Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing)

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Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing) Page 12

by Posey Parks

  My lips curled upward. How could I not smile? It was a cute sight. I loved watching Sebastian with Caden. My throat burned. Shit, Sydney focus.

  “Jacob, we can’t find your cousin,” Zoey stated.

  His eyebrows wrinkled. “What?” He sat up straight, pulling the twins into his arms.

  “Yeah, he’s not here. He also isn’t picking up his cell.”

  “Can you pull surveillance footage?” I grabbed one of the twins out of his arms.

  “Sure, come on.”

  A few minutes later we huddled around Jacobs computer in his office. The twins were occupied pulling my hair and babbling.

  “Looks like he needed fresh air.” Jacob stared at the screen, arms crossing his chest.

  “Wait, why is he on the phone in the wee hours of the morning?” Zoey asked the question. I doubt she was really asking. Her eyes never left the screen.

  We watched Brandon’s every move.

  My hand flew over my mouth. “He wouldn’t search for Pippa on his own, would he?” I peeked at Jacob.

  “No. Shit.” He shook his head. “I don’t know. I’ll call the trucks locator service and find out where the vehicle is now.”

  My eyes fell on Zoey. Her chest rose and fell. She visibly swallowed.

  “Zoey, Jacob will find him.”

  She didn’t say a word. Her eyes were glued to the screen.

  “What’s going on in here? Did I miss something?” Sam asked from the doorway.

  Jacob held one finger in the air as he talked to the car service locator company.

  Samantha’s eyes widened. She darted to my side. “What’s up?”

  “Brandon left in the middle of the night. We don’t know where he went. He was dressed for combat,” I whispered. “Check on Zoey. I kind of have my hands full.”

  “Oh, yeah. I’ll place them in the playpen. They will pull on your hair until your bald.”

  Jacob disconnected the call. “The truck is parked in an alley a block away from the explosion.”

  Zoey shot to her feet, pacing. “Fuck! He did go looking for her.”

  She shook her head. “Jacob, why wouldn’t he at least call you?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll call Mike. He’s probably on duty. He can get to the truck faster than we can. But I’ll head down there.”

  “We’re coming with you.” Zoey stalked toward the door.

  “Ok?” A puzzled look swept across his face. He threw his hands in the air. “We don’t know what we are walking into.”

  “Whatever it is. We’ll be ready. I’m grabbing my Glocks,” I snarled.


  Jacob’s calls went unanswered. Why wouldn’t Mike answer his phone? We left the kids with the nanny. We told our In-laws we needed to find Brandon.

  I rubbed Zoey’s shoulder in the back seat of the Range Rover. Samantha sat in the front passenger seat, staring out the window.

  “I’ll call Maya. She might know how to get in touch with Mike,” Zoey slipped her cell from her pocket.

  Sam glanced over her shoulder. “Good thinking, Zoey.”

  She dialed the phone number on speaker. “Hello, Maya, it’s Zoey.”

  “Hey! Mike told me last night you were in L.A.”

  “Yeah, he talked to Jacob last night.”

  “And Brandon this morning. How’s Sydney?”

  Zoey sat straight up and shook her head.

  She peeked at me. “She’s making it. None of us would be in good shape after such a tragedy. Do you know why Brandon called?”

  My stomach twisted in knots.

  “Brandon told Mike we’d get together while you’re here. I want to help.”

  “Thank you. I’d love to see you. Sydney would love to meet you too.”

  “Ok, Back to the phone conversation. Mike hadn’t been asleep long. He said Brandon asked him to help find Sebastian.”

  Zoey squeezed her forehead.

  Jacob swerved to the side of the road, then peered over his shoulder.

  “What?” I shouted.

  “Sorry, Maya. You’re on speaker. Sydney, Samantha, and Jacob are here.”

  We greeted Maya.

  “Hi, guys. I’m sorry. I didn’t ask questions. I thought it was best I let him go.”

  “Thanks, Maya. Can you call Mike?” Zoey asked.

  “Sure. Hold on.”

  The phone clicked twice, then rung.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “Mike, are you still with Brandon?”


  Zoey gripped the driver’s seat and exhaled.

  “Babe, Zoey, Sydney, Samantha, and Jacob are on the phone with us. Zoey’s looking for Brandon. She hadn’t heard from him.”

  “Shit!” he growled.

  “Mike, what’s wrong?” Zoey gripped her round belly.

  “I can’t talk about it over the phone. But Brandon is fine. Meet me at Cedar Sinai. Call once you all arrive.”

  She hesitated. “Ok. Mike and Maya, thank you.”

  “Anytime.” Maya disconnected the call.

  My nerves were all over the place. Tremors shot through my body like mini jolts of electricity.

  “One sec, Jacob.” Samantha climbed into the backseat between Zoey and I, clutching our hands.

  Jacob merged into traffic, zipping through the side streets in route to the hospital.

  “Samantha, I don’t understand.” I leaned forward, glancing at Zoey. “Why didn’t Brandon tell us his plan?”

  Her eyes softened. “Brandon probably couldn’t sit around and wait. He needed to put boots on the ground and see what he could find without worrying you.”

  A tear fell from my eye and my lip trembled. Zoey clutched my hand.

  “That was…so thoughtful of him.”

  Jacob jerked the truck to a halt in the hospital valet.



  Standing on the elevator, I pondered on what Brandon could have found. Then it hit me. My back slid down the wall and my ass slammed against the floor. Tears clouded my vision. “Oh, my god. I know why we’re here.” Jacob kneeled down before me. I heard a lady, begging for his autograph.

  “Now isn’t the time,” Samantha stated firmly.

  “Sydney, we’ll be right by your side.” Jacob gently touched my arm.

  “I thought I could…” My words jammed in my throat. I don’t want to remember him burned beyond recognition.

  The elevator dinged.

  “This is our floor, Sydney.”

  I swiped at the tears. Jacob held his hand out toward me. Placing my shaky hand in his, he pulled me to my feet. We stepped out of the elevator and my knees buckled. Samantha and Jacob gripped my waist.

  Doctors and nurses moved through the hall at a snail’s pace. It was as if time slowed.

  “I-I need a minute. I’m not ready to see my husband yet.” I shook my head.

  “Hey guys.” Mike approached, wearing a five o’clock shadow, and a wrinkled dark T-shirt.

  I flopped in a nearby chair, burying my face in my lap.

  “Mike, I need a moment.”

  His gray eyes widened. “No, problem.”

  “Where is Brandon?” Zoey asked.

  “Hopefully, he’ll join us in a moment.”

  “Was Brandon hurt?”

  I glanced between them.

  “No, he’s operating on a patient.”

  Zoey gripped her hair, closed her eyes, and exhaled. “On who?”

  “Zoey?” We heard in the distance.

  “Brandon!” She burst into tears and jumped into his arms.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, clutching his neck.

  “I’m ok, baby. I am sorry, I didn’t tell you what my plan was. I didn’t want to worry anyone.” He stood before us still holding his wife in his arms. She stared into his eyes and pressed her lips against his.

  “I love you, baby. Next time tell me what you’re planning. I was worried sick.”

  She dropped to her feet, then sat be
side me. Brandon swiped the blue surgical hat off his head.

  Jacob sat on the opposite side of me, holding Samantha in his lap.

  Mike’s heavy hand landed on Brandon’s shoulder. “How was the surgery?”

  “Yeah, about that.” He kneeled before me in his blue scrubs.

  His gray eyes locked with mine. “We found Sebastian.”

  My chest rose and fell and my heartbeat thudded my ears. Air constricted in my throat. “I don’t know if I can take much more bad news.”

  “Just listen. He was in bad shape when we found him. He lost a lot of blood. Sebastian coded the moment we entered the hospital.”

  My hand flew over my gaped mouth.

  “I needed to operate right away. There was a metal rod lodged in his abdomen. I was able to remove the rod. He’s in rough shape. He needs to rest. But you can see him.”

  I threw my arms around his neck. “Thank you, so much, Brandon.”

  “You’re welcome. He was admitted as a John Doe.”

  My shaky body fell back in the chair.

  “I didn’t want a certain someone to find him.”

  “Yeah, that was a smart move.” I smiled.

  “Sebastian isn’t out of the woods yet.”

  I inhaled then exhaled. “I’ll take this big victory. The fire chief told me a few hours ago my husband’s remains could be scattered about. Now you’re telling me he’s not only alive, but survived surgery. I don’t care. I just want to see him.”

  “Understood.” He glanced to the right. “Jacob and Samantha, how about escorting Syd down the hall to room four thirty-seven?”

  Brandon stood, grabbing Zoey’s hand.

  “Sure. No problem. Good job, Brandon.” Jacob’s deep voice filled the hallway.

  We thanked Mike, then walked toward Sebastian’s room.

  Placing my palm on the door, I breathed deep. You can do this, Sydney.

  Jacob pushed the door open. I ran to Sebastian’s side. My shaky fingers swayed over every laceration on his blue and red face. He appeared to be in a deep slumber. I clutched his hand.

  “Baby, I’m here.” Fresh warm tears spilled down my cheeks. I smiled through the tears.

  I felt a gentle hand on my back. “We’re all here for you, Sebastian,” Samantha stated.

  Jacob stepped to the other side of the bed and gripped his hand. “Buddy, I know you’ll pull through. You are a fighter.”

  “Baby, let’s give Sydney time alone with Sebastian.”

  Samantha pulled me into her arms. “We’ll grab coffee and a Danish for you, ok?”

  “That would be great. Can you call the house? Please put his parents at ease.”

  “Of course.” Samantha nodded.

  She stepped back, framing my face. “I’m so happy he has you.”

  I smiled. “Sam, I won’t leave his side until he walks out of here.”

  She bit back the tears and shook her head. “Oh, don’t I know it,” she choked out.

  Jacob stepped behind her, kissing her hair. “Come on baby.”

  Sitting in the tall reclining chair, I gawked at my husband’s handsome face, clutching his hand. The day we argued on the street came to mind. He apologized profusely. We were disgusted with each other, but not enough to forget the other. Somehow that one month together was so earth-shattering, it bonded us. Each time spent apart was more painful than the last. Even knowing he loved me with all of his heart, I tried to push him away. I had a bitter ex and so did he. His ex was a different kind of evil.

  Sebastian always went above and beyond to ensure I was well taken care of. I married the love of my life. We have a fourth chance together. Honestly, I didn’t deserve Sebastian. The first couple of times he devoured my lips and slipped his fingers deep inside me lit my soul on fire. I tried to push him away. No other man could ever please me the way he had. His passion and hunger for me, instantly soaked my core. He was driven on pure determination to have me as his wife. I was the woman who drove him insane.

  Stephanie clouded my vision. I allowed her hate and disregard for me to push Sebastian away again. We’d rescued our son, I killed Stephanie, yet reminded Sebastian often our child’s kidnapping was on his hands. All I could see was his ex-girlfriend orchestrating our child’s kidnapping. Caden was my only concern. Not my husband. His innocent life couldn’t be lost because a scorned woman wanted her boyfriend back and didn’t give a shit who suffered. I’ll attend all the therapy sessions needed to help me move forward in life. No more dwelling on our past.

  The bitch’s head belonged at the end of my muzzle. I’ll engrave a P in a bullet just for Pippa. The corner of my lip curled.

  Knock, knock.

  My eyes darted to the door.

  “Can I come in?”

  I ran into Seth’s arms. “So happy you’re here.”

  He held me tight. “I wasn’t expecting to see him alive.”

  I stepped back and peeked up at him. “Yeah, I know.” I swiped at the tears bursting from my eyes.

  “Sit with him.” I glanced at my watch. I’d been alone for an hour.

  Seth unbuttoned and shrugged off his black suit jacket. He smiled. “Brother, it’s so good to see you.” A single tear slid down his chiseled cheek.

  I wrung my hands. “How did you know he was here?”

  “Denise the house manager informed us Samantha called and said we should meet you here. I wasn’t even there thirty minutes.”

  “Where’s your parents?”

  He laughed. “Questioning the shit out of Dr. Asher.”

  I chuckled.

  Running my hand along Sebastian’s forehead, I glanced into Seth’s green eyes.

  “Sydney, what happened?”

  “I don’t know? We are investigating?”

  “Don’t you mean the police are investigating?”

  “No, Seth. Your brother’s a hacker. And he was framed for murder. Sebastian probably made contact with the person who framed him. It appears they tried to kill him.”

  His brows wrinkled. “I feel like you are leaving out information.”

  “All you need to know is we won’t rest until we find the people who did this.”

  The door creaked open.

  “My baby’s alive,” Violet cried.

  Dirk wrapped his arm around me. “He’s a little banged up, but he’s alive,” he sighed.

  He rubbed Sebastian’s shoulder.

  “I’ll let y’all visit with him.”

  Violet kissed my cheek. “Nonsense.”

  “Really, it’s ok. I’m staying at the hospital with Sebastian. I need to talk to Dr. Asher anyway.”

  She massaged my hand. “Ok.”

  I felt Seth’s eyes on my back as I exited the room. He wasn’t buying what I was selling. Oh well. If Sebastian wanted to bring him into the loop, that’s up to him.



  I texted Samantha.

  Where are you?


  Room three twenty-seven.

  I stepped into what appeared to be the doctors' lounge. The sun poured into the room. Coffee beans swept up my nose. I smirked, scanning the spacious room. Lying on the sofa, Zoey adjusted her head in Brandon’s lap. Samantha sat beside Jacob at a round table, resting her head on his shoulder. A few nurses stood at a side counter sipping coffee and eating sandwiches.

  I sat next to Sam. “Is this my coffee and Danish?”

  “Yeah.” Samantha pushed the Danish toward me.

  I swooped up the piping hot Styrofoam cup, blowing the coffee. Across the room a female doctor stood near the window, gawking at Jacob. He flashed that Hollywood smile, then dug into a slice of cherry pie. Sam rolled her eyes, gripping his waist. “Jacob, I don’t see how you deal with the constant staring.”

  “I do my best to smile through the whispers and stares.”

  “Yup, she’s daydreaming about my husband right now. Like I’m invisible. I know just the remedy.” Sam brushed her fingers along Jacob�
��s face, slipping her tongue around his neck. “Oh, baby, I want you so bad,” she moaned.

  Jacob continued eating. The doctor’s eyes widened, and she gaped. Her eyes turned into slits as she stormed out of the lounge.

  I slapped Sam’s thigh. “I’d say you fucked up her daydream once you inserted yourself.”

  We all laughed hysterically.

  It was the first good laugh I had in a long time.

  “You guys don’t have to stay.” I bit into the apple Danish.

  “We know. We’ll stay a little later, then leave.” Samantha glanced at Zoey. “Are you leaving with us?”

  “No. I’m staying with Brandon. I’ll sleep in a private room. But FaceTime me later so we can tell Addison goodnight.” She smiled, pulling the blanket under her neck. He stroked her arm.

  “Sure thing. We’ll be back tomorrow morning with fresh clothes for everyone.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled.

  “Why did you leave your family?” A devilish smile curled her lips as she leaned in.

  “Samantha stop instigating.”

  “Syd, you know that won’t happen.”

  Samantha punched Jacob in his chest.

  Brandon and Zoey snickered.

  “Seth asked too many questions.”

  Sam pointed her index finger toward me. “He hates you, doesn’t he?”

  “I think he still has animosity towards me.”

  “He asked what happened to Sebastian, I couldn’t spill the beans.”

  Samantha nodded. “True. Guess you’ll endure side eye for the extent of his stay.”

  “Yeah, I think he tolerates me because he knows I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Sydney, maybe it’s not you he hates, it’s the act of love,” Zoey yawned.

  “I agree. Mr. Playboy hates the thought of falling head over heels for anyone other than himself.”


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