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Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing)

Page 3

by Posey Parks

  My hand was snatched from behind and I was tossed to the ground. I glared at Samantha. “So, you two double teamed me?”

  She snickered, high fiving Jacob. “Yup. Come on. We have plenty of work to do this morning. Jacob will teach you how to enhance your listening skills. This will keep you alert at all times.”

  “Not going to lend me a hand, huh?”

  He shook his head. “Nope, you’re not pulling me to the ground.”

  We laughed.

  I stood. “Let’s get back to it.”



  Walking out the front door of our house, I peeked up and down the street. Tony leaned against the black Suburban, pecking away on the cell phone keys. He smirked and continued texting.

  “Hey, Tony.”

  He glimpsed at me, stuffing his cell in his pants pocket.

  “Sydney, how are you?”

  My arms crossed my chest. “I’m doing. How about you?” I pointed. “Did I just witness a smile on your face?”

  His eyes narrowed over my shoulder. “No.”

  “Yes, tell the truth, Tony. You’ve been smiling for months now,” Samantha stated, falling to my side, grinning.

  “Don’t you have a house to purchase?”

  Her lips twisted.

  “What’s her name, Tony?”

  He shook his head.

  Sebastian and Jacob greeted Tony.

  Sam looped her arm through mine, turning toward the massive house a few doors down.

  “He’d kill me if I told you.”

  “Just spill. I won’t say a word.”

  She cut her brown eyes at me. “Seriously, don’t say shit.”

  I peeked over my shoulder. The guys stood by the truck deep in a conversation with Tony.

  “Sam, I’m listening.”

  “You know Tony is Sebastian’s cousin, right?”

  “Yeah, he told me he’s supposed to be dead like his mother.”

  She nodded. “Tony left his girlfriend behind in his old life. She was in L.A. for a medical conference earlier this year. Long story short, they’ve been seeing each other in secret. Tony’s thoughtfulness for me and Jacob was sweet. But he deserves happiness.” She glanced over her shoulder. A smile filled with adoration curled her lips. “I love seeing my friend happy.”

  “I won’t say another word. Tony’s good to all of us. Not to mention he’s my family.” I unlocked the wooden double doors.

  She gaped. “This is a beautiful home. Smaller than I’m accustomed to, but it’s cozy.”

  Jacob hands swept around Sam’s waist. “Are we making an offer?”

  She gripped his hands. “I want to walk the entire property before making a final decision.” She intertwined their fingers, pulling him toward the kitchen.

  Big strong hands massaged my shoulders and soft lips landed against the top of my head. “How do you feel?”

  I leaned into his muscled chest, clutching his hands. “The nanny’s watching the kids and Tony’s sitting in front of the house, I feel relaxed.”

  His lips melted against my neck and my body shuddered.

  “Good. I want you to wear one of those form fitting dresses to dinner. Tony said he’d stay at the house while we went out with Jacob and Samantha.”

  I turned in his arms, stroking his bearded cheek. “You’re not mad at me anymore?” I searched his emerald eyes.

  That perfect sexy smile rocked his chiseled face. “Still no dick for you.”

  Standing on my tippy toes, I wrapped my arms around his neck. My lips ran slowly across his from side to side. “You think, Sebastian.”

  His eyes darkened. He gripped my pony tail, and his tongue trailed along my neck. “Are you tempting me with that mind-blowing pussy of yours?”

  “Shit…yes. I hope so,” I purred.

  His deep vocals, rumbled against my neck.

  “Fuck, Sebastian.” I breathed, fingers tracing his dark locks.

  Samantha cleared her throat.

  Clutching Sebastian’s rugged back, I leaned my head against his strong shoulder. His large hands possessively gripped my ass.

  I peered at my cousin, standing in the wide archway lips creeping at one end, wrapped in her husband’s arms. “Jacob and I are the only ones christening our new house.”

  “Well Sebastian, looks like we have a deal.” He gripped Samantha’s waist and tossed her over his broad shoulder. She shrieked.

  “Now if you don’t mind. Like my wife said we need to get busy. We’ll be ready for dinner in a couple of hours.” He winked and turned on his heels, carrying Samantha away for a little play time.


  Sebastian’s fingers slipped across the pale pink fabric clinging to my body. His other hand landed on my bouncing knee.

  “Baby, relax,” he whispered in my ear. “We’ll be home before you know it. We need a little grown up time. Are you drinking tonight?”

  I peeked into his eyes, caressing his cheek. “Yes. I’ll have a glass of champagne. I’ve pumped enough milk to last Caden a year.” My eyebrows rose twice.

  His smile dropped. “We’re not making another baby anytime soon, Sydney. We will wait until your obsession with the person you believe is lurking in the shadows is over.”

  My bottom lip lowered, and I grimaced.

  “Stop, you’re making my cock hard,” he growled against my temple.

  I swear I just came. There was no other man who could ever make me happy. Sebastian held my heart in the palm of his hand. He was right. I didn’t want to admit it. We’ll have to wait a little while longer before we try to have another baby. First, the fucker I knew was still out there needed to be handled.

  The private dining room was perfect. Sam and Jacob sat on the upholstered tan long seat across from us. Sebastian and I rarely sat with our backs to people or windows, but we trusted the two assassins in our company.

  The waiter appeared.

  “Are we all drinking tonight?” Sebastian asked, glancing between Sam and Jacob.

  “Yes,” Samantha answered.

  Sebastian turned to the waiter and ordered two bottles of champagne.

  Once we were alone, I grinned at Sam. “Are you pumping and dumping?”

  “Yeah. I brought a back-up supply of breast milk. I’ll pump and dump for a few days. It will be nice to drink the harsh stuff for a change. Good thing we have a chauffeur tonight.”

  “I know.”

  Sebastian gripped my shoulder.

  “I need to relax.” My head sank into his neck.

  The waiter returned leaving the bottles of champagne.

  Jacob stood, uncorking a bottle. He poured each of us a glass. “We should toast.” He raised his glass.

  Everyone grabbed their glass and we stood with Jacob.

  “To overcoming obstacles and to family.”

  He clanked our glasses. “Cheers!” rang out around the table.

  It was like old times. No care in the world. All laughs and discreet chatter.

  “Guys we can never thank you enough for what you two sacrificed for us. Please allow us to help.” I gripped Sam’s hand.

  “We insist,” Sebastian chimed in.

  Jacob exhaled. “Ok.”

  “Good.” He sipped his champagne.

  My husband and I knew we needed to help Samantha and Jacob with their next mission. Because of the favor they called in to help us cover up Stephanie’s death meant they had to work with their fathers again.

  “Did Syd tell you she scared away one of the moms at the playground yesterday?” She peeked over the rim of her glass at Sebastian.

  “What did you do, Sydney?”

  I shrugged. “Carrying a gun isn’t a crime. I have a license to carry.”

  “But on the playground?”

  I glowered. “Sebastian, that woman will be fine. Caden’s safety is of the most importance.”

  He threw his hands in the air.

  “Didn’t bother me one bit,” Samantha snickered, pushin
g her bone straight hair behind her ear.

  “Sebastian, I’d leave it alone. These two will always pull that shit. Their like alpha mama bears.”

  Samantha nuzzled his neck. “Oh, baby, you’re giving me too much credit. You are the only alpha in this marriage.”

  His lips danced upward as he sipped the champagne. “If you say so, Samantha.”

  Her hand disappeared under the table.

  “Whoa, baby.” His eyes bulked.

  “I say so.” Her eyebrow arched.

  “You’re a horny one, aren’t you?” His eyes combed her caramel features.

  “Only for you, baby.”

  “Good to see someone is getting some,” Sebastian sighed.

  Jacob pointed between us. “But I thought earlier you two were about to seal the deal.” He flashed that Hollywood billion-dollar smile.

  “Nope. Sydney’s on a time out.”

  The waiter appeared placing our plates before us. “Will there be anything else?”

  “A bottle of red wine,” Jacob stated.

  The waiter nodded then walked away.

  Jacob leaned in. “Dude, you won’t last. I know. Remember I’m married to her cousin.” He pointed at me. “I tried to resist her awhile back. My anger spilled over the top. She had really pushed me over the edge. Didn’t stop me from returning home and fucking my wife.” He sat back, bringing the glass to his lips. “Or in the truck overlooking L.A.”

  She rubbed his chest. “Or the condo.”

  He bit his lower lip and closed his eyes. “Yeah, the condo.”

  Sebastian and I laughed.

  “You two are a bad influence.” Sebastian slid a sliver of grilled chicken into his mouth, shaking his head.

  The waiter stood at the end of our table, pouring wine in each of our glasses, then stepped away.

  “Sam, do you plan to send Charlotte to preschool?”

  “No. I plan to hire a teacher to home school her until first grade. Once the twins are older, they’ll be home schooled for a while. Caden can attend with them.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Good evening.”

  Our eyes fell on the slender tall, blonde, woman standing next to me.

  “How are you, Ms. Skover?” Sebastian asked.

  “I’m well.” She stretched her hand out toward me. “Mrs. Johansen it’s a pleasure.”

  I placed my hand in hers. “How do you know my husband?”

  “We met the other night at the hotel bar.”

  My blood turned ice cold in my veins.

  “Oh, you did?”

  “He didn’t tell you?” She smiled coyly at him.

  “No.” I stared at her flatly.

  She chuckled. “I assure you there’s nothing to worry about.” She tossed her long, big curls over her shoulder.

  Just my husband’s type. A Stephanie replica. What the fuck was going on?

  “I work for Seattle Life Styles magazine.

  I am interviewing you in July.”

  My heart beat again. “Oh, yeah. Sorry. Women flirt with my husband all the time. I’d like to introduce you to Jacob and Samantha Latters.”

  She shook their hands, exchanging pleasantries.

  “I was on my way out and wanted to drop by and say hello. I look forward to seeing you soon, Mr. and Mrs. Johansen.”

  “Yes, can’t wait,” I stated.

  The second she exited the room, I cut my eyes at Sebastian. “What the fuck was that?”

  “She told you. She’s from the magazine.”

  “I heard her, Sebastian. Doesn’t explain why you didn’t tell me you met at the hotel bar.”

  “That’s funny I remember my wife lying at my side later that night.”

  My fingernails curled into my palms. “Doesn’t mean she isn’t attracted to you.”

  “That much is obvious,” Samantha mumbled under her breath.

  “I’m aware, Sydney and Samantha.” He peeked at her then back at me. “Do you want to cancel our interview and photo shoot?”

  I slammed my fist against the wooden table. “No.”

  “It won’t stop, Sydney. They will always wait on the sidelines. Happy to take our sloppy seconds. All to have a moment with our husbands.”

  Jacob waved his hand between us. “We’re at the table too.”

  “Their handsome and filthy rich. But ours.” She clutched Jacob’s hand.

  “Slap lips with Sebastian as many times as you can in that bitch’s face at the photoshoot. Might not stop her from flirting with your man, but the way Sebastian looks at you and gives his all to you, will infuriate her.”

  Jacob kissed Samantha’s temple. “My baby should know. She’s just about experienced it all.”

  Curling into Sebastian’s arms, I swept my hand along his neck. “I love you, baby.”

  “You’re my everything, Sydney.”

  I’ll never tire of hearing him say those words.

  “Thanks, Sam,” I mouthed.

  “Anytime,” she mouthed back.



  Didn’t I say if I would have invited Ms. Skover to my room, she wouldn’t have turned me down? What’s with women and unavailable men?

  The second our bedroom door closed; Sydney’s lips crushed mine.

  “Little Caden is asleep.” She peeked at the baby monitor, lips still touching.

  “Now it’s time to have overdue fun with, big Caden.” Sydney sank her teeth into her lower lip.

  She’s so fucking beautiful.

  Sydney shoved the olive-green blazer down my arms. Her hands slid over my pecs. “Thank god all this is mine.”

  “Sure, the fuck is.” My large hands slid up her neck and my thumbs grazed her jaw line. My wife was my fucking weakness. Sated never. “Get naked,” I growled.

  She stepped back. A sly grin fell across her sexy, pouty lips.

  Not coming inside my wife tonight would be the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The thought of sinking into those tight walls, made my cock strain against my slacks.

  Sydney slipped the spaghetti straps down her shoulders. She peeled the skin tight bodice dress down that sexy brown frame.

  Her fist fell on her curvy hip. I hated Jacob was right. No way would I had lasted.

  “Baby, every stitch.”

  She unhooked her bra and threw it to the floor.

  Licking my lips, I swooped in, slicking my tongue around her taut nipple.

  “Fuck, Sebastian.”

  Her thumbs hooked into the waistband of her panties, and she shoved them over that fat ass and down those thick thighs. They fell over her feet. My hands gripped her waist pulling her forward.

  She pushed me back, stretched her arms, turning her wrists upward.

  The corner of my lip ticked up. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Walking into the closet, I retrieved a tie. “Good thing you knew it was time for a spanking,” I said in a raised voice.

  I stood before her and tied her wrists.

  Sydney dropped to her knees.

  I kicked off my shoes, slipped my white button-down dress shirt over my head and flung it to the floor. I unbuckled my pants. Dropping my boxers and slacks around my ankles, I stepped out of them, flicking them aside. Sydney removed my socks then leaned in kissing my thigh.

  She licked her lips staring at my cock with hungry eyes.

  Stroking my dick, I peered at my wife. “Is this what you want?”

  “Yes.” Her eyes never left mine. She slid her tongue along the tip of my cock. “I missed the taste of your fat dick.”

  “Oh, yeah. What else do you miss?”

  She slid her tongue down the length then under the head. “I miss how your cock fills my mouth.”

  I gripped her long thick locks. “Baby, slip those beautiful lips over the head.”

  She opened wide and took my thick dick between her lips. Fisting her hair, I thrust into her mouth. Each time my cock slapped the back of her throat she moaned.

>   “Your mouth is so warm around my dick.” Shit, I couldn’t hold it any longer. My head dropped back as my balls swelled and come expelled down her throat. Our eyes met. “So sexy. Drink it all.” I stroked her cheek.

  She sat back, licking her lips. “Good, baby.”

  My sexy queen.

  I helped Sydney to her feet. Sitting on the bed, I laid her across my lap.

  “You’re aware you are overdue for a spanking?”


  My hand slid over her soft ass. “Well you are.”

  Pulling my hand high, I released it upon her ass.


  “That’s for shutting me out.”

  I wacked her ass again. “This is for not leaving this shit alone.”

  She shrieked.

  Her reddish-brown skin warmed under my palm. “This is for trying to weasel another baby out of me when you weren’t ready. My hand slammed against her ass cheek.

  Sydney whimpered.

  Her wet pussy wiggled against my thigh.

  “Aroused, are you?”

  “Sebastian, may I look at you?”

  I sat her on the bed beside me.

  She swallowed hard. “I want you to eat my pussy.”

  “Oh, do you?”

  “Baby, please.”

  She didn’t have to ask. Her pussy was my favorite delicacy. Sydney fell back on the bed.

  “To the top.”

  She scooted upward. I hovered over her, staring into those amber eyes. “Is this really where you want to be?”


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