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Artemis Lupine- The Complete Series

Page 50

by Catherine Banks

  I stepped back from him and then ground my teeth together. “I don’t know why you are trying to frighten me, but if those two men are really tied to me in one way or another, then they will not allow you to harm me. Plus, I may seem fragile and damaged, but I still possess many powers.”

  The vampire laughed and the tension eased. “Even without her memories she is still just as assertive and wonderful.”

  “We are pleased with the return of our egg. We will now give you, Prince of the Werewolves, your final task,” said the Council.

  “I am ready,” said the werewolf prince.

  The Council stood in silence a moment and then said, “You must obtain approval from Rhea to continue being mated to this woman.”

  I gasped in horror.

  “Very well. I accept the task,” said the werewolf prince without hesitation.

  “No!” I yelled. The Council looked at me in shock. I ran to the prince and looked into his eyes. “You can’t do this. It’s suicide! Please, please don’t do this.”

  “Seeing your worry for me and feeling it from you is greater than anything I’ve felt in the past hundred years,” he said quietly. He picked up a strand of my hair and inhaled deeply. “I will return to you. Nothing will keep me away from you now that I have finally found you.”

  “Don’t go. We can start a life together now. I don’t need my memories,” I pleaded with him. “I’m not worth anyone’s life.”

  He hugged me against his chest and kissed me fiercely on the lips. My head throbbed, but I ignored it as I enjoyed the easing of the pain in my heart and felt his love. He pulled back from me and I swore his eyes were misty with tears. “I will come back to you as soon as I can. I’m very powerful so you needn’t worry.”

  I sniffed and wiped at the tears falling down my face. “Your power means nothing against the Mother. I should go. I should be the one who has to risk my life. I should…”

  He kissed me again and then rubbed his face against mine, marking me with his delicious scent. “You should stay here and rest. The Sidhe prince will remain so you will not be apart from both of us.” He turned to the Council. “May I ask two things?” The Council noddeds. “May I take a helper with me?”

  “You may.”

  He nodded and I caught the vampire prince walking towards us. “My second request is to leave my younger brother here. I do not think it would be good for Ar…Chandra to see him, but I don’t want to take him with me.”

  The Council said, “He may stay while you are on your journey and we will keep him separate from the hatchling.” They turned to the Sidhe prince. “In fact, you will all be kept away from her so that she doesn’t have any unfortunate episodes while the werewolf prince is away.”

  The Sidhe prince bowed, but his jaw bulged as he ground his teeth together. “Of course.”

  The vampire prince sighed. “We’d better not die. I want to live to two thousand years. If I stay your friend I may not live that long though.”

  The werewolf prince smiled. “Oh come on. You know you’re excited to finally get a chance to meet Rhea. Besides, we haven’t had a good challenge in a while.”

  “You’re lucky I’m so fond of the two of you,” the vampire prince said as he started walking away.

  “Don’t let him fool you. He’s been worried about you as well. He was in an uncontrollable rage when we couldn’t find you,” the Sidhe prince said with a fond smile on his face.

  “How long was I missing?” I asked curiously.

  “One hundred and five years,” he said without hesitation.

  I hadn’t known my eyes could open so wide or my mouth. “One hundred years!”

  The werewolf prince nodded.

  “No wonder it was so hard to control my wolf when Selene found me. I was in wolf form for…” I tried to calculate how long I’d been a wolf, but it was all a blur now. “If what you say is true, that means I was a wolf for around forty-five years!”

  The werewolf prince stepped in front of me. “I’m leaving now. I expect you to stay out of trouble.” He laughed and shook his head. “Saying that to you is like telling a vampire to stay away from the darkness.” He sighed and pressed his forehead against mine. “Stay safe until I return. Please. I could not bear to lose you again.”

  I inhaled his scent and my hands found their way to his hard, broad chest. “I will be anxiously awaiting your return.” I leaned into him and inhaled his scent again, trying to hold it in as long as I could. I wanted some way to keep his scent with me, but before I could ask, he was taking his shirt off and handing it to me. I held it away from my body and smiled at him. “Thank you.”

  He kissed me quickly on the lips then ran after the vampire prince. “If I don’t leave now, I fear I never will.”

  The vampire prince put his arm around the shorter man’s shoulders. “Don’t worry, she’ll look exactly the same when you get back. That’s one of the many perks of mating with preternatural women.”

  The werewolf prince laughed and shook his head. “Always looking on the bright side, aren’t you?”

  The vampire laughed and looked up at the dragons in their nests around the Lair. “When you’re a child of the darkness, that’s the only place you can look.”

  I took a sniff from the shirt and exhaled softly. “Come back soon.”



  Not only had I been forced to hide in this tent while Ares met with the Council and Artemis, but now I was being forced to wait while he went on a treacherous journey. I had been beside my brother since I was weaned and I did not like being away from him now. I trusted Victor to guard Ares, but was only seventy percent sure that he would give his life for Ares’. I would never even hesitate. Ares was my alpha, my brother, and my only true pack mate since Matt’s death.

  I had felt sorrow at Matt’s betrayal and death, but nothing compared to the pain at Artemis’ kidnapping. She was so pure and so sweet, the most perfect female in any race for a million years.

  And yet she was not mine to have, except as a pack member. The one kiss we had shared resonated in my skull and burned my heart with longing. I knew she was Ares’ and even Achilles’ before she would ever be mine, but it didn’t stop me from wanting and wishing.

  Once she had fully accepted Ares as her passt genau I had given up on thoughts of courting her and simply enjoyed her company as part of the pack. Then when she had accepted the challenge from Natasha, there had been a glimmer of hope for me. If she had lost and asked for mercy, I would have left Ares’ side to be with her, but her love for Ares was too strong. She had basically died to protect her claim to him.

  I wanted to touch her, inhale her scent, bury my nose in her hair and listen to her heart beat. I wanted much and was allowed nothing. It took all of my control not to leave the tent and walk the one hundred yards to hers. She was so close and still so far away.

  I’d tried being with other women, even fathering a few children, but it didn’t diminish my feelings for Artemis.

  I’d just received information from a credible source about the true reason of Matt’s treason, but had not been able to discuss it with Ares yet. I stared at the letter in my hands and wished Matt had thought higher of us and had confided his problem in us. Ares and I could have helped him easily and he never would have needed to betray us. Clearly, he did not think much of our skills, which is why he had given in and played the rat.

  “What is that?” Achilles asked softly from the stool he was sitting on across the tent from me.

  I tossed the note to him and whispered, “Information in regards to Matt’s treachery.”

  Achilles read the note and then looked at me with his neutral face. “Did you tell Ares?”

  I shook my head. “There was not an appropriate time to discuss it.”

  “I am sorry that you have not been allowed to see her,” he said quietly as he watched me. “It was not Ares’ or my decision, but the Dragon Council’s.”

  It bothered me that he could read
me so well, but then again, he had been the first to notice that I was in love with Artemis.

  “I know that,” I said as I exhaled and ran a hand through my hair. “I just wish the Council wasn’t making him go through all this bullshit.”

  “And that you could have gone with him instead of being left behind,” finished Achilles.

  I laughed bitterly. “You know me well.”

  Achilles dipped his head slightly in acknowledgment. “Yes, but I also know that I feel the same way.”

  This was why I liked Achilles so much. He was the heir to the Sidhe throne and yet he did not hold himself above anyone. Since I could remember, he had been kind to me and had treated me with respect even despite Ares’ prior hatred of him. It made matters much easier on me now that Ares had forgiven Achilles and they had dissolved their issues. Although I do not think that would have happened if it had not been for Artemis’ kidnapping and our imprisonment together.

  We’d had many prison brawls, together and against other prisoners, which had brought us closer. Human women could not understand how fighting brought men together, but after a fight, whether it be against each other or against a common foe, our friendship developed and strengthened.

  Victor and Ares’ relationship had strengthened, while Achilles and Ares’ had developed anew.

  “I do not doubt Ares’ abilities, but I do not like not being there to protect his back,” I admitted.

  “Do you doubt Victor?” Achilles asked.

  I smiled. “You know as well as I do that Victor will protect Ares as best as he can, but he looks out for himself first, something which I do not.”

  Achilles’ lips drew thin. “I agree.”

  I looked towards the east, where I could sense Artemis. “It’s so frustrating to know she is so near and yet still out of reach.”

  Achilles sighed loudly. “You’re preaching to the choir, brother.”

  Only he would obtain more kisses from her and, given long enough, possibly even be allowed to mate with her. I would never. I would only be allowed the bond of pack mates and the bond of friendship. Something which I was grateful for, but I craved so much more.

  The woman of my dreams was within reach and yet so far gone that I knew she could not be mine, even if she did regain her memories. I would forever be left wanting.



  Leaving her side again after such a short and bittersweet reunion was extremely difficult. If it were for any other reason, I would have stayed, grabbed her in my arms and never let go. She looked exactly the same, but without her memories she wasn’t the same woman. I could tell that she had the strongest connection to me still, but even after making amends with Achilles and letting myself love my half-brother again, I didn’t want to leave her with him.

  “The sooner we get this over with, the sooner you can be back in her arms,” Victor said from my side.

  I turned and smiled at him. “I know. I just—”

  “Don’t like leaving her with your half-brother, especially since you can tell she has some of her memories? Achilles is the most moral Sidhe I know and he won’t make any advances on her while you are out risking your life. Besides, what you’re doing isn’t just for her to regain her memories. She is the key to everything.”

  “I don’t think Achilles will try anything either, but…what if she starts remembering and I’m not there? What if she only remembers him and not me?”

  Victor rolled his eyes. “You two dreamed again, right?”

  “Don’t patronize me, Victor. I know that we are still connected, but I have no way of knowing what Hera did to Artemis. If the dragons aren’t as powerful as we think, she could end up dying.” I wouldn’t let that happen. I refused to let her die now that I’d found her.

  “Let’s just focus on getting to Rhea’s Temple,” he said softly.

  We increased our speed and made it to the City of Rhea, which was the gatekeeper to the Temple, faster than I’d thought we would. Even during the human reign this had been left untouched. Of course, since it was in the Himalayas and freezing cold, I wasn’t surprised that even after the uprising, Maurice had left it alone as well. Rhea was the strongest being on the planet and I for one would not want to be on her bad side.

  “It’s more deserted than I thought it would be,” Victor said with a frown.

  I looked over and saw his fangs fully extended, which was something he only did when scaring someone or when he couldn’t retract them due to his overwhelming thirst.

  “I told you to eat on the way here. You’ll just have to settle for a rabbit to quench the fire for now.”

  Victor grumbled, and we started through the empty town. The buildings looked freshly made, but they had to have been at least a thousand years old judging by the architecture. The wolf side of me felt uneasy about walking into someone else’s den, but this was for Artemis so I would just have to deal with the feeling.

  Victor disappeared a moment and then reappeared with two rabbits. He drained the blood from them and then tossed them to me. “You need to eat too, in case Mother asks a price from you.”

  I ate the meat from the skinny rabbits and snapped off one of the rabbit’s feet. I held it out to Victor. “Want a good luck charm?”

  He swatted the foot away when I waved it at him and he shook his head in disgust. “I never understood why the humans used to believe that. And it was rather disgusting that they kept the piece of animal on their key chains of all places.” I smiled and then Victor sighed. “I do miss the human world though. I miss the restaurants, the movies and most of all the women who threw themselves at me because they wanted to please me and were attracted to me and thought it was exotic to be with a vampire.”

  “You mean women don’t throw themselves at your feet now?”

  Victor groaned. “Yes, they do, but only because I’m the big bad vampire prince. I’m not my father, Ares, you know that. I don’t like to be feared.” I arched my eyebrow and Victor smiled. “Okay, I like to be feared a little, but not all the time and definitely not from the women I want to bed.”

  A loud growling brought my attention to the skies above us. The moon was gone and I couldn’t see, but I definitely felt like I was being watched. “What is it, Victor? I’m blind here.” I caught the dim shape of something flying through the air above us, but I couldn’t make out the form.

  “It looks like a griffin,” he said with a bit of awe.

  I started running and yelled, “Race you to the door!”

  Victor caught up to me easily as the griffins began diving at me and pulling at my hair. Their claws raked my chest and back, drawing blood.

  “I get the wolf. You can have the leech,” said a deep and growly voice.

  “No, he’s a halfbreed and we agreed that I’d get the next halfbreed that came through,” argued a second voice.

  I was beginning to worry when a commanding voice so beautiful and melodic that it made me stop running and stand still, yelled, “None shall touch him! He has a golden aura!”

  Ahead of us was the temple steps and standing in the doorway was a woman more beautiful than any other I had seen. She had hair the color of wheat and eyes of emeralds. She was so powerful that I dropped to my knees instantly and bowed my head. “Mother,” I whimpered.

  She floated down the steps of the temple and knelt in front of me. She touched my face and frowned in concern. “You are in pain. What do you need from me, halfbreed son?”

  She was right, I was in pain. Pain at having been separated from the woman I loved. Pain at not knowing for sure if she was alive or dead. Pain at not knowing if she’d been with another man in the past one hundred years. Pain at my love not knowing me.

  “I need your consent to continue being with my mate. It is the price the dragons asked in order to assist me in recovering the memories which were stolen from her.” I could barely whisper with her so close to me. She was the true Mother of us all, the Mother of even Asena.

  “You love her mor
e than anyone else. You have not touched another woman even though you have been separated for over one hundred years. I have not met a man so devoted as you and with a perfect golden aura in many years.”

  “Golden aura?” I asked.

  She smiled. “When a man is pure of heart, void of evil and knows the love of a perfect match, his aura will glow golden. I will give you my consent…”

  I looked up at her and smiled.

  “…but you must defeat my champion,” she finished.

  “Your champion?” Victor asked.

  Rhea turned to Victor and laid her hand against his cheek. “Oh, son of the Darkness. You are powerful, but not powerful enough. I think I shall grant you a gift as well if this task is completed. Yes, yes, I will give you more power if you and the halfbreed can defeat my champion.”

  “Who is your champion?” I finally managed to ask.

  She wagged her finger at me. “You must agree or decline first.”

  “I agree. I will do anything to have my mate back,” I answered without any more hesitation. I really hoped her champion wasn’t that great of a fighter.

  She threw her head back and laughed maniacally.

  I looked at Victor, but he only shrugged. Women were weird, apparently from the beginning of time.

  Rhea looked back at me. “I do not expect you to be able to kill my champion since I would not have picked a weak being for such an honor, but I do expect you or your vampire friend to be able to draw blood. If one drop of blood is drawn from him, then you will have what you ask for and your vampire friend will have more power than any other in the world. You agree?”

  Victor and I nodded. I stood and brushed myself off. This was my chance. The one thing I had to do to get Artemis back. I would not fail.

  The temple doors flew open, and I watched in awe as a tall man with thick cords of muscle and a perfect physique walked down the steps. His eyes were the purest blue I’d seen, even purer than my own. He stopped beside Rhea and asked, “You summoned me?”


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