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Deception (Ultimate Betrayal Book 1)

Page 17

by Eden Rose

  The skin that is surrounding him is completely bare and free of hair and I love it. I hate hair that covers a man because then it gets in my mouth. All though, I can’t help but wonder if the hair down here would be as coarse as the hair on the top of his head.

  I let the saliva pool on the tip of my tongue before I lave him with it. My tongue peeks out and wraps around his head and I suck him into my mouth. He shivers, his fingers tighten in my hair as encouragement. I can’t help but bring out all of the nasty stuff that I have watched in porn.

  Plus, I remember the last time that I was on my knees for this man and it was amazing. He’s such a dirty talker. Fuck. I missed him.

  My hand comes off of his thighs and I massage his balls with it. The skin is taut and soft as I do it. His groaning gets louder as I continue with my administrations. I feel emboldened as I bring him to his orgasm and I take my other hand and wrap it around his shaft.

  Since there is absolutely no way that I can fit his whole length into my mouth, I take as much as I can into the back of my throat. I worried that his hard dick would go to waste, but he didn’t seem to have any problems with it.

  “That’s right, cupcake. Take me in your throat. Let me feel that sexy little mouth work me.”

  Doing just what he asked, I prep my throat to take him as deep as I can, he shakes a little. I pop my lips at the crown and then lick around his head while I try and massage my throat muscles to do what he asked.

  “I’m going to come, baby. Are you going to take it in your mouth or do you want it in your snug body?”

  “Mouth, put it in my mouth for me.” I begin to pump him with my lips and my hand in a shuttle motion to get him closer to the edge that he needs to be on in order to come.

  Wyatt shouts out a little and then twitches from his orgasm as it floods my throat. I drink him down greedily and then I wink up at him. “Totally worth all of that time… All of that time, I have waited for you and I’ll wait more. Don’t make me have to, though.”

  “Keeley? Are you home?”

  “Mother fucking shit!” Wyatt hollers and pushes me off of him and pulls his pants up. Which only denied him of sleeping with me again.

  My office is on the first floor so he’s able to sneak out the window and before I can tell him that I want him to stay or tell him what my life has been like with out him, he has jumped out the window.

  And now I’m sitting here feeling like a fucking whore.

  Chapter 5


  As I race to my car that is down the street, I realize what I had just done. I had gone over to Keeley’s to tell her everything. To tell her that I want to be with her and that she means something to me but all I did was shove my dick down her throat. I turned her into a whore instead of what I wanted her to be.

  I want her to be with me.

  Feeling her in my arms and feeling her mouth on my dick only proved it. Of course, her blow job skills are Grade A, but she’s great all around.

  By the time I reach my car, the reality of what I had done begins to fall more and more on my shoulders. God damn, I’m an asshole. I slip into my car and bang my hands on the steering wheel a few times in order to get my frustrations under control. Between my heart racing and my blue balls, it’s going to be a long day.

  I fight the urge to drive over to her house and show her all of the documentations that I have collected on that husband of hers. I’m sure she would like to read about all of the shady things that he has done while they have been together. But, I don’t want to see that hurt in her eyes.

  About twenty minutes later, I’m pulling into my driveway when my phone chirps. That stupid flutter of hope floods through me as I hope it’s Keeley. I’m hoping that she’s texting me to tell me to come back and get her. That she’s ready to be together.


  KEELEY: that was not cool. you can’t come here anymore

  KEELEY: do you have any idea what would have happened if- jesus!

  My heart stutters a little bit and I can’t help but feel as if she just punched me in the face. How dare she just blame this all on me? I wasn’t the only one in that office and she was eager. She was more than eager. That’s ridiculous. Fucking ridiculous.

  ME: fine. no problem

  KEELEY: it’s just… god! everything is so messed up.

  ME: it doesn’t have to be

  I slide out of my car and walk up towards my front door where I hear Luke screaming. Quietly, I say a prayer to whomever is in the sky to make me have enough patience to handle whatever is going on in my house. I don’t need to lose it on my nephew.

  My heart is beating so fast and I can’t help but think about how she’s at home with him. With her husband and not me. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  KEELEY: yeah. one big happy family. you me and my husband

  ME: you are making excuses

  I open my door and drop to my knees when I see Luke running over to me. I’m so excited to see him and I realize exactly what I need. Being with him and playing on his level is the best thing I can do right now.

  Why does she have to do this to me? I swear, this woman could make or break me and all she’s doing is siding with Jerry. I need to talk to her and find out what’s going on with her. Why she’s not practicing law and why she’s lost so much weight.

  What is with that?

  “Unca Wywy, my daddy was here!” Luke screams at me and my heart begins to beat faster.

  I stoop down to his level and grab him up by his waist. “What are you talking about, little buddy?”

  “My daddy was here. He play with me!”

  Knowing that a two-year-old is not going to answer my questions, I stroll through my house to see Ruth. When I catch up to her, she’s sitting in the kitchen with a stack of money in front of her with tears rolling down her face.

  “Go play,” I tell Luke and then set him down on his little legs. I take a seat across from my sister and check out the money in front of her. There has to be over twenty thousand dollars sitting in that stack. “Where did that come from?”

  If she’s stealing from me, I’m going to fucking kill her. There is no reason why she should be stealing from me. I give her everything that she needs and she doesn’t need anything else.

  “Jerry came here and threw cash at me. He told me that I was never to contact him. He gave me this money to keep me quiet.”

  I pat her hand and then squeeze. “Did you call him or something?” There had to be a reason why he was at my house talking to my sister. Doesn’t he realize that he’s caused enough problems?

  Ruth shakes her head and then looks down at the money. “He said that our family is trash and he asked how much I wanted to keep quiet. I guess, he’s worried that his wife… she will find out.”

  I can’t help but smirk. He’s threatened by me and he’s trying to get to me through my sister. That’s fucking funny. “Right. Well, it’s too late for that. Did he sign any paperwork giving up rights or anything?”

  The last thing that we need is for him to jump in with some lawyer to gain full custody of Luke and then I will never see him. My nephew is very important to me and I couldn’t live with myself if he was taken from me.

  “Jerry also said to tell you to stay away from Keeley.”

  “Not going to happen,” I blurt out and slam my hand on the table. “I’m not leaving her alone and he can suck my dick. Keeley is mine and he can piss up a rope.”

  Chapter 6


  The tears that are falling from my eyes won’t stop. No matter how many times I have told myself to nut up and stop crying, it doesn’t help. They keep falling unchecked and I can’t stop them. I don’t know if I’m losing it finally or if I realized something.

  Wyatt… Wyatt and I have something deep and I need to stay away from him. I can’t keep doing this to myself. It’s only ruining me, I can’t… Shit, I can’t fall back into this role. The role of being the wishy-washy female who can’t make up her mi

  “Key, are you home?” I hear through the door and I straighten my back and push out my chest in order to get over this.

  “Yeah, I’m in my office.” Normally, he wouldn’t come in here, but I have a feeling that he is going to do that today. Just to make sure that I’m not doing anything I shouldn’t be doing.

  He opens the door and takes a look at my tear stained face and strolls over to me as if he has all the time in the world to be toy with me. “What happened?”

  I take a deep breath and swallow the rest of my tears. I don’t need to be crying over something like this. I did this to myself and no one else made me fall in love with a man that is not my husband.

  “Jer, I’m bored. I have to get back to work.”

  Jerry scratches his narrow chin and then squints his eyes. “I guess it is time for you to get back to work. I checked your ovulation chart, and you should be ovulating this week.”

  Isn’t he romantic?

  “Yeah, maybe I am. I know you are keeping meticulous records regarding that. We will have to figure it out.”

  “Well, you can go back to work, but I want you to take care of yourself. I know that you are stressing out at home over nothing. I don’t get why, though. It’s pretty easy being home.”

  I roll my eyes and then swallow the lump in my throat. It’s moments like this that I miss Wyatt even more. I know that he would support me.

  Since being home, I have gone through all of my financial records including his. I have combed through the taxes and found out that he hasn’t been paying his side of the taxes but he has been paying mine.

  If/when I leave him, it’s going to get messy and I need to make sure that I will get out of this unscathed. There is no telling how nasty two attorneys can be together when divorce is on the table.

  Jerry has to sense that I’m not happy. He has to see that my shopping has gotten out of control and that I’m now on a first name basis with the FedEx man and UPS woman. Hell, they even bring me candy sometimes.

  “Yeah, sure. I’m going to go take a shower.” The urge to put distance between us is overpowering and I need to get my emotions checked.

  Since Wyatt left me, of course I’m horny, but I’m also feeling very used. Did he just use me for a blow job? There is no way that he could be that cruel and that… much of a guy.

  I get out of my seat before he could say anything and walk towards the bathroom. Once inside, I close the door and take a look at my reflection. I feel like a dimmer version of myself and I hate it.

  My eyes have dark circles around them and my skin is sallow. My hair is dingy and stringy around my face because I haven’t been do it as much. I make a mental note to call the spa to get in there and get some work taken care of. I need a haircut and color bad.

  Something fresh.

  Chapter 7


  It has been two weeks since I had her in my hands and I can’t live with it anymore. Is it wrong that I’m willing to go over to her house and take her myself? Probably is.

  Breaking down, I decide to do what I have been trying not to do. I text her like a little bitch. I need to see Keeley and if this is the only way I can do that, then so be it.

  ME: come to the game today. I have to see you.

  KEELEY: what am I supposed to say?

  ME: that you will meet me because I feel like I’m dying

  KEELEY: dont say shit like that. you sound over dramatic

  ME: i need to see you. there is nothing else i can think of than seeing you

  KEELEY: thats not what i mean and you know it

  ME: i will be at the Edward in Dearborn at 8. get yourself a key and then meet me in the room

  KEELEY: i don’t know… god…

  ME: we need to be together and this is the way. give me one night. just one night. i’m not asking for more than that right now. please? please cupcake

  KEELEY: fine. see you at 8

  I smile hugely at practice as I pocket my phone and jog out to the court. Practice is going to be long but tonight is going to be amazing and that is all that matters. I’m so excited to see her.

  “Thorne! Get your fucking head out of the clouds and get your ass into the game!” Coach Stewart yelled at me.

  I shrug it off because honestly, there is nothing that could distract me from my good mood. I will finally get to have Keeley in my arms and I’m not going to let practice get me down.


  I shouldn’t have said that thing about practice getting me down. Fuck practice. Coach Stewart must have been able to tell that I’m thinking about anything but the game because he pulled me aside and laid into me.

  “Thorne! Get low! I want your knees almost touching the ground!”

  I do as he asks, I try to get as low as I can without popping my knees and I guess it’s not good enough for him.

  “This is low!” Coach yells at me and squats down on the court. Of course, he can get lower than I can because he’s 5’8”.

  I don’t say anything and then he yells at me to follow him into his office. I know that it’s pretty bad when you get called into the office and I can’t help but shiver from it.

  The last thing that I want to discuss is basketball. All I can think about is getting to Keeley. This is bad. I can’t ruin my contract especially when I’ve been promised a championship ring.

  “Do you not fucking understand the amount of bull shit that I went through to get you signed? You promised me results, and I want it!”

  I sat in the chair wearing my shorts and a pair of Nike slip ons. “I know, I’m sorry.” Honestly, what more is there to say? I know that I’m caught up in this Keeley mess and there is no way to get myself out of it.

  He shakes his balding head and then tilts his head. “A lawyer contacted me about you.”

  My back bolts up and I sit up straight. “What lawyer?”

  It was buried. There is no way that it could have come out.

  “Something about you doing things that you aren’t supposed to be doing,” he says as he rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t know what’s going on but something about a man looking into some private records that are not his or your business.”

  “So,” I start and try to word what I want to say correctly. “You mean to tell me that I can’t look into something that affects me and the woman that I have fallen in love?”

  Coach Stewart throws his hands up in the air and then sets them on top of his desk again. “Not when that lawyer is threatening to release some information about you that could kick you off the team.”

  No. Jerry couldn’t have found out the information. There is no way in hell he could have. “What are you talking about?”

  “We all know why you left LA so suddenly. However, now I know the real reason. When were you going to tell me that you were in a gang?”

  The last thing I want to admit is that I was in a gang. Especially, not to a clean-cut man that lives in a gated community. How the hell would he understand what it’s like to live in the projects? That’s right, because he wouldn’t.

  My back tenses up and I can’t help but shut my eyes in hopes that this is going to go away. “None of those charges stuck and it was allegedly. There was nothing set in stone about that.”

  My coach shakes his head and then gives me a steely look. “I’m going to tell you this right now, especially because I actually like your punk ass, don’t piss this guy off. He’s going to tell everyone exactly what happened.”

  I scoot off the chair and then stand up to my height. “Don’t worry. Everything will be taken care of. I will see you tomorrow for the game.”

  I don’t give him much time to return my parting response nor do I care. I need to get my hands on Keeley and then tell her how I’m going to kill her husband.

  Chapter 8


  Getting ready for whatever this is, is a lot harder than one would have thought. I have no idea what to bring or even what to say. I have my gym bag packed with some sha
mpoo and conditioner along with a change of clothes and pajamas.

  Do I just go over there naked and expect to jump into bed right away? I wouldn’t think so. I would think that he would at least try and talk to me about what is going on. Maybe apologize for shoving me away like I was a whore.

  I will say one thing, I’m going to restrict the talking about Jerry. I need to spend a night with Wyatt and not have to think about my husband. How do I even do that, though? No matter what, I think about the fact that I’m no better than Jerry with my running around. I have cheated on him as well and there is nothing that I can do to change that.

  The fact that I’m getting ready to do it again, that just proves how twisted I am.

  After getting out of the shower and scrubbing every surface of my body while making sure that I have taken care of any hair, I am now stuffing my gym bag into my car. I waited to see if Jerry is going to be on his way home before I got ready, but it turns out he’s not coming home tonight.

  Something about a work thing.

  We are lawyers, there are only so many “work things” we can have after dinner time. I wonder if he is with another woman. I feel a slight stab of jealousy as I wonder that, but I quickly squash it. I have no right to feel that way.

  ME: i’m going out with the girls tonight. I won’t be back until tomorrow

  JERRY: where are you going?

  ME: not sure, i think we are going to go to Olivia’s cabin

  JERRY: right

  ME: i will see you tomorrow

  JERRY: love you

  I don’t say anything back. I don’t know what to say back to him after he says that. I want to call him a liar because he did this to me and has a child.

  Plus, isn’t it shady as hell to tell him that I love him when I don’t? I love Wyatt.

  I drive the forty-five-minute drive to Dearborn with a pit in my stomach. I’m so nervous that I don’t know what to do with myself as I’m driving. I have changed the radio station at least thirty times.


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