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Artemis Lupine- The Complete Series

Page 32

by Catherine Banks

  All eyes turned to me and the tension in the room quadrupled.

  Darius stood from his seat at the front of the room. “Greetings! Everyone, please welcome back your prince, Ares, and his mate, Artemis.”

  Most of the crowd clapped, but at least four women glared at me. This was going to be wonderful; I could tell.

  Ares walked up the center aisle with me and bowed to Darius.

  I curtsied as low as I could, keeping my head down.

  Ares stood up and I matched his movements. “Greetings, King Darius. It’s good to be home. My pack brothers, Matt and Koda, have come with me as well, but also my guest Prince Achilles of the Sidhe.” Ares smiled as he spoke, but as he said Achilles’ name, his lips thinned.

  Darius lifted a brow. “Greetings, Prince Achilles and welcome.” Why was he suddenly so nice? Was it just because he was in front of the rest of the pack?

  Ares looked around. “Where is the queen? I was hoping she would be here.”

  Darius opened his mouth, but a woman spoke from the farthest corner of the building. “I’m here, good prince. I’m here.”

  The woman walked towards Darius. She was older, she looked to be about forty, which made me wonder how old she really was. Her gray hair was braided nicely against her back and her face looked familiar. Of course! She was Ares, Koda, and Matt’s mother! The Queen kissed Darius’ cheek before walking towards Ares and me. Her presence made me bow my head in submission. She was definitely an alpha female.

  “Ares, my son,” she said just before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. I released his hand and took a step away from him to give her room.

  “Hello, Mother,” Ares said lovingly. “I’d like you to meet my mate.”

  She gasped. “So, the rumors were true! You did take a mate.” She stepped towards me and then started walking around me. She stopped in front of me again. “Look at me. I will not harm you, daughter-in-law.”

  I looked up slowly and smiled at her.

  She stared at my face for a moment before gasping and turning on Ares. “Ares! Why? How?”

  Ares frowned at her. “She’s my passt genau.”

  The room filled with gasps and loud discussions. I hadn’t realized until then that while Ares and his mother were talking, no one else in the entire building had been.

  Darius raised his arms and the talking stopped. The queen looked at me again. “Who are your parents?”

  “Darren is my father, but I do not know my mother’s name,” I said softly as I tried to hide my face from her. Did she think I was ugly? Or was I just not good enough for her son?

  “What do you mean you don’t know who your mother is?” she demanded.

  “My mother left us when I was five. I never knew her name and my father refused to speak of her to me.”

  “Then how did he explain your purple eyes?” she demanded. She was angry with me about something, but I hadn’t done anything, had I?

  Ares took my hand and pulled me so that I was standing next to him again. “That, Mother, is something that I have already discussed with King Darius. If you would like to hear her tale, I’d prefer it be done in private.” He was angry, too. What had I done to upset them?

  The queen smoothed down her dress and turned her head. “Very well.” She walked past me to Matt and Koda. “Matthew. Koda. My sons.”

  Ares released my hand to wrap his arm around my waist. “She was just caught off guard by your eyes, Artemis. It’s alright,” he whispered.

  I nodded numbly as he led me towards a table at the front of the building. Two thirds of the women in the building glared at me as I walked with Ares. It was starting out to be a wonderful night. Darius clapped his hands. “Come now, let’s eat.”

  Chapter Three

  Ares pulled me down next to him on a wooden bench and kissed my cheek. “It’s alright, Sunshine.”

  A woman a few rows back snickered softly, but still loud enough for me to hear. “He used to call me ‘Sunshine’.”

  I growled softly, and Ares whispered, “They’re just trying to get a rise out of you. Ignore them.”

  Koda and Matt sat down at a table behind us, and women instantly surrounded them. The sight of the women flirting with them set me on edge.

  Achilles sat down across from me and frowned. “Why are you jealous?”

  His presence made me relax and look at him. “What?”

  “You’re jealous of Koda and Matt, why?” he asked.

  Ares looked at me curiously as I answered. “It’s not jealousy. I just…I don’t want to add another person to our pack yet. I just got here and I’m finally settling in. I don’t want a female coming in and trying to fight me all of the time.”

  Ares smiled. “You don’t have to worry, Artemis. Koda and Matt aren’t allowed mates.”

  I blinked twice. “Why not?”

  “We travel around a lot and as my guards, they need to be focused on me. If they both had a mate then their attention would be focused on her, instead of me.”

  “That’s not fair,” I said to him.

  Ares shrugged. “They agreed to it. It’s not like I just told them that’s how it was and they didn’t have a choice.”

  Men in tuxedos started walking out of a back door, carrying large trays of meat. The men set the meat on each table and then quickly retreated back to the door they had come through.

  I inhaled and turned to Ares. “Humans? You have humans working for you?”

  Ares nodded as he bit into a piece of steak. “They work for us, get paid well and if they want to, we’ll turn them.”

  Ares set a large steak on my plate. I looked at it for a moment and then started eating. It was a little overcooked for my taste, but it was still delicious. I took a drink from the cup in front of me and nearly gagged. “What is this?” I asked quietly.

  “It’s wine,” Achilles answered. “Flown here from the vampires’ winery in France.”

  I sniffed the drink. “I can’t get drunk off of this, right?”

  Ares shook his head. “Not unless you drink three or more bottles.”

  The girls around Matt and Koda were still giggling loudly and starting to get on my nerves. “Ares, I need to use the restroom,” I whispered to him. I needed to get away from the women or I’d lose the little control I had over my wolf.

  He turned around to face behind him. “Koda.”

  Koda looked up from his plate and then quickly hurried from his table to crouch behind us. “Yes?”

  “Artemis needs to use the restroom. You’re her guard now, remember?” Ares said softly.

  Koda winked. “Right. Come on, Sweetheart.” Koda stood and started walking towards the door the humans had used. I kissed Ares cheek before following Koda towards the door. “What’s wrong?” Koda asked once we were away from everyone else.

  I shook my head. “Nothing.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I can sense your irritation and worry. If you’re worried about the women, you really shouldn’t—”

  I interrupted him. “I don’t want to talk about it right now, please.”

  He pushed open the door without another word. It led into a hallway, lit with torches. He pushed open the third door on our right and waved me in. “Ladies’ room.”

  I walked inside, and he closed the door, with him on the outside. At least he thought I was capable of using the restroom alone. I pushed open the first stall door and smiled. Indoor plumbing! Thank goodness, the werewolves weren’t completely medieval.

  After using the restroom, I stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I looked and felt tired. The stress of everything was beginning to weigh on me.

  Another stall door opened and an attractive red-haired woman walked out of the stall. She stopped moving when she saw me and growled. “You!”

  I looked around the bathroom before looking back at her. “Me?”

  She snarled. “Why did he choose you? What makes you better than the rest of us?”

  I frowned. “He didn’t pick
me. I’m his match. Plus, I never said I was better than you.”

  She jumped towards me with claws extended from where her fingernails used to be.

  I jumped sideways and slammed my back against the wall. “I don’t want to fight you!” I yelled as she came at me again.

  She was swinging wildly and using only her claws. “I’ll kill you and then he’ll take me!” she yelled.

  Koda threw open the door as the woman crouched to jump at me. He grabbed her around the waist and tossed her into one of the stalls. She hit her head against the back wall hard, stunning her. He rushed over to me and started running his hands over my face and shoulders. “Did she hurt you?”

  I shook my head and batted his hands away. “I’m fine. She didn’t touch me.”

  Koda turned to the woman who was holding her head in her hands and leaning against the wall of the stall he had thrown her into. “Attacking the prince’s mate without challenge is illegal. Go visit the king after tonight’s festivities,” he said through clenched teeth.

  The woman began sobbing.

  Koda led me out of the bathroom and down the hallway. “I’m sorry, Artemis. I should have stayed with you.”

  I shook my head. “Nothing happened. I can take care of myself.”

  “I’m your guard, Artemis. It’s my job to protect you,” he said angrily.

  I placed my hand on his arm, making him stop just before the door that led out to the main room. “Don’t stress yourself over me. I can take care of myself. Besides, everyone dies some time. I don’t want you blaming yourself if something out of your control happens.”

  He wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said seriously. Apparently, he wasn’t willing to listen to reason.

  He released me and pushed open the door. I stepped out into the main room and stared at the women surrounding Ares. One woman in a short skirt was sitting beside him, running her hand along his arm. My lip rose in a snarl, and I started to rush towards him.

  Koda grabbed my arm, stopping me. “Artemis, calm down.”

  Ares looked away from the women and towards me. His smile disappeared when he saw my face.

  I pulled against Koda’s hold, but he held tight. “Let me go,” I growled.

  Koda shook his head. “Artemis, they aren’t doing anything. They’re just—”

  “Flirting,” I said angrily.

  The women noticed Ares was looking away and followed his gaze. I snarled at them, and they all smiled. I pulled out of Koda’s grip and walked towards the women, fuming. Ares stood and one of the women ran her hand down his chest. “Don’t go. We were just starting to get back into the hang of things with you.”

  “Don’t touch my mate!” I yelled at her.

  “What are you going to do about it?” she asked with a smug smile on her face.

  My hands started to heat up, and my body began glowing. “I swear if you touch him again, I’ll rip your still beating heart from your chest.”

  The smile left her face, and her hand dropped away from Ares.

  Ares rushed over to me and a wave of invisible fire knocked me backwards. “Calm down.”

  My body stopped glowing and my hands cooled.

  Ares reached out towards, me and I took a step back, away from him. He frowned. “Artemis—”

  One of the women spoke seductively. “Come on, Ares. Forget about that little girl and come play with us.”

  My anger was feeding the wolf in me, and I felt her eagerness to tear the girl apart with our claws. My body started to shudder and Ares grabbed my arm. “No.”

  I stopped shaking and glared at the women. “If any of you come near my mate again, I’ll tear you apart.”

  Ares stroked my arm. “Artemis, nothing happened. We were all just talking.”

  I turned my gaze on him and saw him flinch. “Talking? I think the correct term is flirting.”

  Two women stood up from the table and started to walk towards us. One, a tall brunette who looked like a bull dog smiled evilly. “Why not let her fight to keep you? She doesn’t deserve you, Ares. You deserve someone more beautiful, someone stronger.”

  I scoffed. “Look here, bull dog, I may be small, but I know I’m more beautiful than you and more powerful.”

  “Prove it,” she said.

  Ares released his hold on me and took two steps towards the girl. “Enough.”

  A woman two rows down leapt out of her seat, changing forms and shredding the skin tight dress she’d had on. She leapt at me, but I dodged, sliding to the right, and kicked her in the stomach. She yelped and landed on top of the table where the women were still sitting.

  Achilles was a few seats down and stared at the wolf on the table next to him. “Always drama with the werewolves,” he said quietly.

  Two more females changed and started towards me from behind. Koda grabbed one of the females, but the other one jumped around him and charged at me. I ripped Ares’ necklace from my throat, putting it on the table next to me and changed forms in a matter of milliseconds. Luckily the dress was short enough that it didn’t tear and only slid up underneath my front legs. The girl growled at me, and my ears pinned to my head. I leapt forward, dodging her outstretched paws and bit into her throat. Why was her guard down? Was she so consumed by jealousy that she wasn’t thinking right? I tossed her to the side, missing Ares by inches.

  Three more females from the table changed forms and Ares yelled, “Enough!”

  The females stopped moving and stared at him.

  I growled, and Ares turned to me, his eyes were golden wolf’s eyes and his wolf looked at me from within him. “Be quiet.” I stopped growling, but started walking down the aisle towards the exit. “Change back,” Ares commanded.

  My body twitched once and then changed back to human. Two tears leaked out of my eyes before I stood. Being forced to change was not a pleasant experience. I continued walking down the aisle, away from the women and Ares. A woman stepped out in front of me and Ares yelled, “Stop!”

  The woman’s body instantly stilled. I couldn’t move my legs for a moment, but I pushed through the command he had given and took one slow step at a time. A black-haired woman jumped at me, but I punched her in the chest, knocking the wind out of her and making her stumble backwards to fall on her butt. Ares growled and all of the woman cowered. They seemed to finally decide to obey him. The steps were becoming easier, the further away I got from Ares.

  “Artemis,” Ares said softly. The softness of his voice and the request in them made me stop moving. “Don’t leave,” he whispered.

  My entire body hurt, begging me to turn around and run to him, but I wouldn’t do it. “I’m going home,” I said softly. “When you’re finished, please come home, too.”

  “Artemis—” he began, but then Koda shushed him.

  I hurried out of the building and away from the stares of the hundreds of werewolves who had witnessed everything. The cool night air felt like I had jumped into a lake of ice. I gasped and turned towards home. A human servant ran out of a shed to the right, carrying a box of wine. Alcohol. Ares said I could get drunk if I drank enough. I ran towards the shed and took three bottles of wine out. I hadn’t been drunk before, but the euphoric look my friends used to get was enticing. If I drank enough, maybe I could attain that. The cork was a pain, but I finally managed to get it. I guzzled the wine and the liquor warmed my stomach.

  Carrying the two unopened bottles in my left arm, I took long drinks out of the open bottle with my right hand.

  “Artemis,” Koda called when he stepped out of the building. I ignored him, heading towards home. “Artemis, wait,” he said softly.

  I turned to him and took a long drink from the wine bottle. “What?” I asked between drinks.

  “What are you doing?” He tried to grab the bottle from my hand, which was now empty. I let him take it and jogged down the road as I opened one of the other bottles and started drinking from it. “Artemis, give me the wine.”<
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  “No,” I said as I jogged backwards, away from him.

  Ares stepped out of the building and stared at me. “What are you doing?”

  I took a long drink out of the bottle, keeping my eye on Koda. “Drinking,” I said through a hiccup. The bottle was empty, but I pretended to drink out of it again.

  “Give me the bottle,” Ares said calmly.

  A smile crossed my lips as I tossed him the empty bottle and then ran down an alleyway as I tried to open the new bottle. “Artemis!” Koda and Ares called after me.

  The bottle finally opened, and I guzzled the entire thing down just before Ares stepped in front of me. I tried to slide to a stop, but my reflexes weren’t up to par. My foot slipped out from under me, and I fell on my butt, flinging the empty bottle of wine. Ares’ hand shot out to the left as he caught the bottle. “Why are you doing this?” he asked. “I didn’t do anything with them.” He started to reach towards me and I scrambled backwards.

  “They’re right,” I said as I backed down the alleyway.

  Ares sighed. “Stop this. You’re being childish.”

  The words stung worse than I had expected them to. I knew I was being childish, but for him to say it to me was worse than a slap in the face. Tears streamed down my face. “That’s all I’ll ever be to you, isn’t it? A child. A stupid little girl who you got matched with.”

  Koda popped up behind me.

  I squatted down and whispered, “I’ll leave.” Ares opened his mouth, and I jumped upwards as high as I could. Grabbing ahold of the roof, I swung upwards and started running on the rooftops back towards the shed.

  “Artemis, stop!” Ares commanded.

  My legs stopped moving just as I reached the edge of the house I was running on. I fell off of the house and hit the ground on my side. My arm crunched, and I screamed in pain. The pain released my body from Ares’ power so I could move again. When I stood, my right arm hung limply beside me. Ares was coming around the corner, but I didn’t want to see him yet. I ran the last few yards to the shed and grabbed another bottle of wine. There wasn’t a way for me to pull the cork out with my hands now, but I improvised and grabbed the cork with my teeth to jerk it out. The cork tumbled out of my mouth, and I replaced it with the bottle, guzzling the liquor.


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