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Boscobel; or, the royal oak: A tale of the year 1651

Page 22

by William Harrison Ainsworth



  Good watch was kept--the sentinels were at their posts--but thequietude of the camp proved that no apprehensions of attack wereentertained.

  "Kerioth would have been surprised and taken had I not receivedthis warning," mentally ejaculated Cromwell, as he rode up to thecommander's tent.

  Lilburn had thrown himself on a couch, but hearing Cromwell's approachhe sprang to his feet, and met him at the entrance of the tent.

  After a brief consultation between the generals, it was decided thatneither drums should be beaten nor trumpets blown, lest the soundsshould be heard by the enemy, but that the slumbering soldiers shouldbe quietly roused to arms; and this was done by Lilburn in person.

  Meanwhile, Colonel Lindsey had arrived with the life guards fromSpetchley, and putting himself at their head, Cromwell rode to theoutpost nearest the city.

  This outpost was about three hundred yards from the camp, on the slopeof the hill, not far from the London-road, and was stationed in a fieldbordered on the north and north-east by high-banked hedges.

  The night can scarcely be described as dark, though the sky wascovered with lazily-moving clouds, but through these the moonburst occasionally. The old city, with its towers, steeples, andfortifications, could be distinguished through the gloom; but no lightswere visible within it, and no sounds from it arose. So profound wasthe stillness, that it might have been supposed that the inhabitantsand their defenders were alike buried in slumber, and that no attackingparty could be waiting to sally forth.

  As Cromwell, with the life guards, cautiously descended the hill,keeping under cover of the hedges, three-quarters past midnight wasstruck by the cathedral clock--proclaiming that the hour was close athand.

  The outpost reached by Cromwell was guarded by two hundred and fiftyfoot and two hundred horse, but three hundred of the best troopers inhis army being now added, he deemed this force quite sufficient torepel the attack.

  Little time was left, but luckily those on guard at the outpost wereon the alert. Having placed his troops with the quickness and skillpeculiar to him, the Lord General stationed himself on a small woodymound in the centre of the field, whence he commanded the approachto the Sidbury-gate, and awaited the sortie with some impatience, butwithout the slightest anxiety. Close behind him were Dighton and acouple of cuirassiers.

  He had not to wait long. While the single stroke of the cathedral bellyet vibrated through the air, and was echoed by the clocks of the otherchurches, the gate yawned wide, and a troop of sheeted spectres--forsuch they seemed in the gloom--issued forth. The ghostly band formedthree regiments--the first being commanded by General Middleton, thesecond by Sir William Keith, the third by Colonel Legge.

  The troops came forth from the Sidbury-gate and formed in silence. Ifany orders were given they did not reach Cromwell's ears, though hewas listening intently; and the ghostly appearance of the horsemen wasfully preserved until Middleton dashed off with the greatest rapidity,when the clatter of hoofs and the jingling of arms proved that thephantoms were substantial soldiers. The second regiment followedinstantly, galloping along the London-road as swiftly as the first; buta momentary interval occurred before Colonel Legge started. The causeof this brief delay was perfectly intelligible to Cromwell, and he gavesome orders to Dighton, who rode off at once to Colonel Lindsey.

  Meanwhile, the two foremost regiments came on at full speed, and dashedpast the field in which the outpost was stationed, making it evidentthat their point of attack was Lilburn's camp on the brow of the hill,and showing that the outpost would be dealt with by the regiment thatfollowed.

  In obedience to Cromwell's orders not a shot had been fired, andColonel Legge came on uncertain as to how he would be received by theenemy. Easy access to the field could be obtained at several pointsknown to the Royalists, and small parties of men entered at theseplaces, but the main body, led by Colonel Legge, broke through thehedge skirting the London-road, and were received by ranks of pikementhree deep, the front rank kneeling, the centre stooping, and the rearstanding upright, and forming an almost impassable barrier. On theflanks, right and left, were posted musketeers, who poured a terriblevolley upon the enemy as they gained the field.

  Several saddles were emptied. Nevertheless, Colonel Legge, shouting tohis men to follow, charged the pikemen with the greatest intrepidity,but it was impossible to cut through their ranks. Many horses werekilled in the charge, and others so desperately hurt that they boreback their riders in spite of all efforts to force them on. ColonelLegge's charger, though badly hurt, had still strength enough left tosustain its rider, but would not again face the deadly pikes.

  Caught as in a trap, it seemed as if the unfortunate Royalists must allbe slaughtered, but turning from the pikemen, Colonel Legge chargedthe musketeers with a fury that proved irresistible. Having gained theopen field with such of his men as had been able to follow him, hewas joined by the others, who having entered at different points hadhitherto taken no part in the conflict. But before they could form theywere charged by Colonel Lindsey, at the head of the life guards, and soshattered, that they could not recover, but fled from the field in thegreatest disorder, hurrying towards the Sidbury-gate faster than theyhad quitted it. Many were shot while jumping the hedges, or pressingthrough the gates. Colonel Legge was the last to retreat. His horsecarried him out of reach of the foe, and then dropped.

  Cromwell watched the conflict from the mound on which he had taken hisstand, and did not quit his position during the short time occupied bythe conflict.

  "It is the Lord God that fighteth for us. He it is that hath enabled usto scatter them thus quickly," he exclaimed, as the Royalists fled indisorder. "Pursue them not, but prepare to cut off the retreat of thosepestilent malignants who have gone on to attack the camp above--lest,peradventure, they escape the snare laid for them."

  It happened as Cromwell had foreseen. Instead of finding Lilburnunprepared, when General Middleton and Sir William Keith reached thecamp on the hill, they quickly discovered that their design had beenbetrayed. Duped by stratagems which they ought to have suspected, theyentered the camp, but had scarcely done so, when they were completelysurrounded by a force more than trebling their own.

  Thus entrapped it would seem that nothing was left to Middleton but tosurrender. But the brave general was undismayed by numbers, and whensummoned to surrender, answered by a charge so fierce and impetuousthat the ranks of the enemy opened, and, ere they could close again, heand his two regiments had passed safely through.

  Down the hill they dashed at a headlong pace, and, though hotly pursuedby Lilburn, very few of them were captured. Luckily for the fugitives,Cromwell was not able to get his life guards out of the field intime to intercept them, or their utter destruction would have beeninevitable. As it was, they escaped with very little loss, consideringthe terrible hazard they had encountered.

  On reaching the nearest outpost of the royal army, Middleton foundColonel Legge, and learnt the disaster that had befallen him.

  "I cannot carry this bad news to his majesty," said Legge. "Tell himwhat has happened."

  "The king will not reproach you," said Middleton. "You have done yourbest. We have been betrayed."

  "That is certain," said Sir William Keith. "Lilburn was prepared forus."

  "And Cromwell himself was with the outpost when I attacked it," saidColonel Legge. "I knew it not till too late."

  "Would I had known it!" cried Middleton, furiously. "He should not havelived to boast of this triumph. One of his spies has served him well onthis occasion. I will not rest till I have discovered the traitor."

  "Lesley may help you to find him," said Legge.

  "No; Lesley knew nothing of this," rejoined Middleton. "But come withme to the king, and get it over. A word will explain all. We have beenbetrayed."



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