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Key Out of Time

Page 9

by Andre Norton


  Battle Test

  Babble of speech, cries, sounded muffled to Ross, made a mounting clamoron the deck. Had the raiders' ship been boarded? Was it now underattack? He strove to hear and think through the pain in his head, thebewilderment.

  "Loketh?" He was certain that the Hawaikan had been dumped into the samehold.

  The only answer was a low moan, a mutter from the dark. Ross began toinch his way in that direction. He was no seaman, but during that worm'sprogress he realized that the ship itself had changed. The vibrationwhich had carried through the planks on which he lay was stilled. Someengine shut off; one portion of his mind put that into familiar terms.Now the vessel rocked with the waves, did not bore through them.

  Ross brought up against another body.


  "Ahhhhh ... the fire ... the fire--!" The half-intelligible answer heldno meaning for the Terran. "It burns in my head ... the fire--"

  The rocking of the ship rolled Ross away from his fellow prisoner towardthe opposite side of the hold. There was a roar of voice, bull strongabove the noise on deck, then the sound of feet back and forth there.

  "The fire ... ahhh--" Loketh's voice rose to a scream.

  Ross was now wedged between two abutments he could not see and fromwhich his best efforts could not free him. The pitching of the ship wasmore pronounced. Remembering the two vessels he had seen pounded to bitson the reef, Ross wondered if the same doom loomed for this one. Butthat disaster had occurred during a storm. And, save for the fog, thishad been a calm night, the sea untroubled.

  Unless--maybe the shaking his body had received during the past fewmoments had sharpened his thinking--unless the Foanna had their ownmeans of protection at the sea gate and this was the result. Thedolphins.... What had made Tino-rau and Taua react as they did? And ifthe Rover ship was out of control, it would be a good time to attemptescape.

  "Loketh!" Ross dared to call louder. "Loketh!" He struggled against thedrying strands which bound him from shoulder to mid thigh. There was nogive in them.

  More sounds from the upper deck. Now the ship was answering to directionagain. The Terran heard sounds he could not identify, and the ship nolonger rocked so violently. Loketh moaned.

  As far as Ross could judge, they were heading out to sea.

  "Loketh!" He wanted information; he must have it! To be so ignorant ofwhat was going on was unbearable frustration. If they were now prisonersin a ship leaving the island behind.... The threat of that was enough toset Ross struggling with his bonds until he lay panting with exhaustion.

  "Rossss?" Only a Hawaikan could make that name a hiss.

  "Here! Loketh?" But of course it was Loketh.

  "I am here." The other's voice sounded oddly weak as if it issued from aman drained by a long illness.

  "What happened to you?" Ross demanded.

  "The fire ... the fire in my head--eating ... eating...." Loketh's replycame with long pauses between the words.

  The Terran was puzzled. What fire? Loketh had certainly reacted tosomething beyond the unceremonious handling they had received ascaptives. This whole ship had reacted. And the dolphins.... But whatfire was Loketh talking about?

  "I did not feel anything," he stated to himself as well as to theHawaikan.

  "Nothing burning in your head? So you could not think--"


  "It must have been the Foanna magic. Fire eating so that a man isnothing, only that which fire feeds upon!"

  Karara! Ross's thoughts flashed back to those few seconds when thedolphins had seemed to go crazy. Karara had then called out somethingabout the Foanna. So the dolphins must have felt this, and Karara, andLoketh. Whatever _it_ was. But why not Ross Murdock?

  Karara possessed an extra, undefinable sense which gave her contact withthe dolphins. Loketh had a mind which those could read in turn. But suchcommunication was closed to Ross.

  At first that realization carried with it a feeling of shame and loss.That he did not have what these others possessed, a subtle power beyondthe body, a part of mind, was humbling. Just as he had felt shut out andcrippled when he had been forced to use the analyzer instead of thesense the others had, so did he suffer now.

  Then Ross laughed shortly. All right, sometimes insensitivity could be adefense as it had at the sea gate. Suppose his lack could also be aweapon? He had not been knocked out as the others appeared to be. Butfor the bad luck of having been captured before the raiders hadsuccumbed, Ross could, perhaps, have been master of this ship by now. Hedid not laugh now; he smiled sardonically at his own grandiose reaction.No use thinking about what might have been, just file this fact forfuture reference.

  A creaking overhead heralded the opening of the hatch. Light lanced downinto the cubby, and a figure swung over and down a side ladder, comingto stand over Ross, feet apart for balancing, accommodating to the swingof the vessel with the ease of long practice.

  Thus Ross came face to face with his first representative of the thirdparty in the Hawaikan tangle of power--a Rover.

  The seaman was tall, with a heavier development of shoulder and upperarms than the landsmen. Like the guards he wore supple armor, but thishad been colored or overlaid with a pearly hue in which other tints woveopaline lines. His head was bare except for a broad, scaled band runningfrom the nape of his neck to the mid-point of his forehead, a bandsupporting a sharply serrated crest not unlike the erect fin of someTerran fish.

  Now as he stood, fists planted on hips, the Rover presented a formidablefigure, and Ross recognized in him the air of command. This must be oneof the ship's officers.

  Dark eyes surveyed Ross with interest. The light from the deck focuseddirectly across the raider's shoulder to catch the Terran in its fullglare, and Ross fought the need for squinting. But he tried to give backstare for stare, confidence for self-confidence.

  On Terra in the past more than one adventurer's life had been savedsimply because he had the will and nerve enough to face his captorswithout any display of anxiety. Such bravado might not hold here andnow, but it was the only weapon Ross had to hand and he used it.

  "You--" the Rover broke the silence first, "you are not of the Foanna--"He paused as if waiting an answer--denial or protest. Ross providedneither.

  "No, not of the Foanna, nor of the scum of the coast either." Again apause.

  "So, what manner of fish has come to the net of Torgul?" He called anorder aloft. "A rope here! We'll have this fish and its fellow out--"

  Loketh and Ross were jerked up to the outer deck, dumped into the midstof a crowd of seamen. The Hawaikan was left to lie but, at a gesturefrom the officer, Ross was set on his feet. He could see the nature ofhis bonds now, a network of dull gray strands, shriveled and stinking,but not giving in the least when he made another try at moving his arms.

  "Ho--" The officer grinned. "This fish does not like the net! You haveteeth, fish. Use them, slash yourself free."

  A murmur of applause from the crew answered that mild taunt. Rossthought it time for a countermove.

  "I see you do not come too close to those teeth." He used the mostdefiant words his limited Hawaikan vocabulary offered.

  There was a moment of silence, and then the officer clapped his handstogether with a sharp explosion of sound.

  "You would use your teeth, fish?" he asked and his tone could be awarning.

  This was going it blind with a vengeance, but Ross took the next leap inthe dark. He had the feeling, which often came to him in tight quarters,that he was being supplied from some hard core of endurance anddetermination far within him with the right words, the fortunate guess.

  "On which one of you?" He drew his lips tight, displaying those sameteeth, wondering for one startled moment if he should take the Rover'squery literally.

  "Vistur! Vistur!" More than one voice called.

  One of the crew took a step or two forward. Like Torgul, he was tall andheavy, his over-long arms well muscled. There were scars on hisforearms, the seam of one up
his jaw. He looked what he was, a verytough fighting man, one who was judged so by peers as seasoned anddangerous.

  "Do you choose to prove your words on Vistur, fish?" Again the officerhad a formal note in his question, as if this was all part of someceremony.

  "If he meets with me as he stands--no other weapons." Ross flashed back.

  Now he had another reaction from them. There were some jeers, asprinkling of threats as to Vistur's intentions. But Ross caught alsothe fact that two or three of them had gone silent and were eyeing himin a new and more searching fashion and that Torgul was one of those.

  Vistur laughed. "Well said, fish. So shall it be."

  Torgul's hand came out, palm up, facing Ross. In its hollow was a smallobject the Terran could not see clearly. A new weapon? Only the officermade no move to touch it to Ross, the hand merely moved in a series ofwaves in mid-air. Then the Rover spoke.

  "He carries no unlawful magic."

  Vistur nodded. "He's no Foanna. And what need have I to fear the spellsof any coast crawler? I am Vistur!"

  Again the yells of his supporters arose in hearty answer. The statementheld more complete and quiet confidence than any wordy boast.

  "And I am Ross Murdock!" The Terran matched the Rover tone for tone."But does a fish swim with its fins bound to its sides? Or does Visturfear a free fish too greatly to face one?"

  His taunt brought the result Ross wanted. The ties were cut from behind,to flutter down as withered, useless strings. Ross flexed his arms.Tight as those thongs had been they had not constricted circulation, andhe was ready to meet Vistur. The Terran did not doubt that the Roverchampion was a formidable fighter, but he had not had the advantage ofgoing through one of the Agent training courses. Every trick of unarmedfighting known on his own world had been pounded into Ross long ago. Hishands and feet could be as deadly weapons as any crook-bladed sword--orgun--provided he could get close enough to use them properly.

  Vistur stripped off his weapon belt, put to one side his helmet, showingthat under it his hair was plaited into a braid coiled about the crownof his head to provide what must be an extra padding for that strangelynarrowed helm. Then he peeled off his armor, peeled it literally indeed,catching the lower edge of the scaled covering with his hands andpulling it up and over his head and shoulders as one might skin off aknitted garment. Now he stood facing Ross, wearing little more than theTerran's swimming trunks.

  Ross had dropped his belt and gill-pack. He moved into the circle thecrew had made. From above came a strong light, centering from a point onthe mainmast and giving him good sight of his opponent.

  Vistur was being urged to make a quick end of the reckless challenger,his supporters shouting directions and encouragement. But if the Roverhad confidence, he also possessed the more intelligent and valuabletrait of caution in the face of the unknown. He outweighed, apparentlyoutmatched Ross, but he did not rush in rashly as his backers wished himto.

  They circled, Ross studying every move of the Rover's muscles, everyslight fraction of change in the other's balance. There would besomething to telegraph an attack from the other. For he intended tofight purely in defense.

  The charge came at last as the crew grew impatient and yelled theirimpatience to see the prisoner taught a lesson. But Ross did not believeit was that which sent Vistur at him. The Hawaikan simply thought heknew the best way to take the Terran.

  Ross ducked so that a hammer blow merely grazed him. But the Terran'sstiffened hand swept sidewise in a judo chop. Vistur gave a whooping cryand went to his knees and Ross swung again, sending the Rover flat tothe deck. It had been quick but not so vicious as it might have been.The Terran had no desire to kill or even disable Vistur for more than afew minutes. His victim would carry a couple of aching bruises andperhaps a hearty respect for a new mode of fighting from this encounter.He could have as easily been dead had either of those blows landed otherthan where Ross chose to plant them.


  The Terran swung around, setting his back to the foot of the mast. Hadhe guessed wrong? With their chosen champion down, would the crew nowrush him? He had gambled on the element of fair play which existed in aprimitive Terran warrior society after a man-to-man challenge. But hecould be wrong. Ross waited, tense. Just let one of them pull a weapon,and it could be his end.

  Two of them were aiding Vistur to his feet. The Rover's breath whistledin and out of him with that same whooping, and both of his hands roseunsteadily to his chest. The majority of his fellows stared from him tothe slighter Terran as if unable to believe the evidence of their eyes.

  Torgul gathered up from the deck the belt and gill-pack Ross had shed inpreparation for the fight. He turned the belt around over his forearmuntil the empty knife sheath was uppermost. One of the crew came forwardand slammed back into its proper place the long diver's knife which hadbeen there when Ross was captured. Then the Rover offered belt andgill-pack to Ross. The Terran relaxed. His gamble had paid off; by thepresent signs he had won his freedom.

  "And my swordsman?" As he buckled on the belt Ross nodded at Lokethstill lying bound where they had pushed him at the beginning of thefight.

  "He is sworn to you?" Torgul asked.

  "He is."

  "Loose the coast rat then," the Rover ordered. "Now--tell me, stranger,what manner of man are you? Do you come from the Foanna, after all? Youhave a magic which is not our magic, since the Stone of Phutka did notreveal it on you. Are you from the Shades?"

  His fingers moved in the same sign Loketh had once made before Karara.Ross gave his chosen explanation.

  "I am from the sea, Captain. As for the Foanna, they are no friend tome, since they hold captive in their keep one who is my brother-kin."

  Torgul stared him up and down. "You say you are from the sea. I havebeen a Rover since I was able to stumble on my two feet across a deck,after the manner and custom of my people, yet I have never seen yourlike before. Perhaps your coming means ill to me and mine, but by theLaw of Battle, you have won your freedom on this ship. I swear to you,however, stranger, that if ill comes from you, then the Law will nothold, and you shall match your magic against the Strength of Phutka.That you shall discover is another thing altogether."

  "I will swear any oath you desire of me, Captain, that I have no illtoward you and yours. There is only one wish I hold: to bring him whom Iseek out from the Foanna hold before they make him witches' meat."

  "That will be a task worthy of any magic you may be able to summon,stranger. We have tasted this night of the power of the sea gate. Thoughwe went in under the Will of Phutka, we were as weeds whirled about onthe waves. Who enters that gate must have more force than any we nowknow."

  "And you, too, then have a score to settle with the Foanna?"

  "We have a score against the Foanna, or against their magic," Torguladmitted. "Three ships--one island fairing--are gone as if they neverwere! And those who went with them are of our fleet-clan. There is thework of the Shadow stretching dark and heavy across the sea, new comeinto these waters. But there remains nothing we can do this night. Wehave been lucky to win to sea again. Now, stranger, what shall we dowith you? Or will you take to the sea again since you name it as home?"

  "Not here," Ross countered swiftly. He must gain some idea of where theymight be in relation to the island, how far from its shore. Karara andthe dolphins--what had happened to them?

  "You took no other prisoners?" Ross had to ask.

  "There were more of you?" Torgul countered.

  "Yes." No need to say how many, Ross decided.

  "We saw no others. You ... all of you--" the Captain rounded on thestill-clustered crew, "get about your work! We must raise Kyn Add bymorning and report to the council."

  He walked away and Ross, determined to learn all he could, followed himinto the stern cabin. Here again the Terran was faced with barbaricsplendor in carvings, hangings, a wealth of plate and furnishing not toodifferent from the display he had seen in the Wreckers' castle. As Rosshesitated just within
the doorway Torgul glanced back at him.

  "You have your life and that of your man, stranger. Do not ask more ofme, unless you have that within your hands to enforce the asking."

  "I want nothing, save to be returned to where you took me, Captain."

  Torgul smiled grimly. "You are the sea, you yourself said that. The seais wide, but it is all one. Through it you must have your own paths.Take any you choose. But I do not risk my ship again into what lies inwait before the gates of the Foanna."

  "Where do you go then, Captain?"

  "To Kyn Add. You have your own choice, stranger--the sea or ourfairing."

  There would be no way of changing the Rover's decision, Ross thought.And even with the gill-pack he could not swim back to where he had beentaken. There were no guideposts in the sea. But a longer acquaintancewith Torgul might be helpful.

  "Kyn Add then, Captain." He made the next move to prove equality andestablish himself with this Rover, seating himself at the table as onewho had the right to share the Captain's quarters.


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