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The Courier of the Ozarks

Page 18

by Byron A. Dunn



  "Back so soon!" cried Lawrence, grasping Harry's hand, as he came up."Thank God you are back safe!"

  "Never had an easier job, did we, Jack?" laughed Harry. "Even Bruno isashamed of himself, it was so easy."

  "And you found out what you were after?"

  "Yes," and Harry told his story.

  Lawrence and Dan listened in silence. "What do you think, Dan?" askedLawrence.

  "I reckon it's fight or run. When Jerry finds he cannot surprise us, hewill attack us openly."

  "I don't feel like running," said Lawrence.

  "Well, I don't feel inclined that way myself," said Dan, resorting tohis tobacco box.

  "Why can't we occupy that ambush ourselves?" spoke up Harry, "and letJerry be the one to be surprised."

  "Didn't Jerry leave men on guard?" asked Lawrence, eagerly.

  "No, but he may send guards there. If we think of occupying that groundit must be done at once."

  The proposition was eagerly discussed, but there were obstacles in theway. Not only were there their own two wounded men, but they had pickedup and were caring for six wounded guerrillas. After a short discussionit was decided to leave the camp in charge of ten men. If they wereattacked they were to take refuge in a log barn, and defend it until therest of the troop could come to their rescue.

  Dan, much to his chagrin, was left in charge of the camp. "It's no usekicking, Dan," said Lawrence. "I cannot risk going unless you stay, andthe boys left here would rebel if you did not stay." So Dan had toremain, much as he wished a hand in the fray.

  The ten men to remain were chosen, and the rest of the troop told to getready to move. "Be as quiet as possible," said Lawrence. "We have notfar to go; walk your horses, don't talk, and above all things, don'tallow your arms to rattle."

  As silent as specters of the night the troop moved away, Harry, Jack,and Bruno in advance to see if the coast was still clear. They reachedthe cross roads without either seeing or hearing anything of the enemy.

  "It's all right, Captain, so far," whispered Harry, as the head of thetroop came up, "but we must get into position as soon as possible, forthere is no knowing how soon some of the guerrillas may make theirappearance."

  A hasty examination showed the position all that could be wished. Thetroop rode up the cross road until the bushes were cleared, and thenfiled into the open field. Here the men dismounted, and the horses wereled back into the brush, where they could easily be concealed. The menthen were placed in single line in the edge of the brush facing the openfield. A slight ridge in front protected them from observation.

  Thus the preparations of Lawrence were exactly the reverse of what Jerryhad planned. In an incredibly short time the troop was in position.

  "Now," said Harry, "Jack and I will hide in the brush close to where theroads cross. If guards are sent there is where they will be stationed,and I want to be close enough to hear what they say."

  Order was given to maintain a strict silence and to molest no onepassing along either road.

  It was well that all the preparations had been made expeditiously, forhardly had Harry and Jack taken their position when horsemen were heardapproaching down the cross road, and soon the shadowy forms of four menappeared.

  They halted where the roads crossed and one said, "The orders are thatBrown and I stay here while Hayden, you and Singleton are to ridetowards the Yankee camp until you reach the rise where you can look downthe road to the camp. Don't go any nearer, for we don't want them toknow we are within forty miles of them. If the Yanks show signs ofmoving, report immediately. Better have Singleton report every hour,anyway."

  "All right, Sergeant," replied Hayden. "You may be sure Singleton and Iwill keep our eyes open." And they rode away.

  The men left fell to talking.

  "Mighty quiet," said one.

  "Yes, but if everything goes right it won't be so quiet when the Yanksmove. Why, if the Yanks ride into the trap, we ought to kill every lastson of them at the first fire."

  Harry and Jack lay chuckling as they listened.

  In about an hour the man called Singleton came riding back. "The Yanksare there yet," he reported, "but they are keeping mighty quiet. There'sa dim fire burning and we can catch the shadow of one once in a while.

  "That's where Jerry wants them to stay. He was afraid they might take anotion to light out during the night."

  Singleton rode back and again all was quiet. The Federals lay sleeping,their guns in their hands and revolvers by their sides. It would takebut a word to bring them to attention.

  About four o'clock the trampling of horses told the guerrillas werecoming. In a whisper the word was passed and in an instant every man wasalert. But the guerrillas halted some distance from the main road andonly three rode forward. They were Jerry, Stevens and Billy.

  "How is it, Sergeant?" asked Jerry as they came up.

  "As quiet as a churchyard. Hayden and Singleton are down the roadwatching if the Yanks move. I have Singleton report every hour. There hecomes now."

  Singleton rode up. "The Yanks are beginning to stir," he reported. "Theyare building fires, no doubt to make coffee. It makes my mouth water tothink of coffee."

  "You men will have coffee enough before long, but there'll be a lot ofblood spilling first," said Jerry.

  "Sergeant, what time was it when you reached this post?" he askedsuddenly.

  "I should say somewhere near midnight," answered the Sergeant.

  "Then the Yankees could have moved before you got here. Stevens, Ithought I told you to have this cross-roads guarded and the Yankee campwatched as soon as we decided to attack. Slow, as usual. If this thinggoes wrong, you pay for it."

  "You know, Captain, it was eleven o'clock before I received orders topost the guard," said Stevens uneasily.

  "Well, we have no time to lose now. Go back, have the force moved intothe field and see that instructions are carried out to the letter.Sergeant, you call in your men and join the force."

  While these orders were being carried out Jerry and Billy lingered aminute looking over the field. "Couldn't be a better place for anambuscade," said Jerry. "If the Yanks ride into it, not a man will comeout alive."

  "Hark!" suddenly exclaimed Billy.

  "What is it?" asked Jerry, startled.

  "I thought a heard a horse stamping."

  "It's Hayden and Singleton coming in from guard."

  "No, it was over there to the left, in the bushes. I'm sure I heard it."

  Both gazed anxiously into the bushes, as if to pierce the secret theycontained.

  Harry's heart stood still; was the ambuscade to be discovered at thelast minute? But the wind had risen, and nothing was heard but therustling of the leaves.

  "I reckon you must have been mistaken," said Jerry.

  "Perhaps," replied Billy, with a sigh. "Jerry, I don't know why, but Ifeel as if everything is not right. You have told me so much about thisLawrence Middleton that I am afraid."

  "Afraid of what?"

  "I don't know. What if he should discover this ambuscade?"

  "I will fight him anyway. I now have over a hundred men and he has lessthan fifty. It will mean some loss to us, but we will have no trouble inbeating him."

  By this time Hayden and Singleton came up. They reported the Yankeeswere still in camp, but showed signs of moving.

  "We have no time to lose then," said Jerry.

  The gray dawn was just breaking in the east when the guerrillas filedinto the field and formed their line.

  "Move forward!" ordered Jerry, "until you nearly reach the crest of theridge, then halt and dismount, leaving the horses in charge of everyfourth man. The rest of you advance through the brush until you nearlyreach the road. Be sure you are well concealed. When the enemy comesalong take good aim at the man directly in front of you, and at thecommand, fire. Let not a shot be fired until the command is given. Giveno quarter. Shoot the wounded as you come to them. But if y
ou cancapture the Yankee captain alive do so. I will have my reckoning withhim afterwards. And it will be a reckoning that will make the devillaugh."

  Every word of this was heard by Lawrence and his men, and the men fairlygnashed their teeth as they listened. It boded no good to the guerrillasthat fell into their hands.

  The guerrillas moved forward until about seventy-five paces from thewaiting Federals. The order was given them to dismount, and the men notholding the horses moved forward and formed into line.

  Lawrence was going to wait until they were over the ridge, but before hegave the order to advance, Lieutenant Stevens walked towards the bushesas if to reconnoiter, and a few more steps would have taken him into themidst of the Federals.

  "Fire!" cried Lawrence.

  The men sprang to their feet and poured in a crashing volley. Then witha wild cheer, without waiting for orders, they sprang forward, revolversin hand, and sent a leaden hail into the demoralized mass. The effectwas awful; men and horses went down. Never was surprise more complete.

  From out the struggling mass came the groans of the dying and theshrieks of the wounded and terror-stricken. Horses reared and plunged,trampling on the dead and living.

  Many fled on foot across the fields, others mounting in wild hastespurred their horses. But one thought filled the minds of all--to getaway from that awful place.

  Lawrence had given orders for the men holding the horses to rush forwardat the first volley, so his men were almost as quickly mounted as theguerrillas.

  In vain did Jerry and Billy try to stem the tide and rally the men. Theywere forced to join in the flight.

  It now became a matter of single combat. Each trooper selected hisvictim and pursued him until he surrendered, or was shot down fighting.Those who had fled on foot were first overtaken and then those who hadthe poorest mounts.

  Lawrence passed several, but he gave them no heed. He had but onethought, to find Jerry Alcorn. At last he saw him mounted on hismagnificent gray horse. He was shouting to the men to take to thewoods--to abandon their horses--to save themselves if possible.

  Lawrence bore down upon him. Jerry saw him coming, and with a roar likea cornered beast, turned to face him. He raised his revolver to fire,but Lawrence was first and the revolver dropped. He was shot in the arm.Defenceless, he wheeled his horse to fly. Again Lawrence fired. Jerryreeled in his saddle, but gathered himself together and urged his horseto greater speed. Close after him came Lawrence.

  The chase was a wild one, continued for more than a mile. Lawrence hadnow drawn his sword and a few bounds of his horse took him to Jerry'sside. "Surrender!" he cried with uplifted sword. "Surrender or die!"

  Jerry turned to him, his face distorted with rage and fear. Blood wasdripping from his right hand. He had dropped the reins and wasstruggling to draw a revolver from his right holster with his left hand.

  "Surrender or I strike!" cried Lawrence, but before the blow coulddescend he felt a sharp sting in the side and his horse plunged forwardand fell. Hardly had Lawrence touched the ground when he heard a voicehiss, "Turn, so you may see who sends you to hell."

  As if impelled by the voice, Lawrence turned his head and looked intothe blazing eyes of Billy. Her face was distorted with rage and hate.Her horse stood almost over Lawrence and her revolver was pointed at hisbreast.

  Her revolver was pointed at his breast.]

  But no sooner did her eyes meet Lawrence's than she gave a start ofsurprise. A change came over her face and her hand trembled. The muzzleof the revolver sank, was raised, but once more was lowered.

  "You--you," she whispered hoarsely. "Oh, God! How can I take your life.You tried to save my father. You pitied me. You--" A softer expressioncame over her face. She seemed to forget where she was and shewhispered, "Then--then I was a girl, an innocent girl, but now--" hervoice rose to a shriek. "Now I am a devil; but live; I cannot shoot."

  The sound of galloping horses was heard and shouts. Lawrence looked andsaw Harry and Jack almost onto them, their revolvers levelled on Billy.

  "Great God! don't shoot!" he shouted; and to Billy, "Fly! Fly."

  She sank her spurs into her horse and bending low over his neck was awaylike an arrow, but no avenging bullet followed her.

  In a moment Harry and Jack were at Lawrence's side and helped him to hisfeet. "Captain, you're wounded," cried Harry. "Your side is all bloody."He tore away the coat and shirt.

  "Thank Heaven, it's not deep," he exclaimed, "but bleeds freely. How didit happen?"

  "I was about to cut down Red Jerry when I received this wound frombehind. The same shot must have struck my horse in the back of the head,for he went down like a log."

  "And the guerrilla who shot you was the same you told us not to shoot?"

  "Yes. She was a woman and she spared my life. I will tell you all aboutit, but not now."

  It was noon before all the men returned from pursuing the guerrillas. Ofthe band not more than thirty escaped, and most of these by taking tothe woods.

  When Lawrence gathered his little troop together he found that three hadbeen killed and six wounded, three of them grievously. Of theguerrillas, twenty-five had been slain outright, as many badly wounded,and twenty prisoners had been taken.

  Some of the men were for shooting the prisoners. "Red Jerry would nothave spared us," they exclaimed.

  Lawrence immediately put an end to such talk. "If any of the men havecommitted crimes that merit death," he said, "they should be convictedby a court-martial. No soldier has a right to put a defenceless man todeath for revenge. Barbarity begets barbarity, while mercy appeals tothe hearts of the most depraved."

  He then told them how his life had been spared by the dreaded wife ofRed Jerry.

  There was no more talk of shooting the prisoners, and Lawrence noticedthat not one of them was insulted or treated brutally.

  The Federals remained on the battlefield for three days, caring for thewounded, and Lawrence had it given out that anyone who cared might cometo claim the dead or carry away the badly wounded without beingmolested. The news spread and soon the camp was filled with weepingwomen and wailing children. Even some men came when they found theycould do so safely. From the number of dead and wounded claimed,Lawrence thought Jerry's band must have been made up principally fromthe neighborhood.

  At the end of three days Lawrence began his return march. A couple offarm wagons were pressed into service to convey the wounded. With theslightly wounded who were able to travel he took back with him thirtyprisoners and fifty-five horses.

  Great was the rejoicing when Rolla was reached, and the success of theexpedition became known. Lawrence received a congratulatory message fromGeneral Schofield, highly praising him. But there was one Federalofficer who did not congratulate Lawrence. Captain Dunlay felt toomortified over his own failure.

  Red Jerry still lived. Lawrence had wounded him not only in the arm, butin the thigh. Secreted in the fastnesses of the hills, and tenderlycared for by his wife, he nursed his wounds and thirsted for revenge.Terrible were his imprecations against Lawrence and terrible would behis revenge if ever he got him in his power.

  It was fated that he and Lawrence should never meet again. Jerry livedto organize another band and he became even more merciless than ever,and by his side rode his wife, as merciless as he. But there was onesecret she never told her husband--that was, that she had spared thelife of Lawrence Middleton.


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