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Artemis Lupine- The Complete Series

Page 52

by Catherine Banks

  I stopped in front of him as my body quivered and said, “Verus amor vincit omnia. True love conquers all, even one hundred years of separation and a woman’s plot to erase you from my memories.”

  He shuddered, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him fiercely. His arms were instantly around me in an almost painful embrace, but I didn’t care. I was in his arms and we were together again. The kiss was intense yet tender. I felt like I could conquer worlds when he kissed me like that.

  He pulled back first and stared into my eyes with tears in his. “Artemis, I’ve missed you,” he whispered.

  I buried my nose into his neck and inhaled his delicious scent. “Ares,” I sighed. It felt so good to say his name.

  Someone cleared their throat and I pulled back to find Achilles and Koda looking at me expectantly. It was almost painful as I tried to decide who to hug first, but Achilles won. I hugged him tightly to me and kissed his lips as his thoughts flooded my mind. I’ve missed you so much. It’s been so hard not knowing where you were. Or what condition you were in.

  I pulled back from him and smiled. “Thank you. I am truly sorry that I can’t say the same. If I had had my memories, I would.”

  Koda pulled me from Achilles and wrapped me in one of his famous bear hugs. “I’ve been worried sick about you.”

  I laughed and relaxed in his hold. “I’m sorry.”

  Theseus stood back from our group and I remembered his worried words to me before we’d arrived. I walked to him and hugged him. “Thank you for keeping me safe and sane between the times I was able to see Ares. I have not forgotten you, my friend.”

  Theseus exhaled in relief and hugged me tightly. “Thank you.”

  Koda groaned behind me. “Great, now my son is taking her attention away from me. I’ll never win.”

  I pulled back from Theseus and looked from Koda to him and back. “He’s your father?” Theseus nodded. I laughed. “No wonder you looked familiar to me!”

  I pulled away from Theseus and walked into Ares’ arms. Ares turned my face up to his and whispered, “I love you, Artemis.”

  My lips pulled up into a smile, and I wrapped my arms around him. “I love you too, Ares.”

  He sighed loudly. “It has been too long since I last heard those words.” His lips were pressed to mine before I could say anything else.

  I pulled back from him and stood between him and Achilles so that each could hold my hand. Their powers began to flow between me and I could feel the wound Ares neglected to inform us about. I placed my hand on his side, and he grunted in pleasure and pain as the wound knitted itself together.

  I looked up at the Council standing near us and said, “Thank you, dragons. I am in your debt.” I pulled away from Ares and Achilles and walked to the center to turn and look at each dragon. “I will always remember the great honor that you have given me.”

  The Council bowed their heads to me. “We will always remember you, Hatchling. It has been an honor to keep you safe over the years.”

  I turned to Blu and bowed until my forehead touched the ground. “Draco-Blu, you have been my greatest friend and guardian. I am forever in your debt.”

  Blu dropped his head into a bow. “There is no debt to be paid, Artemis. Just remember who your allies are and never forget the kindness of a dragon.”

  I held up the dragon scale which was secured on a string around my neck. “I will always remember you, my friend.”

  Blu wrapped his head around me and hummed against my body. “I will miss you.”

  Tears sprang to my eyes and I latched on to his neck. “I will miss you as well. Tell Fira goodbye for me.”

  Blu hummed louder and then pulled away. Ares and Achilles each grabbed one of my hands and I exhaled in relief as their touch eased the ache in my body.

  I turned from them to find Victor, who was standing off to the side smiling at us. I walked to him and hugged him tightly. “Thank you for everything you have done, Victor.”

  Victor hugged me back and kissed my cheek lightly. “I am glad to see you whole and safe Mon papillon.”

  I pulled back and wiped at the tears under his eyes. “I thought vampires weren’t supposed to cry?”

  He smiled and whispered, “It had been so long that I dreaded we would not find you. I am just…often in my experience these types of things end badly and I feared the worst might be true when we finally did find you.”

  I laughed. “Victor, you know me. I never get into trouble.”

  That received a round of laughter from all of the men gathered. I looked at Victor curiously a moment and then asked, “When did you gain so much power?”

  Victor’s tears forgotten, he smiled arrogantly, “Rhea gifted me for assisting Ares.”

  I looked at the lighter tint to his aura and asked, “Did she make you more human? Your aura is less black.”

  Victor shrugged. “I feel more like a vampire than I ever have before. I don’t question what was done, just enjoy the powers that I’ve been granted.”

  Ares pulled me into his arms again and nuzzled my hair with his nose as he inhaled long draughts of my scent.

  “Where are we going now?” I asked.

  “We are going to prepare for the war,” answered Victor.

  I groaned. “You know, I’d hoped you would have taken care of that, not let the world fall into darkness as it has.” I pulled out of Ares’ arms and asked, “And what is going on with all of the halfbreed kidnappings? I was scared out of my mind these past sixty or so years that I’ve been with Selene.”

  Ares sighed. “We have much to catch you up on. I’d prefer if we could make it at least to our base camp before we discussed it though.”

  Base camp? Since when had they started talking like military men?

  Victor changed into a bat and screeched at us as he took off into the sky towards the Lair’s exit. I turned and bowed to the Council one more time and then let my wings out from my back. Achilles and Theseus let out their wings and then Achilles picked up Ares and Theseus picked up Koda.

  I giggled as I joined them in the air and said, “Koda that is so cute that your son can carry you!”

  Koda stuck his tongue out at me. “I may be happy that you’re back, but I will still kick your butt.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You couldn’t take me even before I gained more power.”

  Every eye, including Victor’s bat ones, turned to me. Achilles asked, “Gained more power? What do you mean?”

  I waved at them dismissively. “I’ll show you when we get to your ‘base camp’.”

  The men grumbled their agreements, and we flew out of the Lair and out into the night. I reveled in my ability to fly again and somersaulted and spun in the air in a crazy dance of freedom.

  “Been a while since you’ve last flown, Artemis?” asked Achilles.

  I giggled happily. “Much too long. I was pretending to be human so I couldn’t risk outing myself just to enjoy some flight time. I’d forgotten how wonderful the wind feels under my wings.” I flipped onto my back and dove down and then back up again.

  Theseus and Koda were discussing something with serious looks on their faces so I flew over to be nosy. “What’s up?”

  Koda asked, “Did you recognize the Sidhe who brought the vampires to attack you?”

  I frowned. “He seemed familiar, like we were connected somehow, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen his face before.” I scoured my regained memories and shook my head. “No, I’ve never met him before. Why? Do you know him?”

  Koda exhaled. “I might. We’ll discuss it further at camp.”

  I flew over to Achilles and Ares and stayed by their sides the rest of the way.

  “Where are we?” I asked as we dropped onto a beach where a large stone house sat alone.

  “Ireland,” answered Ares.

  I grabbed Ares’ hand and then Achilles’. Ares called, “Come out.”

  Over a hundred men and women walked out of the house to stand before us on the be
ach. All eyes trained on me and my instant reaction was to cower, but then I remembered who I was and straightened my spine, meeting all of their eyes. I expected some people to avert their gazes or meet mine defiantly. I did not expect them to all drop to one knee and bow their heads.



  I looked at Ares and Achilles. “What’s going on?”

  Ares and Achilles stepped away from me and walked towards the group. Achilles said, “We all knew this day was going to come. You’ve all been training hard and so, tonight we celebrate.”

  Ares took over. “We will celebrate the return of my mate. We will celebrate the return of the prophesied one. We will celebrate our impending victory.”

  The group cheered, but continued to keep their heads bowed in submission. What the hell is going on?

  Ares turned to me. “We found a way to create an army to combat the vampires. An army which is stronger, more powerful and has fewer weaknesses.”

  Achilles said, “We have been training them hard in preparation for your return. I hope they are to your liking.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I asked. “What are they? Who are they? What do you mean you created them?” I looked from Ares to Achilles and then at the group.

  Theseus stood up from amongst the group and said, “We are mixed breeds, like you, though not nearly as powerful as you, Princess.”

  “Mixed breeds?” I walked to the group and inhaled their scents. “Oh, wow. Whoa.” They were all half wolf and half Sidhe. “How did you create them?”

  Ares smirked. “You see, Artemis. When a man and woman lie together…”

  I stared at him in horror. “They’re your…” I couldn’t finish the sentence. I knew that I was gone a long time, but this was too much for me. I turned away from Ares and started walking down the beach, but Victor stepped into my path and shook his head with a smile on his lips. “You misunderstand, mon papillon. These are not Ares and Achilles’ children.”

  I blinked at him. “But he just said…”

  Victor silenced me with a glare. “Would I lie to you?”

  A smile teased the corner of my lips. “You want me to answer that honestly?”

  Victor laughed. “I am being truthful, Artemis. Neither of your mates has broken his vow to you.”

  I frowned at him as I looked back at Ares and Achilles talking quietly to each other. “I’ve never mated with Achilles, Victor. You know that.”

  He shrugged. “You are still bound to him as you are to Ares. It is not so different.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Not the point. So, if he didn’t create them, then who did?”

  Victor said, “Koda, among others from the pack who are on Ares’ side.”

  “I’m sure that was a difficult task for them,” I muttered. I felt like an idiot for storming away from Ares and Achilles.

  Ares walked up to me and asked, “What’s wrong?”

  I buried my face in his neck and whispered, “I thought they were your children.”

  Ares pushed me back and held me at arm’s length. “Artemis, you should know me better than that.”

  I blushed and said, “I was gone over a hundred years. I didn’t know…”

  Ares asked, “What about you? I won’t be angry since you didn’t have your memories, but…”

  “No!” I yelled a little too loudly. I lowered my voice, “No, I didn’t. I lived in the witches’ coven surrounded only by women. Oh and Draco-Blu, but no, I didn’t.”

  Ares hugged me again and kissed my cheek. “I still can’t believe you’re here after so long.”

  I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed. “It does feel like it has been an awfully long time since we’ve been together.”

  “Yes, well, could we finish with the introductions?” Achilles asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

  “I’m still curious to see what Artemis meant about gaining power,” Victor said behind us.

  Ares walked with me back to the bowing group. “You just need to accept them as your followers and we can move on.”

  “Um, okay. I accept you as my followers,” I said nervously.

  The group stood up and then returned to the house. How could all of them fit in there?

  “Alright, show us this new power,” said Victor.

  I looked around. “Are there any vampires who could be hurt by the sun here?” Victor shook his head. I lifted my hands up in front of my chest, palms facing each other. Warmth filled my body as I called upon my magic, which was much easier now that I was whole, and a ball of sun formed between my hands. I looked up and found Victor, Ares, Koda and Achilles staring at me in complete shock. “Sunlight,” I said.

  All of the men walked up to me and examined the orb of sunlight I held.

  “Incredible,” whispered Ares.

  “I didn’t know any of us could do this anymore,” said Achilles.

  “How big can you make it?” asked Victor.

  Theseus said, “She sent it out in an expanding ring to turn a group of vampires who had surrounded us into ash.”

  Victor’s eyes widened. “Show me.”

  I shrugged and released the orb and then formed a ring of sunlight around my body. I gathered my magic and then sent the ring out, expanding it as it moved farther away from my body. Instead of letting it go as I’d done previously though, I held it when it was about a mile in circumference.

  “Remarkable,” said Victor. “No wonder my father renewed his quest for her. Who did you do this in front of?”

  I looked at Koda. “The guy you were asking me about. I did it in front of him.”

  Koda’s eyes widened. “Oh no.” He turned to Ares. “I think she met Apollo.”

  Everyone went still at the mention of his name. “Who’s Apollo?” I asked softly.

  Ares shook his head. “We don’t have time to talk about him. We need to get everyone together and move. If it was Apollo, he’ll be searching for her.”

  “Ares! Why are you still keeping me in the dark?”

  Ares sighed. “He’s the leader of a faction of vampires, which are stronger than the normal ones. Apollo is taking beings like trolls and Sidhe and turning them into vampires. He alone controls the group.”

  Vampire-Sidhe? Unbelievable.

  Ares picked up my hand and smiled. “Come on, let’s hunt first.”

  Koda shifted forms, shredding his clothes and then pranced along the beach as he waited for us. Theseus, Achilles and Victor walked to the house while I stripped. Ares watched me and I felt the blush on my cheeks before I realized I was embarrassed. I shifted forms and stretched. Ah. It feels good to be a wolf again.

  Ares licked my muzzle, now in his wolf form. Ready?

  Koda yipped and ran up the beach towards the distant trees. I chased after Koda and Ares ran at my side. I caught up to Koda and nipped his flank playfully. Too slow. I sped past him with Ares right on my heels.

  Koda dove under my legs, making me tumble head over tail and then Ares was on top of me. We nipped and played for what felt like hours before collapsing into a pile together. Ares and Koda shifted positions until I was lying between, their heads and tails forming a circle around me. Finally, I was back with my pack. After so many years as a lone wolf I couldn’t imagine a better place to be.

  After our pack nap, we returned to the house which I thought would be filled to capacity, but it was strangely open. “Where is everyone?” I asked.

  Achilles pointed down. “Underground. We built a lower level down there to accommodate the large number of our pack.”

  Victor asked, “Where did you learn that new sunlight power, Artemis? Did the witches teach you that?”

  I shook my head. “A vampire attacked me one night while I was walking back to the coven. I just kept thinking how the fight would be a lot easier if I could use sunlight instead of fire and then, boom, sunlight burst out of my hand and poof went the vampire. It took a while, but Selene managed to create a spell which lets her do a similar thi

  Victor tapped his chin thoughtfully. “It might be beneficial to us if we contacted the witches and asked for their alliance in the upcoming battle.”

  Ares nodded. “I was thinking the same thing. I wanted to stop and talk to Selene anyways and thank her for protecting Artemis all these years.”

  I looked at the amount of space between Ares, Achilles and I. Why were they now staying apart from me?

  Achilles looked at me, and I remembered he could hear my thoughts. He smiled and walked to me, taking my hand. “It was nothing intentional, we just didn’t want to overwhelm you or cause problems.”

  I felt a piece of me calm and looked at Ares. “Are you still bothered by this? When I left, you two weren’t really on the best of terms.”

  Ares smiled. “We have worked out our issues.”

  Somehow, I didn’t think they had resolved the one major issue we had between the three of us while I was gone.

  I walked to the living room which was sparsely furnished and sat in a rocking chair facing the rest of the couches. “Now, how about you all fill me in on the last one hundred and five years?”

  The men all took seats facing me and looked at each other for several minutes before Koda began. “When Hera stole you, things went a little crazy. Ares and Darren were fighting, but when you got teleported to such a far distance, Ares strength sapped and Darren got in a few good shots. More vampires poured in and with both Ares and Achilles distracted, we knew we wouldn’t win. So, we ran.”

  My mouth gaped open. “You ran away?”

  Koda frowned. “Yep. We turned tail and ran. We escaped to Lyngvi, but when we got there Darius had us thrown in jail for some fake charges. He knew he couldn’t have us murdered, but not even mom could get us out. So, we were all stuck in jail for fifty years.”

  “That’s a pretty harsh punishment for fake charges.”

  Koda shrugged. “Fifty years isn’t as long as it is to humans.”

  “How’d you get out of jail?” I asked.

  Achilles said, “Hera.”

  I turned to him. “Hera got you out?”


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