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Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing)

Page 11

by Posey Parks

  I remembered Pippa backing out of the door farthest away. My eyes darted to the door closest to me. I sprinted out the door as the building exploded. The blast hurled my body across the alley. My forehead smacked the brick wall. I blinked a few times, shaking off the dizziness. Pippa! Peering down the cloudy alley, I couldn’t see her. The constant ringing in my ears drowned out all sound. Adrenaline kicked in. I ran partially limping down the alley. If I caught up with her, I could shoot her with my ankle gun or stab her with the knife strapped to my other ankle. One thing was for sure the moment I caught her I’d end her. Reaching the end of the alley, I glanced both ways. People ran through the streets like their hair was on fire.

  Turning left, I continued on my determined path to find Pippa.

  I tapped my ear. Fuck, the earbuds must have flown out of my ears. No way to communicate with my team.

  A man knocked my shoulder as he whisked by in a panic. A sharp pain shot through my abdomen. Shit!

  I glanced at the rust colored metal rod lodged in my side. Blood soaked my black shirt. A cold sensation shot through my body as I searched for shelter. I had to forgo my plan to find Pippa for now. Lying down was all I wanted to do.

  A dilapidated warehouse came into view. My body ached and throbbed as I limped toward the abandon building. I turned the metal knob and stepped inside. Crack pipes and trash littered the floor. Bracing my hand against the wall, I walked toward the dirty mattress. Maybe homeless people used the warehouse as a place of shelter.

  “Hello,” I called out. My voice bounced off the walls.

  I winced as the pain struck my core again. Applying all my weight to one side of my body, I lowered myself to the mattress.

  “Fuck, fuck,” I gritted out.

  Beads of sweat formed on my forehead. I lifted my shirt over the rod then over my head. The bullet-proof vest pressed against the rod. I unfastened the velcro straps and peeled the vest open. Shit, that’s better.

  Balling up the T-shirt in my hand, I applied pressure to the wound. Eyes bulged. “Ah,” I groaned.

  Caden, you need to stay awake. “Little, Caden.” I needed to hear his name fall from my lips. My son. My eyelids lowered. I was engulfed in my dreams.

  “Mrs. Johansen.” My fingertips slipped across her ass. I loved the way my last name was stitched into her lace panties on our wedding night. She was finally mine. No more Sydney Chambers. I scoured the earth to find her. All the hurt and pain I’d gone through was worth it. She was my wife forever. Protecting Sydney and Caden in the grocery store while she shopped was stressful. I’d do it a thousand times over if it made my wife feel safe. Sydney, I love you.

  What sounded like a rat running along the base board brought me back from my thoughts.

  I’ll rest a little while longer, then hobble out of here. I needed to see my family.

  “Sir, can you hear me?”

  My eyes barely opened. Where was I? The taste of copper filled my mouth. My eyes closed again, and I was rocked from side to side.

  “He’s in V-Fib!”

  That was the last thing I remembered.



  Staring at the ceiling, I played tonight’s horrific events on repeat. I peered through my binoculars as I watched Sebastian walk into the building. The moment Pippa and Sebastian’s conversation took a wrong turn. She revealed the detonator. I hated I couldn’t do more. My wife was in her second trimester. She should have stayed at the house. We were on a very dangerous mission. I had to protect my wife and child.

  “Hunter, Zoey and I are on the move.”

  “Be safe.”

  We pounded the pavement, exiting through the rooftop door, and down several flights of stairs. Zoey slowed once we reached the second floor.

  She clutched the banister, breathing rapidly.

  “I got you, baby.” I swooped her up.

  Zoey gripped my neck. I carried her down the remaining steps and out of the building. After buckling her into the passenger seat of the truck, I tore out of the alley. A ripple shook the van as we crossed the light. I peeked out the rearview mirror. Orange flames and black smoke filled the sky.

  Sydney wailed over the airwaves. I grabbed Zoey’s hand and our eyes met. No words needed. The tears, streaking her cheeks said it all.

  Once the remainder of our team returned, we consoled Sydney. I wished we could’ve thought of another way to trap Pippa without endangering Sebastian.

  A combination of losing a buddy and listening to his wife whimper crushed my heart. I needed to do something. I couldn’t sleep. Jacob snoozed on the chaise lounge chair. Samantha and Zoey shushed and consoled Sydney.

  Zoey met my gaze as I stood.

  “Baby, I’ll be right back. I’ll grab bottled water for you ladies.”

  She nodded.

  I slipped out of the bedroom. Holding my wife in my arms and planting kisses on her beautiful brown face was all I desired. She thought of Sydney and wanted to be a shoulder for her to lean on in her time of need.

  Whipping out my cell, I called Davins.

  “Davins here.”

  “Hey, buddy, it’s Brandon.”

  He yawned. “Hey, man. Jacob said you and Zoey were here.”

  He probably just laid down. We served the community so lack of sleep was a part of our professions.

  I ran my fingers through my hair. “I need a huge favor.”

  “Hi, Brandon?” Maya’s voice was groggy in the background.

  “Hello, Maya.”

  “Go back to sleep, babe,” he said.

  The cool night air zipped across the back of my neck. Standing on the patio, my eyes marveled the perfect manicured, lush green lawn. You never would have thought tragedy struck our family tonight.

  He sighed. “What do you need?”

  “I understand there weren’t any bodies found inside the building as of yet.”

  “Right. Chief Berry said first thing in the morning they will assess the site again.”

  “Mike, he may have made it out of the building. Or been thrown from the building. I need you to help me canvas the neighborhood.”

  “Shit, Brandon. That’s like searching for a needle in a haystack.”

  “I know I’m asking a lot. His wife is in agonizing pain.”

  I squeezed my eyes with two fingers.

  “I’d like to know I tried. I don’t know the area like you do. But if you won’t help, I’ll make do.”

  “Fine. We’ll meet at the site in thirty minutes.

  You’ll have to park a few blocks away. We’ll canvas the neighborhood on foot.”

  “Mike, thanks. I’ll see you soon.”

  He disconnected the call.

  Clutching my cell at my side, I stared at the stars. “I hope you are still alive, Sebastian.”

  I placed cold bottles of water on the nightstand and kissed my sleeping wife’s forehead. Sydney had finally falling asleep. Samantha’s hair covered her face as she snoozed on Sydney’s shoulder.

  Tossing medical supplies in a sling bag, I slipped into clean all black clothes. I laced up my Gore-Tex boots, then strolled down the stairs and into the kitchen. Grabbing a set of keys to the Suburban in the driveway, I eased out the back door. The engine turned over quietly, I threw the car in reverse, and rolled down the driveway. If I were caught, I’d say I was running to pick up ice cream for Zoey. No one would question me about satisfying my pregnant wife’s craving.

  Hands stuffed in my pockets, I walked down an alley toward the crime scene. Horn’s blowing and car engines, humming felt like a distant memory. Blackened shop windows, empty streets, and yellow caution tape was a quick reminder tragedy crippled this bustling city. The smell of smoke hung in the air.

  Mike and another guy came into view, standing in the rubble.

  I stretched my hand out. “Mike, good to see you. Wish it was under better circumstances.”

  He shook my hand. “Same here. Dr. Brandon Asher II I’d like to introduce you to fir
efighter Chandler Cassady. He’s new on the job. But he’s ambitious.”

  Chandler smiled. “Nice to meet you, Dr. Asher.” His hand slammed into mine. There was a glimpse of eagerness in his young eyes. He held a large flashlight in his other hand. We were about the same height. Chandler’s build was solid. Had to remain physically fit I’d imagine, running in and out of burning buildings all the time.

  “Likewise. Thanks for assisting us.”

  “It’s not a problem. I know this area well. We can search the alley behind the building. We need to be careful. I brought masks and extra flashlights.” He reached into the duffel bag, hanging across his body and gave us each a mask and a large flashlight. “There could be asbestos in the air. I’d like to clear this area as quickly as possible. My squad will arrive soon.” Chandler pulled his dark cap lower over his short brown hair.

  I glanced between them. “Thank you.”

  They smirked and nodded.

  We trekked through the alley, shining our flashlights on what was left of the crumbled building. A chill shot up my spine. Knowing what happened here several hours ago weighed heavy on my heart.

  “The chief had us search both structures last night. There wasn’t any sign of life in either.”

  “We should continue up the alley then circle the block to the left,” Mike stated.

  “Sounds good.” I adjusted my cap on my head.

  Chandler peeked at me. “I noticed your accent. Dr. Asher, where are you from?”


  “Do you live here?”

  “No, just visiting.”

  He nodded.

  We searched for any sign of an injured person lying inside doorways or behind garbage cans.

  “Mike, I was surprised you were sleep when I called.”

  He cut his eyes at me over his shoulder. “I was heading back to the office this morning at eight. You just added a few hours to my twelve-hour shift.”

  I slammed my fist into his shoulder. “You’ll live. I’ve stood in surgery for twenty-four hours twice.”

  Chandler’s blue eyes widened. “Did the person live?”


  “That’s awesome. I practically live at the firehouse. My captain said I should stop picking up extra shifts. He said I needed proper rest. I want to save as many lives as I can. I’m the first man into the building. And sometimes the last one out. No man left behind is my motto.”

  I patted his shoulder. “Looks like I have two of L.A.’s finest assisting me.” I smirked.

  “Brandon, you’re lucky we are friends. If we weren’t, you’d be out here alone.”

  We chuckled.

  Chandler strolled to the left, shining his flashlight along the ground near a brick building.

  “This might be nothing, but we should check it out.”

  Mike and I stepped beside him.

  “It could be anyone’s blood.”

  Pippa and her men fled in the same direction. Could have been theirs. I’d love to find her slumped over; dead.

  “Let’s see where it leads us.” We turned left. Chandler followed the trail of crimson blood.

  Mike scanned the deserted streets. He glanced at the house to our left in passing.

  “Are we stopping?” I halted.

  “If there isn’t anyone at the end of the trail, we’ll circle back.”

  “Sounds good.”

  A dilapidated building came into view on our left.

  Chandler halted abruptly.

  “What’s the matter?” I glanced between them.

  “Drug addicts and homeless people squat in the building often. It can get rowdy. I’ve come across Clint a homeless guy I help out from time to time hanging around the perimeter. He said he wouldn’t go in because of all the drug users.”

  Mike drew his weapon and so did I.

  “Chandler, once we reach the doorstep behind Brandon and I.”

  His eyes widened. “Brandon, why are you carrying a weapon?”

  “For protection.” Couldn’t tell him a crazed woman blew up the building. And if I found her, I’d blow her brains out. A vague statement was best.

  He shrugged. “All right.”

  Chandler flashed the light on the blood pooling at the door step.

  My body vibrated and beads of sweat trickled down my forehead. Someone lost a lot of blood. I tried to prepare myself for what I might find. I swallowed hard and nodded at Mike.

  He nodded and turned the knob, pointing his gun as he peeked inside.

  “It’s L.A. P.D.!”

  I stepped in behind him, flashing the light across the room. “Shit!” My eyes bulged. “Sebastian!” I darted to his side.

  “Buddy, can you hear me?”

  I placed two fingers against his pulse. “His breathing is shallow.”

  “Can you hear me Sebastian? Hang on.”

  Chandler stared at Sebastian. His eyes were the size of saucers. I was sure he’d seen people worse off than this. “Is he going to make it?”

  Mike was on the phone, calling for medical assistance.

  “Chandler, I need you to get your head in the game. Apply pressure to his wound. I need to give him antibiotics.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, yeah.”

  “Mike, how long?”

  “The ambulance will be here in minutes. I’ll check the rest of the building.”


  The mattress reeked of stale urine. I doubt it was Sebastian’s. I treated his facial lacerations. “You made it out, man. You are strong. Sydney and Caden need you.”

  He never opened his eyes.

  Fifteen minutes later, Sebastian coded. I jumped on the gurney, thrusting my hands against his heart as the Paramedics strolled us through the hospital halls.

  “Sebastian, don’t you die on me. You made it this far. Hold on! Hold on!”

  The paramedics pushed the gurney into an emergency room bay. I eased off the bed, managing chest compressions. “Nurse, I am Dr. Asher from Boston Mass General. Hook the patient up to the defibrillator and I need paddles.”

  “Right away, Dr. Asher.”

  I paused, pumping Sebastian’s chest and grabbed the paddles from her.

  Placing the paddles on his chest, I stared at the defibrillator. “Charge Three hundred sixty, please.”

  The nurse pressed the charge button.

  “Clear,” I shouted.

  The nurse backed up.

  Sebastian’s chest rose as the paddles shocked his body.

  I glanced at the screen again. “He’s still in V-Fib.

  One more. Clear!”

  The paddles jolted his body again.

  “Dr. Asher, we have a pulse.”

  I exhaled, dropping my head on his shoulder. “You scared me, man.”

  My eyes glassed over, and I stood, pinching my eyes. I cleared my throat, turned, and peeked at her name badge. “Nurse Lincoln, prep him for surgery.”

  “Yes, Dr. Asher.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  I turned on my heels, facing a sea of medical staff.

  A tight lip on a tall doctor, wearing a white coat stepped forward. “This is not your hospital.”

  I smirked and glanced between Chandler, Mike, and the arrogant doctor foaming at the mouth.

  “Feel free to contact my father Chief Asher at Mass General. He’ll clear up any problems for you.” My thick accent was laced with anger and frustration.

  “Now if you’d excuse me.” I glared at his badge. “Dr. Robbins, I need to prepare for surgery. I have a patient whose life hangs in the balance.” My jaw twitched and anger coursed through my veins.

  My family laid on the table, staring at death’s door and this motherfucker wanted to give me shit. Fuck him.

  His face turned beet red. I knocked his shoulder as I darted out of the room.



  “Brandon,” Zoey called out.

  “Has anyone seen, Brandon?” I heard Zoey ask outside my b
edroom door.

  I sat up in the middle of the bed, swiping at the warm, salty tears. “Zoey, come here.” My voice was shaky.

  Hard to keep a clear head when the fire chief just told me don’t expect the remains of my husband to be found.

  She rubbed her belly as she strolled across the room. “I can’t find Brandon.”

  Hard to believe there was a time she couldn’t walk. Sam said Brandon wouldn’t leave her side.

  She scrunched her long coyly hair in one hand. “Why would he leave without telling me. My husband doesn’t do that.” She sat on the edge of the bed, staring into space.

  “When did you talk last?”

  “Last night. He said he’d bring us bottles of water.”

  “Oh, yeah, I remember.” My eyebrows rose. “Maybe he decided to go for a run.”

  The ends of her lips tipped up then lowered. “Yeah, maybe. I’ll text him.” She slipped her cell out of her jeans pocket and shot him a text.

  “I’ll ask Jacob to watch the surveillance footage from last night.”

  Zoey nodded. “That’s a good idea.”

  We walked down the wide staircase.

  “You don’t think Pippa would come here?”

  “Zoey, as much as I wish she would. I doubt it.”

  Jacob laid on the family room floor. One of the twins crawled around his head. The other slobbered on his cheek.


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