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Little Squirrels Can Climb Tall Trees

Page 1

by Michael Murphy


  Published by

  Dreamspinner Press

  5032 Capital Circle SW

  Ste 2, PMB# 279

  Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Little Squirrels Can Climb Tall Trees

  Copyright © 2012 by Michael Murphy

  Cover Art by Anne Cain

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press, 5032 Capital Circle SW, Ste 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886, USA.

  ISBN: 978-1-61372-617-4

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Edition

  July 2012

  eBook edition available

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-61372-618-1

  For Danny


  YEARS ago I sat in a theater in New York City and heard Betty Buckley sing about Norma Desmond’s ability to convey an entire story with a brief look:

  “With one look, I can break your heart

  With one look, I play every part

  I can make your sad heart sing

  With one look you’ll know all you need to know.”

  I thought the music in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Sunset Boulevard was nice, but tell an entire story with just one look? No way.

  The genesis of this story can be traced to a very specific moment in time that disproved my doubts about telling a story with one look. One Sunday afternoon I happened to spot a guy standing by himself in a crowded room. With one ten-second glance at this guy, this story was born. With one look I had a story unfold in my head like a dried sponge that had been rehydrated, suddenly filling out and expanding one hundred fold.

  The guy I spotted ever so briefly was tall—very tall. I’m guessing that he was easily six foot six inches tall. Later I managed to get close enough to him to be able to determine that my head came up to his armpit (and I’m pretty average in height). This was a social event—a party—so I spoke to the guy. To speak with him I had to lean my head back to look up at his face, that face way up there.

  The tall guy was very nice, very smart, and not necessarily comfortable in the social setting. My mind was suddenly filling with thoughts about what it must have been like for him to grow up and live so far above everyone else. In that crowd of one hundred-plus people, he was a minority of one, even though he was a white heterosexual guy in a predominantly white, male, heterosexual crowd.

  So I went home and started writing. This story was expanding in my mind so rapidly that I couldn’t seem to write fast enough to get it all on paper (sounds better than “on screen”). My spouse thought I was mad at him. I tried my best to explain that an idea had grabbed hold of me, that a scenario was grappling with me, and that characters were talking in my head and I needed to write it all down. He said he understood, but I secretly think he was sure I was nuts.

  Nuts. Tall guy. Tall like a tree. Squirrels climb trees and like nuts. Okay.

  —Michael Murphy

  Chapter 1



  I don’t know which of us was more surprised. From the look on his face, the other guy was just as unsure as I was.

  It was a busy Sunday afternoon at the gym. Somehow—don’t ask me how—as I had started to get up from my weight bench, I hadn’t been paying attention and had banged my head into another guy’s just as he was doing the same thing from the bench right next to mine. Talk about timing!

  We each rubbed our sore heads for a second, unsure who was at fault. And then the guy burst out laughing.

  We’d never met before bumping into one another—literally—in the gym that afternoon. Some guys, when they get into the exercise zone, wouldn’t respond well in such a situation, but this guy laughed, and I guess it really was funny. His laugh was infectious and made me laugh as well, something I hadn’t done much of lately.

  When he stood—this time without running into my head—and apologized, I noticed that the man was tall. Really tall. I mean really tall. Remarkably tall. Okay, so maybe he wasn’t Jolly Green Giant tall, but still he was so tall that to stand and look at his face, I had to lean my head back a little bit. And I’m not short. At five feet five inches tall, I’m basically average height. My guess is the guy was about six four or six five, maybe even six six. Still, that was a foot taller than I was, so I was looking up to talk to the guy, but it seemed to be worth the effort.

  Our mutual apologies finished, we each continued on our way. I thought nothing more of it at the time since I was in my own version of the personal workout zone. I noticed the guy was very attractive but didn’t really give it much thought. I was no dog in terms of looks, but I was not in his league. Not even close.

  So imagine my surprise when, after my workout, I was in the locker room changing, minding my own business (okay, okay, I know, but it really was true this time), and Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome walked in and opened the locker right next to mine. I don’t remember now who said what first, but we got into one of the most natural, comfortable discussions two strangers can have in the gym locker room. I think he said something about the odds of having lockers right next to each other and having bumped into one another on the floor of the gym. That topic could only go so far—in other words, not very—so he switched to another topic. TVs throughout the gym had all been tuned to CNN so everyone could watch the president address the nation on the latest economic crisis. Seemed like they happened every week or so lately. I had listened, as apparently had my tall locker-mate.

  This tall guy standing next to me clearly knew his current events. He made some observations, asked me some questions, and dropped in some facts about the issue the president discussed that were so far beyond what any of the talking heads had said after the speech that it was obvious he really knew his stuff or was one damned good liar. I came down on the side of his being really smart and well informed.

  And his smile. Oh, dear God! That smile. His face—way up there—was so animated. Some guys work hard to maintain a mask of utter neutrality, isolation, almost boredom when in public. There was something about men that just made us so scared about revealing anything to anyone we didn’t know—and even then, not so much.

  But not this guy. No. Absolutely not this guy. This guy wore no mask, unless you called delight a mask. As he talked, his entire face was part of the conversation. And he just exuded energy. It was positively infectious. The guy was the master of facial expressions. And have I mentioned his smile? Oh, that smile!

  I tried my very best to remain focused on the conversation even though I was distracted by his smile and his friendliness. He was just adorably cute—no, handsome. No, cute worked. Can you be cute and handsome at the same time? Clearly, since this guy was!

  When he pulled his shirt off over his head, I took a quick second to admire his physique. Nice. Tall and lean, not willowy but also not just skin and bones—no, absolutely not. He seemed to carry the perfect amount of weight for his frame. I know, that sounds stupid, but it just seemed to fit him perfe
ctly. He wasn’t overweight, nor was he underweight. He wasn’t pumped up beyond belief. He wasn’t a steroid-hyped muscle drone. He was just… well, right.

  His torso was smooth, hairless, and absolutely glistening with a light layer of sweat. Okay, focus. That’s right. Eyes off those nipples. Those perky, taut nipples. No! Focus! Look at his face! Pay attention! Oh, that face. Okay. Not working. He’s talking. Must pay attention to what the man is saying. Must pay attention!

  Picture a car wreck on the freeway, dude, I told myself—anything to keep from making an utter fool of myself in front of this friendly stranger. I succeeded in keeping focused on the proper parts as we conversed, and I actually managed to make a couple of points that made him laugh as we talked.

  He used his T-shirt to wipe away some of the sweat on his torso and from under his arms before tossing it into his locker. I wanted to take that T-shirt, shove my nose into it, and bask in the scent of his heady masculine aroma. If I could, I would have shoved the shirt into my bag and taken it home to keep by my bedside for when I jerked off that night.

  It got a bit easier when he sat on the bench and untied his shoes to remove them and his socks. Wow, big feet, I thought to myself. In retrospect, I should have seen it coming. I really should have. It was stupid that I didn’t, but I was a bit off my game. I’ll admit it.

  Seemingly without a second thought, my new tall friend loosened the tie on his long, loose, baggy workout shorts. The shorts dropped from his body and crumpled to the floor at his feet. Without my consent, my eyes dropped to all of the new flesh that was revealed. His workout shorts had gone nearly to his knees, and since his legs were long…. Well, you can figure it out. There was suddenly a lot more flesh available for my viewing pleasure. His legs had a light coating of brown hair that added just the perfect note of masculinity. Oh, I was losing it, big time.

  Focus! I scolded myself, once again picturing mangled bodies lying on the freeway after a twelve-car pileup. Flames shooting into the sky. Tanker trucks exploding. Mayhem everywhere. Broken glass. Blood. Guts. Gore. Okay. It was working. I could do this. Oh, no! the voice in my head pleaded. The guy turned to grab something out of his locker, revealing one of the most luscious pieces of man ass I had ever laid eyes on in my entire life.

  “Oh, mama!” I actually said softly. And the way his jock strap seemed to hold that butt just about had me panting like a dog in heat. I think I really did whimper a little at that point, but at least he didn’t seem to hear me.

  Okay. I was gonna do this. Deep breath. Chant something stupid. Breathe. Oh, fuck!

  Any hope I had of remaining upright and responsible—an adult—disintegrated before my very eyes when the guy casually reached down, gripped the two sides of his jock strap, and peeled the stretchy cloth from his body. And when he did, the dick that popped out caught my gaze and wouldn’t let go. It held me more tightly than someone could have grabbed me with their hands.

  He didn’t seem to notice. I certainly did. He turned and tossed his jock strap into his locker. When he turned back toward me, he very casually faced me full-on once again. Clearly the guy had no body issues, none, absolutely none. He was comfortable in his skin. And what skin it was.

  And then it happened. He was animatedly making some point to me about… I have no clue, since I wasn’t able to distinguish one word from another any longer, when his right hand dropped down to his crotch to scratch a spot behind his dick and in front of his balls and to loosen up his dick, which had been folded up inside the constraining jock. And he kept on talking. He must have thought either (A) I was an idiot, (B) I was a sex-crazed stalker who was going to rape him on the spot, or (C) I was actually paying attention to what he was saying rather than his body. And his dick. Did I mention his dick?

  Now, all guys have dicks. I’d been in enough locker rooms to learn that fact. That plus I’d made it my lifelong goal to study dick. Dicks “R” Us could have been my motto. In this case the “us” was me.

  Dicks. Loved the things. Loved ’em. Couldn’t get enough of them. What’s not to love? They were predictable in their design, consistent in their behavior. Oh yeah, loved those dicks. And then there was this one. Shudder. Was I having an orgasm? Oh, crap! No! Breathe!

  Okay. You can do this! You’re gonna make it! Come on! I instructed myself with every ounce of self-control I could muster. But he just kept standing there, seemingly playing with his low-hanging balls as he talked. I mean, really! Who can talk presidential politics while prying their sweaty nuts away from their penis? Well, clearly this guy! That’s who! He seemed to be doing remarkably well at it. It was me who was having all kinds of problems. It was me who was one breath away from hyperventilating. It was me who was one hair away from dropping to my knees and wrapping my lips around the most delectable penis I’d ever seen. And remember, I was a professor of penis, a connoisseur of cock, a devotee of dick, an epicure of erections. I had made it my life’s work to worship the male member. And what a member this one was.

  The man’s dick screamed perfection. From the tip of the large circumcised head to the arcing length that ran several inches toward a light brownish pubic bush that begged for a tongue to become entangled with it, a tongue to slather it with saliva. And those big, swinging, low-hanging nuts. If someone were to write a book dedicated to the world’s most perfect penis, I had just found the model to pose for the cover. No more calls, we have a winner!

  My newest friend seemed to have a penis that was perfectly proportional to his body. In other words, there was a lot of it. More than a mouthful, I guessed. Which led to this huge debate going on inside my head between decency and respectability and simply gobbling it down to test my hypothesis that it was more than a mouthful. Data! I needed data! But I kept telling myself that I also needed to keep my teeth. Logic told me that dropping to my knees and sucking the guy’s dick—uninvited and in a locker room filled with mostly straight men—would probably not be conducive to staying alive with all of my teeth in place. Oh, but what a way to go! I’d die with a toothless smile on my face.

  Somehow I maintained a poker face. How, I have no freaking idea! I had never played poker in my life, and I was certainly not noted for being perpetually calm and unexcitable. But I apparently did a respectable job because the guy just kept talking and laughing—and scratching his damned balls! Was he trying to kill me? I mean, really! At least get your hand out of your crotch, dude!

  I looked at his ultrataut nipples again, now not so worried about checking out his chest. Since he was so tall, it was logical that I should look at what was more or less at my eye level. And also, I had to be careful. The damned things were so erect they could have put out one of my eyes. I needed to keep the things in sight. Either that or put up warning tape or those big red cones, something to warn away the innocent passerby.

  It was at that moment that I came to believe in the existence of a deity. Yes, I was prepared to fall to my knees and worship… oh wait, wrong track. Deity, not Dick. Yes. Okay. Back on the appropriate track. I came to believe in a deity because—you ready for this?—I was able to say something semi-intelligent! I mean, I caught enough of what he was saying to be able to link two neurons together—other than the two neurons required to get an erection—and was able to remember something I had read. And I was able to make my lips move to form words. Oh, what I could do with my lips.

  No! Focus! Words! Conversation! Intelligence! Respectability! PLEASE! I made my lips move to form words, which I spoke aloud. And whatever I said met with my new friend’s hearty approval because his face lit up with excitement and he lifted his right hand—yes, the one that had been fondling his testicles; yep, that’s the one—and stuck it out in my direction. I briefly wondered if he would be offended if I lifted that hand to my mouth and licked the digits. Part of my brain thought it would give me a hint of a taste of the Promised Land while being somewhat responsible.

  Wow! The male brain sure didn’t work at peak levels when flooded with testosterone. Makes me
wonder how we ever survived to the present day. Our forefathers must have gotten laid a lot or jerked off a lot to clear their brains and allow us to evolve into what we are today. Either that or they were just perpetually horny like me and made a whole lot of bad decisions because their brains were clouded with too much testosterone. I wondered briefly if women’s brains had a similar problem when their estrogen levels went off the charts, and whether those levels went up as much and as fast as a man’s testosterone level did.

  The big hand was pointed my way. That face was aglow with delight. And me? Well, I did the responsible thing and moved my own hand up and grasped his proffered hand. And Mr. Tall, Dark, Handsome, No Body Issues, Fantastic Dick caught me off-guard. I know! Really! And there I had been so on top of everything to that point!

  “Dude! I’m really sweaty. I need to grab a quick shower. Can you wait? Do you have time to maybe go grab some coffee? It is so rare to find someone who understands the implications of the president’s economic policies.”

  What policies? I wondered. What president? What is economics? And who is this man talking about? All I’d done was stand there and try to quietly worship a man more glorious than Michelangelo’s David, a man who could sub for Apollo the next time Apollo was busy or out sick.

  “Sure,” I said, hoping the word made it from my brain to my lips and then to his ears.

  “Great!” he said, grabbing a towel and dashing toward the shower. “Don’t go anywhere!” he yelled back over his shoulder. “Please. I’ll be fast!”

  Oh, darling, I thought to myself, I’m not going anywhere if you don’t want me to.

  I finished packing my gym clothes and tried to find a mantra to thank and praise whatever deity had seen fit to smile upon me that day. Previously I had considered it a good day if I could admire a printed image of a nice penis. Today I’d had the honest to God real live thing wagging in front of my face. And surprise, surprise, a nice guy was attached to it. I had almost come to expect that attached to a great penis was—well, a real prick.


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