Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing)

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Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing) Page 13

by Posey Parks

  They laughed.

  “Sydney, you make Seth sound so shallow.” Brandon rested his head on his fist propped up on the arm of the sofa.

  “Ask Jacob. He hung out with him.”

  “Hey, I have nothing bad to say about the guy. He likes to party.” His eyes darted to Brandon. “You remember those days?”

  “Yeah, he’ll come around. Sounds like he hasn’t met the right woman yet.”

  “I hope he does soon. He is fun to talk to after a few drinks.”

  “Sydney, I have to agree with you there.” Jacob smiled.

  Brandon stood, helping Zoey to her feet. “I need to get my wife settled, then check on my patient.”

  “I’ll be up in a moment, Brandon.” I sipped my coffee.

  He nodded.

  “Zoey, see you later.”


  “Guy’s I’ll call after Gloria and I bathe the kids.” Samantha smirked.

  “Sounds good.” Brandon’s heavy hand landed on Jacob’s shoulder. “You better take the stairs to get out of here. I’m sure by now every doctor, nurse, and patient are aware you’re on the premises.”

  “Better believe it brother. We are leaving out of here quietly.”


  Walking through the hallway my body shuddered and my teeth chattered. I ran my hands swiftly up and down my arms. Shit, it’s freezing.


  I halted and glanced over my shoulder. “Yes, Brandon?”

  “One second.”

  He jogged back down the hall, halting at the nurses’ station. “I need warm blankets now,” he demanded.

  One of the nurses nodded and disappeared. She returned a short time later, carrying a stack of blankets.

  “Thank you,” Brandon stated.

  He greeted a few doctors in passing as he scurried toward me.

  “These blankets should keep you warm.” He wrapped one around my shoulders and placed the other two in my hands.

  “Thank you, Brandon.”

  “No problem. Hospitals are drafty. I run around so much I rarely get cold.”

  “If it were me, I’d wear a fancy doctor coat all the time.”

  “Pushing a patient on a gurney through the hall at top speed, trust me you’d lose the coat.”

  I laughed. “Oh, I forgot to ask where did you find Sebastian?”

  “He managed to walk to an abandon building not far from the incident site. He was lying on a soiled mattress. Luckily, he was alone. Firefighter Chandler said it was usually crawling with homeless and drug abusers. Maybe the explosion scared them away.” Brandon ran his hand over his bearded face. “Not sure he would have survived if we wouldn’t have found him.”

  Tears spilled down my cheeks. “Brandon, I can never thank you enough. I am so grateful you searched for Sebastian.”

  “Me too.” He pushed the door open, and I walked inside, swiping at the tears.

  Violet’s eyes widened. “What’s wrong, Sydney?”

  “I am overcome with emotion. That’s all. Just so happy to see his handsome face.” I marveled in the distance. My eyes swept over the lacerations on his chiseled face. I desperately wanted to be alone with my husband. Cuddle up next Sebastian and sleep until he awoke.

  Brandon shook Seth’s hand. “I am Dr. Asher. I don’t believe we’ve officially met.”

  “Seth Johansen.”

  “Not sure if anyone told you how we know each other.” Brandon peeked over his shoulder at me and my in-laws.

  We shook our heads.

  He returned his attention to Seth. “I am Jacob Latters cousin.”

  I grabbed Brandon’s arm, staring at Seth. “My cousin Samantha married Jacob. We are all pretty close.”

  Seth exhaled, running his fingers through his hair. “Feels good to know my brother is in good hands.”

  Brandon smiled.

  “What’s my brother’s prognosis?”

  “I’ll know more in a moment. I need to evaluate him.” Brandon scanned Sebastian’s chart, assessed the wound, and adjusted his meds.

  “Sebastian is progressing. He’s responding well to the medication. His body has sustained great trauma. But he should wake soon.”

  Gasps fell about the room.

  “I am aware Sydney isn’t leaving his side. If anyone else would like to stay overnight, I can reserve another room down the hall. This is the celebrity floor. Please be discreet. This floor isn’t very busy so there are a few rooms available.”

  “Brandon, Sebastian and I will pay for the extra room.”

  “Sydney, that’s not necessary.” Violet clutched my hand.

  “It’s not a problem.”

  “Sydney, the night nurse will be in soon. Be sure to order dinner.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Thank you, Brandon.”

  “It’s nothing. We are family.”

  I stepped back and smiled. “Zoey is probably exhausted. I will FaceTime her later.”

  “I’ll let her know.”

  Seth pulled Violet into his arms. “I miss you mom.”

  “I miss you too, baby. Sydney, I’ll text you the room number. If Caden wakes up come get us.”

  “Will do.”

  Dirk hugged me, kissing the top of my head. “Try to rest.”

  I grinned, peering into his warm green eyes. “I’ll try.”

  Standing in the center of the room, I swallowed hard as the door shut, biting my lower lip.

  Slipping off my shoes, I kicked them next to the recliner, and climbed into bed beside Sebastian. Tracing my fingers along his strong arm, I kissed his earlobe, inhaling his smoky skin. “Baby, I can’t wait until you wake up. I miss hearing your deep voice.” I peeked at my wedding ring and my lips curled upward.

  “This is selfish, but I want to go home and barricade us in our bedroom with Caden. I don’t want you to leave my sight.” I chuckled. “Remember the day we arrived in Malibu you were pissed. You could barely look at me. I found you later in the bar working. The barmaid flirted with you. I let her know you belonged to me.” My milk chocolate fingers slid over his tanned cheek. “Our life isn’t perfect. Obviously, the trouble isn’t over after this horrific ordeal. We are strong Sebastian. We got this. I can’t wait to find her. She’ll pay dearly for trying to steal you from me.”



  My eyelids fluttered open. I squinted, tearing my eyes away from the bright light above.

  “Mr. Johansen, good to see you are awake. I am your night nurse Erica Shaw.” Her pink lips curled at the ends and her brown eyes brightened behind her red large frame glasses. “I was adjusting your pain meds. What is your pain level?”

  “Fifteen.” I winced.

  “The morphine will kick in soon. You can press this little pad anytime you need more relief.”

  I nodded, pointing at my throat.

  She poured ice water into a cup and placed the straw between my lips.

  “Someone was exhausted.” She pointed her head to my side.

  I released the straw. “Thank you.”

  My heartbeat quickened. “I am thrilled she’s here. I thought I’d never see her again.”

  I glanced at nurse Shaw. “I am sure you weren’t supposed to allow her to stay in bed with me. Thank you.”

  She gripped my hand. “You’re welcome. I’ll return soon.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re here. Lying by my side.” My nose fanned her frizzy hair. Her peach shampoo filled my nostrils. I clicked the morphine pad. Shooting pain struck every inch of my body. My fucking toes shook. I grabbed the oblong control pad, dimming the lights. My eyelids lowered.


  The warmth that lingered through the night was gone. A draft was left in my beautiful wife’s place.

  “You said my husband was awake. When?” I heard.

  My eyes slowly opened.

  “I’ll check the notes.” The night nurse grabbed a clipboard from the foot of my bed.

  “Thanks, nurse Fi

  I blinked twice and scanned the room.

  The nurse peeked at me and her face brightened. “Good morning, Mr. Johansen.”

  I smirked.

  Sydney jumped out of the recliner. “Sebastian, how do you feel?” Tears flooded her cheeks.

  The padding of my large thumb swiped away the tears.

  “I am in a lot of pain, but the only thing that matters is that I am here.”

  “Mr. Johansen, my name is nurse Fiona. I’ll check your vitals then page Dr. Asher.”

  My brows wrinkled. “Brandon’s my doctor.”

  Sydney squeezed my hand. “Yes. I’ll explain.” Her smile rose and fell. “Your parents and Seth are here.”

  The nurse peeled the bandage back revealing the nasty scar on my abdomen. I gritted my teeth. A sharp, burning pain shot through my body. “Fuck.”

  Sydney swayed the hair from my sweaty brow.

  Nurse Fiona placed the morphine button in my hand.

  “Dr. Asher will be in soon.”

  The nurse scurried out of the room.

  “Sydney, how did I get here?”

  Her lips fell upon mine. “I thought I’d never see you again. Fire chief Berry said I’d be lucky if they found your remains.”

  “Baby, I’m sorry.”

  Brandon burst through the door. “Man, it’s good to see you’re awake!” He grinned.

  “How are you my doctor, Brandon?” I gave him the once over in his blue scrubs under a white doctor’s coat.

  “We thought you were dead. Our women were crying, mourning you.” He flashed a bright light in my eyes.

  “I had to do something. I called Davins and asked for his help. He and a firefighter met me at the bomb site. We searched for you. We found you unconscious in an abandon building. How did you get there? First, I need to listen to your lungs.” Brandon placed the cold stethoscope against my chest.

  “Your lungs sound good. You died on me the second the paramedics pushed you through the emergency room doors. I had to bring you back.”

  My heavy hand landed on his shoulder. “Thanks, Brandon.” I winced. “How bad is my wound?”

  “If you rest, you will make a full recovery.” Brandon’s eyebrow rose.

  I chuckled and gripped the bed rail as the pain shot through my body. “Yeah, sounds like a plan. I need to heal so I can catch a certain someone.”

  Sydney rubbed the top of my hand. “Yes, you do. I will be there with you when the time comes.”

  “Sebastian, how did you get out of the building?” Brandon slid the stethoscope around his neck.

  “Pippa walked backward toward the other exit. The second she hit the button; I dove through the door I previously walked through. The explosion knocked me against the building across the alley.” Sydney’s lips melted against my scruffy face. Her warm tears soaked my cheek.

  “I limped down the alley. I didn’t realize the rod was in my abdomen until I turned the corner. The dilapidated building came into view, I walked inside.” I tossed my hands in the air. “I couldn’t go on. I knew I needed to rest.”

  “But you shouldn’t have gone into that building, Sebastian.” Sydney cried. “If it wasn’t for Brandon finding you…” She bit her lower lip. “You would have died.”

  I pulled her into my arms. “Come here. Sorry, sweetheart.” Her body quaked in my arms.

  “Promise next time you’ll try to get help.”

  I kissed her forehead. “I promise.”

  I peered at Brandon. “Thanks man. There’s no way I can ever repay you.”

  He smirked. “Yes, it is. Handle the problem once and for all.”

  I chuckled, gripping the railing again. “Will do.” I stated through barred teeth.

  “Jesus, man.” Brandon grabbed the button. “Take the fucking pain meds.” He clicked the button.

  We all laughed.

  “I’ll get your parents and Seth.” Sydney swiped at the tears as she exited the room.

  “Sebastian, I will release you today under my care. I checked you into the hospital as a John Doe. We need to keep eyes off of you. I can manage your pain at Jacob’s.”

  “Sounds good, Brandon.”

  “Sebastian!” Mom stormed into the room face, gushing with tears.

  “My baby’s all right.” She clutched my face.

  “Son, good to see you alert.” Dad smiled.

  “Not sure how long. Dr. Asher has me doped up on morphine.”

  They laughed.

  “You scared the shit out of us, bro.”

  Seth slapped my face twice. “This is the only way we see each other now, huh? In times of crisis.”

  Seth’s usually perfect short brown hair was disheveled.

  “You slept in your clothes?”

  He tugged his wrinkled white dress shirt. “Yeah, I wasn’t leaving here until I knew you were all right.”

  His green eyes glassed over and his chiseled jaw tightened.

  “Come here.” I gripped his head, holding him close. “Thanks, big bro.” I kissed his hair.

  “Don’t thank me.” He stepped back, sniffled, pinching his eyes.


  “Yeah, doc?”

  “I’ll give you time alone with your family. I’ll have you checked out in two hours.”

  I nodded.

  Brandon stepped out of the room.

  “You’re going home?” Dad’s eyes widened.

  “Yes. I’ll be under Brandon’s care.”

  “Why can’t you stay in the hospital?” Seth’s thick brown brow rose.

  “It’s a long story. One I am not ready to discuss here. Wait until later.”

  “Yeah, ok.”


  Our assassin family was a strong unit. We did all we could for each other. I gripped my side with one hand and the arm of the wheelchair with the other.

  “Hold on Sebastian. I’ll hook you up to the morphine machine in a few.”

  Jacob stood in the hall, grinning as the elevator doors opened.

  “Are we ready?” Brandon asked.

  “We are.”

  Brandon wheeled me off the elevator.

  Jacob stalked down the hall toward the guest bedroom and held the door open. “We have you all set up, Sebastian. It’s your own hospital suite in the comforts of the Latters home.”

  I smirked. “Thanks, Jacob.”

  “It’s not a problem. We’re just so happy to have you back.”

  Sydney stood next to the bed. Her smile rose and fell. On the drive home Sydney stressed she could take care of me in our home. She loved our extended family, but I felt she was overwhelmed.

  “Sydney, have a seat.”

  Brandon and Jacob helped me into bed.


  “Sydney, hire a nurse,” I gritted out through barred teeth. Waves of pain struck my body. There was no way I’d reveal the level of pain I suffered in front of my beautiful wife.

  “I am capable of helping Brandon. I don’t want to vet a new person right now. We have it under control. Isn’t that right?” She glared at Brandon.

  His eyebrows rose. “Yup.”

  “Brandon, I gave a copy of Sebastian’s recommended diet to the chef.” Jacob smirked.


  “I hope you’re serving more than Jell-O and chicken broth.”

  “I see you still have your sense of humor.” Jacob pointed toward me, walking backwards.

  “I’ll be back. Going to check on dinner.”

  “Brandon, is Sebastian allowed to have a sponge bath?”

  “Yes, but be very careful around the wound.”

  “I will and I’ll place a fresh bandage over the stitches and clean his facial lacerations.”

  “Sebastian, you’re in good hands with nurse Sydney,” he snickered, glancing at his watch. “I’ll return in a few hours.”

  “Thanks, Brandon.” I waved.

  He disappeared out the door.

  Sydney exhaled. “We are finally alone.
Would you like your beard trimmed?”

  “No, leave it.”

  She blushed. “Good. I’ll help you into the bathroom.”

  I bit down on my tongue, counting every step. Shooting pain struck my body as she lowered me onto the toilet seat.

  “I can bring Caden in later if you’d like.”

  “I’d love to see him.”

  Sydney ran the bath water and placed my toothbrush and toothpaste on the counter.

  I brushed my teeth as she darted in and out of the bathroom, zoned out. She placed fresh PJ pants on the counter and medical supplies. I knew the signs. Brought back memories of Seattle. Sydney poured mouthwash in a cup and placed it in my hand. Lips tight, her sad eyes never met mine. Clearly, she wasn’t handling the situation as well as I thought. She helped me shed my clothes then assisted me into the sitz bath. Sydney stared into the water, swirling the bath sponge on my shin.

  “Sweetheart, you need to tell me what’s bothering you.”

  “Sebastian, I can’t talk about it right now.”

  “You can’t talk about it…because you’ll unravel?”

  She paused mid stroke, sucked her lower trembling lip into her mouth and clenched her eyes shut.

  “Baby, it’s all right. I’m here.” I pulled her into the large tub fully clothed, sitting her between my legs. “Sydney, I’m here.”

  She collapsed against my chest. A deep, sharp cry released from her throat. “I thought I was all alone. You left me. I-I didn’t know how I was supposed to go on without you. I was so scared, Sebastian.”

  I gripped her face, staring into her eyes. “You were in my dreams. You’re right I should have never closed my eyes. But I was dying, baby.”

  Her body violently shook against me. “I can’t lose you. Please don’t leave me again.” She caressed my face. “Promise.”

  The panic and horror in her eyes rocked me to the core.

  “Sydney.” My eyelids lowered. “You know I can’t make that promise.”


  My eyes popped open.

  Her face contorted. “I can’t go through that again.” She shook her head.

  “I’m here now.” Gripping her neck, I sucked her top lip then her bottom. “You are all I ever wanted.”


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