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Playing God

Page 4

by Kran Sanon

  "You are ready John?" She asked.

  He didn't realize she was so close because he stumbled back a bit and removed his hand from his face.

  "Let us go then," He grabbed her hand with his, and dragged her out of the room.

  They met Dr Sarah Wilson, already waiting to enter the helicopter.

  Siobhan's stomach fluttered at the feeling of his hands encasing hers, as she remembers the good old days. The rain once again pattered into her ears now combined with the large helicopters powering on. It made her eardrums throb in pain, but she had no room to complain when John vaulted her onto the nearest helicopter.

  The ball of nerves in her stomach did not dissipate away like she hoped they would. Instead, it grew bigger and more sickening.

  The helicopter lurched to one side, then the other. It repeated this pattern maybe a half a dozen times before it leveled out in a smooth fashion as they headed to Edward Isles.

  "You know, all these years, I never thought we'd be going on a mission together," Siobhan said.

  "I know right. I always knew I’d find the answer I seek and you'd be part of it. All the years we spent trying to solve the puzzle before we got separated," John said and paused.

  "How is Jenny doing? I mean I did met her yesterday but I want to know how she is doing in general. I swear, I miss her so much," John said.

  "She's doing just great. She's with her grandma Felicia," Siobhan said

  "I've been the worst father ever. My daughter is fifteen years of age and I haven't really given her all the care she deserves," John said sadly.

  "Jenny is a very sweet girl. It's so sad that we took our career too seriously and it affected our marriage and also the parental care Jenny was suppose to get from us," Siobhan said.

  "Jenny deserve much love and affection from us. She has spent eight years of her life without proper parental care,” Siobhan continued.

  "I love her so much. I've not been a good father letting my career come in between me and my family. To think that while I was contemplating about coming down to this island to rescue the world, she alone was my motivation," John said.

  "She's the main reason I'm here too and why I suggested your name to Dr Sarah," Siobhan discloses.

  Siobhan thinks about what they are about facing in the island. The imaginary images of the creatures pops up in her head.

  They approached an extremely dense storm. A storm that looked like it could knock one of the helicopters out of the sky easier than the wind could blow the fallen leaves in the fall.

  Siobhan tucked her bag under her feet and held on tightly to the handles of the seat. John gripped onto the handle on the roof. He looked pretty nonchalant, but there was also an underlying tone of fear etched into his vibrant eyes. He wasn't looking forward to going through the storm.

  "I don't know, but I'm going to be honest here, I think this is the stupidest thing I've ever done," John as his voice trembles.

  "Why do you say so?" Siobhan asked.

  "Agreeing to come here. I think it's a big mistake, especially since nothing is guaranteed. We should be home with our daughter. What if we die here?"

  "John, we are doing the right thing. Let's just shut up and hope we don't die," Siobhan retorted. John smiled a charming smile, and reached over for her closest hand, gripping it in fear knowing fully well they were going to need that hope she spoke of.

  Rain lightly pattered the helicopter as they exited the storm. The glowing sun transcended vibe. There were vast forests stretching as far as the eye could see. It was breathtaking. The leaves were so green and content. A smile warmed Siobhan’s face as she became relieved that the storm is over. Some of the uneasiness from earlier faded away.

  However, one of the choppers began to blare music to ease them. John sighed in relief and slumped into his chair.

  Siobhan checked her bag and brought out a small hand towel, drying her hands, so she would have a stable grip. John's hand still cradled hers, as he tapped along to the best of early 70s rock.

  John let a smile raise his cheeks and Siobhan looked into his eyes. His smile brought joy to her and a little bit of hope. A thought that everything will be okay. But it was not, it was definitely not.

  John's grip wavered, but he adjusted hoping he would not slip at this time. John's head snapped towards Siobhan as he acknowledged her vulnerable state. He gripped her hand a bit tighter and urged her to come closer. She scooted as much as the seat would allow her and made sure their bags were unable to fall.

  Siobhan's eyes shone with fear as she looked down at him.

  “I just hope things fall in place so..............."

  "We are going to touch down in less than two minutes," The pilot announces as Siobhan stopped talking.


  The chopper touched down and they all alighted. The soldiers set their weapons up and created a perimeter.

  "Sergeant Peter! Lead Alpha squad to the station behind us. Move in a single profile and protect the female doctors," Lieutenant Martin ordered as he and some other soldiers move with John towards the building.

  "Where are they taking Dr. Siobhan and Dr Sarah to?," John asked Martin.

  "Colonel James Johnsson ordered she should be positioned near the station. We'll guide you to that tower to help fix the signal," he replied pointing to a tall building

  "Then we'll make our way back to the station to join them," Martin said as they move.

  “I didn’t think we will be separated,” John said.

  “She’ll be surplus to requirement on our way to the tower,” Martin convinces John as they moved towards the tower. They are suddenly attacked by a strange huge spider like creatures.

  Martin and other soldiers immediately shoots them down.

  "What in the world is that? That’s no dinosaur or any other creature that I know of. What timeline is that from?," John asked as he looked terrified.

  "I don't know. There are a lot of creatures here. We need to be extremely careful," Martin replied.

  They successfully reached the tower top and headed to a cable as they move in a single profile. John saw the cable and recognized it immediately. He quickly moved towards it and started fixing. While he was fixing, they heard a loud sound from a distance.

  They all froze.

  "Hurry up doctor!," Martin said quietly as he cocked his gun.

  "I'm done fixing it. There should be enough signal to resume the communications," John said as he moves away from the cable.

  "Let's go. We need to head down this tower as quiet as possible. Shoot any moving creature you see. No leg or body shot. Only head shots. Make every shot count," Lieutenant Martin ordered.

  "Steve, make sure you've gotten the explosives ready"

  "Yes sir!," Steve responded.

  They all find their way to the stairs and moved down quietly. Amber and Tony took point, checking every corner and intersection. The tower became so dark compared to when they went up.

  "Movement detected, caution recommended," Martin said as he signaled for everyone to halt.

  "Hold position, deploying drone," he said.

  He activated the D.A.W.N and a tiny machine flew outwards, only visible with night vision. He used the D.A.W.N to guide the drone through the corridor and towards the movement.

  It turned round the corner to view more than two dozens of very spider like creatures.

  They spotted the tiny drone and let out a strange sound, before crushing it.

  Everyone raised their weapons and slowly drifted apart taking formation.

  "Amber and Lynn, take point," Martin ordered.

  Amber and Lynn were part of Omega and Brute squad, respectively. They were armed with a shotgun.

  "Roger that," they replied.

  "Doctor, can you use a weapon?" Martin asked looking at John.

  "Yes, I learnt how to use a shotgun," John replied.

  Martin handed a short gun to John.

  The creatures came at them without warning. They dashed round
the corner with surprising speed, violently lashing out at Lynn.

  Lynn reacted, firing several shots at the spiders which fell to the ground and died.

  Lynn suddenly started feeling uneasy. His vein started to turn red as he dropped on the floor and died.

  Seeing what has happened, John shouted, "Do not allow them come in contact with you."

  "Do not let them touch you," Martin also shouted.

  They kept shooting at the other creatures repeatedly.

  John takes cover to catch his breath. One of the larger spider like creature appeared and tried to strike him. John luckily dodged it as he crawls backwards with his hands behind his back and his buttocks swiping the floor. The giant spider aims at him but got hit by a bullet. John looks back to see who just saved his life. Martin was standing behind John with his gun still pointed towards the spider's direction.

  "Thank You!," John said with terror in his eyes.

  Martin lifts him up as they join the others.

  They immediately saw more dozens of those creatures creeping out.

  "Retreat!!!," Lieutenant Martin shouted as he moved backwards.

  They all ran backwards, away from the creatures and not knowing where they were headed.

  The creatures caught up with some of the soldiers and pierce them with their long fingers, leaving them dead.

  The others ran as fast as they could. They got to an open environment. The creatures were nowhere to be found.

  "Have they gone back?," John asked, as he breathes heavily.

  "No one knows," One soldier replies.

  All of a sudden, they saw a pack of Allosaurus moving towards them.Allosaurus is a genus of carnivorous theropod dinosaur that lived 155 to 145 million years ago during the late Jurassic period. This dinosaur could grow to be 12 meters long (38 feet) 5 meters tall (16 feet) and weigh up to about 1.4 tons (3086 lbs)!

  They immediately opened fire on them. The bullet touches them with little effect.

  "They won't die!," someone said.

  Steve immediately lobbed a frag grenade, sending two of the Allosaurus to the ground.

  They keep firing shots at the creatures even though most of their shots were not effective.

  "We need to run, these things won't die, and we don't stand a chance," Martin shouted as the soldiers took to their heels.

  They ran as fast as possible.

  "This is the way to the station. We need to hurry," Martin said.

  "How do we know the station is safe?," John asked breathing heavily.

  "We don't, but the Alpha squad took Dr Sarah and your ex-wife there. We need to reach them as fast as possible."

  John suddenly feels the ground shaking. He turns around, he sees the trees shaking and then a Carnotaurus emerged.

  The huge creature with two legs, two short hands and a tail ran fast towards them as they screech out loud.

  "Follow me!," Martin shouted as he finds a narrow way. They followed him. Steve threw a grenade at them but it didn't get to the creature. He tried shooting another grenade at the Carnotaurus but rather got caught by it. Steve screamed as the Carnotaurus tore him apart without hesitation.

  The others fired blindly at the Carnotaurus to keep it back.

  "We better get moving," John shouted as he fires at the Carnotaurus.

  Martin brought out two grenades and launched it at the Carnotaurus which dropped dead.

  John finally sees a route that looks like an escape route. He called the attention of the others. They all fired multiple shots at the Allosaurus’ continuously as some of the creatures dropped dead.

  "We need to leave here now!," John shouted.

  They all ran through the route.

  They found their way back to where the vehicles were parked.

  They entered and took off to meet the Alpha squad and the scientists.


  They got to the others, only to find the men shooting at a couple of Tarbosaurus’s. These creatures were thirty feet long and up to 18 feet tall, with a powerful tail and massive skull.

  Martin immediately threw a grenade towards the creatures.

  John sighted his ex-wife Dr. Siobhan and quickly ran towards her.

  They all join in the Alpha squad to defend them as they opened fire on the creatures.

  The creatures caught up with most of the soldiers and killed them.

  "I was scared you were dead," Dr. Siobhan said holding John's hand.

  "I was scared I will die," John replied as he took her to cover.

  After minutes of open fire at them, they got surrounded.

  Dr. Siobhan noticed something moving close to them from behind. She tapped John and pointed at the shadow. John got ready to engage. Immediately another Tarbosaurus showed up. John aimed at it as he shoots twice, the bullet hit it but was not effective enough. It moved close to them gently as it appears to be already injured by John's bullets. John moved backwards, pushing Dr. Siobhan more backward. The creature got ready to attack, as it managed to move fast. It moves towards them but dropped dead by a bazooka to the head, fired by Colonel James Johnsson.

  John was surprised to see the Colonel. Apparently, he also came to the island to assist them but that was never part of the plan.

  John immediately picked his gun and ran as he headed to a safe spot with Dr. Siobhan.

  "Sir!," Lieutenant Martin salutes the Colonel. We've lost a lot of soldiers.

  "Where is the Dr. Sarah Wilson?," Colonel James asked as he reloads his bazooka.

  "I'm afraid we lost her too sir. She was ripped apart by one of the creatures." Martin replied.

  A group of Velociraptors heard all the sounds and got to the place. Now, the soldiers were completely against it since they have already lost most of their men and women.

  Colonel James Johnson realizes it could get worse so he tells John and Siobhan to make a run for the station as Martin was instructed go with few soldiers to protect them while he and the others covered for them.

  John ran with his ex-wife as Martin leads with few soldiers at their back protecting them.

  "Take cover!," Colonel James shouted as he pulls pin from a grenade and launches into the air. The grenade explodes into an incredible fireball. The expanding fireball released from the explosion dropped on the ground and exploded, killing a few of the raptors but having little effect on the big Tarbosaurus’.

  Sergeant Mathew, the Brute squad leader, jumps to his fit after the explosion, he bravely moved towards a couple of the large creatures.

  Sergeant Eve races down to join Mathew, leaving other soldiers to cover them. Mathew and Eve move towards them, running low, firing their advance gun at the creatures. One dropped dead, as another ran towards Eve and bites her head off.

  "NO!!!," Mathew shouted as he shoots at it as it dropped dead after taking multiple shots. Other soldiers quickly ran to him, still shooting at the raptors. They pulled Mathew back and retreat.

  The Colonel fires an under-mounted grenade launcher, sending a round of raptors to the ground.

  Two soldiers fire the heavy machine gun which takes out four of them at once.

  "Use your Fire Assault Guns on the big ones," the soldier shouted as he sees how effective the fire assault gun is on the Tarbosaurus’. Still running, he slams in another shot at one of the creatures.

  Peter moved into a small building that seems more like a hut in size while two raptors move into position by the window without Peter's notice.

  A soldier yelled out a warning. Peter dives out of the hut hitting the ground as he makes a shot at the raptors taking out one of them. Peter rolled away from the hut. Colonel James shot his bazooka at the hut and completely destroys it and the raptors as it also gives them the chance to make a run.


  John and Siobhan ran for the station with Lieutenant Martin and four other soldiers protecting them.

  "Where is Dr. Sarah?," John asked.

  "She's dead," Lieutenant Martin replied.

us! So how do we close the portal?," John asked.

  "She gave me Dr. Van Horne's work book and told me a few things that can help us," Siobhan replied.

  They run along with Martin and the other four soldiers to the woods that will lead them to the station but are met by some Velociraptors on the way.

  "Stop," Martin shouted as he raised his hand and they all hault.

  There was total silence. They suddenly hear a sound and aimed at the direction. John also aimed with his short gun as Siobhan ran behind him. Suddenly, some deer’s came running from that direction as they all moved in fear.

  "They are in a hurry," Martin said.

  One soldier said, “What do you think spooked……….”

  A Velociraptor jumped and dragged the soldier without making him complete his sentence.

  They all yelled. "George!, Jack! Set a perimeter," Martin shouted.

  "Come on! Open fire!," Martin ordered as they all shoot blindly at the trees.

  "Get it! Get it," Thomas', one of the soldiers shouts as he shoots.

  "Light him up," 'Oliver', another soldier shouts.

  "What the hell," Martin says as he looks back.

  "Run! Run!," George yells as he runs away. He was eventually caught by one of the raptors.

  "Doctors! Take Cover," Martin orders John and Siobhan as they took cover behind a huge tree.

  "George, Check in," Martin speaks to his intercom as he bends behind a tree. There was no reply.

  Martin aimed endlessly at the closest raptor as the creature dropped dead.

  John immediately took a rifle from a dead soldier and gave his shotgun to Siobhan.

  "We need to climb this tree,” John said to Siobhan as he helps her climb the tree.

  "We are going to die!," Siobhan says in fear as she climbs.

  "Yes, but not today," John replied.

  They both climbed to a tree as the others try to defend them. They use a electrocute gun to defend themselves but the raptors are too fast and coordinated.


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