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Mark Mason's Victory: The Trials and Triumphs of a Telegraph Boy

Page 37

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  SOLON TALBOT was much elated by the great rise in the stock of theGolden Hope Mine. At two hundred and fifty dollars each, the fourhundred shares held by his father-in-law's estate would bring onehundred thousand dollars. While only half of this rightfully belonged tohim, he felt that he was safe in appropriating the whole, as he imaginedthat Mark and his mother had no clew to its real ownership.

  He had an offer from Crane & Lawton of a hundred thousand for the stock,and this he could obtain at any time. He had not thus far been able toobtain Mrs. Mason's signature to a release, but this he reflected wasonly a matter of form and need not be regarded.

  Mr. Talbot lived in a flat, but desired to own a house. With the capitalat his command when the mining stock was disposed of, he felt sure thathe could realize a large income in Wall Street by dealings in the stockmarket. Somehow he seemed to think that the great rise in Golden Hopestock reflected credit on his sagacity.

  He went to the office of a prominent real estate broker and examined hislist of houses for sale. One especially pleased him--a house on WestForty-Seventh street in excellent condition, which he could buy forforty-five thousand dollars.

  "You can pay twenty thousand dollars down," said the broker, "and thebalance can stand on mortgage at five per cent."

  "I shall probably pay cash down for the whole," responded Mr. Talbot,with the air of a capitalist.

  "Very well Mr. Talbot," said the broker respectfully, "that will ofcourse be satisfactory. So would the other arrangement."

  "I will decide in a day or two and let you know," added Talbot.

  When he went home he could not help boasting a little of his proposedpurchased.

  "Mary," he said, "what should you say if I bought a house?"

  "In Brooklyn?"

  "No I must live here in New York. My business will be here."

  "I thought New York property came high, Mr. Talbot."

  "So it does but I propose to go high."

  "I suppose you will have to pay as much as twenty thousand dollars for adesirable house."

  "Twenty thousand dollars! what are you thinking of?"

  "Why, our house in Syracuse was sold for ten thousand dollars, and Ithought you might have to pay twice as much here."

  "I should say so, Mrs. Talbot. I am in treaty for a house costingforty-five thousand dollars."

  Mrs. Talbot was astonished.

  "I had no idea you could afford to pay so much for a house, Solon," shesaid.

  "My dear, I am afraid you underrate my business abilities. I haven'tsaid anything to you about my business success, but I have been makingmoney lately. Yes, I feel that I can afford to pay forty-five thousanddollars for a house."

  "Where is the house situated?"

  "In West Forty-Seventh Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. That's afine block--a good many fashionable people live there."

  "I don't know whether I shall feel at home among them."

  "I mean, Mrs. Talbot, that you shall take a high place in New Yorksociety. As _my_ wife you will be entitled to such."

  "I am not ambitious in that way. I should rather be able to see Ellenoften than to receive fashionable people."

  "Ahem, Mrs. T. You must remember that Ellen lives in a very poor way,and it would do you harm to have it known that she is your sister."

  "You would not have me repudiate my own sister?" said Mrs. Talbot, halfindignantly.

  "Well, no, not exactly repudiate her, but you can receive her early inthe morning when no one is likely to be here. You must remember alsothat Mark, her son, has been, and perhaps still is, a common telegraphboy, whom we couldn't have coming freely to the house and claimingrelationship with Edgar."

  "I think Mark is a pretty good fellow," said Edgar unexpectedly.

  It was only the previous evening that Mark had got him out of trouble.

  "This is a little surprising in you, Edgar," said Solon Talbot, archinghis brow. "I thought you looked down upon him."

  "I did, but I have changed my opinion of him."

  "He is a poor working boy."

  "He may be a working boy but he has more money than I. He always seemsto have plenty of it."

  "Probably somebody has paid him some money, and he carries it allaround with him. Have you seen him since he returned from his journey?"

  "Yes, father."

  "Has he gone back to the telegraph office?"

  "No, he says he shan't go back."

  "Has he any position?"

  "No he is not working just now."

  "He is a foolish boy. He will spend the little money he has, and then,when he wants to go back to the telegraph office, they won't receivehim."

  "I am glad you are on better terms with Mark, Edgar," said Mrs. Talbotregarding her son with unusual favor.

  "Don't be influenced too much by what your mother says, Edgar," said hisfather, "social distinctions must be observed."

  For once Edgar was not influenced by what his father said. He was notwholly bad, and Mark's friendly service in rescuing him from theclutches of Hamilton Schuyler had quite changed his feelings towards hiscousin. Then the timely loan of five dollars had also its effect.

  This was the day for the meeting of the two sisters at Arnold &Constable's. Mrs. Talbot informed her sister of her husband's plan.

  "I think Mr. Talbot must be getting along very well," she said. "Hetold me this morning that he is negotiating for a fine brown stone houseon West Forty-Seventh Street. He is to pay forty-five thousand dollarsfor it."

  "That is a large sum."

  "Yes; I had no idea when we lived in Syracuse that Solon was so rich. Hesays that I underrated his business abilities."

  "Do you know if he has met with any recent business success?"

  "No; he never tells me particulars."

  Mrs. Mason thought she could guess where the forty-five thousand dollarswere coming from, and on her return she told Mark what she had heard.

  "He must be going to sell the stock," said Mark.

  "Can we stop him?"

  "No, as executor he would have the right to do this, but we must arrangeto share the proceeds. I will see our lawyer, and ask him what is bestto be done."

  At this moment there was a knock at the door. Mark opened it, and therestood Tom Trotter in his new uniform. "I've got a message for you,Mark," he said.

  "Who is it from?"

  "From Mr. Rockwell."

  "Let me see it."

  The message was brief.

  * * * * *

  "Come round to my office, I want to see you.


  * * * * *

  "How did you happen to bring this message, Tom?"

  "I know Mr. Rockwell. I've often blacked his boots. I guess he's seen ustogether, for when he saw me this morning he asked if I could tell himyour address which he had lost."

  "I'll go right around there," said Mark.

  "Perhaps he's going to take you into partnership, Mark."

  "If he does, Tom, I'll find a good place in the office for you."

  When Mark entered the banker's office he was at once introduced into Mr.Rockwell's presence.

  "You sent for me, sir."

  "Yes. I am thinking of purchasing a block of mining stock, and as youhave recently been to the Pacific coast I thought you might have heardsomething about it."

  "What's the name of the mine, sir?"

  "The Golden Hope Mine."

  Mark's eyes lighted up.

  "Yes, sir," he answered; "I can tell you a good deal about it. From whomdo you expect to purchase?"

  "From Crane & Lawton. It is a block of four hundred shares, at twohundred and sixty a share."

  "Held by Solon Talbot."

  "How do you know?"

  "Because he is my uncle, and half of the shares belong to my mother."


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