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Boscobel; or, the royal oak: A tale of the year 1651

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by William Harrison Ainsworth



  Meanwhile, an almost indescribable scene of bustle and confusion wastaking place within the city.

  The pealing of bells, which, as we know, commenced at the earliest hourof morning, continued almost without intermission. Great fires werelighted on the Castle Hill, in the cathedral close, on the quays, andat Pitchcroft, at which huge joints of meat were roasted--barons ofbeef, entire muttons, barbecued hogs. All loyal citizens were enjoinedby the mayor to provide the best food they could, and in the greatestquantity, for the king's army. It would be a lasting disgrace to them,it was said, if any of their brave deliverers should be stinted.

  While part of each household was busily dressing food, the others wereengaged in decorating the habitations. The balconies were hung withtapestry, gaily-coloured cloths and carpets, and the crosses wereadorned with flowers. The royal standard floated over the Sidbury-gate,as well as on the summit of Fort Royal, and flags were flying from allthe steeples.

  Such extraordinary zeal and activity were displayed, that, long beforethe appointed hour, all the preparations were completed, and the goodfolks began to be impatient for the coming of their sovereign.

  The entire host was now gathered on the hill-side, and presented amagnificent spectacle, as viewed from the city walls, which weredensely thronged. The Sidbury-gate was thrown wide open, a guard ofhalberdiers being drawn up on either side of the entrance; while themayor, the sheriff, and the aldermen, in their full robes of office,were stationed beneath the archway.

  At length the sound of martial music was heard, and a squadron ofglittering cuirassiers was seen riding down the hill. Then cameCharles, attended by his staff, and followed by Colonel Pitscottie'sregiment of Highlanders. The strange, picturesque garb, and unusualweapons of these stalwart mountaineers--their claymores, dirks, andtargets--filled the beholders with amazement. Nor were the citizensless astonished by the shrill, warlike notes of the bagpipes, whichthey heard for the first time.

  As soon as it was perceived that the king had set out, a louddischarge of cannon took place from the walls; and this, if possible,heightened the general excitement. Regiment after regiment--cavalryand infantry--were now moving down the hill--colours flying, bandsplaying--the accoutrements of the cavalry flashing in the sunbeams likeso many mirrors.

  The splendour of the king's staff produced an immense effect--someof the nobles being singularly fine-looking men. Indeed, the Dukeof Buckingham, who rode at the head of the brilliant cort?gewith the Duke of Hamilton, was accounted the handsomest and mostaccomplished Cavalier of his time. Lord Wilmot was also a noble-lookingpersonage--tall and well-proportioned. Foremost among the militaryleaders rode General David Lesley, who commanded one division ofthe Scottish army. Thin and stern-looking, he had a thoughtful castof countenance. With him was Major-General Montgomery, who hadstrongly-marked features and a keen eye, and looked like a thoroughsoldier. Then came Lieutenant-General Thomas Dalyell, who had servedwith distinction under Charles I., and in whom the young king placedmuch confidence. With Dalyell was Vandrose, a Dutch general. GeneralsMiddleton and Massey brought up the list.

  Despite the rich apparel of the nobles and the splendid accoutrementsof the general officers, none of them pleased the beholders somuch--especially the female portion of them--as Colonel Pitscottie,who, as he rode at the head of his Highlanders, looked the beau idealof a Scottish chieftain. He was strongly built, with a red beard, andlight blue eyes of extraordinary power. Pitscottie was as brave asa lion, and as true as his own sword. Such were the distinguishedpersons on whom the spectators gazed from the city walls.

  The whole space between the Sidbury-gate and the ancient Commandery wasthronged, but a space was kept clear for the king, and for the passageof the troops, by halberdiers placed at frequent intervals.

  Here Charles was detained for a few minutes by the enthusiasticdemonstrations of the crowd, who would scarcely allow him to proceed.They shouted, stretched out their arms towards him, and hailed him astheir rightful sovereign and their deliverer. He could not fail to betouched by such manifestations of loyalty. Though the sun was pouringdown his fiercest radiance upon his jet-black locks, he remaineduncovered all the time, and bowed around repeatedly with the gracepeculiar to him.

  As soon as he was able to move forward, the mayor, with the sheriffand aldermen, advanced from the gateway to meet him, and, bowingreverentially, bade him welcome to the city.

  "The city of Worcester has ever been faithful to you, sire," said themayor, "though constrained to yield to superior force. We now joyfullyopen our gates to you and your victorious army, and pray you to enterthe city."

  "I thank you heartily for your welcome, Mr. Mayor and gentlemen,"replied Charles. "I never doubted your loyalty and devotion. The king,my father, always spoke of Worcester as his 'Faithful City.' I shallnever speak of it otherwise. Again I thank you for the reception youaccord me. It is precisely what I expected from you."

  Loud acclamations followed these gracious words, which were deliveredwith admirable effect by the young monarch.

  With the utmost despatch, the mayor and the civic authorities thenmounted their steeds, which were in readiness for them, and precededthe king as he entered the city, the mayor carrying the sword of statebefore his majesty.

  Trumpets were blown, drums beaten, and the bells, which had been silentduring the ceremonial at the gate, began to peal joyfully again asthe royal cort?ge moved up Sidbury-street, and shaped its course tothe High-street, which it speedily reached. This long and handsomestreet, which runs through the centre of the city from the cathedralto the Foregate, is now totally changed in appearance, though itoccupies pretty nearly the same ground as heretofore. The ancientstreet, however, being incomparably more picturesque and striking thanthe modern thoroughfare, its demolition cannot but be regretted. Thehouses, as already mentioned, were built of oak, painted black andwhite, in the charming fashion of the period, though not accordingto any uniform design, so as to avoid a monotonous effect. In manyinstances they were richly ornamented with curious and elaboratecarvings. One peculiarity belonging to them, and constituting a greatcharm, was the possession of open balconies; and these were now, forthe most part, filled with well-dressed dames and damsels, some ofwhom boasted considerable personal attractions. Worcester, it is wellknown, has been at all times famous for pretty women. The rails of thebalconies were hung with tapestry, carpets, and rich stuffs, and thesedecorations gave the street a very lively appearance. The concourse onthe footways contented themselves with cheering the king as he passedalong, and did not attempt to press upon him, while the damsels wavedtheir kerchiefs from above. Had Charles been the handsomest youngprince in Christendom (which he certainly was not), he could not havecaptivated more hearts than he did as he rode along the High-street,and gazed at the well-filled balconies on the right and left. Eachfair nymph on whom his eye rested for a moment fancied herself thespecial object of his admiration, while many a one--perhaps with somereason--believed she had been distinguished by a bow from his majesty.

  In this manner Charles rode on--receiving fresh homage from all classesof his subjects as he proceeded--till he came to the Guildhall,where the civic authorities had already halted, and where he himselfalighted, in order to sign certain warrants. Like almost all the otheredifices in the street, the Guildhall has been rebuilt, and though wehave every respect for the modern fabric, we should have been betterpleased if the ancient structure, with its recollections of the past,had been preserved. Allowing the mayor and his fellows to conduct hismajesty into the great hall, we shall leave them there, having more tointerest us outside.

  Troops were now pouring into the city, and were marching in differentdirections; some regiments being taken by their officers to the CastleHill, others to the cathedral close, and others to the quays--at allof which places good eatables and drinkables, and in the greatestabund
ance, were provided for them. On that day, in all parts of thecity, thousands of hungry soldiers were feasted--every house being opento them. And to the credit of the Scots it must be stated, that they inno wise abused the hospitality shown them.

  While his majesty was signing the warrants in the Guildhall, a halttook place in the High-street, and when thus seen from above, thevarious regiments of horse and foot, with their flags and banners; nowforming an almost solid mass, presented a splendid spectacle. A gooddeal of animated conversation between the officers and the damselsin the balconies took place during this interval, and some amusingincidents occurred, one of which must be related.

  Among the spectators collected nearly opposite the Guildhall werean elderly dame and an exceedingly pretty damsel--the old woman'sgrand-daughter, as it turned out. They evidently belonged to themiddle classes. With them was a sallow, ill-favoured personage, whoseclosely-cropped black hair, steeple-crowned hat, plain Geneva band,and black cloak, proclaimed him a Puritan. It was certain that he waspassionately enamoured of the damsel, whom he addressed by the nameof Mary, for he watched her every look with jealous eyes; but it wasby no means equally certain that she returned his passion. Rather thecontrary, we should say.

  Urso Gives, for so was pretty Mary's suitor named, was more than doubleher age, and far from well-favoured, but he was tolerably rich, andthis was enough for Dame Rushout, Mary's grandmother.

  Urso Gives was a tailor, and had prospered in his business. For aknight of the thimble, he was not devoid of mettle, and somewhatquarrelsome and vindictive. He was decidedly a Republican, and inreligion an Independent. As may be imagined, this was a bitter day forhim, and he would not have come forth upon it had it not been to watchover pretty Mary Rushout, who was determined to see the young king. Sohe was compelled to place Mary and her grand-dame in a good positionopposite the Guildhall, and there they had an excellent view of theyoung monarch, and saw him dismount.

  Mary Rushout was enchanted. Never had she beheld any one so graceful,so majestic as the king. How royally he bestrode his steed! Howbeauteous were his long black locks!--Urso must let his own hair growlong. And then how his majesty's diamonds sparkled! She could not helpcalling out "Long live the king!" Charles noticed her, and told her,with a smile, "She was the prettiest girl he had seen that day, anddeserved a better lover." Was not this enough to turn her head? Was itnot enough to madden the irritable and jealous Urso? The by-standers,who were staunch Royalists, laughed at him, and this exasperated Ursobeyond all endurance. He broke out against the king, called him thechief of the malignants, and the favourer of heresy and profaneness,and would have gone on in the same strain if he had not been soundlybuffeted on all sides.

  Mary Rushout and her grand-dame screamed, and their cries attracted theattention of an aide-de-camp, who was waiting his majesty's return. Itwas Major Careless. Seeing a pretty girl in distress he pushed forwardhis steed, and quickly extricated her and the old dame, while Urso tookadvantage of his interference to escape.

  A Cavalier so gallant as Careless we may be sure did not retire aftersuch an introduction, and he found Mary Rushout very willing to flirtwith him. He soon learned all about her and about Urso Gives, and thatthey both dwelt in the Trinity, and continued chatting with her tillCharles came forth from the Guildhall.

  The royal cort?ge was once more put in motion, and proceeded to thelarge open place near the Foregate, in the midst of which stood theantique sculptured cross previously mentioned. The place was now filledwith people, but the assemblage was no farther disturbed than wasnecessary to allow the troops to form a square round it.

  The mayor and the sheriff having made their way to the cross, trumpetswere sounded, and, amid the silence that ensued, the mayor, in asonorous voice, proclaimed Charles King of England, Scotland, France,and Ireland. Tremendous acclamations followed, and guns were fired fromthe top of the Foregate.

  Even then the assemblage did not move, nor did the troops quit theirposition.

  Trumpets being again sounded, a Manifesto was published in the king'sname, declaring a general pardon to all the inhabitants of the cityas should henceforward conform to his authority; and also announcingthat warrants had just received the royal sign-manual in the Guildhall,whereby his majesty summoned, upon their allegiance, all the nobility,gentry, and others, of what degree and condition soever, of the countyof Worcester, from sixteen to sixty, to appear in their persons, andwith any horses, arms, and ammunition they had or could procure, atPitchcroft, near the city, on Tuesday next, being the 26th of August,1651, "where," pursued the king, "ourself will be present to disposeof such of them as we shall think fit for our service in the war, indefence of this City and County, and to add to our marching army."

  On the king's return to the city, the mayor ceremoniously conducted himto his private residence, where a grand collation had been prepared, ofwhich his majesty and his suite partook.

  [++] WORCESTER.]


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