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Mike (Henderson Security Book 1)

Page 8

by MLJ Quigg

  I cut the ties on her wrists as the others did her ankles. They slid a board under her and strapped her over her arse and tops of her shoulders and thighs. They were the least cut places we could find. They prepped her in less than five minutes. Bazza, Seb, and Tweety came in and we all lifted the board carefully and walked out of the room.

  They had piled the dead in the middle of the floor.

  “How many dead?” I demanded.

  “Ten, sir,” Max replied.

  “Burn it to the ground. Let’s get the fuck out of here,” I commanded.

  We walked slowly out of the house and made our way into the surrounding trees. After about ten minutes of walking, we heard a loud boom that signalled the house was gone. I turned slightly and looked behind us, and there was a massive fire.

  Good riddance, you fucking arseholes.

  We were nearly at the extraction point and were joined by the rest of the team. We got to the chopper and loaded up. As soon as the last was in, we lifted off and made our way to Port Shepstone.

  “Transport, what’s the ETA for arrival in Port Shepstone?” I questioned.

  “Transport one. ETA half an hour, sir.”

  “Radio in ETA, have transport ready to bug out immediately. I don’t want to be in this hellhole any longer than necessary,” I sneered.

  “Sir, yes sir.”

  “How’s she doing, Tweety?” I asked.

  “Not good, sir. She’s lost a lot of blood, has a fever, and looks like both her legs and left arm are broken. Doing a rape kit now. Though, I don’t think it’s needed. She has extensive vaginal and anal bruising. Huge laceration on her right hip. Half of her back is infected. We’re cleaning that now. Haven’t gotten to her front. She’s a fucking mess, though, s-sir,” he stuttered with his voice breaking at the end.

  She started to moan lightly and was coming out of it, and then she started to thrash and scream.

  I raced over to her and moved her hair from her cheek. She looked at me and snarled because she had no idea who I was.

  “Tiny. You’re okay. We’re here now. No one will hurt you anymore. You’re safe. We’re taking you home,” I comforted her.

  She looked at me, and her vision cleared slightly. “Mike?” she moaned.

  “That’s right. It’s me. We’re taking you home, sweetheart. You’re safe now.”

  “Hurts so bad.”

  “I know, honey. I know. You’ll be all better soon,” I whispered.

  “Take care of my kids for me. Tell them I love them so much. Love Dave, he deserves it.”

  “Hey, you can tell them yourself.”

  “No… can’t. Not going to make it. Love kids always. They got me through it,” she croaked out and then collapsed.

  “Fuck! No, Tiny. Don’t give up. Come on, Monique, wake up, honey,” I shouted.

  “Pulse is strong, Mike. She’s passed out from the pain. It’s alright,” Tweety consoled.

  “Fucking hell. Almost gave me a fucking heart attack. She fucking told me goodbye… to look after her kids. How the fuck is she still alive?”

  “I have no idea, but we will do everything in our power to make sure she stays that way.”

  We made it to the plane and were lifting off ten minutes later. We arrived at Singleton Base late afternoon, and a medic team was already waiting for us. They loaded her onboard and immediately ran off to the Base hospital. Brooks, Anderson, and Davis were waiting for us when we stepped off the plane.

  “Come on, guys, let’s get the debriefing done, and then we can get to the hospital and find out how she’s doing,” Brooks instructed.

  We all nodded and followed them to Comm. Room One. We took our seats, and I put my head on the table and just breathed. I felt the salt water accumulating in my eyes and sniffed them back. As soon as I felt a hand on my back and it started to rub in circles, I fucking lost it. I broke down in front of everyone. I heard sniffles from all around me. It looked like the rest of the guys weren’t faring much better than me. I breathed in and out and then took deeper breaths trying to get myself under control. I was handed a tissue under the table and wiped my eyes and blew my nose. When I was in control again, I lifted my head and took another deep breath and blew it out slowly. I looked around at the guys, and they all had red, puffy eyes. Even Brooks, Anderson, and Davis looked as if they had been upset as well.

  “Sorry,” I defended sniffling.

  “No, you have every right, son,” Anderson consoled.

  “I know this is hard. What happened?” Brooks asked.

  After reliving the rescue, my voice catching a few times during debrief as I tried to contain my grief, I finally came to an end. I sniffed again attempting to hold the tears back. My eyes were watery, and I closed them taking a few deep breaths.

  “Fucking hell. That shit was brutal. I can’t do that again, sir. Seeing anyone like that, let alone Monique, it’s too damn much. I’m out, sir. I can’t do this anymore,” I related.

  “I can understand that. Anyone else feel this way?” Brooks inquired.

  Every single person put their hand up.

  “Finish your current assignments, and we’ll let you all go with our blessing of a job well done,” Anderson offered.

  “This has been hard on all of us. Monique is one of us, and we’re all hurting for her, so let’s finish up and go see how she is. Mike, do you want to notify the family or have us do it?” Davis questioned.

  “I’ll do it, sir,” I sighed.

  “Okay, let’s finish as quickly as we can,” Brooks noted.

  We continued the debriefing, and an hour later, we were walking to the hospital in a group. I took out my phone and dialled Dave.

  “Hey, babe, what’s up?” he answered cheerfully.

  I took a deep breath and blew it out. “Dave, babe… I have some news to tell you. We found Monique. She’s alive but in really bad shape. We need you and the family to come to Singleton Base Hospital now. I’ll let you know the extent of damage as soon as you get here,” I insisted sniffling once again.

  “We’re on our way. Thanks, Mike,” he declared and hung up.

  I lowered my body into a crouch and put my head in my hands and let the tears fall once again. I felt a body crouch next to me and an arm go around my shoulder. “Come on, son. Let’s go see what’s happening,” Anderson broke through my thoughts.

  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir,” I cried looking at him.

  He had tears in his eyes as well. “No need to be sorry, son. She’s alive, at the moment. You got her out. Let’s go and see what the news is,” he stated.

  “Yes, sir,” I whispered standing up and wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

  I looked to the rest of the guys, and they all appeared quite forlorn. I smiled sadly, and they gave me one back.

  We all walked into the hospital as one and sat in the waiting room and waited.

  And waited.


  It’d been two months since we rescued Tiny. Today was my last day in the service. I was officially retired. Tiny was still recovering. She had to have multiple operations on her legs and arm. The infections were so bad at the time she ended up on the strongest antibiotics to clear it. That, in itself, caused problems as well. Antibiotics for a prolonged period of time were not good for the body. It would be months, even up to a year or more, for her to even get close to being healed properly. She still had to have more operations on her arm and was due to have her casts removed in the next month or so. She was up and walking around slowly but with crutches. It was hard with only one hand in full use, but her legs could hold her for short periods. They had to put pins in them. Luckily, she didn’t have any permanent damage, and they expected her to make a full recovery. She was very lucky that it hadn’t caused anymore issues than the ones she had. She was slowly gaining her weight back and was starting to look like her old self again.

  Her face was different, though. They broke her jaw and cheek, and she had some pretty deep cuts that all required
facial reconstruction. She ended up having many operations and plastic surgery.

  She was yet to have a couple more operations to fix her face. Her features had and will change, but we all knew who she was. Probably because we had been there from the start. Her back and right hip were scarred to hell, though. They tried to fix it with plastic surgery as best they could, but it was too far gone. She didn’t let it get to her, though. She’d been a trooper, and even though she suffered from PTSD and nightmares, it was getting better slowly.

  She’d seen a specialist twice weekly to help her cope. I knew it would take years for her to be one hundred percent, but we were all there for her. She didn’t have any STDs which was good news. She still had to have tests done in six months to ensure she was safe, though. Some diseases could show up a year later. So, we all kept our fingers crossed for her.

  I got my exit papers from Davis, and he gave me a handshake and pulled me in for a hug. Brooks, Anderson, and Davis had kept in constant contact with all of us, and we had become good friends. They were going to be using Henderson Security for missions and helping with training. I couldn’t be happier, they were the best of the best, and I would be proud to have had them to help in any way they could. It was only fair we would repay them in any way we could as well.

  I walked out of the Base for the very last time with a huge smile on my face. I jumped in my car and left the Army behind me with no regrets.

  When I arrived at Tiny’s house, they all came out and greeted me. Dave came over, and I pulled him into me and hugged him tightly and then kissed him deeply. We pulled apart, and Tiny came across in the wheelchair pushed by Richard, and I leaned down to hug her. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my head in her shoulder. The kids surrounded my legs and clung onto me. I let Tiny go and gathered the kids in a hug and gave them all a kiss on their heads and smiled at them. Mary and Richard walked over and hugged me as well.

  “Welcome home, son. This is your home now,” Richard declared.

  “Thanks, Richard. Feels good to be here, finally.”

  “You ready to start work Monday morning, Mike?” Tiny questioned as we all settled in the lounge room.

  “Sure am, Tiny. Can’t wait actually.”

  Dave sat next to me, and I pulled him into me and kissed the top of his head. I was so glad to be starting a new chapter in my life. I had the man I loved right by my side, and the family I’d come to love in the room with me.

  “Dinner should be ready in about half an hour, everyone. Why don’t you guys relax before dinner, and we’ll call you down?” Mary insisted.

  I nodded my head and stood up pulling Dave with me. We walked into his room, and I closed the door and pushed him against it. I brought my lips in to meet him, and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

  “You got me full-time now, baby. No getting away from me. You’re stuck with me,” I chatted happily then we pulled apart.

  “I love that idea.”

  “I love you, Dave. I know I haven’t said it before, but I mean it with my whole heart,” I sighed pecking his lips with mine.

  “I love you, too, Mike. So much.”

  I kissed him harder, and before we knew it, I was undoing his belt. I took out a lube packet from my pocket to prep him to take me. He loosened his pants and pushed them all the way off, and I prepped him quickly. I lifted him up, and he wrapped his legs around my waist, and I lined up and entered him slowly. We both moaned out as I bottomed out inside him. I started moving in and out and pretty soon our breathing was laboured, and I was so close to coming.

  “Come, babe, I can’t hold on much longer,” I panted. I brought my hand down his stomach and grabbed his cock and stroked it in time with my thrusts. As he came, I kissed him to at least minimise the noise he made. I thrust a couple of times and emptied myself inside him. We were both breathing heavily, and I put my forehead to his and smiled. “Fuck, I love you,” I panted out.

  “I love you, too,” he breathed just as heavily as me.

  We smiled at each other, and I set him on the floor. We walked into the bathroom, cleaned ourselves, then got dressed and made our way downstairs for dinner.

  As we were sitting at the table, I kept my thoughts to myself about the conversations I’d had with all the guys. I knew some were finishing in about six months, and they all wanted to join Henderson Security. The others had expressed their interest as well, but they were finishing next year. I would have to talk to Tiny and Richard and see what they wanted to do.

  After dinner and dessert, the kids made their way to their rooms, and it was just the adults at the table. Tiny was unusually quiet. She was picking at the label of her beer bottle staring at the condensation that had formed. Dave had noticed as well. He gave me a sad smile and grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly.

  “You okay there, honey?” Mary inquired.

  She didn’t even notice. We all looked at each other and shook our heads.

  “Monique… you okay, honey,” Mary asked again.

  “Huh. Sorry, Mum. Yeah, I’m okay. Just thinking is all,” she commented sadly.

  “What’s wrong, sweetie?” Richard questioned.

  “Nothing really. Just thinking about Derrick. I miss him. I wish I could find him for the kids’ sake. They’re growing up so fast, and I just wish he was here to see it, that’s all,” she sighed.

  “I know, hon. Life sucks at the moment, but it’ll get better. When you’ve recovered, you should go out. Have fun. Pick up a guy for the night,” Mary suggested shocking the shit out of me.

  “I can’t, Mum. Just the idea of a guy touching me makes my skin crawl. I just can’t. And anyway, no guy would be interested in me. Look at me, I’m a mess. They fucked me up so bad. No one would want this broken woman,” she sobbed sadly.

  I knew she’d been feeling this way, but to actually hear it was a shock. She usually put up such a big front in front of others.

  “You’re not broken, Tiny. You have been through hell, and any man would be lucky to have you. Give yourself some time. I have no doubt in my mind that the right guy will come along and love you for the perfect, beautiful woman you are,” I reassured taking her hand.

  “Why do you have to be gay? You’re the perfect man, Mike. Dave’s one lucky man.” She laughed.

  “Yep, he is. I love this man, and I thank you every fucking day for introducing us.” I sighed while leaning over and giving Dave a kiss.

  “I feel exactly the same way,” he purred.

  “Sorry to put a downer on things, guys. Just thinking about him makes my mood shift,” Tiny mumbled.

  “Hey, it’s okay. We have no idea how you’re feeling, but we do know it’s hard, and we’re all here for you,” Dave declared to her.

  “I know, I know. Sorry again, though. Alright, more happy things. Mike, Dad and I have talked and we want you to be a manager of sorts. You’ll be in charge of recruiting while Dad brings in more clients. As soon as the casts come off and I’ve finished rehab, I’ll be there on a permanent basis. We’ve been approached by Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne hospitals. They all need tighter security, and we think you can help us find the perfect employees,” she commented.

  “Sounds easy enough. What kind of teams are we looking at? Is it full-time? They’d need enough for a rotation if it’s twenty-four seven. Say ten to fifteen during the day. Maybe five to ten at night. You’d need to concentrate more on the emergency department than the others. There’d have to be a least two in a control room watching monitors. What else?” I questioned going into full military mode. I knew it was going to be hard to switch that part of me off. I’d been in for so long that it was entrenched in me and had become second nature.

  “No. You’ve covered everything we can think of as well. I think we should have someone as a team leader for all of them, though. Someone we can trust,” Tiny exclaimed.

  “Yeah, totally agree with you on that. I think I’ll take it to the board of the hospital and see what they say. They might have some ext
ra security they want or concerns as well,” Richard maintained.

  “Okay. Well, let’s see how we go and put out some advertising in the paper and get word of mouth going. This is going to be great. I can’t wait till we get started,” Tiny insisted smiling widely.

  “I can’t wait either. This was the best decision I’ve made in a long, long time,” I declared.

  “So, it’s settled. You have the uniform, Mike. We’ll discuss more over the weekend, but for now, I’m going to go to bed. I’m really tired all of a sudden. I’ll see you all in the morning,” Tiny relayed.

  “Not a problem. Night, Tiny.”

  “Night, Monique,” Dave agreed.

  Mary helped her into the guest room on this level as it was easier with the wheelchair.

  We made our way up to the bedroom, and I had a quick shower and fell into bed. I was so tired I knew I could sleep for a week. Dave settled next to me, and I wrapped my arms around him and drifted off to sleep.

  In the morning, I woke up horny as hell. I ran my hands down his body, and he moaned softly letting me know he was awake. I grabbed his arse and squeezed it tightly as I ran my mouth over his neck kissing him softly. I ran my hands up his shoulder and pushed him onto his back while I continued kissing him. I kissed his neck and then lowered my head to his chest taking his nipples into my mouth and biting the piercing lightly as I used my thumb and forefinger to pull the other piercing.

  He started panting, and I looked up to see him watching me with so much lust in his eyes. I lowered again and thanked God in heaven he was naked. I took his very hard cock in my hand and stroked him from the base to tip. His back arched off the bed, and he groaned. Hmmm, I like that. I continued to stroke him as I licked him all over.

  He gasped when I took him into my mouth and sucked hard. I lowered my mouth and soon I had all of him. I deep throated him, and he grabbed my hair and pumped his hips. I put my arms over his stomach to keep him still as I sucked him off. Pretty soon he was begging me to fuck him, and I smiled around his cock and moaned making my throat vibrate.


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