other side, his mouth pulled into a tight line. “We need you.”

  “What is it?”

  “Dakota and Tony found a new camp.”

  She nodded and followed him down the path to the village. The people were quiet today, still reeling from burying their loved ones over the past week. She hadn’t even seen Selena or Sarah since Brady’s death. Not that she could blame them; she hated herself, too. No matter how she tried to spin it, Anastasia couldn’t erase the blame from her shoulders.

  Had she been strong enough to take Vincent out that night in the clearing, Brady would never have been taken.

  Dakota, Tony, Argento, Andrew, and Leo stood in Tony’s cottage. Argento spoke to Dakota in a low voice, but when she stepped in, Dakota’s eyes found hers. She stared into their blue depths. Just how long could they keep this fight up before it claimed one of them—or both?

  “We will need to make a move sooner rather than later.” Tony said. “The camp is large, about twice the size of the one we found Anastasia in a few months back.”

  “If we wait for them to attack, we can fortify,” Shane argued.

  “Yes, but if we do that, we put our people at risk,” Leo said.

  “They’re at risk no matter what,” Shane insisted.

  “We have to keep the fight as far from here as possible,” Argento added, turning to Anastasia. “What do you think, Phoenix?”

  “I think taking the fight to them is our best bet. We might be able to catch them off guard.”

  “Agreed,” Dakota said.

  Shane huffed. “I’ll do whatever you guys want, but we need to make sure we don’t leave Terrenia unprotected.” He folded his arms across his chest.

  “Very well.” Argento’s voice filled the room again. “We shall head out at nightfall.”

  Anastasia couldn’t keep the smile off her face. It was well past time to spill some of Vincent’s blood. And even if he wasn’t there in person, the idea of hurting something that was his filled her with anticipation.

  “Anastasia.” Tony’s voice pulled her from her thoughts and she looked up. Only he and Dakota remained in the room.


  “You all right?” he asked.

  “Fine, why?”

  “You’re smiling.”

  “Because we might be able to hit Vincent where it hurts. You damn well bet that makes me smile.”

  “You can’t be out for blood,” he told her.

  “Aren’t we all?”

  “You fight with anger in your heart, and we will lose.”

  “I don’t think there is anything but anger in my heart right now, Tony. So if that means I need to use it as motivation to keep myself from giving up, I will.”

  They moved quietl
y through the trees on foot. Horses would have been faster, but there was more risk for noise, so they’d made the five mile journey without them. The Brute camp was nestled in the base of the mountains, in a valley that made it easy for them to gain a vantage point. Tony, Argento, Anastasia, and Dakota crept to the top of a small hill and looked down at the camp.

  “I count fifteen,” Argento said quietly.

  “Same,” Anastasia agreed.

  “There’s more.” Dakota pointed to the north.

  “What do you mean?” Argento asked.

  “Look at those tents, there are more than fifteen in this camp.”

  “Some may be out,” Anastasia argued.

  “Unlikely, look at the fires. There are at least ten, and they are all lit. What reason would they have for being that spread out unless there were more? And why light them all if they weren’t all there? It would be stupid to attract more attention with the smoke than necessary.”

  “He’s right,” Tony replied.

  “Send me in first,” Dakota said.

  “No,” Anastasia said simply. “I should go in first.”

  “Absolutely not.” Dakota scoffed. “What possible reason would we have to show you first? You are the only one who can handle things if they get bad; we send you in first, and we show our hand early.”

  “And what reason would we have for sending you in?” she argued.

  “I can draw them out, then we can see exactly what we are dealing with.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” She turned and shook her head.

  “It is actually quite wise,” Argento offered.

  Anastasia whipped her head around. “Excuse me?”

  “I agree,” Tony chimed in.

  Anastasia threw her hands up. “Are you serious? You will be sending him into a camp with possibly dozens of Brutes, and you are okay with that?” She all but yelled it, fear gripping her heart.

  “Ana,” Dakota pleaded. “It’s the best plan.”

  She gaped at him. “Do whatever the hell you want. You’re going to anyways.” She stomped off to the side, her blood running hot.

  “You be careful, Dakota. You will be going in with your group, and you need to wait for us before you attack. You will be significantly outnumbered, it’s important that you play this smart.”

  “I will.” Dakota made his way over to where Anastasia stood. “Ana.”

  “What?” She rounded on him. “Final goodbyes before you get yourself killed?”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  She glared at him. “You damn well better be, or I swear I will find a way to bring you back and kill you all over again.”

  Dakota pulled her into his arms and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I love you,” he whispered.

  Anastasia closed her eyes and leaned into him. “I love you, too.”

  Dakota broke their embrace and stepped back toward the others.

  “May all the strength follow you, Dakota. We will be right in when we get a better look at what is in there.”

  “Thank you, Argento. See you guys in a few.”

  Anastasia watched, heart in her throat, as he walked away.

  Watching Dakota walk into the Brute camp was the most difficult thing she had ever done. He appeared so arrogant, as if he wasn’t afraid at all, and although she knew it to be a front, she was still concerned that he didn’t understand how much danger he was actually in.

  A black shape caught her eye when it took form directly in front of Dakota. It hovered in front of him, a stain against the landscape. He didn’t seem to see it, and that worried her even more. “What the hell is that?”

  She looked at Argento, whose eyes were wide, his mouth open slightly in a dumfounded look she would have otherwise laughed at. Now, though, it chilled her to see the Brute king so shocked.

  “It can’t be,” he whispered worriedly.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s a Trepido. A horrific monster who brings your worst fears to life. I believe your world knows them as the boogeyman.”

  Tony’s eyes widened. “I thought they were a myth.”

  “Far from it.” Argento motioned for his Brutes. “They are loathsome creatures and live on a planet that is separated from ours by only a thin veil. I do not know how Vincent would have gotten them to come here. He must have offered them something in return, as they don’t work for anyone but their creator.”

  “We have to get them out of there.”

  “You can’t go down there, Anastasia.” Argento put his hand up.

  “Get out of my way, Argento,” she growled. She started to push past him, but he gripped her arm. “We can’t just leave him there!”

  “We aren’t going to, but you are incredibly powerful. If they get into your head, there is no telling the damage you could do.” Argento’s men moved to stand behind him.

  “He is right, Anastasia. We will get them out, but you have to stay here,” Tony insisted.

  “You expect me to sit here and do nothing?”

  “Do you not remember the cabin? The way you nearly killed us all because of the effects of the stasis? Those monsters can make you see, hear, and feel things as if they’re happening. You cannot possibly understand the damage they could do simply by getting to you.”

  She knew in her heart they were right, and yet she still wanted to argue. When someone screamed in the valley below, she ran to the hill and watched in horror as each Fighter began running in separate directions while the enemy Brutes watched, amused.

  “Go!” she yelled at Tony and Argento.



  Dakota, Andrew, and the other three Fighters headed for the gate to the camp.

  “Well, isn’t this a sight?” One of the enemy Brutes scoffed when he saw them come from the trees. “Fools.”

  Four more Brutes surrounded them from behind, pushing them toward the gate.

  “What’s up, assholes?” Dakota taunted.

  Confused, the Brutes looked from one another.

  “Come on, I find it hard to believe you’ve never been called an asshole before.” At their confusion, he laughed. “Anyway, where’s this big bad Vincent? He around? Because, you see, I have a bone to pick with him.”

  “You annoy me.” The Brute who had spotted them first waved his hand, and the gate opened. “He annoys me.”

  The Brutes pushed them forward into the camp, and Dakota swallowed a bit of fear. His heart stammered in his chest, and his hand clenched around the hilt of his sword.

  “Dakota!” The familiar voice sent ice through his veins.

  “Mom?” How the hell had they gotten her? Hadn’t she been back in the village when they left? He raced toward the gates, not paying attention to the fact the Brutes weren’t attacking.

  He caught sight of her being drug by two Brutes, bleeding from a deep gash in her head.

  Dakota raised his sword to attack. “Mom!”

  “Dakota, save me! Dakota, help!”

  “Mom, I’m coming!” he yelled after her.

  Her screams ripped straight to his soul, and he pushed through a circle of Brutes. One had his mother by the throat, holding her up as if she were a trophy for the others.

  “Let her go!”

  “No. I think we will keep her.” The Brute raised her higher and laughed.

  Dakota lifted his sword and charged.

  The Brute holding his mom threw her to the side and braced for the impact. He spun easily and avoided Dakota’s blade, while kicking out with a foot and knocking Dakota to the ground.

  He fell and his head slammed into the ground. “Dakota, save me!” his mom cried, and Dakota pushed back up to his feet.

  A Brute charged, and Dakota drove his blade into its abdomen. It fell to the ground, but three more charged. Dakota was grabbed from behind and his blood iced as the gripping fingers of fear dug their way into his stomach.

  “Now we have the baby bird’s plaything.” One grinned in his face. “What shall we do with it?”



  “Focus, men!” Argento yelled. “Stay rooted in reality. Focus only on the task at hand!”

  Anastasia watched in agonized terror as the enemy Brutes took the Fighters out one by one with ease. They laughed at the fear on each man’s face as the Trepidos toyed with them. Fighters scattered throughout the village chasing invisible ghosts until the Brutes grew bored and struck them down with their blades. She looked down at her shaking hands and wasn’t the least surprised to see that her skin was glowing. How long was she supposed to stand here and watch this massacre? She could end this now if only she could get close enough!

  Her focus turned back to Dakota, who stood in a group of a dozen Brutes. He charged and managed to take one down, but when three more flanked him, Anastasia focused on her mind and did her best to put up walls around herself. She would keep the Trepidos out of her head, and she would stop the monsters from causing any more death.

  When she reached the camp, Tony and Argento were trying to calm a frantic Andrew.

  “Melanie!” he screamed for his wife, lunging at an empty space. “Let me go, they have her! They are going to kill her!”

  “Andrew, it isn’t real! Melanie is perfectly safe!”

  Anastasia searched for the source of his panic, and noticed one of the shadows hovering near him, so she walked toward it. She called on light and threw the energy at the form. When it hit the creature, the shadow disappeared, and a monster took its place. The thing formed in black smoke, and stood at least ten feet tall. It grinned, revealing razor-sharp teeth, and its inky black eyes focused on her face. Something poked at her mind, trying to push past the walls she’d erected, but she pushed back at it using the magic in her blood.

  When she didn’t give in, it hissed, and Anastasia shoved her blade into its chest. It crumpled to the ground, and the shadows that had been following the other Fighters near her disappeared with it.


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