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Boscobel; or, the royal oak: A tale of the year 1651

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by William Harrison Ainsworth



  Ever since the old city of Worcester was built and encircled by walls,Pitchcroft has afforded its inhabitants a delightful place for exerciseand recreation. On this broad, flat plain, bounded on the west by theSevern, and completely overlooked by a natural terrace on the furtherbank of the river, many a grand tournament has been held in the daysof our earlier monarchs. Magnificent pavilions and galleries have beenreared upon the wide mead--splendid cavalcades have come forth fromthe city gates--nobles, knights, squires, jesters, and fair dames--andmany a lance has been splintered at the royal jousts of Worcester.In 1225, these displays incurred the displeasure of the Church--agrand tournament being held on Pitchcroft in that year, when all thenoble personages concerned in it were excommunicated by Bishop Blois.Sports and pastimes of all kinds have been familiar to the plain fromtime immemorial--games which, by a pretty figure of speech, have beendescribed as Olympian, and which, we rejoice to say, are not altogetherdiscontinued. Not only has Pitchcroft been the scene of many aknightly encounter and many a festive meeting, but when the loyal citywas invested, it witnessed frequent conflicts between Cavaliers andRoundheads, and one well-fought action, in which the fiery Rupert tookpart.

  On the morning appointed for the Muster, Pitchcroft was even morethronged than it had been on the previous Sunday, and presented afar gayer and more animated appearance. A great number of troops wasassembled there, while the new levies were continually pouring into theplain through Foregate-street.

  Before proceeding to the place of rendezvous, the recruits entered thecity, and halted for a time in the area near the Cross, where theirnumbers were registered by the mayor and the sheriff, who acted ascommissioners.

  Among the principal names inscribed on the muster-roll were those ofLord Talbot, Sir John Pakington, Sir Walter Blount, Sir Ralph Clare,Sir Rowland Berkley, Sir John Winford, Mr. Ralph Sheldon of Beoley, Mr.John Washburn of Witchinford, and Mr. Thomas Hornyold.

  Lord Talbot's troop, which was far more numerous than any other, wascomposed almost entirely of gentlemen, whose accoutrements and horseswere far superior to those of ordinary cavalry. The regiment wascommanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Mervin Touchet, and subsequently provedexceedingly efficient. Every Cavalier who came singly to Worcester wasincluded in some troop or other.

  These arrangements were made by Colonel Lane and Colonel Legge,assisted by Sir Clement Fisher. As quickly as one troop was filled up,it was sent off to the place of Muster. It was calculated that twothousand Worcestershire Cavaliers, including of course retainers andservants, answered the king's summons on that day.

  The sight of so many recruits tended materially to dissipate the alarmnot unnaturally excited by the rumours of Cromwell's near approach.Having begun to distrust the Scottish soldiers, the citizens were gladto have some defenders on whom they could confidently rely. For thisreason, as well as for their gallant bearing and handsome equipments,the recruits were lustily cheered as they appeared on the plain.

  A large concourse was collected in Foregate-street, and on the northernwalls, to see the new troops come forth. The Scottish regiments ofcavalry and infantry excited but little curiosity; the chief objectsof interest being the numerous small bodies of horse, extending for aquarter of a mile on the left--each little troop with its officers infront.

  The effect of this arrangement was extremely good, and delighted thespectators on the city walls and those on the west bank of the river.

  The last troop had just got into its place, when the shrill notes ofthe pibroch were heard, and the Highlanders, with Colonel Pitscottie attheir head, marched forth, and were received with cheers by the crowdassembled in Foregate-street.

  Acclamations greeted the king. His majesty looked extremely well, andcharmed the beholders, as he always did, by the extreme affability ofhis demeanour. On this occasion he was only attended by Careless andColonel Blague. The recruits instantly attracted his attention--theirnumbers giving him manifest pleasure--and he expressed his satisfactionat beholding them audibly to his attendants.

  He had not proceeded far, when the mayor and the sheriff advanced tomeet him.

  Opening a scroll which he held in his hand, the mayor in a loudvoice recited the long list of loyal gentlemen of the county who hadresponded to his majesty's summons. The king looked highly gratified,and repeated each name as it was given out.

  When the mayor had made an end, Charles rode towards Lord Talbot, whowas nearest him on the left, and while surveying his splendid troopwith admiration, called out, so that all might hear him:

  "Why, my good lord, these are all gentlemen. Better mounted, betterequipped Cavaliers, I would not desire to see."

  "They are _all_ loyal gentlemen," replied Lord Talbot, bowing; "and assuch I am proud to present them to your majesty."

  "Long live the king! Confusion to his enemies!" shouted the gallantband, brandishing their swords.

  The shout was caught up by the next troop, which was commanded by SirJohn Pakington, and was echoed far and wide.

  After a few complimentary observations to Colonel Touchet, Charlesmoved on, inspecting in turn all the new-raised troops. Had loyaltybeen chilled in any breast, his majesty's gracious manner would havekindled it anew--but all were loyal. The king could not help notingthat in almost every troop gentlemen had joined, and horses andaccoutrements were generally so good that officers could scarcely bedistinguished from privates.

  Captain Hornyold's troop was stationed near the Scottish cavalry--SirClement Fisher acting as second captain. But the real commander, in theking's estimation, was Jane Lane, who was posted in front of her steed.

  A glance of triumph lighted up her fine eyes as Charles addressed her:

  "You only want arms to become a veritable Amazon."

  "I will wear them if your majesty commands."

  "No, you have brought me so many recruits that it is unnecessary. Howmany troops have you helped to fill up?"

  "I have done my best, sire, but I have not brought you half so many asI could desire. The Worcestershire gentry are loyal, but irresolute andcautious--I will not use stronger epithets. They try to excuse theirlukewarmness on the ground that they suffered so much from fines andsequestrations during the Civil Wars. But, as I tell them, that is noexcuse. They ought to risk all--sacrifice all, if need be--for theirsovereign. Many have come here to-day. But," she added, with a lookof mingled grief and indignation, "some, on whom I fully counted, areabsent."

  "I scarcely miss them. When I have won a battle, they will hasten torally round my standard, but I shall know how to distinguish betweenlate comers, and those who have been true to me in the hour of peril."

  "All here are true men, my liege. I would not say as much, for yonScottish soldiers." Then lowering her voice so as only to be heard bythe king, she added: "Do not trust Lesley, sire. He may play you false."

  "Why do you entertain these suspicions?"

  "From what I hear of the conduct of his men, and of his own discourse.Heaven grant my fears may prove groundless!"

  "If Lesley proves a traitor I am undone, for he commands the third ofmy army, and his men will obey no other leader. But I will not believehim false."

  "What news has your majesty of the Earl of Derby?" asked Jane, stillin the same whispered accents. "Pardon the question. 'Tis prompted bythe deep interest I feel----"

  "No messenger from the earl has arrived as yet. But I have noapprehensions of a reverse. Doubtless, he is marching hither with thelevies he has obtained, but has been compelled to turn aside from thedirect route to avoid Cromwell."

  "Would he were here now!" exclaimed Jane, earnestly.

  "I would so too," responded Charles, with equal fervour. "But he willnot fail me at the right moment, and will cut through any opposingforce to join me."

  "Is it not strange you have not heard from him, sire?"

  "Not so strange--since the enemy is between us. Besides, if he hasnot effectually disposed of Lilburn,
he may be harassed by him in hismarch. A few hours, I trust, will bring me tidings of the friend onwhom I reckon most."

  Banishing the gloom that had gathered on his brow during his conversewith Jane, he turned to Captain Hornyold, and delighted that loyalgentleman by his praises.

  Having completed his inspection of the new troops, Charles proceededtowards the centre of the plain, where Pitscottie and his Highlanderswere drawn up. Here he stationed himself, and immediately afterwards itbecame evident, from the movement that took place, that the recruitswere about to march past.

  With as much promptitude and precision as if they had belonged to theregular cavalry, Captain Hornyold's troop came up. By the side of theirleader rode Jane Lane, but she proceeded no further, being called uponby the king to take a place beside him.

  Each little troop rode past in rapid succession--each being commendedby the king in no measured terms--and they all deserved his praises,for a finer set of men were never got together.

  Almost all of them were in the full vigour of manhood, and the ardourdisplayed in their looks and bearing, and in the shouts they couldnot repress, formed a striking contrast to the sullen visages andmoody silence of the Scottish soldiers, who seemed to regard their newcomrades with aversion.

  But the coldness of the Scots was more than compensated for by thegenuine enthusiasm of the citizens, who put no bounds to theirrapturous delight, and shouted lustily as the new troops rode by. Everyofficer, and indeed almost every one in each company, being known, theywere familiarly addressed by name, and cheered individually as well ascollectively by the spectators.

  After defiling past the king, the troops were formed into fourregiments of five hundred each--respectively commanded by ColonelMervin Touchet, Colonel Legge, Colonel Wogan, and Colonel Lane.

  Attended by Lord Talbot, Sir John Pakington, Sir Walter Blount, SirRalph Clare, Sir Rowland Berkley, and Sir John Winford, the king rodeslowly past them--ever and anon raising his hat--and manifesting by hislooks the high gratification he felt.

  Amid the loud and reiterated cheers of the concourse, his majestythen returned to the city--preceded by Colonel Pitscottie and hisHighlanders, and attended by the gentlemen we have just mentioned.


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