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Mark Mason's Victory: The Trials and Triumphs of a Telegraph Boy

Page 27

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  MARK had intended to find a new and more comfortable place for hismother, being dissatisfied with their humble rooms in St. Mark's Place,but the journey he was called upon so unexpectedly to make, led to apostponement of this plan.

  "You can move, mother, if you like," said Mark, after placing thehundred dollars in her hands. "You'll have money enough."

  "That's true, Mark, but you wouldn't know how to address me, and I mightlose some of your letters. I shall be satisfied to stay here till youreturn. But do you think you had better go? You are very young to crossthe continent alone."

  "I am nearly sixteen, mother, and I have been in the habit of lookingout for myself. Besides Mr. Gilbert thinks I am old enough, and if hehas confidence in me I ought to have confidence in myself."

  "I suppose it is all right, but I shall miss you terribly."

  "It is for my good, and will be for yours, mother. I have long wanted toleave the messenger service and get into some steady position where Ican push myself ahead, and this seems to me my chance."

  "You will write often, Mark?"

  "I will be sure to do that. You don't think I will forget my mother?"

  On Saturday evening Mark went to Mr. Gilbert's to receive instructions.

  "I must tell you something about the boy of whom you are to be temporaryguardian," said Mr. Gilbert. "Perhaps it will be best for me to read youin the first place the letter I received from my poor cousin just beforehis death. It was written at his dictation, for he was already too weakto hold the pen."

  He drew from a desk this letter which he proceeded to read aloud:

  * * * * *

  "Gulchville, California,

  "Oct. 17.


  "When this letter reaches you I shall in all probability be in a betterworld. I am dying of consumption. I leave behind me a boy of ten--mypoor little Philip. I leave him to the mercies of a cold world, for I ampenniless. I had a little property once, but I speculated and lost all.Poor Philip will be an orphan and destitute. I know you are rich andprosperous. Won't you, in your generosity, agree to care for my poorboy? He won't require much, and I shall be content to have him rearedplainly, but I don't want him to suffer.

  "I am sick at the house of a cousin of my wife. He is a mean man, andhis wife is also penurious and mean. They have made my sickness stillmore bitter by their taunts. They complain that I am an expense to them,and they would turn me out of doors, sick as I am, I am convinced, ifthey were not ashamed to do so. Poor Philip will be left to their tendermercies, but I hope only for a short time. I can bear to suffer myself,but I can't bear to think of his suffering. He is a sensitive boy, notover strong, and ill-fitted to bear the buffetings of a cold and unkindworld. Won't you send for him as soon as you can? In your hands I amsure he will be safe and kindly cared for.

  "I am getting very tired and must stop. God bless you!

  "Your unfortunate cousin,

  "John Lillis.

  "P. S. The man in whose house I am stopping is named Nahum Sprague."

  * * * * *

  "You see, Mark, your mission will be one of mercy. The sooner the poorboy is rescued from such people as Mr. and Mrs. Sprague the better forhim. By the way, I don't want them to say my cousin has been an expenseto them. Therefore I will authorize you to obtain from them an itemizedaccount of what they have spent for him and the boy and pay it. You willsee that they don't impose upon me by presenting too large a bill."

  "Yes, sir. I will look sharply after your interests."

  "I shall give you more than enough to get you to San Francisco, and Iwill give you a letter to a firm there, authorizing you to draw uponthem for any sum you may require up to a thousand dollars."

  "But that will be a great deal more than I shall need."

  "I presume so, but I give you so large a credit to use in case ofemergencies."

  "You are trusting me very far, Mr. Gilbert."

  "I am aware of that, but I feel entirely safe in doing so."

  "Thank you, sir."

  Other directions were given, and it was agreed that Mark should start onhis long journey on Monday morning.


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