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Deception (Ultimate Betrayal Book 1)

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by Eden Rose

  While walking out, some tool comes and introduces himself. This guy looks like a waif. A gust of wind could knock him down and he thinks he is cool. Um, no! That handshake he gave me was weak, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at Keeley.

  Jerry drops my hand like it was fucking poisonous and walks over to my hot lawyer. He places his hand on the back of her neck and I can tell he is staking a claim. "Where are you going?" The words aren't asked nicely and I can see panic floating through both of the women lawyers.

  "Uh, lunch. Wyatt is taking us," her little voice is so dainty and insecure.

  The dumb ass looks at me and then back at the girl. "Remember, you're on a diet. Only eat a salad and drink a water."

  My fists bunch up and I want to punch this jack ass.

  Olivia steps in as soon as Jerry leaves. I'm grateful for her breaking the tension. I'm grateful for her making her presence known. "We should go."

  I'm seriously dumbfounded. What kind of asshole says that to a woman in front of her client? Are they together or something? I doubt he's a doctor and not sanctioned to make those kinds of suggestions, but I am positive he's blind. There is nothing wrong with this woman. Curves, hips, ass and tits. All perfect size. And all of her looks one hundred percent edible to me.

  "Is everything okay?" I ask as we exit the building and walk down the street to the bistro I found on the way in. For some reason, I want to grab this woman and shield her. My protective instincts are roaming off the charts.

  Keeley just nods and walks up to the hostess. "Hi, table for three."

  We get seated in the corner of the bistro in a booth. The girls sit on one side and I sit on the other. Olivia looks at her friend and says: "Didn't you have to go to the bathroom?"

  I know why she said it. Keeley looks like she is about to cry. "Excuse me, I will be back soon." I watch her walk away and stare at her ass. The dress she's wearing is broadcasting everything good about her backside.


  "Excuse me?" Did she just tell me no? Why?

  Olivia looks behind her and then back at me. "Don't stare at her, she's married."

  Wait a goddamn minute here. "That asshole is her husband?" I can't help the venom in my words as they fly out. I checked her left hand and her fourth finger was bare every time. What kind of dick doesn't even buy his wife a ring? If she were mine...

  Shit. I probably shouldn't be thinking of this. If she's married then there isn't anything I could do about it... no matter how much I wanted to.

  If she were mine, I would get her a beautiful ring. I think she would look good with a pink diamond on her finger. Princess cut. I'm thinking three or four carats.

  She nods and then looks behind her again. "They are married. You're treading on a very difficult scene here. Are you sure you want to do this?" Olivia shakes her long hair out and fixes me with a stare.

  "I honestly don't understand what you're saying." I really don't.

  "You have the I want to protect you, little lady look on your face. This is something you don't want to include yourself in."

  Before I can interject, Keeley's back and we get down to business.

  Her hair is down now and she looks like she’s feeling better. I watch as she tries to look away from me and act as if she doesn’t want me as much as I want her. She does, I know she does. And I want her. I want her really bad.

  I probably have taken away about three things from the contract discussion. One year. My salary. And how much I want my lawyer. Did she have to look so innocent? Even though she looked so tough, I wanted to hold onto her and take it away. Whatever is putting that sad look in her eyes... I could take it away.

  What the hell is wrong with me? I am lusting over a married woman.

  By the time I get home, the playground makers are in the driveway. Three guys with beards guarding their faces and cigarettes hanging out of their mouths, are waiting for me. That is one thing that bothers me the most about these construction workers. Do they not realize that they look like complete shit?

  "Hey, guys," I yell as I climb out of my car and walk over to them. The truck is huge and already open. I notice they have moving equipment out.

  One of them, he looks about fifty and a beer gut, steps forwards and holds his hand out. I take it and he introduces all three of them. "I'm Brandon and these are my sons, Jack and Jake. You ordered a playground?"

  "Yeah, I'm Wyatt and I asked for a playground that is suitable for a toddler but has the ability to grow with him. Is this the right equipment?"

  Jack holds out the designs with the specifics and I take the clipboard. "Oh, shit! You're that new player!"

  Great, my anonymity is gone. "Yeah, we're not going to have a problem, right?" I don’t want them to start telling everyone they met me and then driving past my house. Being in the public eye is hard enough sometimes.

  Brandon steps closer to me and hits Jack up the side of his head. "Of course, we aren’t. He's just a big fan of the team. Want to show us where you want it?"

  I lead them in the back and close the slider behind me as I go searching for a snack. The food in the restaurant was like a snack but of course I couldn't pig out in front of those girls.

  I hear the pitter patter of Luke and crouch down before he can sneak up on me. Wood floors are excellent at preventing surprise attacks. "Gotcha!" I yell and he screams out.

  "Unca Wywy!" He wiggles and then holds out his hand. I notice a band aide is on his finger. "I got owie. Mimmy said I need to careful. I say no!"

  I kiss his finger and he lets out a wail. "I'm sorry, buddy."

  For the rest of the afternoon, Luke and I spend the time watching the builders who are laying everything out. I'm happy that I didn't have a landscaper come out yet. The truck has been pulled into the back to make it easier to carry everything out and would have destroyed all landscaping.

  My nephew is a wild man who keeps trying to go outside. "I help! I help!"

  "No, bud!"

  As I laid in bed that night, Keeley was on my mind. I couldn't get over how haunted her eyes looked. A woman that beautiful shouldn't have to put up with being treated so poorly. If she were mine, a smile would never leave her face.

  She looked up at me as she rested back on the pads of her feet. Those eyes glowed in the soft light from my bedside table as she watched me get undressed. I scanned her body and settled on watching her nipples tighten as she watched me take my pants off. I loved hearing that gasp as she got a look at my dick which is long and diamond hard.

  "Last chance, baby. You better make sure," I whispered as I got down on my knees in front of her. Her eyes widened as I reached my hands out and trailed my fingers down her torso.

  Her breathing picked up as she thrust her full breasts into my hands. "I'm sure, touch me, Wyatt. Make me feel good."

  I placed my hands in her hair and tangled the strands around my fingers as I angled her mouth to meet mine. The minute my lips touched hers, my self-control vacated my body. With my hands controlling her, I pushed her down on the bed and she kicked her feet out. My knees pushed her knees open and I angled my rock-solid dick to meet her heat. "I plan to make you feel good for a long time. Don't worry."

  "Oh... Mmmhmmm!" I heard her moan. "Touch... me..." she groaned against my lips.

  Slowly, I dragged my hand over her chemise tank and gripped her hip. My fingers wrapped around her whole hip and I lightly rubbed myself against her satin covered pussy. I knew she was drenched because she leaked from her own panties and it coated my cock. She fought against my hand that was still wrapped around her hair and groaned loudly when I tightened my hold.

  My lips trailed down past her chin and I licked my way down to her clavicle. I sunk my teeth into the bone and she threw her hips up and rubbed herself against me more. "Angel, I'm not just going to touch you. I'm going to give us what we both want," I whispered against her clavicle. I licked down to her breasts and took a nipple in my mouth. "I'm going to make love to you until you can't remember yo
ur name."

  Her nipples tasted like vanilla and I couldn't get enough of it. Gently, I unsheathed my teeth and sunk them into her nipple making her moan even louder. I slid my hand holding her hip and brushed my hand down to her intimate lips. Taking my time, I pushed a few of my fingers through her lips under her panties and played around. Kissing across her chest, I pulled her other full nipple into my mouth as I sunk a finger in her.

  This woman couldn't be more perfect if she tried. I had to watch her as she shook against my hand and rubbed her mound into my palm. She let out a whimper as I popped her nipple out of my mouth, but she began screaming as I felt her tighten around my finger.

  "That's it, come for me. Show me how much you want my cock." I thrust my finger into her faster as she shook and trembled. I loved watching her come unglued.

  Her body trembled and she screamed out: "Yes! Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!"

  Pulling my finger out of her, I felt something heavy in my heart. I don't want her to leave my bed; she looks so beautiful in it. I loved looking at her spent from the orgasm that I gave her.

  I watch her as she controlled her breathing and she opened her eyes to look at me. This woman has a way of looking through me completely and it scares me to death.

  "I love you, angel. Please tell me you aren't going to go home to him. Stay and let me make love to you..."

  My eyes closed as I braced myself for rejection. I knew that I didn't deserve happiness not after what I did before. She is going to shut me down and tell me that it meant nothing. My heart couldn't take the silence as I waited.

  Suddenly, my body was met with cold as the heat disappeared underneath me. I opened my eyes to look at her, but she wasn't there anymore. "Keeley?" I called out.

  The door opened and she walked through it again but dressed. "I can't. I'm married. This was a mistake."

  I watched her retreating body as she left and I screamed: "No, please... don't leave! Stay!"

  I wake up in a cold sweat with my hand wrapped around my softening dick. What the hell?

  As I laid in bed, I couldn’t help but think about how things should have been different for me. I ran that night the cops came to the corner. If I wouldn’t have run, then I never would have gotten to play ball. And if I didn’t get to play ball, then I never would have met Keeley. So, in the end, there must be some sort of fate involved or something.

  There are too many things that are drawing me to her and her friend, who just wants to help, was getting on my nerves. She obviously doesn’t understand the reach that I have when it comes to people. I do have some reach and I’m not willing to let this go.

  Chapter 5


  Well, I am officially the worst wife ever.

  I'm laying next to my husband, but my mind keeps thinking of my gorgeous new client. The way he watched me at the restaurant has sped my heart up to the point where I felt like I could pass out.

  I've been laying here for about three hours and sleep has been avoiding me. I knew sleep wouldn't come easily but I never thought it would take this long. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw his. Wyatt’s. Not Jerry’s. My client’s.

  Am I honestly thinking about this? Yes, I am and I feel incredibly guilty because of it. When did I become this woman again? The woman who craves sex and intimacy? My body feels lonely and so does my mind. When Jerry and I do have sex, its clinical and sterile. He doesn't make me feel wanted. I have always been hyper sexual where I feel as if my needs are never met and I begin to concoct little fantasies in my head.

  Ashamed, I get out of my marital bed and walk down to my office on the other side of the house. We have different home offices and have made it abundantly clear that our offices are private. My office is my sanctuary and is set up to be completely what I want.

  I sit in my office chair and pull out my tablet to look for a porn video. My goal is to find a video where the man looks like my sexy new client. I pull up the website that I like and dig through my bottom drawer while it loads. As soon as my hands landed on my favorite vibrator, I laughed at the situation. My toy is black and big which only makes me wetter while thinking about what he would be doing to me. I bet he is a very good lover.

  To get in the spirit of things, I decide to name my toy Wyatt.

  With enthusiasm, I push my panties to the side and slide Wyatt in. I'm so aroused that he just glides on through. I search the website and find a video that will work for me. As it loads, I push Wyatt all the way in and then sit on top of it in order to get it to hit my G spot and stimulate my back entrance. My eyes roll to the back of my head as the vibrations begin and by the time it starts to play, my legs are shaking.

  The main guy in the video looks big and tall. Perfect. The woman in it is white and has similar features to mine. Another perfect. The first scene starts with him eating her out and my eyes roll to the back of my head. I place my index finger and thumb onto my right nipple and then slide the other hand down to my clit to enhance my pleasure. I bit out a moan and peeled my eyes open as I watched the visual Wyatt stick two fingers into her front and then his pinky into her back entrance.

  My mouth opened and my breathing became pants as I followed what they are doing. I pretended my thumb was the actual Wyatt's tongue. The woman in the video screamed louder as she reached up to yank her own short brown hair. Naturally, I would have followed but my hands are preoccupied.

  I switched hands and my left hand is slick from my arousal. Another moan took place as my fingers spread my wetness all over my nipple. My focus is on the moans and the groans of the video as I stroked my clit with purpose.

  Pressure built in coils in my stomach that shot straight through to my pussy. This caused my lower muscles to contract. I pinched my left nipple hard and bit down on my lip to suppress my moan. The buildup is attacking me and my hips press up and down on Wyatt while I climax in a tidal wave.

  In order to keep coming, I keep doing what I'm doing until I'm spent. When the last push rushes through me, I lean back in my chair and try to catch my breath. There is a thin level of sweat that has coated my body. As my breathing grew back to normal, I switched off the still buzzing Wyatt and begin to clean it with cleaner that I keep in my toy chest.

  With my panties now righted, I turn off my video and normalize my breathing.

  I hear my office door crack open and then a light flickers through. "Key, what are you doing?" Jerry pops his head in and he looks sleepy.

  Shit. How do I say I desperately want to bang my new client and I just pleasured myself while thinking of him, without hurting him?

  I need my girlfriends.

  I wave at him and pretend that he didn’t almost catch me touching myself. “Well, I was having problems sleeping. You know that stuff the doctor gave me… makes me feel a little crazy.”

  Jerry looks a little conflicted almost as if he’s trying to see if I’m telling the truth. It’s a partial truth, though. “When was the last time you got some sleep?”

  Liking his concern, I play into it. I can tell that my medicine is beginning to wear off and it makes me feel vulnerable and wild all at the same time. I purse my lips and look off to the side. “You mean, actual sleep?”

  When we got together, I told him that I have problems sleeping so this isn’t something uncommon. However, he used to fuck me into sleep, which was amazing. I miss that. After we had sex, I would be able to fall asleep and sleep through the night. Since we don’t do that anymore… Well, you know what I mean.

  I bet Wyatt would be great. And the actual Wyatt.

  “Yes, I’m worried about you. You have seemed distant.”

  I shrug and get off my chair and walk over to him. I kiss him on his lips and walk past him. “Are you coming to bed soon?” I ask him.

  He smirks and then walks towards his office. “I have to work on some stuff. I will be in bed soon.”

  I watch his retreating back go to his office and then shut the door. I can hear him close the door and then spin the dial on the saf
e. Yes, I know all about the safe in his office. From my understanding, it holds all of the spare cash that he has around here. I have never actually been through it, but I have always considered his office to be private.

  Doesn’t mean I’m not curious, though.


  Olivia must know something because she went to the gym with me. We each took some treadmills and started our program. I knew it was only a matter of time before she started in on the interrogation, but I know it's coming.

  "So!" Olivia states and faces me as she busts into a fast clip.

  See? Told you. "Yeah?" Hey, I'm going to make her work for the information that she is fishing for. This chick lives off of gossip and according to her, my life is very boring. Basically, that is her way of telling me she can't gossip about me too much.

  I watched as she took a swig of water and pats her hand on the machine for emphasis. "That new client is really good looking..."

  Totally fishing. "He is, yes." It's time for her to go to work on getting this juicy tid bit out of me.

  "I can tell you thought he was attractive..."

  "And..." I encouraged her as I broke into a jog. Running isn't something I enjoy but I will do it if I need to. I feel like a dog running around in the summer heat while doing it. You know, sweaty, tongue hanging out and walking all crazy? That's me while running, except I think that the dog looks better than me.

  "I think he thinks you are good looking too..." Olivia stretches out her words to make them seem longer which is primarily for dramatic purposes.

  I nod and concentrate on my run. Wyatt... is so attractive and all last night he was on my mind. "Yeah right. You need new glasses."

  She slaps her hand on her machine and growls at me. The people next to her turned and stared at her probably to make sure she is okay. "Damn it, Key!"

  "What?" I snap back and slam my hand down too for the theatrics.

  Suddenly her machine stops and she reaches over to stop mine too. I stared at her as my body lurched forward due to the stopping of the machine. "That bastard of a husband has you convinced that you are ugly but that is dumb, and you know it! Keeley, you are fucking beautiful and I would kill for a body like yours! Of course, that player would be attracted to you because you are gorgeous."


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