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Artemis Lupine- The Complete Series

Page 34

by Catherine Banks

  “Is he hurt?”

  Ares shook his head. “He’s not dead at least. I would have felt it if he had died.”

  Our house came into view as did Koda and Achilles. Ares set me on the porch and a beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed woman stepped out of the house wearing an apron. Who was she? Where had she come from? “What’s happened?” she asked.

  Ares ripped my dress off and everyone gasped. The woman knelt down beside me and started wiping the blood off of my stomach and side. “You’re going to be alright. She didn’t hit any vital organs and they’re already beginning to heal.”

  Ares held my hand as she started chanting in a different language. “You did well against the vampire. I’m proud of you,” he said softly.

  His compliment made me smile. “Thanks.”

  The woman stopped and sat back on her heels, a bead of sweat rolling down her face. “She’s fine, Ares. Your anger is becoming too much, please calm down,” she whispered.

  Ares took a deep breath and kissed my forehead. “I’m sorry, Gwen.”

  Gwen smiled. “I’ve never seen you so worried over a female before, or so gentle. She must be your mate.”

  Ares nodded and picked me up in his arms. “She is. Thank you again for your services, Gwen.”

  Gwen bowed her head. “Anytime, Prince.”

  Ares carried me into the house, up the stairs and to the bathroom. He set me down on the toilet seat and then turned on the shower. I watched him as he silently moved about the bathroom. He was bothered about something. My wounds were almost fully healed now, so I stood up and approached Ares, who stood beside the now warm water of the shower.

  He turned to look at me, tears in his eyes.

  “Ares, what is it?” I asked as I wiped the tears from his face and kissed each cheek.

  He wrapped his arms around me and exhaled loudly. “I almost lost you again.”

  “Ares, I wasn’t that close to dying. You heard Gwen—she missed the vital organs. Look, the wounds are already sealed.” I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach where one of the wounds had been.

  He ran his fingertip over the small pink scar that was quickly disappearing. “I’m sorry I failed you,” he said softly.

  “You didn’t fail me. You were protecting one entrance while Matt was supposed to be protecting the other. How could you have known something would happen to Matt?” I pulled his shirt off over his head and kissed his chest. “Help me wash,” I said as seductively as I could.

  A smile lifted the right corner of his mouth and he unbuttoned his pants. “Alright.”

  I turned away from him and stepped underneath the water. The warm water felt good on my skin and helped erase the shock that was trying to set in. Ares began scrubbing my body with a soap bar, paying special attention to the blood on my stomach and side. He kissed my neck and turned me around underneath the water to rinse off.

  For once, I wasn’t overcome by my hormones and my desire to sleep with him, but instead the touch and caring fulfilled my needs. It was amazing to be loved like this. I hoped it never ended. He turned me around to face him and kissed my lips softly. “I love you, Artemis.”

  I kissed his lips and then rested my head against his chest. “I love you, too.” Ares wrapped his arms around me and sighed.

  “Excuse me.” a female said softly.

  My hackles, figuratively, rose, and I turned to the doorway, snarling. The young girl flinched and took a step back. “Sorry,” I said softly.

  Ares grabbed two towels and wrapped his around his waist. I wrapped mine around my body. “What is it, Lauren?” Ares asked in a soft voice.

  “Darius wishes to speak to you, immediately,” she said in a soft voice. Her strawberry blonde hair was naturally curly and hid her face from my view.

  “I’ll put pants on and be there in a moment. Wait downstairs for me,” Ares said. Lauren curtsied and then rushed out of the room. Ares whispered, “She seems innocent, but she’s been Darius’ assistant for twenty years. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was as cunning as he is.”

  I adjusted my towel. “I’m glad you’re the one that has to deal with all of the political crap. I couldn’t even stand listening to people in town debating about the presidential elections. Boring.”

  Matt walked in and smiled at us. “Who’s boring?”

  Ares blurred as he moved from the shower to the door in an instant to grab Matt around the throat. “Where did you go? You were supposed to be protecting the back entrance!” Ares yelled.

  Matt’s lip twitched for a moment as though he were thinking about snarling and then he whined. “Sorry. I saw two vampires attacking a child and so I went to help, but then got ambushed.” He looked towards me and asked, “Did something happen?”

  Ares released Matt’s throat. “Artemis was attacked.”

  Matt looked at me with an almost sad look on his face. “Are you alright?” Was he sad I was attacked or that I survived?

  I nodded. “I’m fine.”

  Matt smiled. “Good.”

  Ares looked at Matt a moment longer before yelling, “Koda!” Koda ran into the bathroom and looked at our faces. Ares looked at me. “Koda, guard Artemis.”

  Koda nodded, and Matt walked out of the room with Ares. “What happened?” Koda asked.

  “Nothing,” I said as I walked to the closet to change.

  Koda leaned against the doorframe while I changed clothes. “Achilles said you used your Sidhe powers to fight the vampire.”

  I looked up at him in shock. “How did he know that?”

  Koda smiled. “We can feel magic from those of our kind when they’re being used in significant enough quantities. He said it’s been a long time since he felt such a large pull.”

  “Well, she was trying to kill me,” I said defensively as I buttoned my pants.

  “Ares is having Victor come here to speak with Darius about this attack. They swear that it wasn’t a sanctioned attack, and that they had no idea it was going to happen.”

  I looked at Koda’s tight face. “You don’t believe them?”

  Koda smiled. “I believe Victor, but I’m not sure about Maurice.”

  Matt’s attitude and response still bothered me, so I decided to tell Koda. After I’d finished Koda sighed. “I’ve been noticing it, too,” he said quietly. “Something’s bothering him, but I’m not sure what it is.”

  “Do you think he lied about why he stopped guarding the back entrance?” That part was bothering me the most. I couldn’t explain why, but I knew he was lying about why he left.

  Koda sighed and ran a hand through his Mohawk which I noticed wasn’t gelled up for once. “I don’t know. I’ll have to speak to Ares about it.” He looked at my face for a moment before sighing. “Come on, you should lie down. You’ve had a lot happen to you."

  I laughed and climbed onto the bed. “I never thought my life would be so crazy.”

  Koda laid down beside me and rubbed my back. “Don’t worry, things will calm down, and we’ll be able to show you the good side of life as a werewolf.”

  “I can’t wait for that day,” I mumbled as I relaxed and took comfort in Koda’s touch. “Thank you,” I whispered as I started to lose consciousness.

  “For what?” he asked.

  “For being you.”


  “Night, Koda.”

  Chapter Five

  The sun rose earlier than I wanted, but waking up to Ares’ arms wrapped around me definitely made it better.

  “Morning, Sunshine,” Ares whispered against my neck.

  I shivered and asked, “Can’t we sleep in?”

  Ares chuckled and nipped my ear. “We need to go on a hunt. Come on. Everyone is waiting for you.”

  I groaned and rolled over until my face was pressed against Ares’. “I think we should stay in bed all day.” I opened my eyes and stared at the handsome man looking at me. “You’re too handsome for me,” I sighed longingly.

  Ares kissed my lips
and rolled us over until he was lying on top of me. “Achilles left a couple minutes ago. He won’t be able to tell that we’ve mated if we do it before the hunt.”

  He started kissing his way down my neck and it took all of my willpower to form conscious thoughts. “Ares, I thought you said Koda and Matt were waiting?”

  “They can wait a little longer.” He growled as he tried to work my shirt up.

  “Ares, I know you don’t like Achilles, but it really isn’t fair. What if the situation was flipped and he’d claimed me first? What would you want him to do?”

  Ares groaned and pressed his forehead against mine. “Fine, but we need to figure out a solution soon. It’s torment to be near you and not be able to mate with you.”

  I kissed his cheek softly. “I know. It’s hard for me, too, but we’ll figure something out.”

  I climbed out from under Ares and hopped down from the bed. It took my body a moment to change, but it was painless when I finally took my wolf form.

  Matt and Koda yelled through my head. Hurry up!

  I jogged down the stairs and opened my mouth in a wolf-grin at the two giant wolves sitting on the porch. Morning.

  Ares walked out in front of me. Come on, let’s hunt. I need to kill something.

  I giggled, but the strange wheezing sound that came out of my wolf throat bothered me too much to continue. Ares glared at me with a tight mouth. That’ll teach you to laugh at me.

  Ares jogged away from the house and the rest of us followed behind him as he led us into the forest. We jogged for twenty minutes before smelling another animal. I twitched my nose in frustration. What is it? I couldn’t figure out what animal I was smelling.

  Deer. Ares said. He tilted his head to the right then turned to face in that direction. There.

  We all turned slowly and stared at the herd of deer two hundred yards away. A ten point buck stood a little to the side of the herd. My mouth instantly started watering. Ares snorted softly, and Matt and Koda took off at a run. I started to follow, but Ares blocked my path. Watch. You need to learn how to take down a buck first.

  Matt snapped at the buck’s heels and Koda grabbed onto the distracted buck’s throat. In only a few seconds they’d killed the buck. Ares trotted over and started eating. I sat down beside Matt and Koda who were sitting a few feet away.

  Ares finished and looked at us. Artemis eats next. Matt growled and Ares growled back, his lips pulling up in a menacing snarl. I’m alpha. I decide when my mate eats. She eats after me. You and Koda decide who eats after that.

  Matt stopped growling and then snorted in irritation. I trotted forward and took a bite out of the deer. It’s delicious! It took only a minute for me to fill up on the deer. I licked my muzzle clean and trotted over to Ares who was licking one of his paws clean. That was great.

  Ares licked my cheek. Glad you like it.

  Matt whined. There’s another herd up ahead.

  Ares nodded once. Let’s go. This time, I take down the buck.

  Koda, Matt and Ares took off running before I could react. I watched as Ares ran, his muscles stretching and his fur pressed against his body. The buck lifted his head from the grass he was eating and then Ares was on him. I walked slowly towards the rest of my pack and laid down in a sunny spot a few yards away from the dead buck. That was great. I said quietly as Ares ate.

  Koda snorted. You’re easily impressed.

  Ares finished eating and nodded at me.

  I’m full. Thanks. I lifted my lips in a grin and rolled on to my back so the sun could warm my stomach. We should have done this sooner.

  Ares laid down, placing his head on top of my stomach. I’ll make sure we take more time to hunt together.

  Matt walked towards us, and I felt uneasy, not wanting to be on my back anymore. I rolled over and sat up next to Ares. Matt looked at me quizzically, but didn’t say anything as he sat down and waited for Koda to finish.

  I was still bothered by Matt’s lie and in wolf form I especially felt awkward around him. Ares draped his head across my neck and sighed in contentment. How are you feeling today?

  Fine, thank you. I said quietly as I enjoyed his warmth and the smell of his fur. I noticed another slightly different, but familiar smell underneath Ares’ fur, against his skin, but I couldn’t place it.

  Koda trotted over, licking his lips clean. Okay, I’m done.

  Ares pulled away, and we all ran back towards the house. I changed forms at the door and ran inside and up the stairs. I stepped into the bedroom and stopped in my tracks. A slim, beautiful black-haired woman was lying, naked on the bed.

  She sat up when I walked in and glared at me. “Where is Ares?”

  I growled loudly and squatted down, preparing to attack. “Why are you on my bed, naked?”

  She stood and glared at me. “I do not need to speak to you, girl. I came to see the prince. Now, step aside.”

  Ares walked up behind me and stared in shock at the woman. “Natasha? What are you doing here?”

  She smiled seductively and posed against the bed post. “I was waiting for you.”

  I growled again, and Ares sighed. “Oh. I see. Natasha, you need to leave.”

  Natasha’s beautiful smile wilted as she looked from me to Ares. “You would reject me for this…this child?”

  Koda walked up the stairs and pulled me backwards, away from Natasha. Apparently, he guessed I was about to pounce on her.

  Ares took a step towards Natasha and speaking in a soothing tone said, “You need to leave, Natasha. This is not your home, nor is this your pack. Leave.”

  She stuck out her bottom lip in a pout and took a step closer to Ares, running a fingertip over his chest. “Ares, you know you would rather have me.”

  Anger boiled up in me, tinting my sight red. I wanted to change forms, but I held the change and instead charged at Natasha, knocking her to the ground and punching her in the face before Ares pulled me away. “Let me go!” I yelled as I struggled to attack her again.

  Koda knelt down beside Natasha’s still body and then turned to smile at me. “You knocked her out cold. I’m impressed.”

  Ares wrapped his arms around me and exhaled. His magic wrapped around me like the warm hug he was holding me in and calmed me. “Artemis, relax. You know I would never, could never, cheat on you. Especially not with a trashy woman like Natasha.”

  I turned around slowly and asked, “Is she one of your former flings?”

  “Yes, but I never felt anything for her.”

  Natasha moaned and sat up. “You bitch. You’ll pay for that.”

  Koda picked Natasha up and started carrying her downstairs. “Time to go.”

  Natasha struggled against him, but decided instead to turn towards me. “You don’t deserve Ares! You don’t deserve to be in this pack. I challenge you. Accept, you coward.”

  Ares opened his mouth to speak, but I spoke up before he could. “A challenge for what?”

  Her eyes brightened happily. Ares shook his head, Koda’s mouth gaped, and Achilles walked inside the front door, staring at our group.

  Natasha pulled out of Koda’s arms and glared at me. “A fight to the death. Winner gets Ares and his pack.”

  “Artemis, stop this, you can’t—” Ares began.

  “I accept,” I said over Ares’ words.

  Ares stared at me in complete and utter shock, as did Achilles and Koda.

  Natasha nodded. “In three days at noon, meet me at the fountain.” She winked at Ares and then jogged out of the house.

  Ares’ anger had been building since I had accepted and as soon as she was gone, he turned on me and yelled, “What are you thinking? Do you realize what you just did?”

  He’d never been mad at me before, and it took all of my courage not to cower. “I’m protecting my place. None of the women here believe I should have you as a mate. I’ve been attacked and insulted, and I’m tired of it. I’m going to prove, once and for all, that I’m your mate and I’ll die to keep that title.

  Ares roared, “Did you think what would happen if you lose?” He stormed down the stairs without looking at me again.

  Achilles was glowing and glaring at Ares. “You let her accept?”

  Ares moved faster than my eye could track and suddenly had Achilles pinned to the wall of the entryway. “I did not let her! She did it herself!”

  Achilles shoved Ares back, flinging him into the other wall. “You should have stopped her!”

  Ares screamed and charged at Achilles, who charged at him, glowing brighter and brighter. The sound of their hits was like a jack hammer on concrete and soon I was covering my ears. Koda and Matt rushed into the fight and tried, unsuccessfully, to stop them. The metallic taste of blood hit my tongue from the air, and my senses finally returned. I rushed down the stairs and threw my self between the two men. Ares’ fist stopped an inch away from my face and both men took a few steps away from me.

  “Stop it. Both of you! I chose this and none of you could have stopped me. Stop fighting.” The words came out loud and strong, like a drill sergeant ordering their cadets. I looked from one angry set of eyes to another and noticed that both had a split lip, but no other damage seemed present. “Please, don’t fight.”

  Ares growled and stormed out of the house, walking towards the forest. Matt jogged after him silently. Achilles walked away from me and towards the room where he was staying. My legs started to give and only my arm reaching out and hitting the wall saved me. Koda rushed forward and picked me up. “Artemis?”

  “I messed up, didn’t I?” I asked in a small voice.

  Koda nuzzled my cheek. “They’re just worried.” Koda shut the front door and walked up the stairs, keeping a tight grip on me.

  “Are you mad at me, too?”

  He kept looking straight ahead, avoiding looking at my face. “I don’t think you should have accepted her challenge and I’m worried about the consequences. I am not mad at you though. Just worried.”

  “Is she that strong?” I asked nervously.

  “She’s one of the strongest females.” He set me down and pushed me towards the bathroom. “Go take a shower. I’ll keep guard.”

  I groaned as I started walking towards the shower. “It’s ridiculous that I have a guard. I’m capable of protecting myself. I’m not a helpless female in need of a big man to protect me all of the time.” Sure, sometimes it was nice to have backup, like when vampires and dhampirs attacked, but I could hold my own.


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