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Deception (Ultimate Betrayal Book 1)

Page 10

by Eden Rose

  I’m melting into him, and when the elevator doors slide open, he walks with me still attached to him. My back is to the aisle but I know he wouldn’t allow anything to hurt me. He’s such a protector that way. I saw it with the way that he protects Luke and his sister. Even the way that he protects me.

  As if I’m precious to him.

  He opens the door with my back still to the door and he pushes me through it. I don’t even get a chance to look around before he drops the bombshell on me.

  “Ruth tried to kill herself today.”

  Chapter 25


  Saying it out loud isn’t any easier than admitting it to myself what I just walked in on. I retell the story to Keeley and I’m not even looking at her but I’m still holding her close.

  After I’m done, I pull her body away from me so I can look at her. Her eyes are unseeing and unfocused as they look on past me. “Keeley? Cupcake?”

  I shake her shoulders a few times in hopes that she will wake up from whatever she’s looking at and she doesn’t. “Cupcake? Come back to me!” I yell and she still doesn’t hear me nor does she say anything.

  I hold her closer but whatever is haunting her has got her locked up in memories. Suddenly, instead of needing her to comfort me, I needed to comfort her. Something about it is soothing me and I needed to draw it from her.

  Keeley shakes her head and her eyes clear. “I’m sorry. What happened?”

  What happened with Ruth is secondary compared to what is happening with Keeley. I need to make sure that whatever ghost has haunted her is dead. I never want to see that look on her angelic face again. “No, tell me where you went. Baby, I need to know what that was about.”

  Again, she shakes her head and then fixes me with her stare that shows me she’s meaning business. “No, you tell me what happened with Ruth.”

  I give her the rinsed version of what happened and she’s with me the whole time. I’m liking the fact that she’s with me this time because I needed her to pay attention to what I was saying. I have spent so much time in selfish relationships with friends and family and it felt good to share this with Keeley.

  After I’m finished, she has tears in her eyes and she’s the one holding me close to her. I place my face in her neck and breathe her in. I’m trying to ingrain her into me so I can always have her. She’s become so important to me… I’m scared out of my fucking mind.

  “Now, tell me what just happened with you.”

  She shakes her head but I hold her tightly so she can’t slip away. “I’m not going to ask you again.”

  “Do you remember when you asked if I had any siblings?”

  I rack my brain trying to think of all of the conversations that I have had with her until I remember the dinner where Jerry had walked out on us. “Yeah, I do.” I’m trying to keep my mind from assuming the worst. It’s hard not to jump to conclusions when it comes to something like this. Obviously, it has something to do with what Ruth tried to do.

  “Oh god,” she murmurs and places her face in her hands.

  “Whatever it is, tell me. Let me carry your pain. Baby, give it to me and I will make you feel better.”

  She jumps out of my arms and runs to the bathroom. I watch as she slips through the door and then slams it shut. “Seriously, Keeley.” My voice is resembling my mood. I’m running low on patience and I can’t deal with this shit anymore.

  I bang on the door and I continually call her name. I’m going to coax her out. This is getting on my fucking nerves. I’m hanging on by a string already.

  It’s not until I hear her let out a sob that I bust open the door. “What’s going on? I want to know right now!”

  “You want to know that I’m crazy? That I come from crazy people? Is that what you want to know? I will tell you all about the crazy that I come from!” Her eyes are demon red and her face is scrunched up with anger.

  The look of sheer utter horror is enough to make me want to drop to my knees. “What are you talking about, cupcake?” I whisper and pull her delicious hips so they are snug against me. To be honest, I doubt she can get close enough to me.

  “You don’t understand. Seriously. You don’t want this in your head.”

  “Let me have it, baby,” I insist. I’m trying just about anything to get her to see that whatever is haunting her can never dim what I feel for her.

  Keeley takes a deep breath and then says: “I… Oh god. My mother was sick. Really sick. She did some bad things back when I was a child. My sister… Callie was always the one that got singled out. I was actually jealous of that. Every time my mother wanted to brag or have a good time, she would go look for her. Until… It got bad.”

  I could feel her trying to slip away from me, so I held her closer to me and rubbed circles on her hips to soothe her. “Let’s go sit on the couch,” I suggest. When she doesn’t answer or make a noise of not wanting to do that, I lead her that way. I’m still holding her, but I want to be closer to her.

  Once we’re there, I sit down and pull her on top of me so her legs are dangling over my left thigh. To further secure her, I place my left arm over her legs and my right arm around her back. I’m not wanting her to slip away from me. “Go on,” I whispered encouragingly.

  Her eyes close and her lips purse like she’s trying to think about it. “Callie and I didn’t see her for a week. She went manic and didn’t tell us where she was going. Since I was the oldest, I made sure to tell Callie that I was in charge which is something that we fought about a lot as kids. I wanted to be the boss whenever I could.”

  My heart broke for her. She’s obviously harboring something painful. By the way she sounds, I’m wondering if this is the first time that she has said anything about this.

  Chapter 26


  “Callie…” My mother called through the house with a slur. I wonder if she were drinking but I didn’t want to be the one that asked her. She had been gone for a whole week which is the longest she has ever disappeared for.

  My sister (younger than me by fifteen months) tensed up and held my hand tightly. “KiKi, I don’t want to go. Please don’t make me go.”

  I nod my head and held her hand tighter to comfort her. I’m only ten but I feel so much older than everyone in school. I wonder if a lot of it has to do with the fact that I take care of Callie all of the time. I don’t get to spend a lot of time with my friends. Well, the few friends that I do have. Especially after Daddy left us a few months ago. He couldn’t take this anymore and decided that he wanted a better life than the one that he had with us.

  “Stay here,” I murmur to her and shut our bedroom door. I walk out to the living room to see my mother stretched on the couch with a crazed look on her once beautiful face. Normally, she’s a beautiful person, at least that is what all of the guys say when they come over. Which is a lot. Sometimes three men come over at once and they are really loud while they talk.

  “Keeley, what the fuck are you doing out of your room? I thought I asked for Callie. You are just a fucking retard.”

  My lips start to tremble as her insult filters through my head. I know from school that “retard” is a bad word and you aren’t supposed to say it. Even though I know this, there is no way that I’m going to correct her on this.

  Firming my lips, I grit my teeth and then say: “Callie is sleeping already. What did you need help with?” I ask her in the best grown up voice that I can manage.

  My mother’s lips curl into a snarl with her teeth glittering out. “My kids never fucking listen to me!” She yells at me and pulls her too skinny body off of the couch.

  “Callie! Callie!” My mom shouts down the hallway of our small house. I can hear footsteps as they stomp through the house.

  All of this time I have been wondering what my mom does with Callie and now I’m about to find out. I race down the hall just in time for her to shoulder her way through the door. I can hear the wood splintering and busting at the hinges.

ithout even time to think, I jump in front of my mom who is about to place her hands on Callie’s body. I can see that the tears are rolling down my sister’s face as she looks at our mother. I’m disgusted right now and I’m scared. I have never seen her act like this.

  “Get out of my way!” My mom yells and pushes my shoulder. I fly through the room with enough force to hit my head on the side of the dresser.

  Lights flash before my eyes and I feel as if I’m being placed in an alternate universe. In a far away place, I can hear the yelling and water running but it’s faint.

  “Keeley! Help me!” I hear Callie yell.

  I shake my head violently and vomit right away. Something in my head is making me feel woozy inside and I want to puke again. Oh no! Mom’s going to be so pissed that I just puked on the floor.

  “Keeley! Please!”

  I jump to my feet and run into the bathroom but it’s already too late.

  Callie’s body is limp and sunken in the tub. There’s water surrounding the edges of the bathtub and her hands have been swallowed by the water.

  “What happened?” I beg and race past my mother to get to Callie. “No, no. Please no!” I beg as I shake her arms.

  I continually shake her expecting her to wake up at anytime and tell me that she’s kidding like she does a lot. “Callie! Come on, this isn’t funny.” I’m begging and squeezing her shoulders trying to get her to wake up or something. Anything to tell me that she’s kidding.

  “See, that is what happens when little girls are bad and don’t listen to their mommies. We have to purify them. It’s all about purifying. We don’t have to worry about you, though. You have always been the disappointment.”

  “See, I come from crazy…” I whisper and hold my face with my hands. I’m so emotional after telling him that I can’t help but start to cry. I haven’t told this story in so long.

  I look up and see Wyatt’s face. His beautiful face isn’t holding the smile that he normally holds but I can tell that’s he’s being haunted by something as well.

  “Shit, baby. I’m so sorry that you went through that.”

  Every time I told that story, I have gotten this answer. But for the first time, I actually feel as if he’s sorry about it. “I’m sorry about your sister…” I hedge. I know that is the real reason why I am here with him.

  “Can I just hold you for a while?” Wyatt whispers. I nod my head and tuck my head into his neck. He was smelling me earlier, but now it’s my turn to smell him.

  Being this close to him and this raw has made me want to experience something else with him. I want to feel him move inside me. I want to be completely covered with him.

  I pull my head out from his neck and then begin kissing his collarbone. I lightly nibble along the bone and then lick it gently to soothe it.

  “Shit, baby, what are you doing to me?” He asks me and his hand grips my thigh tighter. I slide my thighs apart a little so he can pet me where I want him to pet me.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  I slip off his lap and then get down on my knees in front of him. I push down his waistband of the pants that he was wearing earlier, and slide them down. “I want to suck you into my mouth and have you come down my throat,” I say as sexy as I possibly can.

  The head of his big dick is a dark color and there is no hair surrounding it. I love it when my man cleans up the area a little for me. It makes me feel like I’m able to swallow his dick all the way.

  There’s veins that are sticking up behind his dark skin. I love the v-shape of his abs that leads right down to his dick. It’s almost as if it’s showing me where I want to go.

  I place my lips over the tip of his dick and then flick the tip with the tip of my tongue. I push my mouth all the way down his shaft until I’m choking. I have a feeling that I’m not even to the base of his dick, but I place my hand at his base to work my mouth and hand in tandem.

  My hand and my mouth work to shuttle up and down his shaft in a rhythm that is sexy. My own pussy is vibrating with need and excitement but this is for Wyatt right now.

  I suck on the tip with the suction from my lips and I hum a little to give him a little more go. His fingers sift through my hair and he holds on to my head. “Yeah, cupcake. Suck me so good. Shit, baby.”

  The encouragement gives me the strength to continue and I lick around the tip of his head and place my spare hand around the top of the base. I squeeze a little more aggressive than normal, but as he groans, I feel as if he’s liking it.

  My clit is throbbing behind the lips of my pussy and I want to reach down and flick it, but I decide not to.

  “Shit, fuck. I’m gonna come. You want it in your mouth?” Wyatt groans and I nod my head to tell him yes. As if there is another place that I want his come.

  The first blast scares me briefly, but I recover quickly. I swallow as fast as I can and he groans. His fingernails are scraping my scalp but it only turns me on more. Fuck!

  Chapter 27


  Holy mother fucking shit. This woman is a goddess. My thighs are humming from being tense as my orgasm splashed and ripped through me. I squeeze my eyes shut and yell out her name.

  Even after my orgasm has passed, she’s still sucking my dick and the head is super sensitive. “Stop, baby. Fuck. Stop!” I beg and when she releases my dick, I see her lips are puckered and perfect. “Holy fuck. Cupcake, you are a goddess. Where have you been my whole life?”

  She blushes and then opens her mouth to show me that she still has a mouth full of my come. Keeley winks and then swallows loudly. “You taste delicious.”

  Keeley stands up and starts to undo her pants but I know that it’s not a good idea. We still have so much to work through. It’s not a good idea to rush whatever this is and I don’t want to ruin things. “I want to, that hasn’t changed. You sucked my balls into my sac.”

  She giggles and then straddles me. I feel the heat from her pussy on top of my dick and she does a hip swivel. I groan loudly and I feel my dick getting harder. Fuck. Why does she do this to me?

  I slide her off of my lap and she gets to her feet with a pout. It’s fucking cute how she’s pouting right now. “Why don’t you want to have sex?” She asks me with hurt lacing her words.

  Quickly, I slide off the couch and place my hands on her hips as I stand up to my full height. As a basketball player, I’m tall, so it’s funny to see how short she really is. My fingers dip into the grooves of her body and she sighs a little bit as she leans in to my touch without realizing she’s doing it.

  “Never doubt my attraction or feelings for you. I shit you not, Keeley, you have become to mean so much more than I have ever felt for anyone. You could be my undoing…”

  Keeley rubs her fingers over my hands holding her hips and then she kisses me. “I know it’s crazy, but I feel the same way for you.”

  Neither of us put a title to what we are feeling and I know that I don’t want to. If I put the “l” word in there, I’m worried that she’s going to freak out and leave me. Plus, we have the major issue of Jerry. Keeley is married and I’m fucking in love with her. Head over heels, his and her towels- in love.

  Chapter 28


  I felt a set of arms circle my waist and a wall of heated flesh flush against my back as I faxed Wyatt's contract over to his agent. Hands brushed down my stomach and gripped my hips as hot breath rained down my neck. "You know it will be so good, don't you?" His voice is so confident and I am having more and more problems resisting him.

  My ass pushed back against him on its own accord before I could stop it. "Wyatt..." I whimpered and my mind ran off into a forbidden desk fantasy. This is so bad. I love it but it's so bad. There isn't enough time in the day for my fingers to go to town in my panties to relieve myself from this ache. "We can't..." I breathed and pushed my ass further into him like the wanton hussy that I have become.

  Wyatt gripped my hips harder and thrust himself into my back in slow and stead
y thrusts. "What's stopping you, angel love?" The arrogant tone of voice was enough to push me over the edge.

  What he’s offering sounds amazingly delicious. But there’s an underlying reason why neither of us can really do anything. Just yesterday, he shut me down for sex because he was wanting to me to be fully his. Today, he’s sniffing around me like I’m a bitch in heat.

  Which I am, by the way. I’m so fucking horny that my clit is constantly on high alert. I’m beginning to think that if I rub my thighs together just right, I will come.

  Isn't it obvious what is stopping me? I am craving a man that is not my husband. Reduced to begging, I pleaded: "Pleeeeeaaaassssseeee." This is so wrong but it feels so fucking good.

  He ran sweet and succulent kisses against my neck with his tongue following. "Just tell me you want it, and it will be yours. I will make you feel so good, baby. Just say it."

  My breath became stagnant and I became light headed from the effort of providing oxygen to my brain and organs. I loved my husband, didn’t I? This man is tempting me and testing me. But...

  Wait! I need to stop this. "No." My words were saying no but my body was begging for it. Especially not here.

  Wyatt kissed my neck and spun me around gently. As our faces became into view on both sides, he ducked his head closer to mine and his lips were a whisper's length away. "Say the words, baby, say them and feel what I can give to you. What only I can give you." His fingers slipped into the waistband of my skirt and he gave a slight tug at it. "I bet if I were to slip my fingers in that your pussy would be soaked for me." That wicked and wet tongue trailed down the column of my neck and then he brought his lips to the sensitive spot behind my ear. "Do you crave it?" Each word was its own sentence and my mind became foggy with lust.

  Hell. To. The. Yeah. I. Crave. Him. Badly!

  With my eyes closed, I shoved my perilous body to the point where air couldn't come between us. I licked my lips and slowly threw my head back as he ground his erection into my stomach. Wyatt's breath sprinted across my lips.


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