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Mike (Henderson Security Book 1)

Page 11

by MLJ Quigg

“Fuck. That feels so fucking good, babe. Take it in all the way. Get me nice and wet for you. Let me hear you choke on my cock.”

  He did exactly that. He took me all the way to the back of his throat and swallowed me whole. Fuck me. That felt so good. I brought my hands to his head and slid them into his hair. I pulled it all into a ponytail on the back of his head and held him to me as I pumped my hips up. He stared into my eyes, and I slowly pulled him off me and brought his head to mine. I kissed him hungrily and ran my hands down his back then grabbing his arse and separated the cheeks. I lined up my cock with his hole and slowly slid in. I knew we hadn’t used lube, so I had to take it easy until he was used to it.

  By the time I was all the way in, we’re both panting and gasping hard between kissing each other. I brought my hands to his hips and used them to pull him off me and push back down. I lifted my hips as he came down and pushed into him all the way. He raised himself, and we were one with each other. He tried to go faster, but I held him tight and shook my head.

  “Nuh-uh. Nice and slow, babe. Make love to me nice and slow. Fuck yourself on me. Make me come in your tight-as-hell arse,” I groaned as I slowed things down even more.

  “Please. I can’t take much more. I want to come so bad right now,” he pleaded with me.

  “Take your cock in your hand and make yourself come. You do that, and I’ll give you what you want.”

  He placed his hand next to my head and took his cock with the other hand. Fuck that, I wanted to see. I ran my hands up his body and pushed on his pecs to get him to sit up so I could see better. I watched him as he stroked his cock. Fuck me, that was a pleasant sight. He started stroking harder, and his breaths were becoming faster and harder as he continued tightening on my cock inside him and shooting come onto my stomach. I rolled him over not pulling out and pushed his legs over my shoulders, so he was practically doubled in half and slid in and out of him. Fuck I loved how flexible he was. I let go of his legs and guided them to wrap around my waist as I brought my hands to his back and lifted him as I kneeled on the bed so we were both upright. He sat on my thighs as I kissed him again and slowly continued to guide in and out of him.

  I felt my orgasm starting and continued to slowly fuck him until I came in him and guided us to lay back on the bed and rolled us over, so he was on top once again. I ran my hands through his hair and pulled it the side as I brought him down to kiss my lips.

  “I love you so much, Dave. You are the other half of me. I want to spend my life with you by my side,” I whispered into his ear.

  He brought his head up to look at me. I looked into his beautiful green eyes and smiled at the love he shared back at me.

  “Is that a proposal, Mike?” he asked unsure of himself.

  “Not yet. But it’s gonna happen. Just a declaration of love and devotion to you.”

  “I love you, too. And the answer would have been yes just in case you were wondering,” he quipped with a smile.

  “Good to know, but I want to do it properly. Hearts and roses, baby. Hearts and roses. I want the world to know how much you mean to me.”

  “You mean the world to me, too, Mike.”

  I hugged him to me, and he placed his head on my shoulder as we simply enjoyed this moment together.

  “What do you think about getting a house of our own?” I wondered.

  “I’d like that. It’ll be sad and strange not to see everyone on a daily basis, but I’m willing to take the next step for us.”

  “I agree. I love these guys, but I’d like to make a go of just us.”

  “What about kids, Mike? Do you want any in the future?”

  “Hell, yeah. I would love to have some eventually. What about you? Do you want kids?”

  “Yeah, I do. I’d love to have a couple of them. I couldn’t ask for a better partner to share them with.”

  “Same here, babe. Same here,” I beamed then kissed the top of his head.

  He slid off me, and we both had a quick shower before getting ready for bed. Tomorrow was going to be a big day for Tiny. She was getting started on her tattoos, and it would be the first time her scars would be shown after her ordeal. I knew she was nervous, but Dave and I would be there for her every step of the way.

  We climbed into bed under the covers, and I pulled Dave into me, and we both drifted slowly off to sleep.

  I drove to the tattoo shop the next morning with Dave and Tiny in the car with me. I walked in the shop behind Dave and Tiny and all the guys looked out from their cubicles as we walked past them. Kimba, the receptionist and shop’s piercer, gave me a calculated sultry look. She was one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever met. She had the most striking violet eyes and long, straight hair. I knew her real hair colour was so blonde it appeared white. She constantly changed the colour, and it was bright purple at that moment. She was about five foot five and had multiple piercings on her face. She had one on the right side of her nose. A Monroe piercing, which I later learned was to make it look like a birthmark that Marilyn Monroe had on her upper lip. There were left eyebrow rings and piercings all the way up to the top of her ear. She had a full sleeve of tattoos that went to her wrists on both arms. They were all black and grey skulls and flowers. Today, she was wearing a black ‘Ink Me Inc.’ tank top and a pair of black leggings with a purple and black tartan mini skirt. She was also happily married to Jon.

  They had three other artists who worked full-time. Jon was five foot ten and a muscular bloke with full sleeve tattoos on both arms. He had long, brown hair and brown eyes. He was a portrait specialist. Jon was so accurate, his tattoos looked incredibly real.

  Adam and Phil were brothers who were so alike they looked like twins. They both had brown hair and blue eyes. Adam was older and had his hair in a mohawk. Phil’s head was practically shaved, but he had a long beard. Both were a jack of all trades and could do any kind of tattooing.

  Jon was just finishing a tattoo of a memorial piece on a father who had lost his family in a car accident. Even I had tears in my eyes when the reason for the tattoo came out. Poor guy lost everyone.

  “Well, if it isn’t my favourite male. When are you going to go straight, leave my boss, and proclaim your undying love for me?” Kimba asked with a smile on her face.

  “Oh, honey, you couldn’t handle me. I would break you in half, and you know it.” I chuckled giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Give me a chance. I could so turn you. One night, please? Pretty please,” she begged.

  We all laughed because we knew she was full of shit and happily married. She just liked stirring people up.

  The phone ringing interrupted my comeback.

  “Ink Me Inc. This is Kimba, what can I do for you?” I heard her pause and then continue with drawn brows, “Hello… hello… I can hear you, ya know,” she declared.

  She shrugged and hung up the phone. “Huh. I’m really getting sick of these phone calls. I just wish they’d say something.”

  “We’re putting the trace on it Monday, so at least we’ll be able to get the number and hopefully find out who it is. It’s probably just kids making prank calls. Don’t worry about it too much at the moment until we know more. Just make sure you keep an eye out wherever you are. Don’t want any surprises,” Tiny insisted.

  “Certainly will, Tiny,” Kimba responded.

  “Let’s get this done, people. Come on in, Monique, let’s make you even more beautiful than you already are,” Dave stated.

  We followed Dave to his cubicle, and he showed us the designs for Tiny. He had tattoos for the back, shoulders, arms, and ribs. The one on the ribs was really long and looked like it would go from under the armpit to the thigh, well to me anyway. She was pretty tiny so we would see what he had planned. All the tattoos were flowers of different sorts. He put them together, and they all blended into this beautiful piece which would look fantastic when he was finished.

  “So, we agree with this. Top of the back across your shoulders, down both arms ending at the elbows, a
nd the cherry blossom vein down your left side. I wish I could do your back, honey, but it’s too damaged. I was hoping for a different outcome, but it won’t work at this time. We can revisit this in a couple of years when the scarring has had time to settle and heal more,” Dave deflected.

  “No, I get it. What we have planned is good. I’m happy to cover the visible ones. Would be nice to wear singlets again,” she agreed.

  “Well, let’s get started. I’m going to do the black and shading today. We’ll let it heal and then fill in the colour. I’ll start with your left arm, and we’ll see how you’re travelling. If you’re up to it, we’ll do the right. We will start the cherry blossom when we’ve finished the rest, okay?”

  “Sounds good. I trust you completely,” she countered while putting on a singlet.

  I got comfortable on a chair and opened the files I’d brought with me from work. I didn’t even realise I’d fallen asleep and woke later with Dave leaning into me and kissing my lips.

  “Wake up, baby, we’re done for today. Both of us can’t go any further,” Dave whispered into my mouth.

  I looked at the time, and it was nearly three in the afternoon. They’d been at it for five hours. We made our way home and settled on the lounge to watch a movie with the kids.


  At the staff meeting on Monday morning, I watched as Guy gave his report on the recruits coming in later today.

  “You’ll have to watch Frost closely. He’s had arrests for assault and battery. None of the charges have stuck, but merely being charged is cause for concern. He may be an arsehole, but he’s a clever one. That’s all I have concerns over, the rest are all on the up and up,” Guy relayed.

  “Thanks for that, Guy. I’ll certainly keep an eye on him. We may need to drop him sooner rather than later if he causes any kind of trouble. Do either of you have a problem with that?” I directed my question to Richard.

  “Nope. None at all.”

  “Same here. If he’s not a good fit. I don’t want him here,” Tiny agreed.

  “Well, I’m going to get ready to meet them. Dave’s coming in at lunchtime. We have an appointment with the real estate company today,” I told them.

  “I’m going to miss you both at the house. I understand you guys want your private time together, though. But I’ll still miss you,” Tiny responded with a sad smile.

  “I know, but it’s time. Dave and I want to make a life together. We’ll miss all of you, too, but we’ll see each other all the time.”

  We were interrupted with the alarm, followed by a voice stating that someone was at the front door wanting to be let in.

  Guy tapped the screen on his tablet and let us know it was some of the new recruits who have turned up. He tapped again and told us he’d let them in. I walked out of the office area and into the main room to see fifty or so recruits.

  “We have about half of you here at the moment, so we’ll wait for the others to arrive and then we’ll make a start. Make yourselves at home till they show up,” I spoke clearly.

  Richard, Tiny, and Guy stepped over to me, and we had a chat about how the induction of the recruits would go. They were going to divvy them up and show them around until later that day when I was ready for them. I would oversee the SWAT team through scenarios that morning, and Tiny would take over tomorrow morning.

  A half an hour later, the SWAT team, their CO, and the rest of the recruits turned up.

  We assembled them in the main room, and Richard, Tiny, Guy, and I lined up at attention in front of the group. The military had it ingrained in us, so it was how we always stood.

  “Hello, everyone, I’m Richard. Welcome to Henderson Security. This is Tiny, Mike, and Guy. We are the management here. If you have any problems at all, come to one of us. The SWAT team will be overseen by Mike today. Can you all step over to the right, so we can see who’s left, please?”

  There was shuffling, and finally they all moved over to reveal what’s left.

  “Alright, thanks for that. Now the rest we’re separating into teams, and Tiny, Guy, and I will run you through introductions and an induction and then a tour of the company. Mike will take over tomorrow, and Tiny will take the SWAT team from then on.” He paused then continued, “I’m gonna go over the rules. Break them, and you’re out… there are no second chances. First and foremost, we will not tolerate bullying of any kind here. I don’t care if you are black, white, yellow, purple, or any other fucking colour or of if you’re gay, lesbian, transgender, cross-dresser, whatever. I. Don’t. Care. You treat everyone the same and with respect. Got it?” The recruits all nod. “You treat others the way you want to be treated. I’m not your damn father, I won’t pull punches. I’ll repeat again… if you fuck up, you’re out. Simple.”

  Everyone nodded their heads again, and I looked over all of them. One guy didn’t appear too happy with this news at all. He had a scowl on his face, and he was holding himself still and clenching his fists. His body language was all wrong. I guess it must have been Frost.

  I walked over to the SWAT team and CO and introduced myself. They followed me to the warehouse next door. When we walked in the door, they looked around and were impressed with the layout. A few let out a whistle at the size of the course they were going to use.

  “Guys and girls… have any of you had a go at laser skirmish before?” They all nodded their heads, so I continued, “I’m going to be here to oversee our equipment and make sure you don’t fuck it up. If any of you want to chat when you’re not training, you’re more than welcome to seek me out.”

  “We’re going to have a game of laser skirmish to relax us before we get into the heavier stuff later. It’s to make you more comfortable in your environment and to become aware of enemies. Divide into two teams, and we’ll see who comes out as the winning team. Later, we’re going to set up rooms for hostage negotiations and victim recoveries,” the CO tells them.

  They divided up and started their game of laser tag. I watched as they slowly got killed one by one and assessed their level of competence and cool-headedness. These guys were good. Very good. None of them got the shits and all played in the spirit of the game. I was confident they would have no problem with any of them. You could usually tell within a few moments if a recruit was going to make it or not. I had no such concerns.

  As the game finished and a winner emerged, we set them up for the next set of exercises. They were to infiltrate a safe house and bring the perpetrators into custody and save the hostages.

  “Good going, guys. Very impressed with you all. Go grab some lunch in the main dining room, and we’ll see you afterwards. I have an appointment I need to attend to quickly and then we’ll get back into it. See you all soon,” I finished.

  We walked back into the main warehouse, and Dave was standing near the front door talking to Tiny and Richard. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the back of his neck. I heard snickers coming from a distance and looked up and was met by the ferocious glare of Frost and a couple of other recruits. Frost said something, and the others chuckled awkwardly.

  We said our goodbyes and walked out the door with me holding Dave’s hand. We got in the car with me driving and made our way to the real estate office. As we were driving, I took his hand and brought it to my lips and kissed his knuckles and then placed it to rest on my leg.

  “How has your day been so far?” I asked.

  “Good. Had a few walk-ins, and I’ve got a back piece to finish today. Other than that, not much.”

  “You sure you’re okay with moving out? I don’t want you to feel like you have to or I’m pressuring you. We can stay if you want. I just want to be with you.”

  “No. It’s time, Mike. I’m going to miss them, but I want you all to myself for a while. I want to be able to have you fuck me anytime you want without interruptions.”

  “Well, okay then.” I chuckled. “I’m convinced. The sooner the better then?”

  “Hell, yes. I can’t wait. So, are we sure about the
house? You don’t think it’s too big for us?”

  “No, I don’t. It’s huge, and there’s a lot of space where we can spread out, and we can have the guys stay with us till they find their own places…” I drew a breath then continued, “… and there’s room for kids as well. I prefer the bigger one.”

  “Just worried about the price is all. It’s a lot of money.”

  “Not to me, it’s not. Look... I’ve said it before, I’ve made some excellent investments over the years, and I still have the money from my parents’ inheritance. I have no assets. I have all this money that’s not going anywhere. I want to buy a forever house for us to grow old together. It’s not that much when you think about the balance of my bank account. And anyway, what’s mine is yours. I want to have a huge house when we have kids, so they can grow up in it. It’s all good, babe. I love you and want to do this for us. Okay?”

  “Yeah, as long as you’re sure.”

  I parked the car in the parking area of the real estate company, and we got out of the car and entered the building. The secretary gave us a once over and smiled sweetly while I introduced us and said that we had an appointment. The agent met us a few minutes later, and we followed her into her office.

  “Hi, guys. My name’s Sherry, and it nice to meet you. I know we’ve talked on the phone, and everything is set for you to look at houses to buy, but I like to meet with my clients face to face first, so you have a better feel of me and how I do things if you know what I mean. I love to match houses to my clients and see them in their forever homes any way I can. Now, I believe you have selected the houses you want to have a closer inspection from the list I sent you?”

  “We do, indeed, Sherry. Dave and I have selected the house we would really like to look at. It’s this one here,” I confirmed passing the information over on the house we liked.

  She looked at the place we’d picked and a huge smile crossed her face. “I love this house. I wasn’t sure if you guys wanted anything this big, but I know the vendors are keen to sell. This is a gorgeous home, and I’ll be happy to set up a time for you to look at it in person. What do you say we make an appointment for a walkthrough, and we’ll go from there?”


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